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Weww stowms..  I've saiwed way out hewe to wocate the 6 fingewed count, and wob his fowtune. But my cousin Inigo the spaniawdhad to show up too! Aww my hawd wowk is twacking him down is gonna go to waste, aww because the same man decided to kiww my crazy unco. 

How wiww I steaw his fowtune if my cousin kiwws him fiwst?

Oh I know, if onwy I can find my cousin, we can wowk togever to steaw the fowtune and like him... maybe that wiww wowk. 

I shaww put up some signs at the powt and at the casso (castle) to twy to contact him. I bettew get some cwayons! Everybody wikes signs made of cwayons!



So, the only analysis I have so far is on straw. I don't think he's the six fingered man, the Spaniard or miracle max, because then he would have most likely asked that in his PM with the GM.  But he is likely associated with one of the three, so he's either elim, or village. Great analysis, huh?:)

That said, I am going to vote for Straw I will edit in a vote tally(based on previous tally) or make a new post if someone else has posted before I finish

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@Cadmium Compounder That seems a bit silly, considering that if I were an eliminator, I would have asked it in my GM PM. Logically, the eliminators would want the village to have the minimum amount of information, so asking in the GM PM would be optimal. Also, you might want to try analyzing multiple players before choosing one to vote on. :P

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Vote Tally

Walin (1): Mark IV

Kidpen (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

Devotary of Spontaneity (1): Val

Straw (1) CadCom 


@StrawThat seems reasonable. straw

I'm on mobile, so I'll do more analysis when I get on a computer. Also, it's D1, so my analysis would be inaccurate any way

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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Vote Count 2: Ewectwic Boogawoo

Araris (1): Kidpen

Walin (1): Mark IV

Kidpen (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

Devotary of Spontaneity (1): Val

I’m pretty sure Kidpen didn’t retract her vote.

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2 minutes ago, Straw said:

Vote Count 2: Ewectwic Boogawoo

Araris (1): Kidpen

Walin (1): Mark IV

Kidpen (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

Devotary of Spontaneity (1): Val

I’m pretty sure Kidpen didn’t retract her vote.


I did

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8 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I did

You made the entire sentence in which you retracted green, which makes it a bit difficult to determine your actual intent to withdraw your vote.

5 hours ago, Bugsy said:


The pirates are the good guys in this game, which surely you must have known were that your role in your PM. An elim slip in the second post of the game? Things are looking pretty good for the village :P 

I'm gonna assume that was a joke, and that the vote was a poke vote that will be retracted once I post. Still, as unlikely as it is, it's possible this was a slip, so if literally nothing else happens this cycle I may vote on you.

Just for my understanding Bugsy, do you actually think Araris slipped up there as an elim, thinking that the pirates where evil? You seem to be saying here that you'll only consider it suspicious if no one else does something more suspicious, which sounds a bit opportunistic.

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Hello all. I haven’t had much time today but now do, and can check in here. You all put up a lot of posts, so hopefully you’ll forgive me for not understanding everything going on in thread right now. I’ll make an effort to read back over everything tonight and see if anything pops out.  

I’ll vote Devotary of Spontaneity for now, since I never got a chance to return the favor last game :P This will probably change once I read the thread properly. 

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Alright, I think it's time for Miracle Max to claim so that they don't get mislynched. Here are my reasons for why everyone should want Max to survive, including the elims:

1. Prolonging the game means we can have more RP, more intrigue, more writeups...basically, having more fun with the game.

2. This player has to protect both villagers and elims for their win condition, which means that no one finds it a good idea to kill them on purpose. Unless they like to ride the edge of LyLo, or [abbreviation for Nothing but Mislynches]

And if they claim, then we'll know one more person that's not an elim. Of course, there are other reasons to claim...such as getting the (eli)ambassador to give them the names of the night kill, for people to give pills to--and then to betray the elimbassador. Anyone who's not the real Miracle Max probably risks death in doing so, but I dunno how they'd get caught besides the real one claiming (or just anyone else claiming)--resulting in a bunch of IKYK

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@Gancho Libre Sorry, but you can only join during signups. However, you can get a link to the spectator doc by sending a PM to Steeldancer. If you want to sign up for a game, signups for a game will be put up when MR29 ends. If you have any other questions about SE, feel free to send me a PM. :)

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Just now, Straw said:

@Gancho Libre Sorry, but you can only join during signups. However, you can get a link to the spectator doc by sending a PM to Steeldancer. If you want to sign up for a game, signups for a game will be put up when MR29 ends. If you have any other questions about SE, feel free to send me a PM. :)

Too slow, straw. I hit him up already. :P

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7 hours ago, Bugsy said:

Regarding Elim distribution, I wouldn't be surprised if there were 6. The original win condition for Miracle Max was to revive 3 Villagers and 1 Elim, but it's been changed to 3 and 2, which means there's likely a larger Elim team - if there weren't, his win condition would simply have been scaled up in difficulty for no reason, which hardly seems like a fair adjustment 

Max is already extremely powerful, as others have pointed out (and I'm a bit concerned about the power that he gives the Elims if they get him on their side, but that's not my point). Given how valuable he is, the only way that he'll go down is by accident or if one side decides that keeping him around isn't worth having the other side benefit from him. The Elims have less members, so he's probably going to be a greater asset to them. It might be worth it, then, to lynch him and deny them that advantage.

But at the same time, our roles are all quite powerful, and having Max on our side would be very handy for keeping them around. If he has protection from the lynch, he can resurrect known Elims that can be chain-killed again. If he's with the Elims, though, they have naturally less members so a resurrection is more valuable to them.

The point of all of that is to say that Max already has a huge advantage, because pretty much everyone wants to keep him alive. That means that his job is made all the easier, so it makes sense for there to be less Elims. I can see a Max in a game with 6 or 7 Elims just sitting back under the aegis of both sides and biding his time. 5 Elims means that he would need to act faster, and makes the role more interesting. It's entirely reasonable that he has been made more difficult to play, in the interests of stopping him from being so passive.

That said, and given Araris's good points, I think that there's too little information to speculate much further. The arguments of nerfing Max and Steel adjusting for the player count are both pretty decent. I do think that Steel was expecting a lot of people for this game, given the fervor with which he advertised it :P and the number of roles, so retrospectively adjusting doesn't make much sense to me.

58 minutes ago, Roadwalker said:

I'm the Miraculous healer.

The plot thickens! I'm sorry about all of those horrible things I said regarding lynching you earlier in the post.

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The being at the time using the name Dacty had an epiphany. If he avoided using the sounds of w and w, he bypassed the miscommunication issues that affected the company. It might be uncanny to begin with, but he was confident that he had the capacity to cope with this inconvenience by excising any offending sayings. He hoped the symptoms of this disease did not have an extended existence. If they did, his submission was imminent.


Since mostly dead players become completely dead after a turn, where turn seems to mean either a night or a day, anyone who is lynched this day turn cannot be saved by any means. This has been the case for most other games as well, but perhaps it's something to make a note of. Miracle Max(Roadwalker, apparently) will in fact never catch up with attrition, since there should be at least two kills every cycle(the lynch and the elim kill), while Max can only produce one pill per cycle. If Westley always makes a night kill, we're up to three people becoming mostly dead in a cycle with a maximum of one victim surviving the experience. I think it's more helpful for Max to revive one of the night kills, but I wonder what other people's opinions on this matter are. At the very least, reviving a night kill will allow Max to create PMs at night, whereas reviving a lynch victim would mean that Max would either have to abstain from PM creation or give a pill away to someone else and let them revive the lynchee.




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6 hours ago, randuir said:

Just for my understanding Bugsy, do you actually think Araris slipped up there as an elim, thinking that the pirates where evil? You seem to be saying here that you'll only consider it suspicious if no one else does something more suspicious, which sounds a bit opportunistic

No, I'm just about certain it was a joke, and that it's almost completely NAI. If it is indicative of alignment at all, though, I'd say it's more indicative of being evil than not. If I have everyone at 50% village read to start, it might move him to 49%, say. Certainly not enough to lynch on with any semblance of comfort 

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5 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Since mostly dead players become completely dead after a turn, where turn seems to mean either a night or a day, anyone who is lynched this day turn cannot be saved by any means. This has been the case for most other games as well, but perhaps it's something to make a note of. Miracle Max(Roadwalker, apparently) will in fact never catch up with attrition, since there should be at least two kills every cycle(the lynch and the elim kill), while Max can only produce one pill per cycle. If Westley always makes a night kill, we're up to three people becoming mostly dead in a cycle with a maximum of one victim surviving the experience. I think it's more helpful for Max to revive one of the night kills, but I wonder what other people's opinions on this matter are. At the very least, reviving a night kill will allow Max to create PMs at night, whereas reviving a lynch victim would mean that Max would either have to abstain from PM creation or give a pill away to someone else and let them revive the lynchee.

The order of actions has the miracle pill in both the day and night orders. So, the pill can be administered in any phase.

EDIT: Yeah, but the rest of it still stands. 

Edited by Mark IV
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