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[OB] Oathbringer chapters 28-30


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This'll only work once, so mestiv or someone feel free to lock this thread until 9. :P

Ok, fine, you can have this round :P 

So, anyway, here's the URL: https://www.tor.com/2017/10/31/oathbringer-by-brandon-sanderson-chapters-28-30/

And as usual, we start at 9 A.M. EDT.

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So,” one of the men said, a handsome, muscled fellow with arms that seemed too long for his body, “I assume we’re heading down into this awful crypt of terror?”

“Yes,” Shallan said. She thought his name was Drehy.


who's ready for the Shalladrehy shippers!?

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Well, we seem to have confirmation that not only can an unmade bond a radiant by seperate groups their bond, but that the killer is an unmade, and we found the stormlight cache!

Beyond that, multiple people can see a vision at once, Unmade appear to be related to Spren in the same way that Radient Spren are, and the creature doesn't appear to copy accidental harm, only harm intentionally committed! A single Radient appears to be able to capture a Unmade as well! Is each unmade similar to a different order or Radient as this one is?

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So, looks like we all get to be right. There was an Unmade in Urithiru, but the copycat killer was technically a Midnight Essence, not a spren. (I had thought it was a Midnight Essence analogue, but apparently what we had seen in the WoK flashback was an Axehound Essence.)

Man, I really want to get that mural, with the ten kinds of spren and depictions of Honor and Cultivation. But I fear that, for an illustration, we'll get Lyn's map, instead. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but I would much rather have the mural!

Re-Shephir illustrates that not all nine of the Unmade are indeed intelligent; this one is getting there, but it's still mostly a force. It does feel, it does think somewhat, but it's a very primal drive that has only reached its current level after thousands of years. It is very much an animal of a spren.

Why did it try to bond Shallan? Tear Pattern out, insert itself instead? What would that have created? A Voidbinder? Or is that analogous to how Hemalurgic creations can be controlled, and Re-Shephir was trying to use the cracks in Shallan's soul, which had been augmented by Pattern's bond, to take control over her?

Some chronology questions. The Radiants used Urithiru after the Last Desolation. When did Re-Shephir move in? Was it a recent? Or has she been there ever since the Radiants left? She was captured - who released her, and how? I hope they'll continue their pursuit of her... there are a lot of questions, now that we've actually seen an Unmade on-screen.

What do we think Gemstone Central is for? Is it a central hub for Urithiru's power? Once they get it Infused, will all the other fabrials in Urithiru start working again?

Looking forward to next week. I guess we'll get a Dalinar chapter where he speaks with Fen in a dream, and a Kaladin chapter where they finally reach the Voidbringer gathering, and we'll learn something very shocking about the nature of the Listeners...

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