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Arcanum News: Suggestions


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I guess it's time to make a thread that should have been done a long time ago. Here I will report to you all about the new thingies that are introduced to Arcanum from the technical side. Without further ado, here's a bomb for you:

You can suggest changes to entries in Arcanum. No need to write in a special topic on the forum anymore.

Right now, if you are logged in, you can just click "edit" button on the entry you want to fix, and fix it! Remember though, that all changes done by regular users need to be accepted by Arcanists, before they are visible to the public.


(For an option to transcribe brand new entries, you still need to wait some time, but I remember about it, and it will be done)

Edited by Chaos
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If you are itching to make use of this, we have a few hundred entries tagged with either #needs attention or #review transcription. Some of those have been review/finalized but the tags haven't been removed (so you can suggest their removal), but most are actual entries that needs helpful magical ears.

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Now that the whole process will be easier for everyone, I expect that those entries Argent talks about will be ripped apart by a hundred of Sharders each and we can finally know what the storm is actually said in


*inaudible* <womens> *inaudible*

Hoboken and Warsaw need your ears!

Edited by Ookla the Indefatigable
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Are there womens on Scadrial? Probably, yeah. 

Seriously though, people with good headphones or good ears, also get on you the recent OB San Diego one if you will, there's some potentially great WoBs there that are incomprehensible. 

Good work, again, Mestiv!

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39 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

What is the exact use of <> when making suggestions?

An official style guide is in the works--something sorely needed, especially now that anyone can help. The idea of using <> didn't come around until late in the process, and not everyone was on the same page on how to use them. Just explaining in case you come across inconsistencies.

The purpose of <> is to indicate an uncertain transcription. Sometimes you might think you can make out useful words (good enough not to just use *inaudible* or *unintelligible* ), but you might not be confident you're hearing the right thing. Or maybe you do feel pretty confident, but the words don't seem to make sense together. If that's the case surround the uncertain words with <> to indicate that the transcription itself is questionable. 

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Jof said:

An official style guide is in the works--something sorely needed, especially now that anyone can help. The idea of using <> didn't come around until late in the process, and not everyone was on the same page on how to use them. Just explaining in case you come across inconsistencies.

The purpose of <> is to indicate an uncertain transcription. Sometimes you might think you can make out useful words (good enough not to just use *inaudible* or *unintelligible* ), but you might not be confident you're hearing the right thing. Or maybe you do feel pretty confident, but the words don't seem to make sense together. If that's the case surround the uncertain words with <> to indicate that the transcription itself is questionable. 

That was the impression I got, but there were some entries that just had <> and no words or part of a question before or after. Should those just say inaudible instead?

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4 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

That was the impression I got, but there were some entries that just had <> and no words or part of a question before or after. Should those just say inaudible instead?

Yep! There was a miscommunication for a while on that point, so that's not surprising.

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17 hours ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

That was the impression I got, but there were some entries that just had <> and no words or part of a question before or after. Should those just say inaudible instead?

These were probably mine. I used these when I wanted to go back to an entry later (spoiler: I never did) and wanted to indicate that there was something between one <word> and another <word>.

They should be *inaudible* instead.

The official guide is in the works, I think, but for the marks the short is:

  • *this* - for non-audio stuff, like *laughs*, *writes in the book* or *inaudible*
  • [this] - for clarifications, like someone asks about Shardbearer [Vessel] of Preservation
  • <this> - what jofwu said: when the transcription is not certain but you make the best guess because you think you can hear something
Edited by Ookla the Indefatigable
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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Farnsworth said:

I’ve found some links with infirnmation that don’t seem to be on Arcanum. For example, https://www.tor.com/2013/01/23/brandon-sandersons-wheel-of-time-answers-from-torchat/. How can I add these?

That wasn't included because it is purely Wheel of Time information, as such we feel it is outside of our purview. Going forward we will include questions pertaining to the Wheel of Time, but we will not be adding the backlog.

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9 hours ago, Farnsworth said:

Okay, that makes sense. So Arcanum is purely Cosmere?

It is purely Brandon Sanderson works and his books (noncosmere is in too). The Wheel of Time is a massive thing and if people care to investigate old WoBs they can use Theoryland, as was that site's original purpose. 

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Is there any way to download audio from Arcanum (or can someone PM me the original source for me to download) - I might try running some of the poor quality audio such as the San Diego Signing through Audacity and see if I can reduce the background noise from it to make it more intelligible. (I make no promises, mind - I have literally a couple hours experience with trying to do this from over 2 years ago.)

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2 hours ago, Young Bard said:

Is there any way to download audio from Arcanum (or can someone PM me the original source for me to download) - I might try running some of the poor quality audio such as the San Diego Signing through Audacity and see if I can reduce the background noise from it to make it more intelligible. (I make no promises, mind - I have literally a couple hours experience with trying to do this from over 2 years ago.)

There is no direct download button, but you can find the address of mp3 file in HTML. I can also give you a link to the specific source. However, it'd be better if you contact someone that has the original file that would have better quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

If we suggest an edit to a footnote because the WoB has been superseded or a RAFO has been answered elsewhere, should we include a link to the WoB that clarifies/supersedes it? The moderator would have to delete the link when they approve the edit, but it would save them time not having to find the WoB that gives the relevant information.

I just did two edits and included the links, but I want to be sure what the right protocol is for the future.

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1 hour ago, Bernem said:

If we suggest an edit to a footnote because the WoB has been superseded or a RAFO has been answered elsewhere, should we include a link to the WoB that clarifies/supersedes it? The moderator would have to delete the link when they approve the edit, but it would save them time not having to find the WoB that gives the relevant information.

I just did two edits and included the links, but I want to be sure what the right protocol is for the future.

We do want to include a link to the WoB, but not through the URL just being text in the footnote. Using the editor, you can format links to have a different display text. Like this, for example. Just pick an appropriate phrase and link it to the WoB you're referencing.

You can also feel free to keep doing what you did, if you're not comfortable with formatting and the like. It's pretty trivial for one of us to take care of it, if you just paste the URL in there.

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@Pagerunner Sounds good. Thanks for editing those for me.

Out of curiosity, in the edit window, did you intentionally make the links relative paths (starting with ../../../) or does the Palanaeum platform convert it automatically when you insert a link back to Arcanum?

Edit: Never mind. I put in a few of my own and it looks like it does the conversion itself. Interesting.

Edited by Bernem
Found the answer.
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/8/2018 at 4:00 AM, Mender said:

Maybe I'm overlooking it, but when I suggest a new entry and upload the corresponding source, can I actually like the source to the entry myself?

Info on the transcription process is coming shortly. You can upload the source but all sources must be Arcanist approved (to remove things like personal information, etc.) and snipped. If it is already snippeted you can create a new entry for it.

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