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Everything posted by Hafrigado

  1. I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but what happened to the Discord server? When I try to send a message, it says "Sending messages to this channel has been temporarily disabled. Try again in a bit." from Clyde Bot. It says this in all channels (that I've checked) on the server. One of the staff members just said something on the server, but I still can't. Is this just happening for me? It doesn't seem like any non-staff people have said anything in a while. Edit: Actually, general works, I'll just ask there. Edit 2.0: It seems to be back now. Edit 3.0: It happened again, it seems to be worse this time.
  2. WHERE IS THIS? Sorry for being a Necromancer, but this is great and I can't find TLR's "You're Welcome".
  3. Hipsterspren: they were spren before it was cool HIGHspren: not to be confused with the Skybreaker ones. These spren show up around people who are high on drugs. (Alternatively Stonedspren (these might be what the Shin actually worship)) I also think that instead of Hidespren they should be called Sneakspren (I just like how it sounds better) and they should be really loud and really bright.
  4. Sorry, I have a policy that I never put my location online. I know you're trying to help me, but I don't want to make any exemptions to this rule. PS: I'm didn't know this topic existed. I should have put my question here.
  5. Thanks! Not that it really matters, though. I don't have a way to get there.
  6. Does anyone know if the signing in Houston is still happening? Will it be cancelled due to the flooding?
  7. There's a WoB that says that the word "Nahel" is used because of the meaning of the word, so it's a linguistic thing. And you should definitely read what The Sovereign posted a link to.
  8. She used some kind of fabrial.
  9. Sorry, I meant to mention that in my post. Anyway, I'm not really convinced about this theory either. I just like to try to prove how theories might be possible.
  10. Thanks! I didn't think of it being caused by people thinking of it being in multiple places. I like this. Hmmm.... I'm not sure if I should stick to my original "it's held in place like the Ire place" theory, or change to this.
  11. Secret History spoilers (Edit: So it seems I accidentally put the entire spoiler tag in a quote box. It won't let me get rid of the box without deleting everything inside, so please ignore this quote box.) So, I think Shards (Honor/ Cultivation) could probably hold Urithiru still. Or maybe even some of the Orders working together could. Or it (cognitive Urithiru) could be in a place that has a lot of Investiture, like the Origin or something.
  12. Well yeah they're "actual storms" but they're also magical storms. We also know that the Stormfather can make a Highstorm come whenever he wants, so we can be pretty sure they're all created by him.
  13. Maybe before Stormwardens were around Highstorms were actually random. Then someone wrote down the dates of the past year's Highstorms and some random "pattern" in that got repeated over and over.
  14. Only if the Shard had no Vessel. Only "wild" Investiture (by this I mean Investiture that is not being controlled by anything/ anyone) can be imprinted on by people's thoughts.
  15. This is also supported by Kaladin wanting to take his parents to safety even after they made it clear they want to stay (well, at least Lirin).
  16. Oh yeah, I remember seeing this. I was probably somewhat subconsciously inspired by it. Sorry if it seems like I stole it.
  17. 1. & 2. Where is this? I read through the chapters 7-9 discussion and didn't see this. 3. The Shin are fine with Soulcast metal (since, as you said, they don't like regular metal because people dug through stones to get to it), but I don't think they would be okay with soulcast stone (it should still have a "soul" that should be a "soul of stone").
  18. I meant that they are unnecessarily dark. Like when he kept saying they were all going to die but they didn't. Of course, they could all die eventually.
  19. You have to admit, Renarin's visions are rather......dark. Also, all Shards can kinda see the future, so just because Cultivation is "better" at it then Honor doesn't mean she's "good" at it.
  20. Or maybe the "truth Spren" were of Honor/ Cultivation but they decided that they could only truly know the truth if they knew the future. So they made a deal with Odium where they get futuresight but Odium gets to twist it or only show them the worst possible outcome.
  21. What if Urithiru's cognitive aspect has been moved and kept somewhere else? Secret History spoilers 1. This could be why Shallan has problems drawing it. 2. This could also explain why it's so easy to get lost in there (I'm not sure if changing stuff in the Cognitive Realm actually affects how people think about it though). And maybe the lines that Shallan follows (remember how she didn't have a problem taking a memory of these to draw later?) are the only parts that are actually "there". 3. It also explains why Szeth said he didn't mind standing on it since it's "unhallowed". They worship the "souls of stones" right? If the souls were moved they would be fine standing on it. 4. Maybe it's why nobody's found Urithiru in a long time. 5. I'm not convinced about this one, but maybe it's how the Oathgates work. Maybe the Oathgates have parts of Urithiru's "Spren" and that lets them bring things to it's actually physical location (like what it's "Spren" wants to do).
  22. You can't trick me! I have copy and paste skills.
  23. Somehow his memory coins got spread around. I'm not sure if this was on purpose or not, but it was Kel "interfering".
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