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Poland - Warsaw and Krakow events 18/21 March


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47 minutes ago, Argent said:

We could fix that if it's too strange for you...



41 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Welcome to the magical corner of the Internet where people are nice to each other and can even discuss religion without turning it into a cremstorm :D

oh my, please don't change, it's so nice in here

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2 minutes ago, Shal said:

*seriously, how is everyone so nice wow* thank you for the welcome!

also, to anyone still debating asking a question - this one popped into my head a few hours after the meeting. Maybe let's ask Brandon whether he had read any polish fantasy/sci-fi?

unless someone from the press already asked that but I have no idea, the videos/interviews haven't been published yet

It was asked, he didnt rly. He said he got some Sapkowski's works to read but didnt say what and how much he read.

Edited by Kanrei
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4 minutes ago, Shal said:

thanks, good to know

and sorry for confusing you with someone else!

Its no problem at all, I found it funny and made joke in my mind that my black t-shirt and rarity caused you to confuse me with BlackYeti :D

Btw that question about Kaladins runs wasnt bad one as it gives some better understanding about how much time passed while Kaladin was in Bridge 4.
Same with AonDor. I didnt even knew it wasnt used near shardpools.

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12 minutes ago, Kanrei said:

I didnt even knew it wasnt used near shardpools.

I think they were wondering why they were using torches in that secret passage and came to realization that it must have been a sacred place or smth so they didn't use AonDor there. But the question was very clever, I didn't think about digging into that issue.

Anyway, I made a doc gathering questions from the Polish fandom so in case you're going and don't know what to ask it's there.

I'll be marking the claimed questions tomorrow.

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18 hours ago, Extesian said:

@maxal living with someone with depression, especially as a sibling, is a terrible thing. We focus on the direct sufferer, and we should because depression and anxiety are two of the most common illnesses that desperately need an understanding of how they affect your mind so you can separate the illness from just the problems of life, and treat those two things differently. But those around that person often have the toughest time. I can only say that the more people generally talk about it the more direct and indirect sufferers can understand and deal with the often confusing and distressing ways these things can affect behavior.

Thank you for understanding :) There is a very valid reason why I struggle so much with characters such as Kaladin and Renarin: they remind me of my sibling :( It is terrible to grow up feeling deprived of validation because whichever issue you might struggle with (everyone struggles with something, we can't compare pains and even if we were, they are very real to the one going through them), they are always lesser than your sibling. It is even more terrible to grow up knowing you have to pander to your sibling, doing his/her every whims because "they need comprehension" which oddly ends up feeling very similar to "spoiling". I find this line to be terribly... thin. It feels terribly unfair to children who can't truly understand what is going on.

I try not to let those old feelings influence too much my reading of the book, but they do explain, in part, my personal preferences in terms of characters.

Speaking of which, if anyone wishes to ask character related questions, here are a few. Of course, none of those will uproot some deep knowledge within the Cosmere, but a lot of readers enjoy those small character related WoB. So if anyone feels inclined to it, here is a bunch of question out of my personal list.

1) Can you tell us something about Renarin's physical appearance? Does he favor his father or his mother? Would women find him handsome despite his lack of physical fitness? (Alright, silly question, but I bet a lot of people are wondering...)

2) Autism is often known to have a genetic component... Thus, did Renarin inherit his disability from his father's side of the family, from his mother's side or none? (Always wanted to know if Brandon planned it this way.)

3) Does Dalinar have ADHD? (reading The Thrill made me think perhaps he does)

4) In a hypothetical scenario where Dalinar needs to chose in between his sons, which one does he save, which one does he sacrifice? What if we add Elhokar to the mix? (Trying to figure out how Dalinar weights the various people within his life and how important are his sons compared to his code, can help predict how he'll react within the next book.)

5) Is Adolin afraid of intimacy? If so, why? (Trying to get more info here, probably not something which the books will broached)

6) It feel, at time, as if most characters see Adolin as someone they can use to their own ends (Dalinar, Shallan most notably), is this an accurate observation? (I want to know what Brandon has to say on the matter)

7) Within the "love triangle", will what Adolin feels/thinks actually matter or is it going to be Shallan's sole decision? (trying to see if we are going to read Shallan think about both guys alternatively or if the author will actually try to go elsewhere here)

8) In the first outline of the Stormlight Archive, who killed Sadeas? (because we know it wasn't Adolin... then who else?)

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20 minutes ago, Kanrei said:

Its no problem at all, I found it funny and made joke in my mind that my black t-shirt and rarity caused you to confuse me with BlackYeti :D

Btw that question about Kaladins runs wasnt bad one as it gives some better understanding about how much time passed while Kaladin was in Bridge 4.
Same with AonDor. I didnt even knew it wasnt used near shardpools.

I must admit that the black shirt could have affected my subconscious :D

5 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

I think they were wondering why they were using torches in that secret passage and came to realization that it must have been a sacred place or smth so they didn't use AonDor there. But the question was very clever, I didn't think about digging into that issue.

Yes, that's exactly where I got it from. Although I think Brandon himself was confused for a while as to what I meant.

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20 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

Could someone ask "could the ettmetal cubes we saw in Bands of Mourning that can use Allomancy (like we saw with the leecher) also use Feruchemy in a similar way?"

This was already confirmed in BoM, wasn't it? Relevant passage:


“Is this ship operational?”

The man’s eyes lit up. “Yes, sir! The machinery is operational, sheltered as it was from the weather. Sir … it’s amazing. You can feel the energy pulsing off that metal. We did have to send men out to unclog the fans—a few of the Coinshots helped—and we have them moving now. Fed is down below, priming the weight-changing machinery with her Feruchemy, to lighten the ship. That should be the last step!”


Edited by 8bitBob
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I have another question... within the Oathbringer cover discussion, I raised the point of Jasnah's figure which appears to be very athletic which stroke to me as slightly implausible considering she has spend a lifetime into a library. At 34, time should have started to make its work. @Yata pointed out to me investiture probably allowed Jasnah to appear picture perfect because she likely perceives herself as picture perfect (in the sense she has a high opinion of herself).

My question would then be:

9) Jasnah appears to be very athletic onto Oathbringer's cover which was surprising for a few readers. Thus, would stormlight enable physically unfit individuals to become physically fit, without the proper training, if he/she perceives him/herself as such? For instance, if Renarin starts to view himself as a soldier, would he suddenly acquire the muscle frame which goes with it?

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Nice one. 

Btw. You're an excellent liar. You constructed that post the way it was absolutely believable that BS would say that. :D But I too was wondering why aren't you fangirling the next day then! 

Edited by strumienpola
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If anyone would care for an additional question to ask:

From WoB we know that Seons, as splinters of Devotion, work somewhat similar to spren, and Seon bond would even work kinda like Nahel bond on Roshar.

Question itself: Can Seons theoretically be used by Parshendi to change form?

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For the first time I had an opportunity to meet Brandon, all I can say is that he is a really awesome person (but we all know that right? :P )

I have the recording here if someone would like to listen to it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8nN2VZ672Bnb3R4Tm5aQWVvVEk

At the moment @Extesian is working on the transcription, so ask him if you'd like to help :)

My questions were:



And second one:

Q:Would someone with enough knowledge be able to use Autonomy's investiture if Taldain's star was seen from his/her shardworld?

(some after-question clarification)

A:I would say yes, if the light particles are reaching you.

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10 hours ago, jofwu said:

Someone make sure to let Brandon know that we have all been thoroughly trolled by his Stormlight/Cosmere ending shenanigans.

I did. In turn he told me to say that the end of cosmere... "It's good". Not trolling this time.

Things I overheard: None. But we have recorded the signing and it's almost four hours.

Things I asked during signing: Tapping Connection to strengthen the steelsight and storing Connection to the time of your birth. Both were answered with something like "not quite right terminology".

After the signing I asked whether it's possible to store gravity as Connection - my fourth RAFO. We asked about Hoid using lerasium to rewrite himself in a way other than granting Allomancy and Brandon said lerasium couldn't give other powers BUT he once again danced around the "Had Hoid burned lerasium to become Mistborn" thing. Even after I asked for clarification on that since it creates confusion he stood firmly by "you have seen him use Allomancy and that's your answer".

There was a juicy discussion of Hemalurgy and spren. Got my fifth RAFO there.


Brandon: This is not something that would be a common use of Hemalurgy, let's just say that, OK?
Me: We do not concern ourselves with common uses.
Brandon: Yes, I know you don't.

Brandon said it's possible to use Investiture from Taldain's sun if the light particles are reaching you. So that would confirm that sunlight is Invested.

A Feruchemist storing Investiture could hide from Lifesense. And he almost confirmed that Coppercloud would block Lifesense but the wording could be ambiguous so I'll leave it to the transcript. Also Lifesense does not work on Connection since you could go off-Nalthis and still sense things you're not Connected to.

Edited by Oversleep
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3 hours ago, Oversleep said:



Brandon: This is not something that would be a common use of Hemalurgy, let's just say that, OK?
Me: We do not concern ourselves with common uses.
Brandon: Yes, I know you don't.


Good work making me laugh.

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I've done much of the transcribing for the krakow event, work is rudely interrupting but most of the rest is wading through the signing lines to find the few questions that were asked. I should finish it tonight but I'm putting the link up for anyone who wants to have a go. Please let me know if there are any issues with accessing it. And for people who were there it would be great if you check my transcription for your questions at least. Note I have mostly only done Cosmere ones so far.


Highlights so far (spoilered for size)


Q: What are the skycolors referred to in White Sand?



Q:So first, about Trell…(unintelligible, seems to ask about whether he knew the plans for Trell when writing original Mistborn).

A: When I actually was writing Mistborn, no, by the time I’d done revisions and finished the series, then I knew. Mistborn was very exploratory, the first book, once I finished it then I build the outline to fit it, it’s very common to me that I write a first book without an outline and then I build an outline around it.


A: So there’s something very weird happening with Trell, very very weird, that I’m not going to explain quite yet, so that’s a RAFO.


he wrote a scene involving a Ryshadium horse


Q: Would tapping connection increase steel sight?

A: No, probably not, there are arrangements that could make that happen but just tapping it, no.

Q: What if a connector(?) tried to store his connection from the time of birth? Because I understand that’s how spiritual age works.

A: Right, connection to his time of birth. I’m not sure exactly how he would manage that. Yeah I don’t think that would work, I’m not sure how you would manage it. There are other ways to make, you’re along the right path, but that’s not exactly what, the terminology just isn’t working right there.


Question about favourite character, admitted it’s probably Dalinar


Q: Will we see Lift in Oathbringer?

A: You’ll see some of her but little glimpses, we’ll see more of her from book 6 onwards but a little in Oathbringer and it’s a riot, very fun.


Q: Is it possible to bring Adonalsium together again.

A: RAFO. There are people who think it is possible and people who think it is impossible. It’s one of the big questions of the series.


Q: You told me when we were interviewing you on Friday, you told us to tell the 17th Shard how the Cosmere ends…

A: And I totally did right. The answer is it ends well (more discussion and general laughter about Oversleep breaking our minds followed).

Q: Does the titles of the five books from the first archive, do they create a ketek?

A: No. I actually considered it but it’s just too confusing so I actually tossed that out before I even started the first book. But I did consider it. It just was too confusing.


Q: Is gravity a physical aspect of your spiritual bond connecting objects to the planet?

A: Gravity, like all laws of physics in the cosmere, works like it does here with an additional aspect in that mass and energy can become investiture. So while you are Connected to the planet gravity is not a manifestation of that. Investiture can override it because energy, mass investiture are all the same thing.

Q: So can it connect (couldn’t make out question)

A: RAFO. I’m going to RAFO everything like that.


Q: Did Hoid use the bead of lerasium to rewrite his spiritual DNA in a way to give him something other than allomantic powers?

A: His goal was to become an allomancer.

Q: Yeah and did he use it to create other powers?

A: It could not give powers other than allomancy.

Q: Because it’s lerasium?

A: Yes.

Q: So he did burn it and become an allomancer.

A: Well you have seen him use allomancy…

Q: It’s creating a lot of confusion.

A: You have actually seen him use allomancy.


Q: Can spren be pierced by hemalurgic spikes? Will it give some effect?

A: Yes. A spren can be pierced by invested metal…

Q: Could it be spiked?

A: Could a spike be used to give abilities to spren? It’s not going to work really well.

Q: Could you steal from a spren?

A: Yes you could steal the investiture of a spren. Any investiture can be used in a spike if you know what you’re doing. It’s actually not that hard to use one on a spren.

Q: Because I thought you said hemalurgy needs moving blood.

A: It needs, uh, yeah…there are places where spren have more physical form, more tangible form.

Q: The Cognitive Realm?

A: Yeah if you go to the Cognitive Realm on Roshar the spren act differently.

Q: So you could spike in the cognitive realm?

A: Yeah I’ll leave a RAFO with you on that. That’s your fifth one. So there are ways to get any investiture into hemalurgy if you know what you’re doing. But yeah this is not something that would be a common use for hemalurgy. Let’s just say that.

Q: We do not concern ourselves with common uses.

A: Yeah I know you don’t. But yeah hemalurgy, when you’re spiking into somebody you…you’ll see when we get around to it.


Q: Would someone with enough knowledge be able to use Autonomy’s investiture if Taldain could be seen from his world?

A: Ok so I’m on a world and I see Taldain’s star, are you asking if someone could use the investiture? Oh ok I see. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. That’s good! You stumped me. I haven’t gotten that question before. I would say yes, if the light particles are reaching you. I mean technically you could use the light from one of those stars to power a solar sail so…


Q: Could a feruchemist hide from life sense by storing...

A: So lifesense on Nalthis, someone stroring, what was it, investiture? Could they hide from Lifesense? Um, yeah that would work.

Q: And which would they need to store, investiture, connection…

A: That would probably be investiture, that’s theoretically plausible, hiding your entire sense, a little bit easier with a copper cloud, which is how you would normally go about it, but you could make your investiture vanish to the point that…yeah I think that’s theoretically possible.

Q: So life sense works by sensing connection?

A: Life sense works by sensing…life, so it’s not necessarily just Connection because you can go off-world from Nalthis and still sense the life to which you are not Connected.

Thanks to @swieczq for the recording and @Oversleep for being @Oversleep:) I'll update the OP once it's all done.

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3 minutes ago, Extesian said:

I've done much of the transcribing for the krakow event, work is rudely interrupting but most of the rest is wading through the signing lines to find the few questions that were asked. I should finish it tonight but I'm putting the link up for anyone who wants to have a go. Please let me know if there are any issues with accessing it. And for people who were there it would be great if you check my transcription for your questions at least. Note I have mostly only done Cosmere ones so far.


Highlights so far (spoilered for size)

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Q: What are the skycolors referred to in White Sand?



Q:So first, about Trell…(unintelligible, seems to ask about whether he knew the plans for Trell when writing original Mistborn).

A: When I actually was writing Mistborn, no, by the time I’d done revisions and finished the series, then I knew. Mistborn was very exploratory, the first book, once I finished it then I build the outline to fit it, it’s very common to me that I write a first book without an outline and then I build an outline around it.


A: So there’s something very weird happening with Trell, very very weird, that I’m not going to explain quite yet, so that’s a RAFO.


he wrote a scene involving a Ryshadium horse


Q: Would tapping connection increase steel sight?

A: No, probably not, there are arrangements that could make that happen but just tapping it, no.

Q: What if a connector(?) tried to store his connection from the time of birth? Because I understand that’s how spiritual age works.

A: Right, connection to his time of birth. I’m not sure exactly how he would manage that. Yeah I don’t think that would work, I’m not sure how you would manage it. There are other ways to make, you’re along the right path, but that’s not exactly what, the terminology just isn’t working right there.


Question about favourite character, admitted it’s probably Dalinar


Q: Will we see Lift in Oathbringer?

A: You’ll see some of her but little glimpses, we’ll see more of her from book 6 onwards but a little in Oathbringer and it’s a riot, very fun.


Q: Is it possible to bring Adonalsium together again.

A: RAFO. There are people who think it is possible and people who think it is impossible. It’s one of the big questions of the series.


Q: You told me when we were interviewing you on Friday, you told us to tell the 17th Shard how the Cosmere ends…

A: And I totally did right. The answer is it ends well (more discussion and general laughter about Oversleep breaking our minds followed).

Q: Does the titles of the five books from the first archive, do they create a ketek?

A: No. I actually considered it but it’s just too confusing so I actually tossed that out before I even started the first book. But I did consider it. It just was too confusing.


Q: Is gravity a physical aspect of your spiritual bond connecting objects to the planet?

A: Gravity, like all laws of physics in the cosmere, works like it does here with an additional aspect in that mass and energy can become investiture. So while you are Connected to the planet gravity is not a manifestation of that. Investiture can override it because energy, mass investiture are all the same thing.

Q: So can it connect (couldn’t make out question)

A: RAFO. I’m going to RAFO everything like that.


Q: Did Hoid use the bead of lerasium to rewrite his spiritual DNA in a way to give him something other than allomantic powers?

A: His goal was to become an allomancer.

Q: Yeah and did he use it to create other powers?

A: It could not give powers other than allomancy.

Q: Because it’s lerasium?

A: Yes.

Q: So he did burn it and become an allomancer.

A: Well you have seen him use allomancy…

Q: It’s creating a lot of confusion.

A: You have actually seen him use allomancy.


Q: Can spren be pierced by hemalurgic spikes? Will it give some effect?

A: Yes. A spren can be pierced by invested metal…

Q: Could it be spiked?

A: Could a spike be used to give abilities to spren? It’s not going to work really well.

Q: Could you steal from a spren?

A: Yes you could steal the investiture of a spren. Any investiture can be used in a spike if you know what you’re doing. It’s actually not that hard to use one on a spren.

Q: Because I thought you said hemalurgy needs moving blood.

A: It needs, uh, yeah…there are places where spren have more physical form, more tangible form.

Q: The Cognitive Realm?

A: Yeah if you go to the Cognitive Realm on Roshar the spren act differently.

Q: So you could spike in the cognitive realm?

A: Yeah I’ll leave a RAFO with you on that. That’s your fifth one. So there are ways to get any investiture into hemalurgy if you know what you’re doing. But yeah this is not something that would be a common use for hemalurgy. Let’s just say that.

Q: We do not concern ourselves with common uses.

A: Yeah I know you don’t. But yeah hemalurgy, when you’re spiking into somebody you…you’ll see when we get around to it.


Q: Would someone with enough knowledge be able to use Autonomy’s investiture if Taldain could be seen from his world?

A: Ok so I’m on a world and I see Taldain’s star, are you asking if someone could use the investiture? Oh ok I see. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. That’s good! You stumped me. I haven’t gotten that question before. I would say yes, if the light particles are reaching you. I mean technically you could use the light from one of those stars to power a solar sail so…


Q: Could a feruchemist hide from life sense by storing...

A: So lifesense on Nalthis, someone stroring, what was it, investiture? Could they hide from Lifesense? Um, yeah that would work.

Q: And which would they need to store, investiture, connection…

A: That would probably be investiture, that’s theoretically plausible, hiding your entire sense, a little bit easier with a copper cloud, which is how you would normally go about it, but you could make your investiture vanish to the point that…yeah I think that’s theoretically possible.

Q: So life sense works by sensing connection?

A: Life sense works by sensing…life, so it’s not necessarily just Connection because you can go off-world from Nalthis and still sense the life to which you are not Connected.

Thanks to @swieczq for the recording and @Oversleep for being @Oversleep:) I'll update the OP once it's all done.

Are there recordings or transcriptions of the event from earlier this week?

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9 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

Are there recordings or transcriptions of the event from earlier this week?

I believe @Oversleep is coordinating them? I'm happy to help out but haven't seen an audio (though I may have missed it). I just did this one coz @swieczq sent it through to me and I'm pretty fast when I have the time. I'll update the OP once the Warsaw ones are posted.

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1 hour ago, Blightsong said:

Are there recordings or transcriptions of the event from earlier this week?

We have QA transcribed and translating it and about 75% of what we could get from signing (recording is poor).
It will be posted soon, like @Extesian said, @Oversleep is coordinating it.

@Extesian if you really bored here link to part I didnt check yet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B15lhFsz0PWCY3l0SE80a21qSDg/view?usp=sharing .  Quality is poor (recorded with smartphone few meters away from signing etc)

@Oversleep Wow you asked that question about piercing sprens and followed rly great. I didnt even think about spiking spren in Shadesmar which in retrospect makes a lot of sense :) Thanks

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I had a chance to ask two questions:

1. Can the sprens, like seons, be pierced by hemalurgy spike and will it give some effect?

Generally answer is: Yes if you know how to do it.

@Extesian transcript the whole answer. It is in 3.48


Second question i asked in polish but Mrs. Studniarek translated it wrong. 
I mean: Ire wanted to get a shard for themselves. What did they want to get with him on Sel? Precisely if the shard can split another fragment, can it alsbo be used to put other shard together?
She translated: Is it possible to bring Adonalsium together again and is that the reason why ire wanted to get a shard for themselves

Answer: RAFO

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