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Dumb Challenges!

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So, I got an idea for a new forum game (yay)! It is pretty simple. The first poster posts a question similar to this:

"Who would be the best tree climber, Kaladin or Hammond?"

The next poster then answers the question and provides a reason as for why one of the mentioned characters would win (the more stupid the better!) Then the poster puts up a new question, with two new (or old) characters, for the next person to answer. 

So, here goes question:

Who would make the best pizza, Vasher or Denth?

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5 minutes ago, Sami said:

Pattern - just because he seems more the scholarly type

Who would be better at American Ninja Warrior - Adolin or Wayne?

Neither, because they'd both be off in a tavern taking about their love woes.

Who would be most likely to be busted for drug possession: Steris or Jasnah?

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32 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Neither, because they'd both be off in a tavern taking about their love woes.

Who would be most likely to be busted for drug possession: Steris or Jasnah?

Steris Wax's association with Wayne could drive her to drug use.

Who is more likely to be the lead singer in a rock band Nightblood or Stick?

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"Nightblood and the Five Scholars' brand new album has been released!"

"This is our first ever song, 'Would you like to destroy some evil?'"

"After a tragic incident where one of the band members died, the band has now split up."

Who would win, an all-powerful god-like being or 16 puny humans?

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25 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Who would win, an all-powerful god-like being or 16 puny humans?

The humans, cause all y'all brilliant sharders ken figure out a way for it to happen.

Who would be the first to understand how to use the internet, Wax or Dalinar?

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