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The Ten Orders: How They do Everyday Things

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Vacuum/clean the floor...

Windrunner-sticks all of the furniture to the walls and ceiling first then puts a reverse lashing on the vacuum to pull in the dirt (only it starts to pull in other stuff too)

Skybreaker-reads the vacuum instruction manual then follows it to the letter.

Dustbringer-blows up the house so the floor won't need to be vacuumed.

Edgedancer-simply heals the floor to its clean spiritual ideal.

Truthwatcher-foresees all the kids running across the floor in muddy shoes, so just leaves it as is.

Lightweaver-Lightweaves a clean floor. Who has time for vacuuming anyway?

Elscaller-Transports all the dirt into Shadesmar or Soulcasts it to air.

Willshaper-the floor needs to be vacuumed?

Stoneward-loosens the molecular bonds of the floorboards just enough to let the dirt fall through and then re-solidifies them.

Bondsmith-helps the Windrunner stick the furniture to the walls and ceiling then fine tunes his lashings to pull only the dirt into the vacuum.

Can some Knights Radiant come and clean my house please?

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22 minutes ago, Brightness Jencee said:

Vacuum/clean the floor...

Windrunner-sticks all of the furniture to the walls and ceiling first then puts a reverse lashing on the vacuum to pull in the dirt (only it starts to pull in other stuff too)

Skybreaker-reads the vacuum instruction manual then follows it to the letter.

Dustbringer-blows up the house so the floor won't need to be vacuumed.

Edgedancer-simply heals the floor to its clean spiritual ideal.

Truthwatcher-foresees all the kids running across the floor in muddy shoes, so just leaves it as is.

Lightweaver-Lightweaves a clean floor. Who has time for vacuuming anyway?

Elscaller-Transports all the dirt into Shadesmar or Soulcasts it to air.

Willshaper-the floor needs to be vacuumed?

Stoneward-loosens the molecular bonds of the floorboards just enough to let the dirt fall through and then re-solidifies them.

Bondsmith-helps the Windrunner stick the furniture to the walls and ceiling then fine tunes his lashings to pull only the dirt into the vacuum.

Can some Knights Radiant come and clean my house please?

I would change Willshaper to: Is never home to clean the floor anyway

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The Knights Radiant: Go on vacation

Windrunners: Run out of stormlight halfway over the atlantic.

Skybreakers: Deal out some nice, relaxing JUSTICE.

Dustbringers: Blow something up.

Edgedancers: Start being "awesome" and close your eyes. When you hit something, you're at your destination.

Truthwatchers: Look into the future to figure out where to go.

Lightweavers: Lightweave paris inside their bedroom.

Elsecallers: Go to shadesmar. Cause, why not?

Willshapers: Visit every wonder of the world.

Stonewards: Go to a quarry.

Bondsmiths: UNITE THEM! As in, the population of some third world country.

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1 hour ago, ShardShaper said:

Edgedancers: Start being "awesome" and close your eyes. When you hit something, you're at your destination.

But journey before destination! ;)

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The Knights Radiant: Play a game

Windrunners: Play paintball. Then they throw themselves in front of every shot, to protect THE OTHER TEAM, because they aren't allowed to only protect people they like.

Skybreakers: Monopoly. In the first three rounds, they arrest everyone for tax evasion

Dustbringers: Whatever the game, they win. And they don't Technically cheat. 

Edgedancers: Bowling is easy when you can start being "awesome" at the bowling alley, and remove friction from the ball.

Truthwatchers: Look into the future, see themselves on a couch sitting still, do that.

Lightweavers: Cheat. In a game that they lightweaved.

Elsecallers: Play Risk. They win.

Willshapers: Whatever the game, they make up their own rules, then still win..

Stonewards: Don't play games. Ever.

Bondsmiths: Bondsmiths do 1000 piece puzzles. UNITE THEM! (as in the pieces)

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On 4/15/2019 at 7:26 AM, ShardShaper said:

Truthwatchers: Look into the future, see themselves on a couch sitting still, do that.


On 4/14/2019 at 8:37 PM, ShardShaper said:

Truthwatchers: Look into the future to figure out where to go.

In point of fact Truthwatchers cannot traditionally see the future.


How the 10 orders get up on a Monday.

Skybreaker:  Does morning ritual as normal and arrives at work exactly on time.

Windrunner:  Drags themselves out of bed as fast as possible.  They have people to protect.

Edgedancer:  Arrives at work late and has to do some fast talking.

Elsecaller: Works on weekends anyway as taking time off is inefficient so a Monday is no different from normal.

Lightweaver: Arrived at work with the mail but if you look closely something is not right about them.

Stoneward:  Like the Elsecaller the Stoneward works weekends but not because a beliefs about efficiency but because they must keep doing the right thing dependably.

Dustbringer:  They no longer have an alarm clock and are always late.

Willshaper: Has to be self employed

Bondsmith: Tries t make sure everyone else gets to work on time but the truthwatcher helps him out by switching in false adresses.

Truthwatcher: Is always helping the Bondsmith.

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Oh. I think it's fine to use future sight as a defining characteristic of Truthwatchers, because Renarin is our one example right now, and even though his spren is corrupted it is probably some sort of twisted version of what the normal surge can do. At this point it is part of the joke, just like taking characteristics of our other Radiants and applying them to the entire Order. 

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the orders and standardized testing

Windrunners: Does what they think is right, and tries to protect the rest of the class from the horrors of testing

Skybreakers Follow instructions to the letter, bubbles in each answer with prescision. 

Dust bringers: Set the room on fire because testing is boring and the teacher didn’t say not to  

Edgedancers: Tries to help others and gets in trouble. 

Truthwatchers: They heal everyone from the horrors of testing  

Lightweavers: Lie and say they studied, lightweaves their answers into perfection. 

Elsecallers: Already know everything, but triple check their answers just in case

Willshapers wait there was a test?!

Stonewards: finishes early and uses tension and cohesion to mold eraser into weird shapes  

Bondsmiths: Adhere the to scantron to a perfect score. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Knights Radiant: Go on vacation to the horneater peaks (In Roshar era four)


It was a regular day at Urithiru, and the Dustbringer, Lightweaver, Skybreaker, and Windrunner are eating breakfast...

The Willshaper runs downstairs.

Willshaper: "Guys, I just talked with the bondsmith, and we've decided that everyone should go on a road trip to the horneater peaks."

Dustbringer: "NO WAY. The last time you and the bondsmith worked together and planned a teambuilding trip, we ended camping out in a highstorm." 

Lightweaver: "Oh don't be such a cremling, it'll be-"

Willshaper: "Everyone, Lightweaver. No illusions"

The Elsecaller teleports downstairs.

Elsecaller: "Oh come on, It's not gonna be that bad. I'll go charge up the Jah Keved oathgate."

Willshaper: "NOPE!!! Journey before destination, Elsecaller. Charge up the Aimia oathgate."

Everyone starts yelling at the Willshaper.

The Edgedancer slides down the stair rail, and the bondsmith walks down.

Edgedancer: "Do we have too?"

Bondsmith: "Yep."

Edgedancer: "Fine, I'll grab the scrapbook."

Everyone groans.

Skybreaker: "While I fully approve of you attempting to keep your oaths to the letter, did you have to swear them in a way that included experiences and inanimate objects?"

Edgedancer: "They must not be forgotten."



I pass the torch. Someone else can finish this


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On 21/04/2019 at 7:29 AM, AonEne said:

I think we technically don't know what's normal for a Truthwatcher or not as of now.

He sees not was is but what will be Odiums power Jasnah.


17 hours ago, ShardShaper said:



First this is amazing and deserves high praise second here is my halfhearted attempt to equal your awesomeness.

Skybreaker: "Well if we are going to properly execute this team building exercise we must have an exact plan of action listed out ahead of time that full encapsulates all probable outcomes and how we are to respond to them both emotionally and physically."

The Stoneward lumbered down the stairs

Stoneward: "Last vacation should be done again."

Most of the other Radaints looked surprised.

Elsecaller:"How did you here about it?"

Truthwater(Who no one had noticed was there the entire time): "Um... I thought it would be a good idea..."


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I'm gonna break the Chain. Pleasedon'tkillme

The Order's of Radiant Meme-ified



Dustbringers: 30vxyl.jpg

Edgedancers: 30vydh.jpg

Truthwatchers: 30vy7h.jpg

Lightweavers: 30vxuh.jpg




Bondsmiths: 30w0a0.jpg

I took some creative liberty's



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On 5/12/2019 at 8:38 PM, Karger said:



The chain was broken, but has been reforged anew. (Side note, I barely know what I'm doing with this, but I thought it was fun.

Windrunner: Soooo, about that road trip. I heard about an Unmade sighting over in the Horneater Peaks, maybe a Voidbringer outbreak in the Purelake, and that will probably take AT LEAST a week, so looks like I'll have to miss it. Oh no, too bad.

Truthwatcher: You're lying.

Lightweaver: Yep, definitely lying. No getting out of this, ya airhead.

Elsecaller: Look, everyone, the whole point of these is to be more united. And we all know that travelling across freakin' ROSHAR with no fast-travel Surges is the BEST way to get half of us to almost break our Oaths out of sheer annoyance. I've thought this through, and going through some form of conflict unites individuals far better than any sort of 'road trip'. So, let's check out the rumor that the Windrunner heard, and we'll go from there.

Dustbringer: LOGIC VOICE has SPOKEN. We're taking the Oathgates.

To be continued....(?)

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The Knights Radiant in a school cafeteria:

Windrunner: They're sitting at a table surrounded by friends (squires). One forgot a lunch, so the Windrunner volunteers their own as a replacement, and won't stop asking until the friend accepts it.

Truthwatcher: They're sitting alone in a corner with a book open, alternating between reading, eating, and having engaging mental debates with themselves. They're also the only one that noticed that the wall clock stopped, and that lunch should have been over five minutes ago.

Dustbringer: They're searing elaborate graffiti into the table while trying to avoid notice from the teachers. They're also the one that accidentally stopped the clock and didn't tell anyone.

Skybreaker: They had volunteered to be a lunch monitor, and were overseeing the proper disposal of recyclables, before they were distracted by the need to discipline the Dustbringer.

Elsecaller: They're eating lunch with a teacher upstairs in order to discuss an extra-credit opportunity, and are now wondering why the rest of the class didn't join them 5 minutes ago.

Willshaper: They're moving from table to table every few minutes, eating bits of other people's lunches (they forgot their own). This is met with great admiration from the Edgedancers.

Edgedancer: They're trying to talk to everyone that's sitting alone, and are currently attempting to convince the Truthwatcher not to tell the Skybreaker about the clock.

Lightweaver: They're sitting alone, but was self conscious about it, so they made an illusionary group of friends around them. Unfortunately, this meant that the Edgedancers didn't approach them.

Stoneward: They're playing a card game with the same two people they've sat with since elementary school.

Bondsmith: They've convinced the teachers to let them push two tables together, and are now trying to get the Lightweaver's "group" to join them. 

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16 hours ago, Stormgate said:

Windrunner: Soooo, about that road trip. I heard about an Unmade sighting over in the Horneater Peaks, maybe a Voidbringer outbreak in the Purelake, and that will probably take AT LEAST a week, so looks like I'll have to miss it. Oh no, too bad.

Truthwatcher: You're lying.

Lightweaver: Yep, definitely lying. No getting out of this, ya airhead.

Elsecaller: Look, everyone, the whole point of these is to be more united. And we all know that travelling across freakin' ROSHAR with no fast-travel Surges is the BEST way to get half of us to almost break our Oaths out of sheer annoyance. I've thought this through, and going through some form of conflict unites individuals far better than any sort of 'road trip'. So, let's check out the rumor that the Windrunner heard, and we'll go from there.

Dustbringer: LOGIC VOICE has SPOKEN. We're taking the Oathgates.

To be continued....(?)

"Last vacation should be done again" Stonewarden said a second time. He didn't seem like he was about to stop.

"Psshaw, Oathgates are overrated!" Willshaper said, glaring at Dustbringer as they tried to turn his plans to dust (pun intended).

"Listen here, you little punk, you seem to be the only one who wants to go on this vacation, so I wouldn't be trying your luck if I were you," Dustbringer said with a snarl.

"We are going to the Horneater Peaks, by foot, and that is final!" Bondsmith said. "If there happens to be an unmade, fused, or Stormfather know what else, along the way or at the Horneater peaks, we will deal with them promptly. But, until then, we are going to go on a family(?) roadtrip, and we are going to enjoy it!!"

"Yaaaay. I can't wait." Lightweaver said.

To be...


Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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Bondsmith turned to Willshaper.

"Should I?"

Willshaper grinned


Bondsmith summoned the nightwatcher as a shardblade, rammed it into a slot on the wall, and turned it. Suddenly rain sounded from outside.

"Please tell me you didn't make a new oathgate?" Elsecaller said.

This RP is continued in


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  • 2 weeks later...

How the orders handle a job interview:

Windrunner: Keeps head on a swivel and protects late workers while showing strong leadership skills.

Skybreaker: memorizes company policy and recites it back to the interviewer.

Dustbringer: Threatens to burn the place to the ground if they do not get the job.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves formal wear over their pajamas and goes in those.

Elsecaller: Answers every question as is expected and brings in a manuscript on ways to increase productivity.

Edgedancer: Brings pastries for all of the workers who have been forgotten.

Stoneward: Gives the same generic answer to every question.

Willshaper: Never gets to the interview though he finds a random band on tour looking for someone to do odd jobs.

Truthwatcher: Knows the result and just goes through the motions.

Bondsmith: Unites the workers and forms a union without ever going to the interview.   

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the orders go fishing

Skybreaker: flies around making sure everyone has an up to date fishing licence and is using legal fishing methods

Dustbringer: is using dynamite (skybreaker is not amused) 

Edgedancer: remembers a great fishing spot everyone else has forgotten

Truthwatcher : foresees where the best fishing will be

Lightweaver: lightweaves an image of a giant fish and claims they caught it

Elsecaller: first soulcasts a ring of stone around a section of water then they turns the water into air and collect the fish at their leisure

Willshaper: was last seen paddling over the horizon

Stoneward: hooked a shark and was pulled out of their boat, stubbornly refuses to let go of the pole

Windrunner: Saving the Stoneward, despite them claiming they don't need help

Bondsmith: trying to unite everyone to work together and catch more fish

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