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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Odium said it was a world where what he said went, and Rock said that it was a world where everyone like soup, and since neither of those made sense, he almost said that they both lost: therefore they both won, creating a paradox which they had to solve for the point. Then he decided otherwise (he now had no faith in their intellectual capacity to even begin exploring a paradox) and chose Rock, since he liked soup.

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It wasn’t just tense in the present, future, past.  It was also tense in the simple present, simple past, the future, present continuous, past continuous, future continuous, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect continnuous, and future perfect continuous.

Sorry I couldn’t resist.

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It also hurt Rock's mind in every tense. But that was Ham's secret challenge: Make Rock and Odium think through all of the tenses, and then measure how successful they were, how fast they were, and how much their brains hurt at the end. (And in which tenses.) They were almost tied, but Odium, being a Shard and having much more mental capacity than Rock, didn't have a headache, so he won.

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For the first round, Rock choose rock (which he figured was the best option there was) while Odium picked scissors, because it can cut things.  Rock figured that since he won the first round of Rock Paper Scissors, with his name if figured that it would work again.  Odium saw through his clever ploy and choose paper, thereby winning the second round.

Whoever one the last round of Rock Paper Scissors would win it all.

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So the two battled it out, always somehow tying on rock and scissors. They never chose paper. 

Eventually Odium thought that this was ridiculous and chose paper, praying for Rock to choose Rock. The hands changed, and Rock chose scissors.

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Helleu (pronounced helloo) I haven't posted in this thread (yet) but I just wanted to say that it is an awesome idea and I like it very much! As I read this, I realized how it was sometimes annoying and confusing to read in this format of posting, and so I (by hand) copied and pasted everything into a google doc and wrote a program to try and fix formatting. This is the product:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1alzgzw_ZHV-sLHPe3jg_XPCP2VOud3sY5eozOUdeiII/edit?usp=sharing I hope you all like it and find it very useful! I will try to update this every day (unless I'm on vacation or dead. Or both.) Anyways keep having fun writing, and for new readers (dunno why they'd go all the way to the end first) it may be easier to catch up on the many (awesome) pages of backstory by reading this first. You all can totally pay me in upvotes. (jk I don't need upvotes to feel validated ha! Oh wait. Yes I do...)

Edited by theRoyalDingus
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15 minutes ago, theRoyalDingus said:

Helleu I haven't posted in this thread (yet) but I just wanted to say that it is an awesome idea and I like it very much! As I read this, I realized how it was sometimes annoying and confusing to read in this format of posting, and so I (by hand) copied and pasted everything into a google doc and wrote a program to try and fix formatting. This is the product:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1alzgzw_ZHV-sLHPe3jg_XPCP2VOud3sY5eozOUdeiII/edit?usp=sharing I hope you all like it and find it very useful! I will try to update this every day (unless I'm on vacation or dead. Or both.) Anyways keep having fun writing, and for new readers (dunno why they'd go all the way to the end first) it may be easier to catch up on the many (awesome) pages of backstory by reading this first.

Ha! This is great!

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