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What is your favorite RELATIONSHIP in the Cosmere?!


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For me, it's gotta be Wax and Steris. I love how Brandon took a character who was socially awkward and wove the story so that it was believable that she could be a romantic lead, and how her quirks actually helped the "good guys" win. She tries so hard and is so dear, and it's just so cool that the hero sees that and comes to love her in her own right, not just an arranged marriage.

For any relationship, not just romantic, I'd say Dalinar's love for his two sons, and how we've seen that develop. 

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My favorite romantic relationship has to be Vin & Elend. I loved watching their relationship grow throughout the Mistborn trilogy, plus Final Empire was my first Sanderson book so they have a really special place in my heart.

My favorite non-romantic relationship has to be Lightsong and Llarimar and boy oh boy does their last scene in Warbreaker make me cry. Every time.

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I think Adolin and Renarin are so cute together, although they are so different, they just seem to like each other the way they are. In my opinion Sanderson is better at writing friendship/family relations, until now he's not 100% convinced me with his romantic relationships, don't know why.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favoirte relationship in the Cosmere is Kaladin and Syl. They are so close and even though its not romantic, they are such good friends and partners that other spen in Oathbringer (spoiler) mentions (not direct quote)


That their bind was closer than that of a couple who had eloped.


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Kalidin and Syl are great I love their relationship, I also really enjoy Wax and Wayne's friendship it make me laugh with all their inside jokes. Elend and Vin made me cry and if you can make me cry then I have to really like you. I'm having a hard time picking really. 

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Honestly, the entire dynamic of Bridge Four is really cool. I'm impressed with the way they all constantly support each other 


even though (or probably because) they almost all have heavy, heavy baggage with abandoned responsibility, addiction, who-knows-what-happened in their past, etc.

It kind of reminds me more of a well-organized and tight-knit scout patrol than a military unit.

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I would have to say Elend and Vin.  They are so awesome.  However, they aren’t just my favorite cosmere relationship, but my favorite relationship of all time.  They are just so cute.

As far as non-romantic relationships go, I agree that Lightsong and Llarimar are great.  I also have to put this one out there, Breeze and Ham are just fantastic.  


Breeze: And Hammond, I’d almost managed to delude myself into forgetting that you would be here when I returned.

Ham: Admit it, you’re glad to see me.

Breeze: See you, perhaps.  Hear you, never.  I had grown qutie fond of my time spent away from your perpetual, pseudo-philsosphical patterings.

Just one of their many great interactions.

Kaladin and Adolin are also great, in a non-romantic way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My favorite is Kaladin and Tien. It is so sad and I have a brother. I don't ever want to lose him.  I really just connect with Kaladin the most in SA. Also any of Kaladins relationships with bridge four especially Teft. Any Kaladin relationship. I really want something to happen between him and lyn. 

I digress.

Another is Lopen and Rua. 

Lastly is Hoid and his insults. 



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Wax and Steris is one of my favorite relationships ever. It is perfectly organic and I think a truly beautiful example of how real love grows. 

As a non-romantic relationship I think I will echo those who have said Lightsong and Llarimar. Their interactions through the whole book are made even better with what we learn in the end. 

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