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Explain a Plot Badly

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38 minutes ago, Retrac said:

This looks fun.

Rogue One

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Everyone dies.


I like it, but the real trick is making it seem like something completely different, for example...

Rogue One:


A group of people spend several hours trying to send a few files about municipal building codes to their boss. It would have taken even longer if they had been trying with AT&T.


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Jojo Rabbit:


A young boy falls in love with a horrible monster with horns, so he makes plans to kill her boyfriend while ignoring his invisible best friend's suggestions to burn the house.

I Lost my Body:


A hand struggles to find her body only to find he left her behind by jumping off a building so he can live his life thanks to an argument over a pizza.


Edited by Eluvianii
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  • 2 weeks later...



A girl falls in love with a guy who likes slushies only to fake-suicide to get rid of him before blowing up the school.

The Princess Bride


A guy wrote a long boring book, but not really.

Maximum Ride (the entire nine-book monstrosity)


The longer you look, the worse it gets. Also, teenage pregnancy. And talking dogs. And nuclear war.

Breakfast Club


There is no breakfast.



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  • 1 month later...

The Neverending Story:


A boy gets tricked into having an adventure to get another boy's attention.

Who in turn gets tricked into travelling to another world by liking that adventure.

And then tricks its inhabitants into thinking he is the new rightful ruler.

Which was a trick by that world to grow at the cost of the boy's memories.

But then gets tricked by the first boy so the second one can return home.


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A Night Divided


A girl digs a hole because she saw a man dancing.

A Dog's Way Home


A very good pupper.

Furies of Calderon


The kid without magic finds people without magic and causes a civil war between them to stop them from killing his friends.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Major and Complete Spoilers for every book in Mistborn Era 1 (Including Secret History).

In the form of: 

Title: Badly explained plot

-Explaining the badly explained plot in detail and in a way that makes sense.


The Final Empire: A man tries to kill God, gets killed by God, causing people to believe that he is God, leading to his student going on to kill God. Also, God got the idea from God's steward, who kept trying to convince God to believe in the God that God had killed.

-Kelsier tries to overthrow the Lord Ruler, is killed by the Lord Ruler, which actually ends up convincing the Skaa that Kelsier is their god/savior. The Skaa revolt, which ends with his student, Vin, killing the Lord Ruler.) Kelsier got the idea from his steward, Sazed, who told him about the many religions before the Lord Ruler had destroyed them all. 


The Well of Ascension: The student follows words written by God, who was killed by God, to temporarily become God. Meanwhile, the steward is led by the brother of God to find words written about God. is tricked by God to free God after God stabs her boyfriend in an effort to stop her from releasing God when she became God. God escapes from the prison that God trapped him in, and God saves the student's life by feeding him a piece of God. 

-Vin uses the journal of Alendi while Sazed is guided by Marsh to find words written by a Terrisman about the Hero of Ages to find the Well of Ascension, but it turns out that Alendi was not the Hero, but Rashek (the Lord Ruler), who had killed Alendi. Vin takes the power of Preservation. However, she is tricked by Ruin (through his manipulation of the journal and his soothing words) into giving up the power of Preservation, which Preservation had tried to prevent by stabbing Elend in an effort to force Vin to use the power of Preservation to save Elend, which frees Ruin from the Well of Ascension that Preservation had trapped him in. After Ruin escapes, Preservation guides Vin to give Elend a piece of Lerasium (solid Preservation), which saves him. 

Hero of Ages: God is destroying the world, as had been agreed when God and God first formed the planet, with God being allowed to destroy what God and God had created together in return for God's help in creating the world with God. The student and her boyfriend look for supplied hidden by God in order to save the world from God, and find words written by God about God. The steward has lost faith in God, after trying to find God by systematically eliminating God. The boyfriend takes control of monsters made by God, but is warned by God to not attack. Then God dies, having been killed by God. God takes control of the monsters, and almost kills the boyfriend and his people before the student leads them all away. The student becomes God just before God can kill her. The steward regains faith, as he believes that the student is God. God fights God, and the boyfriend and his army eats God while God tries to protect them from God. The boyfriend is killed, and God realizes that God had died to choose God because God could not kill God, and then kills God to kill God. The steward waits for God to save the world, but sees God and God die, and loses hope that God exists. Then, the steward becomes God, using God to be God. The God writes a book and gives them to the survivors.

-Ruin is destroying Scadrial, as had been the deal made between him and Preservation: Ruin helps Preservation make the world, and Ruin gets to destroy it in the end. Vin and Elend search for the supply caches made by the Lord Ruler, who had planned for the possibility that Ruin would escape, containing inscriptions by the Lord Ruler that has advice and explanations about Ruin. Sazed is dealing with his despair, and tries to find solace in religion, but begins to lose hope as he goes through the religions one by one and finds issues with their beliefs. Elend takes control of Koloss armies (created by the Lord Ruler) using Allomancy, and is about to march on Fadrex before Preservation appears in the Physical realm to stop Elend from doing so. Then Ruin finally kills Preservation.  Ruin takes control of the Koloss and almost destroys Elend's army when he is drawn to Luthadel by Vin, who is almost killed by Ruin's Steel Inquisitors before she draws in the mists and Ascends to Preservation. Sazed comes to the conclusion that Vin is the Hero of Ages, and believes in her. Vin and Ruin converge upon the Pits of Hathsin, where Elend and his army of Atium mistings burn the power of Atium (Ruin), while Vin does her best to hold off Ruin. Elend dies, and Vin realizes that Preservation had given up his power to Vin because Preservation was unable to destroy Ruin after holding the Shard of Preservation for so long, and then kills herself by throwing her power against Ruin's which also kills Ruin. Sazed watches as the world is being destroyed, and hopes that Vin will save the day, but then he sees Vin and Ruin's bodies falling out of the sky. He runs to the bodies and despairs that the world was doomed to die and that Preservation hadn't saved them. Then he realizes that he fits the description of the Hero of Ages, and takes up both Ruin and Preservation. He uses the knowledge hidden within the religions he studied to fix the planet and save the Scadrians. After that, Sazed writes the Words of Founding and gives them to the surviving Scadrians.

Secret History: God from Book 1 dies and meets God, punches God in the face and is saved by God by trapping God in God with God. Soon, God meets God who was killed by God who chooses to pass on, and talks with God, who God learns is slowly being killed by God. When God escapes from the prison by God, God tries to find a way to save God, and comes across multiple Gods. By pretending to be God, God robs the other Gods and finds an orb of God-juice. When God dies, God uses the God-juice to become God, but God is weaker than God because God is not complete. God gives up his power to God, who then goes on to kill God and God. God realizes that he is God, and takes the powers of God and God, and becomes God. God meets God and God and punches God in the face and talks with God and God, then God dies. God talks to a person. 

-Kelsier dies and meets Preservation, who he punches in the face. Preservation decides to preserve Kelsier by infusing his soul with his power, but that traps Kelsier in the pool of Preservation's power that's being used to contain Ruin. Kelsier meets the Lord Ruler, who Vin killed. The Lord Ruler chooses to pass on, rather than remain. Kelsier talks with Preservation and learns that Ruin is slowly killing Preservation. When Ruin finally escapes through Vin, Kelsier searches for a way to help the dying Preservation, and comes across the Ire Elantrians (who are called Gods in Elantris). Kelsier pretends to be Ruin and steals their container of Preservation-Connection-stuff. When Preservation finally dies, Kelsier douses himself in the stuff, which allows him to become a Vessel for the power of Preservation, but he quickly learns that he is weaker than Ruin because he had no Physical form due to him being a Cognitive Shadow rather than a living person. Kelsier later gives up his power so that Vin can become Preservation, and Vin kills herself in order to kill Ruin. Afterwards, Sazed realizes that he is the Hero of Ages, and takes hold of both Preservation and Ruin, becoming Harmony. Kelsier then meets up with Vin and Sazed, and when Ruin's vessel Ati shows up, Kelsier punches Ati in the face. Kelsier talks a bit with Vin and Sazed, and Vin passes on. The story ends with Kelsier meeting up with Spook.

TL;DR: To sum it all up, God

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On 5/27/2020 at 6:23 PM, TheGirlWhoLookedUp said:

Avatar the Last Airbender:

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An 112 year old bald kid is found frozen then chased around the world by a teenager with a ponytail and anger issues.




A rebellious teenager chases a naive pre teen until they join forces to take on the angry teen's very angry sister.


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On 6/5/2020 at 1:51 PM, SirWolfe said:


Major and Complete Spoilers for every book in Mistborn Era 1 (Including Secret History).

In the form of: 

Title: Badly explained plot

-Explaining the badly explained plot in detail and in a way that makes sense.

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The Final Empire: A man tries to kill God, gets killed by God, causing people to believe that he is God, leading to his student going on to kill God. Also, God got the idea from God's steward, who kept trying to convince God to believe in the God that God had killed.

-Kelsier tries to overthrow the Lord Ruler, is killed by the Lord Ruler, which actually ends up convincing the Skaa that Kelsier is their god/savior. The Skaa revolt, which ends with his student, Vin, killing the Lord Ruler.) Kelsier got the idea from his steward, Sazed, who told him about the many religions before the Lord Ruler had destroyed them all. 


The Well of Ascension: The student follows words written by God, who was killed by God, to temporarily become God. Meanwhile, the steward is led by the brother of God to find words written about God. is tricked by God to free God after God stabs her boyfriend in an effort to stop her from releasing God when she became God. God escapes from the prison that God trapped him in, and God saves the student's life by feeding him a piece of God. 

-Vin uses the journal of Alendi while Sazed is guided by Marsh to find words written by a Terrisman about the Hero of Ages to find the Well of Ascension, but it turns out that Alendi was not the Hero, but Rashek (the Lord Ruler), who had killed Alendi. Vin takes the power of Preservation. However, she is tricked by Ruin (through his manipulation of the journal and his soothing words) into giving up the power of Preservation, which Preservation had tried to prevent by stabbing Elend in an effort to force Vin to use the power of Preservation to save Elend, which frees Ruin from the Well of Ascension that Preservation had trapped him in. After Ruin escapes, Preservation guides Vin to give Elend a piece of Lerasium (solid Preservation), which saves him. 

Hero of Ages: God is destroying the world, as had been agreed when God and God first formed the planet, with God being allowed to destroy what God and God had created together in return for God's help in creating the world with God. The student and her boyfriend look for supplied hidden by God in order to save the world from God, and find words written by God about God. The steward has lost faith in God, after trying to find God by systematically eliminating God. The boyfriend takes control of monsters made by God, but is warned by God to not attack. Then God dies, having been killed by God. God takes control of the monsters, and almost kills the boyfriend and his people before the student leads them all away. The student becomes God just before God can kill her. The steward regains faith, as he believes that the student is God. God fights God, and the boyfriend and his army eats God while God tries to protect them from God. The boyfriend is killed, and God realizes that God had died to choose God because God could not kill God, and then kills God to kill God. The steward waits for God to save the world, but sees God and God die, and loses hope that God exists. Then, the steward becomes God, using God to be God. The God writes a book and gives them to the survivors.

-Ruin is destroying Scadrial, as had been the deal made between him and Preservation: Ruin helps Preservation make the world, and Ruin gets to destroy it in the end. Vin and Elend search for the supply caches made by the Lord Ruler, who had planned for the possibility that Ruin would escape, containing inscriptions by the Lord Ruler that has advice and explanations about Ruin. Sazed is dealing with his despair, and tries to find solace in religion, but begins to lose hope as he goes through the religions one by one and finds issues with their beliefs. Elend takes control of Koloss armies (created by the Lord Ruler) using Allomancy, and is about to march on Fadrex before Preservation appears in the Physical realm to stop Elend from doing so. Then Ruin finally kills Preservation.  Ruin takes control of the Koloss and almost destroys Elend's army when he is drawn to Luthadel by Vin, who is almost killed by Ruin's Steel Inquisitors before she draws in the mists and Ascends to Preservation. Sazed comes to the conclusion that Vin is the Hero of Ages, and believes in her. Vin and Ruin converge upon the Pits of Hathsin, where Elend and his army of Atium mistings burn the power of Atium (Ruin), while Vin does her best to hold off Ruin. Elend dies, and Vin realizes that Preservation had given up his power to Vin because Preservation was unable to destroy Ruin after holding the Shard of Preservation for so long, and then kills herself by throwing her power against Ruin's which also kills Ruin. Sazed watches as the world is being destroyed, and hopes that Vin will save the day, but then he sees Vin and Ruin's bodies falling out of the sky. He runs to the bodies and despairs that the world was doomed to die and that Preservation hadn't saved them. Then he realizes that he fits the description of the Hero of Ages, and takes up both Ruin and Preservation. He uses the knowledge hidden within the religions he studied to fix the planet and save the Scadrians. After that, Sazed writes the Words of Founding and gives them to the surviving Scadrians.

Secret History: God from Book 1 dies and meets God, punches God in the face and is saved by God by trapping God in God with God. Soon, God meets God who was killed by God who chooses to pass on, and talks with God, who God learns is slowly being killed by God. When God escapes from the prison by God, God tries to find a way to save God, and comes across multiple Gods. By pretending to be God, God robs the other Gods and finds an orb of God-juice. When God dies, God uses the God-juice to become God, but God is weaker than God because God is not complete. God gives up his power to God, who then goes on to kill God and God. God realizes that he is God, and takes the powers of God and God, and becomes God. God meets God and God and punches God in the face and talks with God and God, then God dies. God talks to a person. 

-Kelsier dies and meets Preservation, who he punches in the face. Preservation decides to preserve Kelsier by infusing his soul with his power, but that traps Kelsier in the pool of Preservation's power that's being used to contain Ruin. Kelsier meets the Lord Ruler, who Vin killed. The Lord Ruler chooses to pass on, rather than remain. Kelsier talks with Preservation and learns that Ruin is slowly killing Preservation. When Ruin finally escapes through Vin, Kelsier searches for a way to help the dying Preservation, and comes across the Ire Elantrians (who are called Gods in Elantris). Kelsier pretends to be Ruin and steals their container of Preservation-Connection-stuff. When Preservation finally dies, Kelsier douses himself in the stuff, which allows him to become a Vessel for the power of Preservation, but he quickly learns that he is weaker than Ruin because he had no Physical form due to him being a Cognitive Shadow rather than a living person. Kelsier later gives up his power so that Vin can become Preservation, and Vin kills herself in order to kill Ruin. Afterwards, Sazed realizes that he is the Hero of Ages, and takes hold of both Preservation and Ruin, becoming Harmony. Kelsier then meets up with Vin and Sazed, and when Ruin's vessel Ati shows up, Kelsier punches Ati in the face. Kelsier talks a bit with Vin and Sazed, and Vin passes on. The story ends with Kelsier meeting up with Spook.

TL;DR: To sum it all up, God


This is beautiful 

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Time to overthrow the gods!

The Final Empire


Time to overthrow God!

The Way of Kings


Everyone's brothers are dead, everyone got burned by caste/gender separation, and glowing is Evil.

Alloy of Law


Former police officer teams up with a kleptomaniac with PTSD and a shy girl to take down a kidnapper with magic, has a conversation with God.

A Wrinkle In Time


Genius siblings team up with boy from a troubled home and three interdimensional beings to stop a brain and find their father.

The Unwanteds


Creativity is magic, also a good way to be condemned to death.

The Lost Planet


An amnesiac twelve year old teams up with a sheltered teenage boy, an android, and a college aged soldier/former terrorist to find justice and save his sister.


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