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[OB] Oathbringer chapters 28-30


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2 minutes ago, antiquegeek said:

So the flashback where Dalinar was fighting the Midnight Essence, the Radiant says he is not sure who released it. This almost seems to imply that Re-Shephir was already imprisoned.



Now, as the Windrunners were thus engaged, arose the event which has hitherto been referenced: namely, that discovery of some wicked thing of eminence, though whether it be some rogueries among the Radiants' adherents or of some external origen, Avena would not suggest.



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These are the best chapters yet. 

I won't go in depth. I sure many of these ideas have been talked out, but here is what sticks with me after my first reading.

My prediction on who had Oathbringer the book written on his behalf. I can't say he wrote it, because Dalinar can't write. Jasnah may have recorded for him though, or Navani. However, at this point I am sure we are reading Dalinar's words. 

Watch me be completely wrong when the chapters drop next week and we find out it is Nohadon or Amaram. I hope we get the author's signature at the end of the preface of Oathbringer next week, or I will be slightly miffed.

I'm not surprised Azir is being difficult. I still think our favorite Edgedancer will make the difference there. She will either convince Azimir to listen or she will open the gate and jump through herself, letting the chips fall where they may.

I felt so bad for Oathbringer the dead spren. Whimpering like it did seemed even more sad and pathetic than the screaming other shardblades do. However, I am even more hopeful now that Adolin is going to revive his shardblade. Oathbringer remembers Dalinar and even hates him less because of the things he has done and the oaths he has made. I just have a felling that Adolin's blade likes him even more and some how that connection will lead to it healing.

I laughed before I read Dalinar laughing when I heard the Stormfather could send visions to anyone he wanted. We have other ways of talking to the world leaders now. Dalinar isn't going to seem so crazy when other people start seeing his vision. I don't think this will help Dalinar with Azir though. He might not know who to send the visions to and sending them to Gaux the figurehead would be pointless. 

Shallan's chapters were my favorite. I think I am going to love Shallan the most in this book, or at least she will tie with Kaladin. I liked her in WoR, but I still tended to prefer Kaladin's chapters. Her chapters have been the best so far in part one. Yes I know, Kaladin will likely get the climax of part 1, but just because it is the climax does not mean it will be better than anything we have gotten from Shallan.

We got more Bridge 4 and they were awesome. 

I suspected our kandra like spren was the midnight essence from Dalinar's visions in WoK. It's not surprising some thought it could be a kandra. This midnight essence is very kandra-like.

I agree with @Overlord Jebus now, that Shallan final oath will be "I am Shallan Davar" as she admits to being all of these women. Also she held her shardblade as Shallan instead of Radiant. I found that interesting. I look forward to Jebus's analysis of these chapters.

So, if this is just a lead up to the climax next week, what will the final chapters be like?

Two weeks to Oathbringer. Yay! 

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I find it interesting dead Blades have a level of awereness on their own



“This one doesn’t scream as loudly as others. Why?”

It remembers your oath, the Stormfather sent. It remembers the day you won it, and better the day you gave it up. It hates you—but less than it hates others.


Not sure what that oath is, though, and it's interesting the spren feels hate. However, I take it as foreshadowing one that doesn't hate and its bearer has kept their oaths might be revived, as we have again the question if it's possible to do so.

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1 minute ago, Aleksiel said:

I find it interesting dead Blades have a level of awereness on their own

Not sure what that oath is, though, and it's interesting the spren feels hate. However, I take it as foreshadowing one that doesn't hate and its bearer has kept their oaths might be revived, as we have again the question if it's possible to do so.

I can't help but wonder what order Oathbringer comes from.

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He needed more than vague explanations and abstract ideas—but those were the very soul of art. If you could explain something perfectly, then you’d never need art. That was the difference between a table and a beautiful woodcutting. You could explain the table: its purpose, its shape, its nature. The woodcutting you simply had to experience.

I loved this paragraph.

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Wow, both to the chapters and the comments.

So Teravangian seems to be assessing Dalinar, probably trying to lead him to be the conqueror and/or decide if he needs to act to remove him, as per the Diagram.  Or perhaps on his "higher" days he is assessing if the Diagram's assumptions are still valid enough to act on - though that is unlikely.  I feel like Dalinar, armed with this new ability, will be able to make appropriately peaceful overtures to at least some nations.  Then Teravangian will be forced to act.

In a more comical note, was I the only one that, following the last scene, imagined Teravangian having corrupted Dalinar, and set up a scenario where they were going to execute Adolin - ostensibly for the murder of Sadeas, but really because Adolin was the beacon of light that kept Dalinar striving to be a better person?  Just as the final blow - perhaps from Teravangian, even - Dalinar shakes off the influence and throws Teravngian into that chamber with the gemstone power column?

Jest aside, I like the idea that the Midnight Mother was feeding off the Stormlight that should have been conducted by the pillar - trying to use it as Radiants have been seen doing.

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Shallan referred to the mural of Honor and Cultivation as pagan.  She apparently got the reference or recognized Cultivation as being from some other belief system than Vorinism.  Do we know of any faith tradition, that Vorins call pagan, that worships or reveres Cultivation?

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3 minutes ago, the_archduke said:

Shallan referred to the mural of Honor and Cultivation as pagan.  She apparently got the reference or recognized Cultivation as being from some other belief system than Vorinism.  Do we know of any faith tradition, that Vorins call pagan, that worships or reveres Cultivation?

She referenced "mother Cultivation" in a previous chapter, at least it was something like that, so clearly Cultivation exists as a concept in some religion or culture

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29 minutes ago, Aleksiel said:

Not sure what that oath is, though, and it's interesting the spren feels hate. However, I take it as foreshadowing one that doesn't hate and its bearer has kept their oaths might be revived, as we have again the question if it's possible to do so.

It may be his Oath that he would never be king, along with the day he won it, and most importantly, the day he gave it up to save lives.

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3 minutes ago, Harbour said:

Well, i guess, that the ending of Part 1 Shallan. I guess we will get the ending of the Part 1 Dalinar in the next chapter, and two chapters of Part 1 Kaladin. 

I'm pretty sure, we'll get two Kaladin chapters, because we only get two next week.

Dalinar felt like a good closure too. Maybe we'll get a Fen interlude with her vision. I'd like that.

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I get the feeling that had Re-Shephir managed to tear away the Nahel bond, two things would've happened:

1) Shallan would've joined the "screaming faces" there.

2) Re-Shephir's sapience would've increased if not progressed to self-awareness.


Somebody please ask Brandon about whether or not the sapient Unmade came about from consuming those with a Nahel bond.  (Not just any people, but those that had the 'hole' the Unmade could hypothetically fill and exploit/devour the rest.)

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Just now, SLNC said:

I'm pretty sure, we'll get two Kaladin chapters, because we only get two next week.

Dalinar felt like a good closure too. Maybe we'll get a Fen interlude with her vision. I'd like that.

Yeah, i guess Dalinar arc was ended in the 28 chapter with bright solution to his politic arc. His Part 2 arc will start with his "remarkable showcase for the humankind leaders". Wouldnt be surprised if we will get the three Kaladin chapters in a row next week as an epic conclusion of the Part 1. 

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3 minutes ago, Harbour said:


Yeah, i guess Dalinar arc was ended in the 28 chapter with bright solution to his politic arc. His Part 2 arc will start with his "remarkable showcase for the humankind leaders". Wouldnt be surprised if we will get the three Kaladin chapters in a row next week as an epic conclusion of the Part 1. 


Considering it's Dalinar's book i would expect 1-2 Kaladin chapters and at least one Dalinar chapter, either 2 Kaladin, one Dalinar, or One Kaladin, One Dalinar and one flashback

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This conversation going too quickly for me to follow anything while I'm at work, but I have two items to contribute (which may or may not have already been discussed at length)--one observation and one question.

-Observation: Everyone seems to be assuming that Dalinar will be invading world leaders' dreams. That's not what he said he was going to do, though. He's going to join them to the Highstorm visions, just like the ones that freaked everyone out and made them think Dalinar was crazy in TWoK. When the Highstorm next hits Thaylenah, Fen is going to start ranting in Dawnchant and thrashing around, just like Dalinar. If she's lucky, she'll be alone, but chances are, she is going to be very mad about Dalinar embarrassing her quite thoroughly.

-Question: Are we sure that the one mural that Shallan describes is supposed to be the painting of Ishar from the endpapers? There are a lot of things that indicate that it is not Ishar. 1) Shallan mentions the depictions of Heralds. They are recognizable as such to her, so it would be weird to have Ishar be the only one she can't recognize. 2) The picture is alongside Honor and Cultivation, so Odium would make the most sense, even if he doesn't look hateful. 3) The book describes a disc, while the painting shows a moon. Shallan knows what a moon is. I realize that there can be some discrepancy between what an artist creates and what a book describes, so this is a weaker point, but it still doesn't seem to work to me.

The book specifically says "a solitary figure" (emphasis mine). This matches with Odium's intent to be the only remaining Shard eventually and does not match with the picture of Ishar standing in front of a bunch of guys, with the disc of the moon behind him. It sounds like the disc represents the Cosmere, and Odium trying to wrap his arms around it and possess it all, as the only power left in the universe.

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Everyone seems to be assuming that Dalinar will be invading world leaders' dreams. That's not what he said he was going to do, though.

It’s exactly what he said he’d do.


“But you do not have to be in a storm, so you can join a vision in which I have placed someone else, even if you are distant.”


“No, the greater one. I’ve been wishing for a way to meet with the other monarchs in person.” Dalinar grinned.



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