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On 11/10/2017 at 2:42 PM, DroughtBringer said:

1. Variel - StrikerEZ
2. Dorvan Tekiel - Randuir
3. Thirmul Haht - Megasif
4. Lawrence Arthur - Roadwalker
5. Selina Khrom - Lemonelon
6. Steeldancer - Dawn
7. Adela - Brightness Radiant
8. Jax Sangrin Lekal - Darkness Ascendant
9. Ray Karats - Straw
10. Darium - Cloudjumper
11. Alizarin Kenandera - Sami
12. Manukos
13. Belmark Entrone - Drake Marshal
14. Darquez - ShaneysRus
15. Bugsy -
16. Don Allen. Son of Barry Allen, who was a mistborn - Steeldancer
17. Cassandra Bane - Rebecca
18. Rhiannon Aurette - Arraenae
19. Lady Noodlington - A Budgie
20. Faron Elverein - Arinian
21. Stephan - Shqueeves
22. Lutha Erikell - Phattemer
23. Asterion137

Interesting.  It seems Steeldancer has managed to create a time remnant of himself.

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On 11/16/2017 at 5:55 PM, Orlok Tsubodai said:

In order to ensure ease of understanding and playability for all, any player signing up for a game and changing their name in Ookla season must keep their profile picture, rank, and signature the same as before their username change. We hope that the reasoning behind this is clear, and that players continue to enjoy games despite the upcoming festivities.

Can we change before the game?

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This sounds hectic! Count me in. 

Jonas of house-tbd was not at the announcement of the infiltrated house. He was much too busy to go to the meetings of the houses. He was working too hard on a project that he assured everyone else was a personal request of the Lord Ruler himself. Whether that is true remains to be seen.

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17 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Yes, absolutely. The important thing is consistency and clarity for players, and removing possibilities that players may not know who you are.

How long before the game should we change? 

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44 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

How long before the game should we change? 

If you’re referring to changing your username for Ookla season, it begins on the 26th November, and you should keep your picture, signature and rank the same as they were before Ookla season. If you’re intending to change things like your profile picture, it may be best to do so before the game begins, so that players are familiar with it when you change your username. I think the key, though, is common sense. If you think something you’re doing will confuse players, don’t do it. If it won’t, and it doesn’t contravene the first post, you’re probably fine.

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Joxter the Mighty,
Master of geography,
Here to guide you on your way.
Stick to me, you'll never stray.
And if you're in a land that's new,
I'm the man who'll get you through.
Even if you're slightly rude.
I'm Joxter, I'm Joxter the Mighty!

Joxter singing, er I mean, signing up.

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6 Months Ago

Jerol was 14 today. To the children of most houses, this wouldn't mean much - perhaps, there would be some sort of celebration or ball, to commemorate the event, and maybe whispered discussions and back-room deals would ensue to find an advantageous partner for the increasingly eligible young noble. But, in Jerol's House, things were different. When a member of Jerol's House reached their 14th birthday, then it was time for the Threshing to occur. Sometime today, Jerol would be pulled aside, taken into a room - soundproofed with thick, layered, walls, to minimise the distress of any other nobles nearby, and be beaten within an inch of his life. He shuddered at the thought of it. He'd been in that room once before, nearly a year and a half ago, had seen the bare walls, the rusty chain designed to keep people upright as they were beaten, had seen the results of the Threshing first-hand on the last person to enter that room. He never wanted to see that room again.

Even the skaa he passed in the hallway seemed to feel sorry for him. They bowed their heads a little more than usual, moved a little faster past him. The skaa were superstitious folk - maybe they thought by not associating with Jerol, they wouldn't be forced to suffer any of the same misfortune as Jerol himself. And so, he was left to wander, and pace, and slowly think in circles as the dreaded hour approached. Relon might have been able to comfort him, except... no, of course he wasn't there. He never would be.

Then he turned the corner, and a hand was clasped around his mouth. Then, slowly, he was dragged back towards the room, his futile struggles only causing mild frustration to his captors. It didn't halt their progress as they dragged him back down the corridor. It didn't halt their progress as they passed skaa and noble alike, all of whom turned away as if avoiding looking at the kidnapping it would somehow be less awful. It didn't halt their progress as they arrived in the room, and Jerol was tied to the roof of the room, as the door was slowly shut behind him.

Well, that turned out much, much rougher (and quite a bit darker) than I'd planned, because I completely forgot for a few days and nearly missed out on signups...

If it isn't obvious, I'm signing up to this game as Jerol. This looks too fun to pass up. And yes, I did steal the name 'Threshing' from Brent Weeks. So what?


How many houses will there be in this game? I'm not sure if I've seen that answered yet.

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  • Alvron locked this topic

“I know you all have things that you would rather be attending to, but we have to take action against those,” Mekel Urbain paused for a moment, then nearly choked out the next word, “Skaa, that have infiltrated our ranks. I am not leaving here until we have decided how we are going to find these... Skaa.”

Everything else:

Sorry for the short writeup, someone joined really late and made me rebalance all my old stuff (I do like more players, though(Plus, I procrastinated writing it)). But, Welcome to Day 1 of Long Game 40: Ashen Rebellion.

A few things that need to be noted: 

  1. PMs are being sent out, shouldn't take too long
  2. Please stay active
  3. For deciding what your house focus will be create a list of all of the foci, in order from what you want most to what you want least. No two houses will have the same foci. (In your doc)
  4. Please submit your actions as soon as possible so that I can go about mostly balancing them
  5. You can only take 1 action for each Day/Night cycle. If you take an action during the day then you may not take one during the night. Actions that can be taken during the day involve Vote manip, PM spying, and pretty much anything that is not a kill. Actions taking during the night involve Kills, Protections, and pretty much anything that is not a Vote Manip.

D1 will end:  

House Favor:

House 1: 0
House 2: 0
House 3: 0
House 4: 0

Player List:


1. Variel - StrikerEZ

2. Dorvan Tekiel - Randuir

3. Thirmul Haht - Megasif

4. Lawrence Arthur - Roadwalker

5. Selina Khrom - Lemonelon

6.Dawn - Steeldancer

7. Adela - Brightness Radiant

8. Jax Sangrin Lekal - Darkness Ascendant

9. Ray Karats - Straw

10. Darium - Cloudjumper

11. Alizarin Kenandera - Sami

12. Manukos

13. Belmark Entrone - Drake Marshal

14. Darquez - ShaneysRus

15. Bugsy -

16. Asterion137

17. Cassandra Bane - Rebecca

18. Rhiannon Aurette - Arraenae

19. Lady Noodlington - A Budgie

20. Faron Elverein - Arinian

21. Stephan - Shqueeves

22. Lutha Erikell - Phattemer

23. Jonas - LivingLegend

24. Doc

25. Lopen

26. Joxter the Mighty - Alvron

27. Jerol - Young Bard

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A hooded figure strode through the dark streets, deftly weaving its way through the streets. Although the wind howled and kicked up tufts of ash, it could not pull the stranger's hood back, nor open its robes to show the minuscule package tucked under its arm inside the dark garment. It blended perfectly with the night, one with the black ash that rained down from the skies like tears from a mourning god.

Step, step, step. Its footsteps echoed loudly against the cobblestones. Step, step. The figure came to a pause in front of a streetsign. The hood twisted slightly, the only evidence that the figure had acknowledged its surroundings. Step, step. Step. This was the place. A window, lit from behind, shut against the world. A translucent curtain obscured what lay behind it. In front of it sat a windowbox, out of which grew spindly brown stalks.

The figure gently set the package in the dirt. It knocked on the window, quietly but firmly. Then it turned and left.

By the time the nobleman Variel opened his window, all he could see was a piece of paper with neat, cursive handwriting. He picked it up.


hey Variel Gale's gone now so meet me in the big square at 2

-your girlfriend Riri :wub:

@StrikerEZ @Doc12

Edited by Ookla the Rae
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