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Anyway, I'm back, and just about caught up. I haven't done any proper analysis yet, and won't tonight, as I'm very cycle. I do have time for a bit of RP though.


“And then the Sliver picked a single victim from those shouting the loudest and condemned him to death, just like that.” Rufus Tekiel made a cutting motion with his hand, as if his hand was the blade that separated Darium’s head from his body. Knowing the Lord Ruler, this was probably a reasonable approximation of what had actually happened. “A good thing you weren’t there, old man. You do love a shouting match, and you would have probably drawn the lord Ruler’s ire down upon yourself.”

Dorvan thought he could see the disappointment in Rufus’ eyes. The man was right, if  Dorvan hadn’t been called away because of an emergency he might very well have been there, and he very much doubted that he’d be shouted down by anyone but the Sliver himself if his blood got up.

He dismissed the thought of his own brains getting splattered over the floor and returned his attention to the young man in front of him. Rufus was a rising star in house Tekiel at the moment, and no doubt he would profit from the old guard like Dorvan getting eliminated. “Thank you, Rufus.” Dorvan gave him a smile he didn’t really feel. “That information might be useful in our hunt for Skaa infiltrators or Symphatizers. If that was all, you can go now.”

“That was all. I’ll leave the logistics of this campaign to you… my lord.” Rufus got up and started to turn towards the door. Before he got halfway there though, Dorvan spoke up again.

“Speaking of logistics, A Skaa was brought here a couple of hours ago. Apparently she wanted to talk to you. I've ordered her flogged for stepping out of line, and she'll be send to do hard labor away from the city. I just thought you should know." Dorvan noted a spark of recognition in Rufus's eyes, but the man kept his face in check and betrayed nothing. so Dorvan went for the killing stroke. “She looked pregnant. We might have to do something about that before sending her away.”

This cracked Rufus' mask, and he couldn't hide his anxiousness as he hurried from the office. Dorvan sat back to wait.


Several minutes later, a soldier was led into his study. he was part of a small contingent of veterans that Dorvan had brought with him back to Luthadel. He saluted, and then brought his report. "Rufus did as you predicted, Sir. He tried to use his standing to get us to release the woman to him. We captured him, and will discretely remove him from the city.  We'll hold him for as long as you deem necessary. We've questioned him already, and he admitted to his relationship with the Skaa woman. He denied being involved with the house Variel attack, however."

Dorvan nodded. "I'll get the truth out of him, eventually. I've left instructions with those you'll deliver him to regarding this."

The Soldier nodded then went on. "What are we to do with the woman?"

Dorvan considered his options for a moment. “She’ll be send to a client house, far from Luthadel. She’ll be introduced  as a disgraced noble lady who slept with the wrong man. Make sure she understands the danger of revealing the truth. And let the house sheltering them know that if the child shows Allomantic potential, he or she will be welcomed back to Luthadel, and those who raised him or her will have house Tekiel’s gratitude.”

Edited by randuir
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The sun had long since set as Joxter the Mighty slept soundly in his bed, the events of the day forgotten as he dreamed of a time long past.  A time before he gained the title of Mighty.

{wibbly wobbly dream scene transition}

Joxter strolled down the ash covered road heading from Urbene towards Garthwood.  It was his first time leaving the small town and his family had wanted him to take a carriage as befitting a noble.  But Joxter had wanted to walk the distance simply because no other noble had done it.  Or at least none that he knew of and he knew at least twenty nobles.  And that’s like a lot.

Of course that didn’t stop the carriage from following him as he walked. “In case you come to your senses.” His mother said. But Joxter had no intention of riding in the carriage.  He was finally out from under the oppressive gaze of his father.  He took a deep breath of fresh air.  A brief moment of joy and freedom spoiled only slightly by the sneeze of the carriage driver.

It was an uneventful two days before his feet betrayed him and he was forced to ride in the carriage.

If only the rest of the trip had been as quiet…..

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Joxter the mighty casually strolled through the night mists, humming a slow, inaudible tune. He approached his target, Lutha Erikell. He approached her from behind, igniting the Atium sitting in his stomach to make the kill an assured thing.
Joxter the Mighty
Always up for a fight-y
Evil needs to learn to fear
Whenever Joxter is near
I’ll flatten you with a kick,
Before hitting you with my stick
For I am Joxter,
Joxter the hurk. 
At the sound of the song, Lutha spun around and through a punch at her attacker, but Joxter began to move before she even started her punch. Her eyes widened as she realized that he was burning Atium. 

Lutha turned to run, knowing that it was her only chance of escaping her attacker, when coins launched out from the mists, narrowly missing her, and heading straight for Joxter.

Joxter weaved through the string of coins, easily dodging them. He threw a dagger at his would be assailant,shouting "A man like me should have died a thousand times, if not for my prodigious skill and nerves of steel!"

The Joxter-attacker reflexively pushed on the iron dagger, and sent it spinning directly for Lutha, who had been trying to escape in the ensuing conflict. It stabbed into her leg, and made her drop to the ground. Joxter dashed towards her, watching a coin fly directly at her, and stabbed his dagger into her back as a coin pierced her heart.

Joxter slipped away, into an alley way, as his Atium ran out. He caught his breath, turned a corner and came face to face with a Skaa, who promptly stabbed a dagger in his gut, and left him to die.

As Lutha lay on the ground a group of Hazekillers dashed out towards her dead body, slamming their staves against the her body, before realizing that she was already dead.

Alvron has been killed! He was a Noble Atium Misting!
Phattamer has been killed (thrice) he was a Noble Soother!


The cycle ends: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=LG%3A40+Day+3+end&iso=20171129T19&p1=4975

House Favour:

Edited by Ookla of Five
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That's putting it mildly, Shqueeves.

Is someone willing to share who knew about Alvron's role? It could be that the elims have bronze or something that allowed them to scan him so there is no way to narrow that down, but if there is a group of people that knew about his ability it might be worthwhile to at least look at them. I'd understand unwillingness to do so, of course, as it might reveal house-associations, but I have to ask as it could be useful info.

@BrightnessRadiant, I've got a question for you regarding this post.


Okay, so I feel like my house is a little doomed at this point so I'm just gonna tell everyone this now so maybe it can help with your analysis and reads. (especially since I might die before too long anyways xD) Drake was the elim in my house and I say THE elim because we only had 6 players to begin with and I don't think we'd have more than one elim in our small house. So, cycle one we lost the spy in our house. Cycle 2 starts and bam! we lost two of our nobles. Striker and Steel were both in my house. I think the real reason they were targeted is because the skaa lost their connection to our doc, which made us have a secure place to plan and get ahead as a house and be way more dangerous to the elims as an entire house of semi-cleared villagers. 

Steel had role claimed in the doc, but Striker had not. So, I know that the elims hadn't gotten that from our doc. Our house may be taken out in quick succession, but I'm planning to do what I can while I'm alive. 

If I remember correctly, steeldancer got coin-shotted. This cycle, the coin-shot seemed to be part of the pile-up on phattemer*. This somewhat suggests to me that the coin-shot could be village as well (stands at Neutral for me based on what happened these past two cycles) because the elims probably knew the phattemer hit was coming unless all involved where very quiet about it. Would you stand by the point of there only being 1 elim in your house if you would assume the coinshot hitting one of yours was just an accident?


*That is assuming that  it's the same coin-shot, but based on the amount of killing-power that seems to get thrown around I don't think there would be more than 1 coin-shot.

edit: Also, I'm still rather tired from last weekend. I'll do my best to be active, but don't expect any in-depth analysis today.

Edited by randuir
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So, I don't really know where to go with this game, I haven't been paying much attention to it, just really been peeping in every now and again.

Anyhoo, so we're not really getting anywhere and well, our primary objective is to crush the Skaa right? And since the Skaa most probably have one person in each House we assume, I think that to maximise cooperation and get the Skaa, who are the primary objectives, perhaps we should consider this as a normal Elim vs Village game, just with a bit more apprehension and lines drawn. As the Skaa are available to information on all 4 of the Houses (we assume), it would be a good step for each House to come forward with their members, and information which is considered important should be said in thread, except for BR's House, as we assume there was only one Skaa in their house (and we know who is in it now anyway).

It has come to my attention that Atium was burned the night Striker died by House 3, and Atium was used to kill Striker. Due to this, a person in my house submitted an order to kill Alvron, believing him to be most suspicious (sorry @Alvron). I'm unsure if this information can be trusted now that Alv is found to be an Atium misting but; Any other Atium Mistings that are found in House 3 can be safely confirmed to be Skaa. Those who can scan, should consider targetting House 3, perhaps coordinating who is scanned to stop doubling up?


The sky was red, much as it was most days, but today something was different. For through the ash, Jax could faintly see proper clouds, preluding to a cold, rainy day. He sighed and walked out into the streets. The people of the Final Empire were restless, more Nobles were dropping dead with each night, and no Skaa had been found for a while now. The skaa however, the ones that worked in the streets were curiously varying in demeanour. Some actually seemed happy, others wore grim expressions, Jax wasn’t entirely sure whether they were behaving differently from before this fiasco, admittedly he hadn’t really paid them heed. The dying left power vacuums and holes in the system, which many younger, ruthless nobles were both eager to cease, and fearful to die for.


Jax remembered being much the same, however in a far different situation. With nobles dying left right and centre, and mysterious Skaa infiltrators leading the vanguard for a possible Ska uprising, tensions were higher than they had been for a long time. Jax was annoyed, the young ones should be rising to the occasion and helping their Houses, rather than sitting back and watching the chaos unfold. Of course, in the end, it was every man for themself.


And Jax unfortunately was no better.

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wow , overkill much?

any ideas for how we should proceed , or any good targets
also , who do you think went after phat ?
i'd also like to note that from the number of kills today we can assume that the amount of kills from the first day wasnt a one time thing, and we can expect it to be the norm ,   sigh ... i personally think it'd be better for us if we had less kills per night 
frankly , the elims only need to lay low as things are now , and wait for us to kill eachother
that is why i would advise villagers to limit our kills . like please ....


Edited by Manukos
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6 hours ago, randuir said:


@BrightnessRadiant, I've got a question for you regarding this post.

If I remember correctly, steeldancer got coin-shotted. This cycle, the coin-shot seemed to be part of the pile-up on phattemer*. This somewhat suggests to me that the coin-shot could be village as well (stands at Neutral for me based on what happened these past two cycles) because the elims probably knew the phattemer hit was coming unless all involved where very quiet about it. Would you stand by the point of there only being 1 elim in your house if you would assume the coinshot hitting one of yours was just an accident?


*That is assuming that  it's the same coin-shot, but based on the amount of killing-power that seems to get thrown around I don't think there would be more than 1 coin-shot.

edit: Also, I'm still rather tired from last weekend. I'll do my best to be active, but don't expect any in-depth analysis today.

Mm I'm not really sure why a village coinshot would've gone after steeldancer? I don't recall him being under and known suspicion in thread. Of course it's possible, but there's not really any way of knowing unless an elim coinshot is found I guess. 

Either way, the elims knew steeldancer was a misting because he role claimed in doc while Drake was still there.

Mmm if the elims didn't hit Phatt the way you're suggesting then why didn't they hit anyone? Darkness just admitted that their house targeted Alvron. So that only leaves Phatt for the elim target.

I for one, am very grateful the pile up happened since people went crazy with kills. Y'all do know that if that had ended as 4 separate kills and they all ended up noble deaths, you're shooting us in the foot? Please don't use kills unless you have very good suspicions to back them up.

I saw a lot of suspicion placed on Phatt and I didn't see why honestly. The things he did on cycle one seemed far more village to me than elim. I said as much, but figured maybe so many of the players being suspicious of him I was just wrong so I helped with the tie vote on him. (Mostly I figured we needed to see what happened during a tie)

If I recall correctly, it was Lopen who pushed very hard for his suspicions on Phatt. I remember him doing this one game when he was an elim on Paranoid King and he got him lynched.

Aside from the Phatt "suspicion" he's also struck me as a little off in pm as well. I dunno why exactly. I'll be looking back through his posts today, but for now Lopen to avoid voting late.

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4 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:


I saw a lot of suspicion placed on Phatt and I didn't see why honestly. The things he did on cycle one seemed far more village to me than elim. I said as much, but figured maybe so many of the players being suspicious of him I was just wrong so I helped with the tie vote on him. (Mostly I figured we needed to see what happened during a tie)

If I recall correctly, it was Lopen who pushed very hard for his suspicions on Phatt. I remember him doing this one game when he was an elim on Paranoid King and he got him lynched.

Aside from the Phatt "suspicion" he's also struck me as a little off in pm as well. I dunno why exactly. I'll be looking back through his posts today, but for now Lopen to avoid voting late.

I thought I may have been a little paranoid about phatt. :/

Anyways, I've always gunned hard for people I'm suspicious of. I'm a little surprised that you're voting on me, since I am the only player who voted on Drake based on actual suspicion. I know that doesn't clear me or anything, but I'd expect a little more leeway than this, since so far I'm 50% with my suspicions. :P

Going back to D1 stuff, I still feel like Straw is most likely village, for his vote on Drake. Asterion, I'm still a little wary of, considering his vote on Cloudjumper kind of looked like he was protecting Drake to me. But...I don't know, as the game has progressed, he hasn't seemed nearly as suspicious. One thing I think might point to his innocence is that last Cycle he voted on Road instead of phatt, which, if he was an eliminator, I would think he'd vote on phatt over Road, to try and prove that they weren't teammates. I know that's a little bit convoluted, but whatever.

So, at this point, it seems to me that most of the voters at the end of D1 were actually villagers(we know phatt and Alv were, and Road likely is, and I've got a village read on Straw). Which means I don't really have any great leads. I do want to look over the players who voted on phatt, to see if anyone's reasoning for that suspicion wasn't very thought out.

Hmmm. Current suspicions - Budgie and one of Arinian/Megasif. Budgie, I just have a bad gut read on her. I'm not sure what it is exactly. Arinian, I was slightly suspicious of how he didn't give an opinion either way with phattemer and Asterion, then he voted on Megasif following my lead(when Megasif had already responded to my poke vote), then switched to Road for information. Megasif, mostly it's the fact that he didn't pick a side between Road and phatt last Cycle, which, if they were both villagers like I think, kind of reads to me like he didn't want to pick a side and then get blamed for it. I say I think either Arinian or Megasif is evil because I don't think they both would be, because of how Arinian put a 2nd vote on Megasif last Cycle and then Megasif cast suspicion on Arinian for it. It didn't seem like a distancing tactic to me either, since Arinian's vote put Megasif in the lead for the lynch.

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Okay...reading through the write-up, obviously Alv was our elim-kill, which could mean that all three of the phatt targets were village. After all, a lot of suspicion was placed on them, so I'd have thought that the eliminators wouldn't have bothered to kill them themselves when we all ganged up on them anyway.
The hazekiller kill could have been from a house. We know that Hazekiller was a house focus, so that could be where it came from, because I'm not sure submitting 'send my guards' as an action would have been particularly good or have worked. If so, there seems to be a lot of kill roles...I would definitely advise people scan before killing each other.
I'm slightly suspicious of Darkness at the moment. Asking people to reveal their house allignments seems a little eliminator to me, because it sounds like he's trying to get people to focus on houses rather than catching the skaa. I'm not sure though, I'll think things through a bit more later.

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3 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@TheMightyLopen Dang that's right you did vote Drake on Day 1 I forgot... Lopen This is why I said I was gonna look back through at your posts though. I was just trying to get a vote out early. :P

Yeah, I thought it was a little strange that you didn't mention my vote or anything. :P

2 hours ago, A Budgie said:

Okay...reading through the write-up, obviously Alv was our elim-kill, which could mean that all three of the phatt targets were village. After all, a lot of suspicion was placed on them, so I'd have thought that the eliminators wouldn't have bothered to kill them themselves when we all ganged up on them anyway.
The hazekiller kill could have been from a house. We know that Hazekiller was a house focus, so that could be where it came from, because I'm not sure submitting 'send my guards' as an action would have been particularly good or have worked. If so, there seems to be a lot of kill roles...I would definitely advise people scan before killing each other.
I'm slightly suspicious of Darkness at the moment. Asking people to reveal their house allignments seems a little eliminator to me, because it sounds like he's trying to get people to focus on houses rather than catching the skaa. I'm not sure though, I'll think things through a bit more later.

Well, considering all of the talk surrounding the many kills on N1, and whether one of them was an extra elim kill, it wouldn't surprise me that, if the Coinshot is an eliminator, they decided to attack phattemer to make us unsure of whether they are an eliminator or not. After all, they might get scanned by an information role, or have to claim to try and protect themselves, so they probably wouldn't kill obvious villagers. At least not until the game is well in hand for them. So I'm not ruling out that the Coinshot attack on phattemer was definitely village(we know that the Atium misting was Alv, so, village, and you're right that Hazekiller was a House focus, so it's not really an alignment kill).

I think we can safely rule out Alv's House for the identity of the Coinshot, since giving a House 2 kills would be unbalanced, IMO. I say we just watch the kills very carefully, and if they continue to take out villagers, we do our best to narrow down who it could be. And like most others have suggested, I think we should go easy on the kills right now.

Moving on, here's a list of everyone's activity(sorta), as well as what I'm feeling about them:


1. Randuir - Active. I have a neutral read on him. He's been pretty busy, so he hasn't been able to post a lot, but when he has, I haven't had a strong feeling for any of the posts. Which, if I'm being honest, makes me a little worried.
2. Megasif - Semi-active. I prodded him last Cycle, because all he'd done up to that point had been RP. He posted a couple analysis posts after that, but now hasn't posted for a little while again. I'm a little suspicious, as I already mentioned, because he didn't really choose a side in the last lynch, which now looks like both of the candidates were villagers.
3. Roadwalker - Active. He claimed Thug to Alv very early, which seems a villagery thing to do. I also haven't seen anything from him that would say otherwise, so he's one of my strongest village reads right now.
4. @Lemonelon - Mostly inactive. She's posted 1 RP post, and no thoughts on the game. She has recently posted in the QF, though that doesn't require very much time...
5. Darkness - Mostly active. Has posted quite a few times, and from what I've seen, I think I'm leaning villager. He's missed which kill was the Skaa kill both Cycles I think, and it seemed like he legitimately didn't know as opposed to faking like he didn't know.
6. @Ookla the Insane / Straw - Semi-active. He's posted his thoughts a few times, but hasn't posted in around 4 days. I lean village for him, mostly based on his vote for Drake on D1. His posts also sounded genuine to me.
7. Manukos - Mostly active. I remember reading his posts and thinking they sounded like he was just putting his thoughts down, as opposed to faking opinions like an eliminator. It's not a strong village read, so I'm still gonna keep an eye on him.
8. @ShaneysRus - Semi-active. He's only got 2 RP posts, and hasn't posted in about 4 days. This is his first game, but he's been really quiet. Could you give us your opinion on things?
9. Asterion - Active. I've posted kind of a lot on Asterion, but at this point I'm really torn about him. On one hand, he put a vote on Cloudjumper to put him in the lead for the lynch(making it 2 on Cloud and 1 on Drake) which could have been him protecting Drake. On the other hand, Cloud is his brother apparently, so that explains the vote a little more, and Ast did help lynch Drake at the end of D1. He also didn't vote on phatt when I was accusing him and phatt of being elim teammates, which makes me lean village, because if he was an elim and phatt wasn't, he wouldn't have cared about me connecting them and he could have lynched phatt to prove me wrong. So, I'm actually leaning village at the moment.
10. Rebecca - Semi-active. She's been pretty busy with irl things apparently, so I'm fine cutting her some slack. So far she's posted twice, with most of those posts being RP. It's possible she's Skaa, as she hasn't posted a lot of thoughts, but I'd prefer to give her some more time before putting any kind of pressure on her.
11. Arraenae - Active. She's posted a lot, but I don't have a read on her. Sorry. :P I don't think she's been involved in either of the lynches. One thing that I think could point to her being village is that a few players tried to use her vote analysis of D1 as reasons to vote Roadwalker. If any of those players who used that analysis is an eliminator, I'd think she's village.
12. Budgie - Active. I don't have a strong opinion on her, but I've got a bit of a bad feeling. I'll probably look over her posts a little closer after a while to try and get a better read on her.
13. Arinian - Active. While I did mention I'm a little suspicious of Arinian earlier, he did break a tie between Megasif and Roadwalker(he unvoted Megasif and changed to Road to make it 3 to 1), and votes that break ties seem like more of a villager thing to do, since eliminators are usually hesitant to put themselves in the spotlight like that if the player they're voting on is a villager(and I think Road likely is). I'm not confident that he's a villager though, so I'll be keeping an eye on him.
14. @Ookla that Watches / Shqueeves- Mostly inactive. 2 posts, consisting of 1 word and 5 words. C'mon man, we need your thoughts!
15. Doc - Semi-active. 3 RP posts. We need your thoughts too!
16. Lopen - Active. Me.
17. @Ookla the Inquisitive / Young Bard - Inactive. :( He may have forgotten about this game? He has yet to post.
18. BR - Active. Part of the House with only 3 players left. Most likely village.
19. Sami - Semi-active. Same as BR.
20. Livinglegend - Semi-active. Same as BR and Sami. 

And here are the 7 dead players, and how they were killed, because I felt like making a chart:


Drake(Zinc) D1 lynch, Cloudjumper(Roleless) D2 random lynch
Striker(Seeker) N1 Skaa kill, Alvron(Atium), N2 Skaa kill
Bugsy(Seeker) N1 Atium kill, Steeldancer(Aluminum) N1 Coinshot kill, phattemer(Brass) N2 Coinshot, Atium, Hazekiller kills 

So! After all of that, the players I'm looking at the most are: Megasif, Budgie, Randuir, Arinian.

The players I'd like to hear more from since they haven't really given us anything to go off of are: Lemonelon, ShaneysRus, Rebecca, Shqueeves, Doc, Bard.

That leaves these players as my village reads: Roadwalker, Darkness, Straw, manukos, Asterion, Arraenae, BR, Sami, Livinglegend.

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4 hours ago, A Budgie said:

I'm slightly suspicious of Darkness at the moment. Asking people to reveal their house allignments seems a little eliminator to me, because it sounds like he's trying to get people to focus on houses rather than catching the skaa. I'm not sure though, I'll think things through a bit more later.

I think you forget that the Skaa are in those houses?

10 hours ago, Ookla the Rae said:

A skaa stabbed Alv in the writeup, so I think the kill hit Alv.

Yeah, that was a mistake on my part, the kill was actually on Phattemer xD

6 minutes ago, asterion137 said:

Darkness. Missing the fairly obvious cues in the writeup about the nature of the kills once would be excusable, missing them twice feels really suspicious to me. Especially since people mentioned the write-up clues after he missed them the first time.

I don't read the write ups most of the time, I have always just seen them to fit with the theme >.> 

14 hours ago, Ookla the Rae said:

@Darkness_, why do you say that any other Atium misting in House 3 must be skaa?

That's if the information that was given to me was true, I don't think it was now, and am slightly annoyed.

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Remind me to ISO Roadwalker later.

Contents of the letter have been changed slightly so as not to trip the no-copying-from-PMs rule.

Knock, knock, knock.

No response.

Knock, knock, knock.

No response.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Riri, it's me."

No response.


A soft sigh.


Fading away. More silence.

No response.

>>--< 0 >--<<

There was a letter under the door.

Riri glanced at it, then away. It had to be from Gale. Let him send all the letters he wanted, she couldn't find the energy to care. She wrapped Variel's suitjacket more tightly around her and determinedly tried not to think of the letter. It didn't exist. It didn't exist.

It niggled at her mind like a loose tooth that needed to be pulled.

It didn't exist.

It was still there.

Alright, fine, so it existed. Riri got up, picked that damned letter off the ground, and sank back into her chair. It took another few minutes to work up the willpower to open it. Riri squinted at the words through puffy eyes.

Riri, you refused to open the door today

She had refused. She'd been unable to bring herself to open the door.

so I had to send you this letter.

Riri snorted. Not like he needed an excuse to write. Gale had always liked seeing the curvature of his own handwriting, especially after reading that Prince of the Bracelets series by whoever it was, Joe R. R. Tekiel, which was entirely too boring for what it claimed to be about. Gale had used words like "fortuitously", "doughty", and "sword-thain" for months.

Sister, please understand. I opposed Variel and Kyrain

No. No no no no no. In, out, in, out, in, out. Breathe, Riri. Those names didn't exist. Riri would pretend she had never read those names. She took out a handkerchief to dab her suddenly wet eyes, and read on.

never meant

In. Out. Skip.

Please, Riri, open the door. The house feels so empty without you.

The rest of the letter blurred behind the tears in Riri's eyes. She wiped her eyes more.

I love you, Riri.

Missing you, Gale

It even was in that silly, ornate calligraphic scrawl, too.

In. Out. In. Out. In --

Oh, screw this horsecrap, she couldn't hold the tears in any longer. Riri sobbed into her handkerchief. Variel was dead, Kyrain was dead, and a whole lot of other nobles too but she didn't know them, just Variel and Kyrain, Variel and Kyrain -- no, no, not them, don't think of them don't think of them don't think of them. In, out, in, out.

Gale, who had disliked them both, was behind that door.

He hadn't wanted them to die. That much Riri had picked up from skimming the letter. Oh, Gale...

In, out. In, out. Bawling her eyes out, suitjacket forgotten, Riri forced herself up and walked to the doorknob. She placed her hand on it. In. Out. In. Out. Breathe. Breathe, Riri, breathe.

She gathered her courage and opened the door.

@Ookla the Healer

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18 hours ago, Darkness_ said:

It has come to my attention that Atium was burned the night Striker died by House 3, and Atium was used to kill Striker. Due to this, a person in my house submitted an order to kill Alvron, believing him to be most suspicious.

I'm unsure if this information can be trusted now that Alv is found to be an Atium misting but; Any other Atium Mistings that are found in House 3 can be safely confirmed to be Skaa. Those who can scan, should consider targetting House 3, perhaps coordinating who is scanned to stop doubling up?

35 minutes ago, Darkness_ said:

That's if the information that was given to me was true, I don't think it was now, and am slightly annoyed.

Galen listened as the crowd debated the gruesome deaths last night. He listened, and looked at the bodies. Looking at the body of Joxter, he knew that he had found the murderer of Kyrain. Killed by skaa. Well, the skaa had either done House Aurette a service, or denied his House their vengeance. Judging from the lack of satisfaction he felt, he erred towards the latter. 

Finally, he stood and walked into the crowd, heading for the noble he had seen last night at the ball, Lord Jax. 

"I think, friend, you are guilty of not paying enough attention to things that are going on. Atium was used to kill Kyrian, not Variel. Variel was killed by the skaa. The information that you were given suggested that an Atium misting dwelt in the Third House. When you hit Joxter instead, you insisted that there must have been another skaa misting, when in fact it was you who mixed up the skaa's murder and the atium murder. Furthermore, you claimed that your house sent a kill on Joxter, and later retracted it to say your House attacked Luthal." He sighed.  "Pay more attention, friend."

"However, Lord Jax, this slip up might be indicative of something more, perhaps? I know who gave you the information that Joxter was the atium misting, for it was me, at the ball the night before. I said nothing beyond the fact that our House has found out that Atium was burned by someone in the Third House last night, and you suggested that it might have been Joxter."

"Today, you started off by claiming that your house sent a kill on Joxter based on the information I gave you. Fair, but it turned out that your house actually sent a kill against Luthal. My friend, have you started mistaking your skaa comrades to be your House after all? An Atium misting is a powerful threat, and you acted on my information to get a kill sent on Joxter. No one else, beside a select few in my House, whom I trust, and those I told at the ball, knew where the Atium was burned."

Before he could finish his accusation, a servant ran up to him, and touched his arm. Galen turned to the servant indignantly "Now is not a good time!"

The maid bowed quickly, but held firm. "Lord Galen, you told us to inform you when your sister opened the door..."

Galen stopped short, everything else falling away. He took a deep breath, and turned back towards the crowd for his last words:

"And so, Darkness, I would very much like to see which house you truly belong to."

Then he turned and ran back towards his mansion.

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13 minutes ago, Ookla the Healer said:

Galen listened as the crowd debated the gruesome deaths last night. He listened, and looked at the bodies. Looking at the body of Joxter, he knew that he had found the murderer of Kyrain. Killed by skaa. Well, the skaa had either done House Aurette a service, or denied his House their vengeance. Judging from the lack of satisfaction he felt, he erred towards the latter. 

Finally, he stood and walked into the crowd, heading for the noble he had seen last night at the ball, Lord Jax. 

"I think, friend, you are guilty of not paying enough attention to things that are going on. Atium was used to kill Kyrian, not Variel. Variel was killed by the skaa. The information that you were given suggested that an Atium misting dwelt in the Third House. When you hit Joxter instead, you insisted that there must have been another skaa misting, when in fact it was you who mixed up the skaa's murder and the atium murder. Furthermore, you claimed that your house sent a kill on Joxter, and later retracted it to say your House attacked Luthal." He sighed.  "Pay more attention, friend."

"However, Lord Jax, this slip up might be indicative of something more, perhaps? I know who gave you the information that Joxter was the atium misting, for it was me, at the ball the night before. I said nothing beyond the fact that our House has found out that Atium was burned by someone in the Third House last night, and you suggested that it might have been Joxter."

"Today, you started off by claiming that your house sent a kill on Joxter based on the information I gave you. Fair, but it turned out that your house actually sent a kill against Luthal. My friend, have you started mistaking your skaa comrades to be your House after all? An Atium misting is a powerful threat, and you acted on my information to get a kill sent on Joxter. No one else, beside a select few in my House, whom I trust, and those I told at the ball, knew where the Atium was burned."

Before he could finish his accusation, a servant ran up to him, and touched his arm. Galen turned to the servant indignantly "Now is not a good time!"

The maid bowed quickly, but held firm. "Lord Galen, you told us to inform you when your sister opened the door..."

Galen stopped short, everything else falling away. He took a deep breath, and turned back towards the crowd for his last words:

"And so, Darkness, I would very much like to see which house you truly belong to."

Then he turned and ran back towards his mansion.

Jax chuckled softly, of course, despite showing clearly that he had not been paying attention in the first place, here people were attempting to bring him down for it. Yes, his own inability to bring himself out of his mind was indeed to be his undoing. 

"Galen, that's your name right? First of all, do not refer to me as your friend, that I am not," he rubbed his eyes, he was not in the right frame of mind to deal with this, unless of course...yes, it didn't matter, he had to clear this up.

"No, you are not in far from the truth, I have been trying to pay attention to this game, believe me, I have been trying".

Jax sighed and drew a deep breath.

"Above all, I value duty, strength and loyalty. I am a man who hates potential wasted and miscommunication. You are right Galen, I am indeed guilty, not of treason but of disservice," Jax uttered quietly, taking his hat off and kneeling before the nobles before him.

"In my defence, there was much miscommunication within my House. We only had tabs on two members of the Third House, one whose role we knew, and one who happened to be Alvron. After telling them about what you told me at the Ball, I assumed they would send the order in for Alvron, our only confirmed House 3 whose role could be of Seer. I'm not an idiot, I knew that whoever had killed Kyrain had burned Atium, my mistake was not paying attention as to who was who," he rubbed his eyes and looked up holding Galen's gaze for a moment.

"I must thank you, for I am most certainly paying attention now," Jax grinned and rose with a flourish.

"Nice little set up you have here, jumping on people's weaknesses...like predators. What can I expect of us nobles asides from a little predatory instinct however?" Jax looked around at the nobles bemused.

"Ah that's right, organised hunting," Jax looked towards the man who had first professed the same accusations ( @asterion137) "I have to say, you seem to be quite quick to stab family in the back, and all the more amusing as I cannot for the life of me even recall your name. Curious, I wonder how long you have been infiltrating our House, Asterion.

Jax stepped towards him, "Don't take it personally, this entire thing stinks of unseen coordination, curious at how aggressive people can be, jumping on the most convoluted of reads".


Actually, I just can't be stormed with this game. I've been trying, RP really has just been mildly helpful, but I just can't. Please go ahead and lynch me if you want, one less thing I'll need to worry about, not that I've been worrying about this game, but I have to say my inability to get into this has been extremely frustrating for me.

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