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If You Had a Genie


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What would you wish for if you found a genie? What are your three wishes?

It should go without saying that you can't wish for more wishes. You can also make a wish long and specific so that you can technically get more than three wishes.


My wishes: This might be dark but I'd have my first wish be where people who partake in vices (drinking, drug use, smoking) should die instantly instead of harming others after taking them.

Wish two would be to either read faster or have the world slow down around me while reading. This might make reading while traveling difficult though.

Wish three would be for authors like GRRM to write as fast as Brandon.

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1. As @Toaster Retribution said those magics must be mine as well the ability to use them on earth.

2. I would wish for humanity to forget about and be unable to commit acts of violence against other humans.

3. A signed and inscribed 1st edition copy of every book that Brandon every has and ever will write.

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1. I'd wish for another genie lamp, with a genie inside who will willing grant me three wishes.

2. Repeat wish number one.

3. I would wish to grant the genie freedom.

I would then repeat these three wishes on my ever increasing supply of genie lamps. Then I would save all the wishes for later use.

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3 hours ago, Shqueeves said:

Wish one: I wish to know what to wish for that grants me unlimited wishes, without breaking the wishing for more wishes rule. 

Wish two: wish the wish I wished for

Wish three: by this point, I should have unlimited wishes. 


Unless the first wish requires knowledge of the inner workings of wish magic, which, being a force of magic far beyond your mere humanity, causes your mind to be instantly frayed and destroyed beyond all recognition.

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I would want to make the world a better place, but just wishing for it takes away everyone's freewill. So my solution to this is....

Wish #1. Genie, I wish that the orders of the Knight Radients would be real, with spren bonding to certain people using oaths they must adhere to. This includes Orders having each of their individual surges and having the investiture to power it, but not from a highstorm.

This allows that people still have free will but now have a group of people who can watch over them and protect them. Unfortunately, as we have seen, these Knights are corruptible. So they need to be watch by someone who can stop them if need be....

Wish #2. Genie, I wish that I had the ability to use all ten surges, allomancy, feruchemy, channel the Dor, be an Awakener, and never run out of investiture for any of them.

Now there is only one more problem for this situation. I would now be the most powerful being on the planet and power can corrupt. So my last wish.

Wish #3. Genie, my last wish is that if I ever use my powers for personal gain, harm others needlessly, or go power mad, that I would die instantly.

So, that is probably what I would wish for. I might have stretched the rules of wish asking here, but it was fun to consider and write about.

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I would wish to always have as much money as I want, in my pocket. So I could just pull out $100 bills like nothing. I would always have as much money as I need. 

I would wish for addictive substances to disappear, and for them to no longer have any ill effects on people. 

And I would ask to become the Flash. Or, steeldancer. I would just explain what that would entail, and then I could be a SPEEDSTER 

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2 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

I would wish to always have as much money as I want, in my pocket. So I could just pull out $100 bills like nothing. I would always have as much money as I need. 

I've always wondered, for this wish, if you spend vast amounts (on a daily basis) would it be enough to cause hyper inflation and could one bear that on ones continence? It is entirely possible that am over thinking this...

My wishes would be: to be a shapeshifter, invisibility  (that I could turn on and off) and the ability to cure any disease with a single touch of the finger to someone.

Edited by Ammanas
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1.) To find the love of a partner (preferably a woman, but I'll take what I can get at this point).  But not have it forced on someone (myself or someone else).

2.) A portal (or some other means of time travel) to the future, where I could get on a colony ship bound for a new world.

3.) To be able to learn things at an incredible rate.  So that I could make myself useful on this ship, and the new colony it founds.

All this said, I have to agree with @captains domon.  The djin are known for turning wishes back on the wishers, making them from dreams to nightmares.

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