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[OB] Spren Ideas


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IIRC there was a topic like this a long time ago, but I'm too lazy to look. The most fun spren I remember is:


sprenspren - If one of them appear somewhere, we have an infinite loop, flooding the world with all the sprenspren there are.


paradoxspren - They appear only when they don't appear.

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4 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Hidespren: appear around people attempting not to be seen. 

Can you imagine a game of hide and seek with these things about?  Hidespren AND Seekspren?  Sounds like sardines might be the better game...

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Invisaspren - always around and always sad to never be seen, no matter what emotion or action anyone feels or takes. 

8 minutes ago, Scriptorian said:

Schrödingerspren. They are simultaneously visible and invisible until someone observes them...and my head hurts. 

Very similar, but slightly different from Treefallspren, who may make noises when they fall, but only when they know no one is around to hear them.

Except for the Invisapren, who always claim to be everywhere, which either makes them a bunch of liars or the most knowledgeable spren on Roshar.

Edited by Isaiah Zayth
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3 minutes ago, Scriptorian said:

Schrödingerspren. They are simultaneously visible and invisible until someone observes them...and my head hurts. 

technically I think they would be uncertaintyspren, though a case could be made for catspren I suppose.  I hear they are fond of boxes...

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Hipsterspren: they were spren before it was cool

HIGHspren: not to be confused with the Skybreaker ones. These spren show up around people who are high on drugs. (Alternatively Stonedspren (these might be what the Shin actually worship))

I also think that instead of Hidespren they should be called Sneakspren (I just like how it sounds better) and they should be really loud and really bright.

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