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With Ruin Beside Us

Welcome back to Emperor Elend’s Luthadel. King Penrod has been growing more and more, irrational. Ordering people to fight each other for their daily bread. Speaking to the mists as if to Emperor Venture, rubbing his chest whenever he talks. The Physicians whisper of the attack, the inquisitor that tried to assassinate him. Whisper that he has recruited others to continue his foul work in the city.

When the Government is broken and corrupt, The Citizens must rise up, as the Survivor has taught. But his Heir has warned of the servants of a darker God, the Spiked, who will try to destroy you all. But the Survivor does not expect you to do this on your own. He has gifted you all with power of the Mist, Allomancy. Use his gift to hunt down the Spiked.

Welcome to MR20: With Ruin Beside Us. This is a standard Elimination game. Each cycle will be 48 hours long, and will have a lynch. Each player may use their role, or faction ability, every cycle.

Possible Roles:
Attack one player. Unprotected players are killed.
Lurcher: Protect one player from one attack.
Thug: You have an Extra Life. You can survive one attack, or one Lynch.
Tineye: You can start PM’s with players. You have to be in the PM.
Soother: Cancel a Player’s vote.
Rioter: Double's a Vote
Smoker: Seekers, Rioters, and soothers targeting you all fail. You can target yourself and one other.
Seeker: If a Player took an Metallic action,  you will learn what it is.
Regular: You know whether or not this game is Role madness.
???: This Role is secret. What could it be?
###: Is this even a role?
&%&: Am I just trolling you at this point?


The Spiked will have a doc, and a faction kill. They win when all the citizens are dead.

The Citizenry win when all the Spiked are dead.

Miscellaneous rules:
PM’s are closed, except for the Tineyes. Only Tineyes can start PM’s.
No Pinch hitters or inactivity filter.
Only the lynch reveals alignments
I will not differentiate between Coinshot kills and Eliminator kills.
I will neither confirm nor deny the existence of Secret roles, rules, factions, players, cycles, characters, moderatoers, or the treasure of the Count of Monte Cristo. All may or may not be in this game.

The same rules, but with a bunch of Frequently asked questions added onto them:


Welcome to MR20: With Ruin Beside Us. This is a standard Elimination game. Each cycle will be 48 hours long, and will have a lynch. Each player may use their role, or faction ability every cycle.

Possible Roles:
By possible, I mean that depending on how many players sign up, one or more of these roles may be removed. You do not know if this is role madness or not.

Coinshot: Attack one player. Unprotected players are killed. You can attack yourself. Attacked players who survived do not know who you are.
Lurcher: Protect one player from one attack. They are not revealed in the writeup as having been attacked. The writeup will simply say ‘Someone was attacked, but saved by a lurcher.’ You can protect yourself.
Thug: You have an Extra Life. You can survive one attack, or one Lynch. If you are attacked and lurched, the Lurcher’s protection will take priority over your thug protection.
Tineye: You can start PM’s with players. You have to be in the PM. Any number of players may be included in the PM. Any number of Pm’s may be started. You can start them at any time. I will not start them for you. Yes, it’s hard to remain anonymous. It’s both a bug and a feature. If you die, all your PM’s close.
Soother: Cancel a Player’s vote. Their vote will still be added to the writeup, so people won’t be able to confirm who you soothed, just that you soothed someone voting for the person they voted for. You can’t target yourself.
Rioter: You can double a player's vote.
Smoker: Seekers, Rioters, and soothers targeting you all fail. You can target yourself and one other. They are not told they failed.
Seeker: If a Player took an action, other than the Eliminator kill, you will learn what it is. If they took no action, made the eliminator kill, or were smoked, you will be told they did nothing. You can detect actions taken by secret roles, assuming any exist. Unless they’re smoked or have built in anti-seeker measures.
Regular: You know whether or not this game is Role madness. Mostly that’s a joke. If you’re roleless, than you have no special actions to take.
???: This Role is secret. What could it be? It’s probably not an Epic, since Reckoners isn’t cosmere. But who knows! Not you! (Unless you’re Wilson. She knows.)
###: Is this even a role? It might be. You don’t know. (Wilson does)
&%&: Am I just trolling you at this point? (Wilson doesn’t know. Nobody knows.)


The Spiked will have a doc, and a faction kill. They win when all the citizens are dead. Yes, all of them have to be dead. The spiked do not win when they outnumber the citizens, they win when they’re all dead. The spiked have no conversions. King Penrod is Not a spiked.

The Citizenry win when all the Spiked are dead.

Wait, there's no third faction. Or is ther? I honestly don't know.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Miscellaneous rules:
PM’s are closed, except for the Tineyes. Only Tineyes can start PM’s.
No Pinch hitters or inactivity filter. Please just be active.
Only the lynch reveals alignments. It also doesn’t reveal roles. So, you know. Don’t coinshot people if you want to know they’re alignment.
I will not differentiate between Coinshot kills and Eliminator kills. Everyone appears as having been attacked.

Anyway. I have a lot of free time. So when you sign up, please vote for when rollover should happen. It can happen any time between 4pm PST and midnight, PST.

Also, to the newer players, who haven’t played a game with me as a GM. Ask an older player if you really want to. If the older player likes you, they’ll tell you no, Joe is a troll, and a bastard, who powers his laptop with the agony and hatred of his players. If they don’t like you, they’ll tell you to play.

Wilson, did i forget to tell them anything?

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Edited by Alvron
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Player List:

  1. Magestar   "I'm signing up. Which is totally an awful idea."
  2. Rodpen  "Named after his writing utensil that is over three feet long."
  3. Rovan  "Joe in full Troll mode is not to be passed up."
  4. Bartimaeus  "It seem like it is going to be fun!"
  5. Sheon Idris  "I have needed a Troll!Joe game in my life."
  6. Seixa  "Can't think of a better game to come back to".
  7. Stick  "I'll sign up because I feel safe."
  8. Emissary of Mandos  "I had a blast last TrollGM!Joe game I played."
  9. Soflo Rigorrio  "today we will look at how to troll some trolls"
  10. Arinian  "he hates Mistborns"
  11. Avrao Ngao   "*Takes the spear from the dusty old cupboard and hides it.*"
  12. Trollquisitor "I would like to sign up."
  13. Ayden Kahler "I can't pass up one of Joe's games"
  14. Luckless Gibbs  "Vengeance!"
  15. Rin  "Why not?"
  16. Vladek  "If you want more bodies, you can add mine to the pile"
  17. Ryth  "Former Guard"
  18. Bart  "I'm starting to run out."
  19. Hissure  "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"




Spectator List: (There will be an active spec doc)

  1. Wilson
  2. Jondesu
  3. Maybe @Elbereth?
  4. Amanuensis
Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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I'm signing up.

Which is totally an awful idea.  But now, I'm still the first person to sign up even if I back out later. :P 

And my name is PS.

And all of those times would tend towards being a little wonky for me, but I think that the earlier the better in this case. :P  

Edited by Magestar
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You just know I have to sign up for this game.  Joe in full Troll mode is not to be passed up.  Besides, your games are some of the most fun games I've played.

Rovan is a former solider.  After the slaughter of the rebels at Holstep and the death of the Lord Ruler, Rovan has lost his way.  Before, everything was going smooth.  He knew his place in the world and followed orders knowing that he served the Sliver of God himself but now he just doesn't know what to believe.  Was his whole life a lie?  Or are the new rulers the true enemy?  The only thing Rovan knows for sure is that the Lord Ruler shall return.  After all, you can't kill God.

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I shouldn't sign up. I really shouldn't. My activity levels have been slipping again. On the other hand, I have needed a Troll!Joe game in my life.

So to heck with it. Sheon Idris, now fully function and restored from temporary shade-ness, is visiting Luthadel.

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I'll sign up because I feel safe when there's no inactivity filter because I don't think I've ever played a game with Joe as GM. Joining as Stick. As for the rollover time, I vote 9pm PST, but it doesn't really matter.

Edit: just remembered I've palyed QF19. Rip memory.

Edited by _Stick_
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A black sword in a black scabbard, corrupted Investiture leaking from the blade.

Mandos had been pleased with the acquisition, despite its steep cost.

A void in space, full of beings but devoid of life. They had had names, once.

There was a plan, of course, but one that only Mandos knew all the details of. Whatever it was, it required death. Lots of it.


Time eats away at every object, every thought, every soul. Only Death himself will survive. And he will.


[My RP is continuing off of my unifying storyline, picking up where it left off after LG29, which in turn was a sequel to MR16.]

Well, I considered passing this game up in favor of a longer rest from SE, but I had a blast last TrollGM!Joe game I played. I'm signing up as an Emissary of Mandos; a different one than LG29's. This one is a little more honorable than the last.

Since this game has the potential for faction betrayal, I will make sure that this game does not end like LG29. If I end up on multiple factions at once, I will do my best to coordinate and gain victory for both factions. If this is not possible, I will not leak a faction's information such as names, roles, action targets, past actions, etc. to the other faction, and let the game take its course. Sound fair?

I vote that we have rollover at 9 p.m. PST (10 p.m. MST), which is the same as Stick's vote.

@A Joe in the Bush So, Coinshooting doesn't reveal alignments, and the lynch doesn't reveal roles, right? Does Coinshooting reveal roles? Does the lynch reveal alignments?

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Hello ma gringos! tis I Pedro Misabilito! I am here to steal your coins and eat your bread, yes, yes! I will also vomit grotesquely in front of your parents! What a wonderful way to ruin some appetites, you get me Joe my boy? 

Eh, eh, je, je, I want a nice clean games you have me? I will be Judge, Jury and Executioner during this game, You may call me Misbah al Khattar.

Aye, ma people! the name's Khaladin Jamaicablessed. Let's all just ride the storms and go where the wind takes us yes?

Haiii! Like, this game is going to be so lit, like you all have no idea. call me Joseline Farouq and let's hope no-one ends up worse for wear.

Hey Hey guys it's Soflo Rigorrio and welcome back to another episode of Let's play Sanderson Elmination, today we will look at how to troll some trolls and how to craft a diamond spike. 

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12 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

What's the bet that the people described as trolls, self proclaimed or otherwise, will become the elims? :P

That would be very interesting given that almost half the players are trolls.

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