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No, I don't think stick ever claimed to have a spike. But why would she tell anyone that? She wouldn't have needed to reveal it.

Yeah, striker is right about the metals...here's what the rules say:


At the beginning of each Night Turn, the GM will randomly determine the availability of each metal. The list of available metals for that night will be publicly posted.

I think someone should protect @The Flash if they can...we don't want to chance losing our village Mistborn if he's telling the truth. I doubt we have more than one. But if you're going to do so, don't announce it publicly or the elims will know who to target.

Also, I'm guessing there's another courier out there, so you should probably make a pm for flash this cycle, since he still doesn't have one. 

I won't be on today, for a while, because I'm going to help paint and stuff at a new house for some of my family who are getting ready to move.

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1 hour ago, The Flash said:

Wait. Didn't you say you had a seeker spike? Are there multiple kinds of the same spike? 

Seeker is Bronze.  Brass would be soother.

And someone should definitely protect Cluny.

Edited by Yitzi2
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3 hours ago, Yitzi2 said:

Seeker is Bronze.  Brass would be soother.

And someone should definitely protect Cluny.

Nobody is going to be attacking Cluny this turn. They're going to be attacking ME. Just sayin'. And if they don't attack me, idk what the heck is wrong with the elim team. 

Well soon I shall be saying my last words. Helps when you know your end is coming. 

Edited by The Flash
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3 hours ago, The Flash said:

Nobody is going to be attacking Cluny this turn. They're going to be attacking ME. Just sayin'. And if they don't attack me, idk what the heck is wrong with the elim team.

Sorry, I meant "someone should protect The Flash"; I got mixed up.

(That said, if they don't attack you, it's probably because they were afraid that you'd be protected and they'd waste a kill.)

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*No RP this time. My brain is barely alive right now as is*

I just now finally got home, so let me say that I'm actually quite surprised by this result. I suppose this is a good example of Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by accidents." 

Flash, you're doing yourself no favors in my eyes about you being innocent. Calling out like that just makes me think that you're all too aware of where the Ventures are going to strike, but you want to be able to point out later how "wrong you were" when it doesn't happen. In fact, if you're not hit, it would almost look worse for you, other than the fact that we're talking about it here and the Ventures could change their plans to try to make you look worse.
You either have a inflated sense of self-worth due to your role, or you're far too knowledgeable about the going-ons of the Ventures. 

It's probably too late in the Night now, but if we have any other Couriers, I'd like a PM with either Brightness Radiant, Jondesu, or Flash please. 

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Day 4: Fatal Attraction

Absolen had a problem. A big one.

He was skaa, a worker from the fields who by some stroke of luck or fate had managed to escape that drudgery and ended up a trusted soldier in House Conrad's guards. That was public knowledge - the entire barracks knew about his heritage, and he'd told his story over more drinks at the tavern than he could count.

The problem was twofold. The first was in the note he had received from Mila, a fellow guardswoman, inviting him to a private dinner. Not that he had any objection to Mila personally, of course. She was charming, witty, and certainly half the barracks was madly in love with her.

But she was a noble born. Sure, it was a House that had fallen on hard times, hard enough that she had hired out as a guard for a noble house that wasn't her own. But still, a noble with a pedigree that stretched back to a line sanctioned by the Lord Ruler himself. And he was skaa. The note was wholly innocent, if you just read the words. (It was still surprising, even now, that he had ended up learning how to read. A plantation skaa didn't need the skill. But Conrad valued literacy in his soldiers, and Absolen had qualified with gusto.) But it was full of the type of implied meanings that could get a skaa killed if he didn't watch himself. He'd lived under the shadow of the Inquisition his entire life. He knew how this worked.

The second prong of the problem was his secret. His deep, dark, dirty secret. He was Metalborn. Lurcher, precisely. And that secret was one that was not known around the barracks. Blurting that out in public was a recipe for getting himself on the wrong end of an Inquisitor's axe. And that was a fate that mama's little Metalborn was going to avoid if it was the last thing he did.

Just at that moment, of course, Mila turned the corner in front of him.

"Absolen! Fancy meeting you here. Did you get my message?"

"Yes, Lady. I did." The silence that followed stretched just long enough to be awkward.

"Well, are you coming?"

"Umm, I'm not sure Lady..."

"I'll make something special, just for us." Her eyes smoldered, just slightly.

Well, with an offer like that, who was he to refuse her?


Dinner was exquisite. Of course, Absolen shouldn't have been suprised. He'd always suspected Mila of having far more talents than she revealed. He burped in appreciation, sipping his after-dinner tea. Quite flavorful, and seasoned with just the right amount of honey.

Mila flashed him a sultry smile as the servant took the dishes away. "Thank you for joining me, Absolen. I've been wanting to have some time alone with you for a while now. Your competence has greatly impressed me. You are a credit to the unit, to be sure."

"Well, I am always happy to oblige you, Lady Mila." His stomach was starting to get a little queasy. Lord Ruler, he hated it when his body worked against him like this. It would be just his luck to cap this evening off with vomiting all over Lady Mila's rooms. His innards twisted in a sharp pang all of a sudden, and he stood, a little shaky on his feet. "I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. Can you excuse me for a moment?"

"Oh? Yes. I suspect that would be the poison. As I said, I'm impressed by your competence. I'm afraid we can't have someone of your caliber running around interfering with our plans."

He staggered a few steps, then dropped to his knees. Poison? Mila had...poisoned him? On his knees, he lurched forward, catching himself on his hands and trying to crawl towards the door. His stomach was all sorts of angry, now, like a swarm of hornets was inside and intent on stinging their way through the lining and out to the open sky. His head swum, and he began to lose focus. It had been a smooth operation. Smooth enough that even now, as he slumped onto the floor, he almost didn't believe it.

It was difficult to tell through the pain, but he thought he heard a thunk, and a cry of pain. Then Mila fell on her side in front of him, clutching at her chest. Blood was pooling from a hole there. His stomach chose that moment to let go, and his vomit hit her face. Her pretty mouth twisted in disgust, but no words came out.

Absolen smiled, as darkness began closing in. As far as last moments went, it beat an Inquisitor, hands down.



Day 4 has begun! It will end at 10:30 PM, Mountain Daylight Time, June 10th.




Mila (BrightnessRadiant) was killed! They were a Venture Courier!

Absolen (StrikerEZ) was killed! They were a Village Lurcher!

Garshin (Yitzi2) was detained!


Player List:

  1. Marv (Hemalurgic_Headshot)
  2. Barry Allen (The Flash)
  3. Jeff (Manukos) - short for Jeffonimo
  4. Lance (Ecthelion III) - The Second Nameless
  5. Booken (Paranoid King) - a victim of the "common word + en" method of naming Village Seeker
  6. Garshin (Yitzi2)
  7. Ribis (cloudjumper) - the bored second son of a noble from the Remote Dominance
  8. Stick McStick (_Stick_) Village Courier and Brass Spiked
  9. Remart (Jondesu)
  10. Beet Asper (Ornstein) - an old timer who knows his stuff Metallurgist
  11. Locke Tekiel (OrlokTsubodai) - a scion of a well - respected noble house
  12. Absolen (StrikerEZ) - a skaa worker in the Conrad fields Village Lurcher
  13. Jay (DroughtBringer) - a blind young man attempting to keep his blindness a secret
  14. Boris (Elenion) - a guard known for laziness and general apathy
  15. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - hoping to ascend to Ruin
  16. Mehir (Metacognition) - a mute and paranoid guard
  17. Cluny (Cluny the Scourge) - a man who believes he is a rat with a spearhead on his tail
  18. Valbar (TheMightyLopen) - who always gets ignored despite his large stature Village Rioter
  19. Mila (BrightnessRadiant) - a girl from the country Venture Courier
  20. Sorren Karidor (Dalinar Kholin) - an old guard who's been here longer than any of you whippersnappers Village Thug
  21. Argyle (Sart) - a very clumsy man
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Well, that was unexpected. (And no, I'm not the player who killed BR trying to distance myself from the killing.)

First order of business/discussion: Why wasn't the Flash attacked? Well, looking back at last Night's posting, it was BR who made the suggestion that we protect Flash. I think that was meant to pull Striker's protection off of himself and onto Flash, so that the elims could kill Striker. The problem with this theory: it requires the elims to know about Striker's role in advance. This is also implied by the fact that it was Striker who was attacked: if you're an elim, and you've just pulled all village protection in general to Flash, who are you going to attack? The only way that I can see Striker being the answer to that question is if Striker's role was known to the elims ahead of time. Therefore, the elims likely have a Seeker who detected Striker doing his thing. And hasn't Cluny claimed Seeker publicly?

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Now why, by all the gods of mankind, am I not dead? I was very much expecting to be very dead. And YES OUR FIRST VENTURE and it looks like my gut feeling was right about her! I knew she seemed suspicious, but I just couldn't place why she seemed suspicious. Also I was informed that brightness formed a PM with me, but then she died. I wonder what she wanted from me. 

Wait. Who KILLED Brightness? I didn't. I don't have any steel. Does this mean we have a village coinshot out there? Yay! Kudos to you. 

Ok so if they killed Striker, and not me, and created a PM with me, perhaps they were trying to use me this cycle, and kill me at the end of it. 

You, ventures, will regret letting me live. Time to analyze everything brightness did. 

@Elenion striker had already revealed his role. If they only had one kill, and they couldn't kill me, they must have gone after him so he couldn't protect me again. Also I would bet anything they will be among those stirring up the village against me, as my survival is suspicious. 

Well *scratches head awkwardly* brightness does sure seem elim in hindsight. I'm not good at looking at posts and analyzing like this. But I do notice that brightness was defensive of Orlok and i. So if I were anybody else, I would be suspicious of me and Orlok. Also, my gut reads have been right about every person so far (except for ornstein, who I had no read on whatsoever). So I'm going to (try to) see if any one else has similar posting patterns to brightness, because I think that perhaps all or almost all of the discussion people are village. It is also probably worth looking at the suspicions of the confirmed dead villagers, such as lopen, striker, and stick. Does anyone else have ideas? Other than killing me? 

Ok and Orlok why did you detain Yitzi2 of all people? I'd been getting village vibes from there last I checked. And one last thing. If they didn't try to kill me at all, they only have the elim kill and no coinshot, because I cannot imagine why they wouldn't want to kill me. Or perhaps there was a second attack, that was blocked by Striker. Although I feel like they would use both kills on me if they had 2 kills. So I'm going to go with that they have no coinshots, they might have a hemalurgic coinshot if anything, who wouldn't have steel to use yet. Also- if I were an elim on such a team, if steel became avaliable, I would encourage my team to devote their night actions to picking up steel if steel becomes available (which I have a strange feeling it will tonight), all of which could be passed to the elim hemalurgic coinshot for a massive number of kills over the next few turns. So beware. 

Essentially I think the elim team (was) made of this: a courier, a copper misting, a hemalurgic coinshot, a hazekiller, and maybe a seeker. That would be a pretty balanced elim team, in my estimation. Otherwise us villagers could have upwards of 4 kills in a cycle, with mine, the lynch, this coinshot who killed brightness, and a hemalurgic coinshot. That seems OP, so this is why I think that the elims have another killing role, and that we only have 3. 

Edited by The Flash
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7 hours ago, Elenion said:

Well, that was unexpected. (And no, I'm not the player who killed BR trying to distance myself from the killing.)

First order of business/discussion: Why wasn't the Flash attacked? Well, looking back at last Night's posting, it was BR who made the suggestion that we protect Flash. I think that was meant to pull Striker's protection off of himself and onto Flash, so that the elims could kill Striker. The problem with this theory: it requires the elims to know about Striker's role in advance. This is also implied by the fact that it was Striker who was attacked: if you're an elim, and you've just pulled all village protection in general to Flash, who are you going to attack? The only way that I can see Striker being the answer to that question is if Striker's role was known to the elims ahead of time. Therefore, the elims likely have a Seeker who detected Striker doing his thing. And hasn't Cluny claimed Seeker publicly?

It could also be that BR made the suggestion because the elims were planning to not attack Flash out of fear he'd be protected, and therefore had someone make sure he'd be protected.

2 hours ago, The Flash said:

Now why, by all the gods of mankind, am I not dead? I was very much expecting to be very dead. And YES OUR FIRST VENTURE and it looks like my gut feeling was right about her! I knew she seemed suspicious, but I just couldn't place why she seemed suspicious. Also I was informed that brightness formed a PM with me, but then she died. I wonder what she wanted from me. 

Wait. Who KILLED Brightness? I didn't. I don't have any steel. Does this mean we have a village coinshot out there? Yay! Kudos to you. 

Ok so if they killed Striker, and not me, and created a PM with me, perhaps they were trying to use me this cycle, and kill me at the end of it. 

You, ventures, will regret letting me live. Time to analyze everything brightness did. 

@Elenion striker had already revealed his role. If they only had one kill, and they couldn't kill me, they must have gone after him so he couldn't protect me again. Also I would bet anything they will be among those stirring up the village against me, as my survival is suspicious. 

Well *scratches head awkwardly* brightness does sure seem elim in hindsight. I'm not good at looking at posts and analyzing like this. But I do notice that brightness was defensive of Orlok and i. So if I were anybody else, I would be suspicious of me and Orlok. Also, my gut reads have been right about every person so far (except for ornstein, who I had no read on whatsoever). So I'm going to (try to) see if any one else has similar posting patterns to brightness, because I think that perhaps all or almost all of the discussion people are village. It is also probably worth looking at the suspicions of the confirmed dead villagers, such as lopen, striker, and stick. Does anyone else have ideas? Other than killing me? 

Ok and Orlok why did you detain Yitzi2 of all people? I'd been getting village vibes from there last I checked. And one last thing. If they didn't try to kill me at all, they only have the elim kill and no coinshot, because I cannot imagine why they wouldn't want to kill me. Or perhaps there was a second attack, that was blocked by Striker. Although I feel like they would use both kills on me if they had 2 kills. So I'm going to go with that they have no coinshots, they might have a hemalurgic coinshot if anything, who wouldn't have steel to use yet. Also- if I were an elim on such a team, if steel became avaliable, I would encourage my team to devote their night actions to picking up steel if steel becomes available (which I have a strange feeling it will tonight), all of which could be passed to the elim hemalurgic coinshot for a massive number of kills over the next few turns. So beware. 

Essentially I think the elim team (was) made of this: a courier, a copper misting, a hemalurgic coinshot, a hazekiller, and maybe a seeker. That would be a pretty balanced elim team, in my estimation. Otherwise us villagers could have upwards of 4 kills in a cycle, with mine, the lynch, this coinshot who killed brightness, and a hemalurgic coinshot. That seems OP, so this is why I think that the elims have another killing role, and that we only have 3. 

We don't know that there are both a hemalurgic and allomantic coinshot; there may only be the one.

Also, keep in mind that the supply of steel is somewhat limited, so that also limits things somewhat.

And Orlok, I would very much like to know what made you target me.

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Just now, Yitzi2 said:

It could also be that BR made the suggestion because the elims were planning to not attack Flash out of fear he'd be protected, and therefore had someone make sure he'd be protected.

If the elims have another killing role, why wouldn't they have ever used it?

And we don't know that there are both a hemalurgic and allomantic coinshot; there may only be the one.

Also, keep in mind that the supply of steel is somewhat limited, so that also limits things somewhat.

And Orlok, I would very much like to know what made you target me.

At this point, no hemalurgic coinshot could kill anyone unless passed a steel vial. Steel has not been avaliable yet, which is why it hasn't been used. If there is no normal coinshot, I don't see how anyone could have used steel, because mine would have been the only one in play, and it got taken when I was detained. And since this coinshot killed brightness, that means the village currently has 3 kills possible per cycle. Currently the elims have steadily used 1 kill per cycle except for the first. So I assume they don't have a coinshot, unless it is hemalurgic. 

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1 minute ago, The Flash said:

At this point, no hemalurgic coinshot could kill anyone unless passed a steel vial. Steel has not been avaliable yet, which is why it hasn't been used. If there is no normal coinshot, I don't see how anyone could have used steel, because mine would have been the only one in play, and it got taken when I was detained. And since this coinshot killed brightness, that means the village currently has 3 kills possible per cycle. Currently the elims have steadily used 1 kill per cycle except for the first. So I assume they don't have a coinshot, unless it is hemalurgic. 

Ah, right.  (I realized that just before I saw your post, and it didn't say anyone else had posted yet, so I edited that question out of my post.)

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I think that the Elims are just hunting down every village misting now, or any role that could be dangerous to them. Considering what we've seen in the past few turns with the Elim kill, it's possible that they have a seeker and are finding and killing people who might have powers that are dangerous to them or helpful to the village, or they're just getting lucky three times in a row, which I find highly unlikely. 


Edited by cloudjumper
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9 hours ago, Elenion said:

Well, that was unexpected. (And no, I'm not the player who killed BR trying to distance myself from the killing.)

First order of business/discussion: Why wasn't the Flash attacked? Well, looking back at last Night's posting, it was BR who made the suggestion that we protect Flash. I think that was meant to pull Striker's protection off of himself and onto Flash, so that the elims could kill Striker. The problem with this theory: it requires the elims to know about Striker's role in advance. This is also implied by the fact that it was Striker who was attacked: if you're an elim, and you've just pulled all village protection in general to Flash, who are you going to attack? The only way that I can see Striker being the answer to that question is if Striker's role was known to the elims ahead of time. Therefore, the elims likely have a Seeker who detected Striker doing his thing. And hasn't Cluny claimed Seeker publicly?

Suspicious as I have been of Cluny, why in the world would he claim Seeker publicly if the Elims were then going to go after every Misting they could find?  That sounds like really questionable logic to me.  Elenion, why shouldn't I just believe you're using this as an opportunity to lynch a claimed Misting and save the Elim kill for another target?

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10 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Suspicious as I have been of Cluny, why in the world would he claim Seeker publicly if the Elims were then going to go after every Misting they could find?  That sounds like really questionable logic to me.  Elenion, why shouldn't I just believe you're using this as an opportunity to lynch a claimed Misting and save the Elim kill for another target?

While I agree regarding Cluny, if Elenion were an elim I don't think he would use weak evidence let us know that they have a seeker, when cloudjumper's argument in favor of them having a seeker is much stronger.  He'd either keep quiet so we don't know, or use stronger evidence to build trust more effectively.  It's possible (though unlikely) he is an elim and is counting on that or just didn't think of the stronger logic (though if they're targeting Mistings it's hard to see why he wouldn't), but at the very least I don't think his comment is anything more than a villager making a mistake.

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2 hours ago, Yitzi2 said:

While I agree regarding Cluny, if Elenion were an elim I don't think he would use weak evidence let us know that they have a seeker, when cloudjumper's argument in favor of them having a seeker is much stronger.  He'd either keep quiet so we don't know, or use stronger evidence to build trust more effectively.  It's possible (though unlikely) he is an elim and is counting on that or just didn't think of the stronger logic (though if they're targeting Mistings it's hard to see why he wouldn't), but at the very least I don't think his comment is anything more than a villager making a mistake.

Cluny publicly claimed Seeker, though, so Elenion can offer him up as an "obviously the Elims have a Seeker, and he's a Seeker" argument. It's very simple and almost innocuous, but from Len especially it gives me an Elim vibe.

Edit: I always get an Elim vibe from Len, though, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt if he can respond and convince me he's a villager.

Edited by Jondesu
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@Jondesu The reason an elim!Cluny would have claimed Seeker is because there is generally no way to tell the distribution of the elim team. Take last Rithmatist game, where I was an elim Artist and claimed Artist to multiple people in PMs right at the start of the game. Because there was no way of knowing whether or not the elims had an Artist, or if they did that I was the one, the claim was safe. The same could be happening this game: Cluny claims Seeker, but because at the beginning of the game we have no way of knowing whether or not the elims have a Seeker it's a safe claim. However, we now have a second issue to consider: Flash said that Striker had claimed his role in-thread, which would mean the elims could have known to target him without having to have Seeked him in a previous cycle. @The Flash when did Striker role-claim? I might have missed it while skimming over the cycles that happened while I was away. If Striker had claimed his role in-thread, we lose all evidence that the elims have a Seeker, and Cluny is off the hook.

Also, Flash and @Yitzi2, what makes you think that the elims even have a Coinshot? Usually it makes the games highly unbalanced for the elims to have multiple kills, and in this game all elims could order Steel when it came up, and then pass it to their Coinshot, who could then make a kill 3 or 4 cycles in a row. I think it's highly doubtful that the elims have a Coinshot, hemalurgic or not.

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I just got done looking back over everything Brightness posted, and man, for being alive 3 cycles she gave us frustratingly little to work with. She did make a point of asking multiple times why Orlok chose to block PK, which makes me more inclined to want to trust Orlok as village. She also expressed gut suspicion of Lopen [village] but no suspicion either way of Dalinar or Cluny, which makes me slightly less inclined to trust Cluny as village.

Lopen died shortly after posting his reads, and one of the people he marked as suspicious turned out to be an eliminator. (For reference, this is Elenion, Araris, Meta, Brightness, and Sart.) We've already heard from Elenion, and his read on Araris was just gut, so I'd like to hear from @Metacognition.

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

@Jondesu The reason an elim!Cluny would have claimed Seeker is because there is generally no way to tell the distribution of the elim team. Take last Rithmatist game, where I was an elim Artist and claimed Artist to multiple people in PMs right at the start of the game. Because there was no way of knowing whether or not the elims had an Artist, or if they did that I was the one, the claim was safe. The same could be happening this game: Cluny claims Seeker, but because at the beginning of the game we have no way of knowing whether or not the elims have a Seeker it's a safe claim. However, we now have a second issue to consider: Flash said that Striker had claimed his role in-thread, which would mean the elims could have known to target him without having to have Seeked him in a previous cycle. @The Flash when did Striker role-claim? I might have missed it while skimming over the cycles that happened while I was away. If Striker had claimed his role in-thread, we lose all evidence that the elims have a Seeker, and Cluny is off the hook.

Also, Flash and @Yitzi2, what makes you think that the elims even have a Coinshot? Usually it makes the games highly unbalanced for the elims to have multiple kills, and in this game all elims could order Steel when it came up, and then pass it to their Coinshot, who could then make a kill 3 or 4 cycles in a row. I think it's highly doubtful that the elims have a Coinshot, hemalurgic or not.

Normally, there is no way.  If the elims are planning to use his ability in a way with obvious effects, that's different.  So unless you're suggesting that he claimed before the elims decided that targeting Mistings would be a good idea.

And I do not have any particular belief that the elims have a Coinshot; I said we can't assume that we have one (and then asked why he wouldn't have used that ability if they did, but that was answered).

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

@Jondesu The reason an elim!Cluny would have claimed Seeker is because there is generally no way to tell the distribution of the elim team. Take last Rithmatist game, where I was an elim Artist and claimed Artist to multiple people in PMs right at the start of the game. Because there was no way of knowing whether or not the elims had an Artist, or if they did that I was the one, the claim was safe. The same could be happening this game: Cluny claims Seeker, but because at the beginning of the game we have no way of knowing whether or not the elims have a Seeker it's a safe claim. However, we now have a second issue to consider: Flash said that Striker had claimed his role in-thread, which would mean the elims could have known to target him without having to have Seeked him in a previous cycle. @The Flash when did Striker role-claim? I might have missed it while skimming over the cycles that happened while I was away. If Striker had claimed his role in-thread, we lose all evidence that the elims have a Seeker, and Cluny is off the hook.

Also, Flash and @Yitzi2, what makes you think that the elims even have a Coinshot? Usually it makes the games highly unbalanced for the elims to have multiple kills, and in this game all elims could order Steel when it came up, and then pass it to their Coinshot, who could then make a kill 3 or 4 cycles in a row. I think it's highly doubtful that the elims have a Coinshot, hemalurgic or not.

There's the post where Striker claimed Lurcher (I didn't remember it specifically, but when it was mentioned I thought it was familiar, and since I'm on my computer for once I went and searched the thread).  You're right about Cluny's claim being fairly safe at that stage in the game, but I think Striker made a mistake in claiming (way too many people have been claiming in the thread this game) and paid for it, unfortunately.  We could have really used a Lurcher who was following his gut or had some trusted contacts, but once outed, that's too important of a role for the Elims to leave in the game.  

Whoever the Coinshot is, btw, don't even think about claiming.  Unless you're absolutely sure, don't even claim in a PM (especially since PMs are limited, and while we got one Elim Courier, we have no way of knowing if there's another, or if a village Courier opened a PM with an Elim at some point).  Follow your instincts with your second vial and hopefully more will become available for you.

And I agree with you, Elenion, the Elims almost 100% certainly do not have a Coinshot.  If they did, we would have seen more kills, as they would have wanted to make sure to use that power in case they were lynched or killed by a village Coinshot and their ability went to waste.  Thanks for replying, too, and that does ease my concerns about why you were accusing Cluny (especially knowing you've done that in a game yourself).  I don't know that I'm ready to join you in lynching Cluny, but he's been on my list for a little while.

Araris, on the other hand, rarely makes it on anyone's suspicion list, but Lopen did mention him as well.  Even though it was only gut, I'd still like to take a closer look at his posts.  @Ecthelion III, what is it that you'd like to hear from Meta?  I think Lopen's reads are all looking into, but I doubt he's going to answer much to just a "what do you have to say for yourself?" post, from what I've seen of him as a player.  Also, why not Sart?  Why would you skip him?  It's like you're trying not to be untruthful, but at the same time not draw attention to him (perhaps a teammate?). Now I'm suspicious of you again, Ecthelion.

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@Jondesu I was just going down the list of players.

1. Meta hasn't posted at all this cycle. While this is explained by his RL reasons, I would like to hear something from him

2. The reasons Lopen mentioned; to quote him: "I think the lack of a kill on N0 was intentional [and we haven't seen a reason why not], and once PK got detained, Meta saw a chance to take advantage of the opportunity that not making a kill gave him."

3. His attitude toward Flash bugs me a little. I trust Flash (see earlier). Meta says "you're [Flash] far too knowledgeable about the going-ons of the Ventures" even though all Flash did was be paranoid about dying because he claims/has a power role and it's publicly known.

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22 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

2. The reasons Lopen mentioned; to quote him: "I think the lack of a kill on N0 was intentional [and we haven't seen a reason why not], and once PK got detained, Meta saw a chance to take advantage of the opportunity that not making a kill gave him."

Personally, I still somewhat suspect that the reason for the N0 kill was that what happened was meant to happen, except for Orlok's impetuous roleclaim.  Orlok's description of why he detained PK makes some sense as "this is why a villager was suspicious of PK", but also can be viably read as "this is why an elim decided that PK would be a good target to throw suspicion on via detainment".  I'm not certain by any means, but he is definitely my top candidate for elim-hood.

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1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

There's the post where Striker claimed Lurcher (I didn't remember it specifically, but when it was mentioned I thought it was familiar, and since I'm on my computer for once I went and searched the thread).  You're right about Cluny's claim being fairly safe at that stage in the game, but I think Striker made a mistake in claiming (way too many people have been claiming in the thread this game) and paid for it, unfortunately.  We could have really used a Lurcher who was following his gut or had some trusted contacts, but once outed, that's too important of a role for the Elims to leave in the game.  

Whoever the Coinshot is, btw, don't even think about claiming.  Unless you're absolutely sure, don't even claim in a PM (especially since PMs are limited, and while we got one Elim Courier, we have no way of knowing if there's another, or if a village Courier opened a PM with an Elim at some point).  Follow your instincts with your second vial and hopefully more will become available for you.

And I agree with you, Elenion, the Elims almost 100% certainly do not have a Coinshot.  If they did, we would have seen more kills, as they would have wanted to make sure to use that power in case they were lynched or killed by a village Coinshot and their ability went to waste.  Thanks for replying, too, and that does ease my concerns about why you were accusing Cluny (especially knowing you've done that in a game yourself).  I don't know that I'm ready to join you in lynching Cluny, but he's been on my list for a little while.

Araris, on the other hand, rarely makes it on anyone's suspicion list, but Lopen did mention him as well.  Even though it was only gut, I'd still like to take a closer look at his posts.  @Ecthelion III, what is it that you'd like to hear from Meta?  I think Lopen's reads are all looking into, but I doubt he's going to answer much to just a "what do you have to say for yourself?" post, from what I've seen of him as a player.  Also, why not Sart?  Why would you skip him?  It's like you're trying not to be untruthful, but at the same time not draw attention to him (perhaps a teammate?). Now I'm suspicious of you again, Ecthelion.

Well you guys would dead honest know better than I would. So if they don't have a coinshot, then why would they have a mistborn?why would you think I was a spy earlier? Which I'm not. And if I were to guess if anybody were the thief or metallurgist, it would be araris. The guy is a ghost. And frankly if so many of my gut reads have been right at this point, I'm going to keep following my gut. (Which means right now I'm going to find some food.)

Edited by The Flash
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