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Battle in the Warcamps: Shen Reveals, Kaladin Flies, Amaram Squeals, and Renarin Dies


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Well, I agree with tha Parshendi attack I think that plenty of people will dir but n the ened someone (Dalinar, Shallan, Renarin, etc) save day.  And when everything are fine Szeth arrives =)


In some of the non-spoiller review some said that would be Bang-BANG- BANG - Calm down - ULTRA BANG.


My guess is that the ultra bang will be Szeth in the end after everyone are thinking that things are cool =)

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This would be an amazing plot story. However, I'm planning something even more ridiculously awesome going on, because come on, this is Brandon.


And I don't want Renarin to die. The guy's at least got to get some cool character development before he kicks the bucket.

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I particularly enjoyed the idea of Shallan lighting up the entire camp. Don't know why. This seems plausible, though I highly disagree that the Parshendi would ever attack an undefended camp. It's not in line with their style of honor.


This would be an amazing plot story. However, I'm planning something even more ridiculously awesome going on, because come on, this is Brandon.


And I don't want Renarin to die. The guy's at least got to get some cool character development before he kicks the bucket.


Warbreaker spoilers:

Ah, just like Parlin.

Edited by Moogle
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Thanks, all, for your comments! Responses:


1. The Count and Natans: On reflection, and re-reading Alice Arneson's "Beta-Reading..." posting, you both  are probably right. I didn't see Szeth attacking Dalinar when Dalinar was surrounded by his army out on the Shattered Plains. But in view of the "Bang, BANG, ULTRA-BANG" ending that Alice (and Natans) described, Szeth probably goes after Dalinar immediately after the Battle at the Warcamps, when Dalinar, Kaladin and the Bridgemen Bodyguard are all exhausted from the fighting. If Szeth has watched the Battle, he will know that Kalandin can surgebind and will be prepared for him.


Alice made the following comment in her  "Reflections" posting


"(::stunned silence::
(Seriously. It took me several days to find anything coherent to say about this scene.)
Please tell me it’s not true. I don’t know what I dare hope for; it won’t surprise me if it’s true, but I still want it not to be. I’m trying not to hope anything in particular, but this is tough."


Although her comments were probably not in order, this sounds like an end-of-book comment. While we know that neither Dalinar nor Kaladin will die in WoR, perhaps before Szeth is stopped one of them becomes seriously wounded by his shardblade and loses the use of part of his body.


2. EvilKetchupCow: First, great name! I'm just confused...Second, thanks for mentioning this. I recalled that there are 500 days in a Rosharian year, but didn't know that there are only 10 months. It doesn't change the timeline, just my characterization of it.


3. Swimmingly: Yes, Kaladin began without understanding Parshendi honor and disrespected them and their culture. Shen was outraged to the core by what Kaladin did. (Shen's response was one reason that I think he's a spy - if a normal Parshman were souless, as Eshonai says, he might not have had that reaction.) But the Battle of the Tower changed Kaladin's attitude and understanding of the Parshendi. He came to respect them. As a result, Shen has become more integrated into Bridge 4, as evidenced by Rock's affection toward him at one of the evening cookouts. He may even know that Kaladin does not want to fight the Parshendi because of his respect for them. I do think in turn Shen has come to appreciate and respect Kaladin and Bridge 4.


4. Aminar: I disagree. First, it makes military sense to attack your enemy's weakly-defended base camp, stripping them of the ability to resupply and perhaps forcing them out of your territory completely. Why meet the Alethi army head-on when you are the numerically inferior force? Second, as Shinintendo points out, Shallan is the central figure of WoR. She must have a major role in the battle. She would not have accompanied Dalinar's expedition, and I can't imagine Adolin, as sexist as Alethi men seem to be, to permit his betrothed to join them. The battle must be at the warcamps for her to participate.


5. Shinintendo: Also a great name! I agree with you. Perhaps my posting didn't adequately express my feelings on this, but I think Shallan's lightweaving will preserve the Alethi defense until Dalinar and his army return. Alice Arneson's comment in her "Reflictions" piece - "As expected, the Parshendi receive some… illumination" - to me confirms that Shallan's role in the battle is critical. The stress of the battle will force her to state the Second Ideal and use her enhanced powers to blunt the attack. That's what happened to Kaladin at the Tower battle, and I expect to see the same happen with Shallan here.


Thanks again, everybody!

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I think it is very unlikely that Shen would forgive Kaladin for disrespecting the dead in such a serious way. Kaladin knew what he was doing when he did it- if I recall correctly, Kaladin thought of the idea of wearing carapace armor after seeing how Shen reacted to him moving parshendi bodies. I don't think any of us would easily forgive someone for cutting up and wearing dead bodies.

And I agree with EvilKetchupCow about all parshmen caring about their dead, rather than it being anything unusual about Shen. 

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*reading OP* 


"Interesting... that's a cool way to think of that... Hmm... Interesting... OH HARMONY NO, NEVER NOT EVER IN A MILLION YEARS... and I suppose that seems reasonable."


On one hand though, I'm glad that I have become famous enough that people feel the need to apologize when they suggest that terrible things might happen to Renarin. *cuddles him protectively and hisses at all who draw near*

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The way i see things soon Brandon will make a cameo o Lady Feather as a brightlady witn feather like adorns looking oddly lustfu...intensely =)


After all the rumor are that he already done a homage to 17th Shard in Allow of Law =)

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YES. YES IT DOES. *pulls Adolin into protective embrace as well* NO DEAD KHOLINS 2014. NO DEAD KHOLINS. Adolin is very much amongst my favorites as well, and I cannot abide harm being done to him!


And Natans, if I ever got a cameo in a Branderson novel, ESPECIALLY ONE THAT MEETS RENARIN, I would probably die immediately and never recover.

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YES. YES IT DOES. *pulls Adolin into protective embrace as well* NO DEAD KHOLINS 2014. NO DEAD KHOLINS. Adolin is very much amongst my favorites as well, and I cannot abide harm being done to him!


And Natans, if I ever got a cameo in a Branderson novel, ESPECIALLY ONE THAT MEETS RENARIN, I would probably die immediately and never recover.


Death is usually not something anyone recovers from but if anyone can its probably you!

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I think they want us to belive that Renarin dies! If anything he will be reborn. There have been a few glimpses hinting at one of the brothers dieing. Why would they give away such a HUGE spoiler in a few snipets. This is misdirection my friends! Well played tor...well played.

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i kinda want to see Renarin die page 2 just to see feathers reaction :D  but Brandon knows there are better characters to kill so the chances of him dying are minimal <_<

(in case anyone is wondering the better characters to kill are Nappa and inverse/retarded Vegeta)


:ph34r:  hides in corner

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