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13 minutes ago, Jorville said:

Mine's originality is only surpassed by its mediocrity.

Yes she does. @Argent is right @QuirkyGrandpa needs to be a Sanderfan so we can get some awesome fanart from her.

What I am getting all of this whole thing is that you need to bemoan more if the current course doesn't work out.

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7 hours ago, Aurora the Rioter said:

I completely agree with you that Fluttershy is the best pony.  I was also homeschooled, so I think what you’re doing is great.  I’m almost finished up now with my undergraduate degree.


Oh and I would be careful about who you take cookies from.  If you want a good cookie, come visit TUBA in the community and guilds threads.

I shall check TUBA out, but just so we're clear, I vote we name change to CLARINETS :lol:. We'll figure out the acronym later Creative Like Aristocrats Reading Intriguing Nonsense Everyone Typically Savors. ....Nevermind, that was just..awful. Lets stick with TUBA.

7 hours ago, Argent said:

Uh, you need to enjoy these books because I need your art to pick them up...

Only if you agree to be my #1 Fan. Tell you what, what is your favorite part of the books? Book and page number. Then I'll know which books to start reading. I'll read up to that point, and try my best to capture it. Yay for inspired practice B)! Then you can tell me my art is great even if it sucks and we can be best friends and live happily ever whenever.

7 hours ago, Kidpen said:

Rainbow Dash is obviously the best. You can tell because she says so several times.

Darn it! That reasoning is flawless! Curse you Rainbow Dash!

7 hours ago, Mraize said:

So is that a yes you want to join our guild or no?

I can't work under this pressure!  /Sweat dripping

I mean, what are my benefits? Healthcare? Free cookies? Casual Fridays?


7 hours ago, Kidpen said:

Cause her username is great :P 

B) Thank you, thank you. My alter ego is an old man with a bubble pipe. It represents my love for ugly sweaters and my desire to have wrinkles but never actually grow up.

7 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

Because she does really cool art :P

You're now on my list of favorite people and things (Who needs more than one list?). You're right between soft fluffy kittens, and people with fabulous mustaches. 


6 hours ago, Argent said:

What I am getting all of this whole thing is that you need to bemoan more if the current course doesn't work out.

I beseech you good sir. My ears are bleeding from the whining already, don't encourage him :mellow:! There are other ways!

And I'm not saying JOrville should buy me tacos. Cause that sounds like bribery. I prefer, 'loving incentives that may or may not have an alternate motive'. 

Seriously though, I can certainly try to draw something if you guys seriously want me to give it a shot, but first I need to immerse myself in the story, and see how the books are.

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Welcome to the Shard! Seems I’m a bit late to the party, but oh well. I agree that you need to read the books. I need more fanart! Plus, his books are amazing, and you’ll love them.

P.S. Rainbow Dash is definitely the best.

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1 hour ago, QuirkyGrandpa said:

You're now on my list of favorite people and things (Who needs more than one list?). You're right between soft fluffy kittens, and people with fabulous mustaches. 

Hmmm... however honoured I am by being put into this list (which is quite) I'm wondering which is higher, now; The Kittens or the Mustaches (soft, fluffy, and fabulous respectively) 

Also I never actually said welcome to the shard, so: Hi!!! Welcome!

I have one important question for you. It is super duper highly [insert other important word here] important, what is your answer to 2+2?



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2 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

Hmmm... however honoured I am by being put into this list (which is quite) I'm wondering which is higher, now; The Kittens or the Mustaches (soft, fluffy, and fabulous respectively) 

Also I never actually said welcome to the shard, so: Hi!!! Welcome!

I have one important question for you. It is super duper highly [insert other important word here] important, what is your answer to 2+2?



Definitely mustaches.

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Welcome to the Shard!  I hope we're not overwhelming you with all these replies.  I just want to add $0.02:

5 hours ago, QuirkyGrandpa said:

I might look into rereading the WoT novels.

1) My own WoT reread a few years ago was made much more enjoyable by following along with Leigh Butler's commentary.

2) Depending on what you're particularly critical about when it comes to books, I might suggest The Emperor's Soul as a good place to start.  It's nicely self-contained, and I think the overall quality of its prose may be the best Brandon has written so far.  And since it's a short novella, if it doesn't work for you, you'll quickly be able to move on to something else.

The flip side of being a short novella is that it can't contain as much in the way of big climax 'avalanches' or detailed worldbuliding compared to the longer books.  I personally enjoy the worldbuilding a lot, which helped make Mistborn my favorite when I first started reading Sanderson.

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3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Welcome to the Shard! Seems I’m a bit late to the party, but oh well. I agree that you need to read the books. I need more fanart! Plus, his books are amazing, and you’ll love them.

P.S. Rainbow Dash is definitely the best.

You're fashionably late. That makes you fancy!

I am definitely going to get started this week. I'll be sure to let you guys know if I get to something good and do some fan art ;).

P.S. I am slowly being outnumbered by Rainbow Dash fans.

3 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

Hmmm... however honoured I am by being put into this list (which is quite) I'm wondering which is higher, now; The Kittens or the Mustaches (soft, fluffy, and fabulous respectively) 

Also I never actually said welcome to the shard, so: Hi!!! Welcome!

I have one important question for you. It is super duper highly [insert other important word here] important, what is your answer to 2+2?



That isn't even a real question. There is clearly one that is superior!



You also missed an amazing chance to say: 'I mustache you a question'. Let no pun be wasted!

As for your question: There is no answer, there is only Zuul.

2 hours ago, Jorville said:

@Argent, if I have learned anything from @QuirkyGrandpa, it's that whining work in most situations.

Aww. You know me so well. It's almost like we're married :wub:.

39 minutes ago, daschaich said:

Welcome to the Shard!  I hope we're not overwhelming you with all these replies.  I just want to add $0.02:

1) My own WoT reread a few years ago was made much more enjoyable by following along with Leigh Butler's commentary.

2) Depending on what you're particularly critical about when it comes to books, I might suggest The Emperor's Soul as a good place to start.  It's nicely self-contained, and I think the overall quality of its prose may be the best Brandon has written so far.  And since it's a short novella, if it doesn't work for you, you'll quickly be able to move on to something else.

The flip side of being a short novella is that it can't contain as much in the way of big climax 'avalanches' or detailed worldbuliding compared to the longer books.  I personally enjoy the worldbuilding a lot, which helped make Mistborn my favorite when I first started reading Sanderson.

No, no! I enjoy the banter. I'm having a good time, but thanks all the same!

1) I book marked that page! I love it! Especially since there are so many plot lines and strings raveling all over. It really is a big world, and a lot is going on.
2) I'll look into it! Everyone has had an opinion so far :o, which I really appreciate. Gives me a good idea where I should be starting.

I love world building too. I think that's why I was such a fan of WoT. Might be the artist side of me too. The flavor is in the details.

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6 hours ago, QuirkyGrandpa said:

Only if you agree to be my #1 Fan. Tell you what, what is your favorite part of the books? Book and page number. Then I'll know which books to start reading. I'll read up to that point, and try my best to capture it. Yay for inspired practice B)! Then you can tell me my art is great even if it sucks and we can be best friends and live happily ever whenever.

Oh, no, that's not right. What I can do is sit down and try to guide you to whatever book I think you'd enjoy the best (if you want an opinion different from @Jorville's), and let you create whatever you feel like creating. Only then would I, as you put it, offer "loving incentives that may or may not have an alternate motive" - though with the love of a patron of the arts.

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6 minutes ago, Argent said:

Oh, no, that's not right. What I can do is sit down and try to guide you to whatever book I think you'd enjoy the best (if you want an opinion different from @Jorville's), and let you create whatever you feel like creating. Only then would I, as you put it, offer "loving incentives that may or may not have an alternate motive" - though with the love of a patron of the arts.

:P if only when I was doing commissions were people so easy to appease :lol:. Although, the bribery was mostly aimed at getting my husband to go to Taco Bell, haha. I think, though, with everyone's input I got a pretty good idea where to start.

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21 hours ago, QuirkyGrandpa said:

:P if only when I was doing commissions were people so easy to appease :lol:. Although, the bribery was mostly aimed at getting my husband to go to Taco Bell, haha. I think, though, with everyone's input I got a pretty good idea where to start.

Why don't you get acclimated then, and in the future I might bribe you with tacos for pretty lines on a page.

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Welcome to the forums!

You can talk to Mrs. Voidus sometime and create a club for people whose spouses dragged them into this forum :D

Also, Fluttershy is the best, it's true because she doesn't even feel the need to remind you that it's true. Thus demonstrating its obviousness.

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33 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Welcome to the forums!

You can talk to Mrs. Voidus sometime and create a club for people whose spouses dragged them into this forum :D

Also, Fluttershy is the best, it's true because she doesn't even feel the need to remind you that it's true. Thus demonstrating its obviousness.

I knew I wasn't alone!  Spouse's of Sanderfans Unite!

And finally! Someone who adores Fluttershy :wub:.

20 minutes ago, Comatose said:

Welcome here @QuirkyGrandpa from me as well!  You seem like good peoples, so I will look forward to seeing you around.  


Cool beans! It's true. Good peoples, but an even better horse. Occasionally an unwanted side kick. 

I'll see you around.

Edited by QuirkyGrandpa
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