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Your "I Knew It" Moments for Words of Radiance?


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Here's a topic to celebrate and pat yourselves on the back! Which of your theories were confirmed in Words of Radiance? How much did you get right? (And wrong too, if you care to share. We won't judge.)


Personally for me it was that Shardblades were spren. I was slightly off (I thought they had spren trapped inside them instead of actually being spren), but I was close enough.


Also, one of my jokes was, "Stormspren live in the Highstorms. They cosplay as Voidbringers, which is why superstitious people think that Voidbringers come out in Highstorms." I was surprised by how close it was to the truth.


Now share your "I knew it" moments and give yourself a pat on the back!

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I knew Danlan was a spy from the first time I saw her operating the writing fabrial. What's it called again?

the spanreed?


and mine was

seriously, don't read this if you haven't read the book

jasnah in the epiloge

Edited by jasonpenguin
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Let's see...


I got the nature of Stormlight healing very wrong.


Spren as living ideas is basically in line with my whole Form theory (though I intend to clarify that with Brandon at the signing in a week :D).


Hmm... And now that the time comes I can't think of anything that stuck out. I'm sure that something will occur to me as soon as I click "Post".

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I had remembered from some Q&A or something that Nightblood, specifically, would show up in some way although I wasn't expecting it to be in the manner that he did.


And I knew Kaladin would show his powers again and wreck somebody but I'm sure everybody knew that.

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I knew Jasnah would return - since her other Surge was transportation. I didn't know if she phased (My own term for entering shademere) or teleported, or whatever, since I didn't know how the surge worked... But I suspected she survived.

Now Szeth getting his nice new sword - that Really took me by surprise.

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The two biggest theories I had were about spren gave up their spren form to become a shardblade. And when the knights radiant severed the Nahel bond it trapped them in the blade (same base idea as what you thought - and pretty close).

The other main theory I had is here. I pretty much thought that Szeth was truthless because he spouted stuff that his religion didn't believe and they made him truthless because of it.

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Let's see. I called the Stormfather being a Splinter of Honor... Except he's not, more like his spren. But he's still a part of him, so that should work, right? 


I also called Syl coming back, Nightblood being at the end of the book, and that Kaladin killed Helaran. 

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Technically all spren are Splinters of Honor, so you were right! It's just that Stormfather is more of a branch, or at least a very big stick.



Edited by Shale
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I got shardblades being splinters of Honor and Cultivation right (though my idea of this was more vague in that it did not directly involve spren as being the splinter).  I also had Danlan pegged as a spy.  I figured the Stormfather to be some greater vestige of Honor (greater than a typical spren, I mean).


Edit: Ooh! I also called shardspears.

Edited by Shardlet
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I knew Moash would get an shardblade Kaladin won. I knew Kaladin would walk on walls and fly in this book. I knew Shen was a spy. I knew about what happened with Jasnah. I knew Gaz was alive. I knew stormlight could heal shardblade injuries. I knew Kaladin would get his shardspear. ;)

Edited by eveorjoy
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Here's a topic to celebrate and pat yourselves on the back! Which of your theories were confirmed in Words of Radiance? How much did you get right? (And wrong too, if you care to share. We won't judge.)


Personally for me it was that Shardblades were spren. I was slightly off (I thought they had spren trapped inside them instead of actually being spren), but I was close enough.


Ditto. I had the exact same idea--that they trapped spren in the blades--I had a feeling when Syl said she didn't like them.


Personally, I guessed that Shallan/Kaladin would be a thing as soon as they both had the exact same thoughts about horses (that they were too smart and should be more docile, like chulls, instead).


I also guessed that Shin/Rlain was a traitor as soon as I read Navani's epitaph about the Parshendi having spies.


However, I had completely reconciled myself to Jasnah's death. I was not at all expecting her to be back. 

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From the beginning it didn't sit right with me that Jasnah had died. There was a line in her 'death' scene (goes to get book, spends ten minutes searching because he started rereading again and had to remind himself he's writing a comment) that reads, "Shallan heard it hit the wood of the floor beneath the body." This is just before Shallan screams and distracts one of them. To me it just seemed odd to describe the sound of the knife hitting the wood. Also following this she is gone. It didn't feel right.


Anyway, waffle ended. I also guessed, or I should more say really storming hoped Kaladin would get a shardspear. I forgot that Nightblood was going to turn up somewhere, and was VERY glad I forgot because it was an awesome 'well that makes being a super Cosmere fan worthwhile' moment. I also had always thought Renarin was going to be a Radiant. Epilepsy is thought to be the sacred illness.

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Kind of a big "Duh," but one that hasn't been mentioned, is that I knew Kaladin wouldn't be able to kill Elhokar and that he would come to his defense instead. A small, manly year rolled out when he said "Elhokar is Dalinar's Tien."

Also, Jasnah surviving was too much of a given for me to actually worry about her. She's way too interesting of a character for her to leave so quickly, and no one else has her abilities covered.

And Shallan having killed her mom and dad I called before the book came out.

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I kind of found Shallan's interludes annoying since I basically guessed everything from back in WoK.


Called stormform being voidbringing form, called Venli or whatever her name is on having already tried it out.


Knew Kaladin couldn't let Dalinar's Tien (Best moment ever.) die, but didn't think he'd make it so early.


No idea if this is actually confirmed, but I called whatever name Nin was going by as being from Nalthis thanks to me trying to puzzle out his color-based metaphors and him mentioning Investure, though him having Nightblood and possibly being Vasher threw me for a loop.


Finally, as a huge 'duh', Syl coming back. She's way too awesome (no pun intended) to die so early.

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No idea if this is actually confirmed, but I called whatever name Nin was going by as being from Nalthis thanks to me trying to puzzle out his color-based metaphors and him mentioning Investure, though him having Nightblood and possibly being Vasher threw me for a loop.


Finally, as a huge 'duh', Syl coming back. She's way too awesome (no pun intended) to die so early.


Not to burst your bubble, but I think you may be confusing some characters. Zahel != Nalan, I don't believe. So Vasher is the swordmaster, but somehow Nalan got a hold of Nightblood.

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Not to burst your bubble, but I think you may be confusing some characters. Zahel != Nalan, I don't believe. So Vasher is the swordmaster, but somehow Nalan got a hold of Nightblood.


Yeah Zahel is Vasher and as far as we know Nin is the herald of the sky breakers and he's been world jumping. 

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