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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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The local Walmart is getting a remodel... again. They remodel almost every other year and it's a little ridiculous at this point.

Had to work at one of the campuses today and the ac wasn't on so I was stuck in triple digit heat indoors.

Got a bit sick yesterday. I woke up around 4 to a pain in the lower right of my back. It was so bad my first thought was that I was experiencing appendicitis. Then I needed the bathroom and while sitting there I had to quickly grab the trash can. Had a couple more trips to the bathroom after that and couldn't get back to sleep. One of my coworkers has trained as a nurse and said it might be a stomach bug and pulled muscle since the pain wasn't in the front and thus not my appendix. All I had to eat was an English muffin and 7 up for breakfast and lunch (7up helps settle my stomach after getting sick) and my mom had me do chicken noodle soup for dinner even though I hate that stuff (broth makes me want to puke so I can only do thick and cream soups) but I feel much better now.

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On a whim I decided to watch one of the big Starcraft tournament finals they have in Korea. The winner, this year, was a Terran player called "Maru". Back when I played starcraft I always found Terran to be kind of tricky and hard to maneuver with; but this guy was absolutely brilliant with them. Evidently he started out as a child protégé, but could never finish and always ended up going out on the semifinals or so. This year he evidently figured it out and destroyed all competition leaving behind a wake of broken (usually protoss) armies. Anyways it was kind of a fun way to spend a couple of hours...don't think I will do it again anytime soon.

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If A Series of Unfortunate Events and Fullmetal Alchemist were combined into a freakish chimera of a show.

♪ Look away... look away...

♪ There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way

♪ Ask any stable person "Should I watch" and they will say

Look away, look away

♪ Look away, look away.

♪ ~ Two children lose their mother on a day that is most tragic

♪ They try to bring her back with a taboo and eldritch magic

♪ Alphonse is gobbled up and then his bro begins to beg

♪ But the rite to bring him back will cost Edward an arm and leg...

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4 minutes ago, Kobold King said:

If A Series of Unfortunate Events and Fullmetal Alchemist were combined into a freakish chimera of a show.


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♪ Look away... look away...

♪ There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way

♪ Ask any stable person "Should I watch" and they will say

Look away, look away

♪ Look away, look away.

♪ ~ Two children lose their mother on a day that is most tragic

♪ They try to bring her back with a taboo and eldritch magic

♪ Alphonse is gobbled up and then his bro begins to beg

♪ But the rite to bring him back will cost Edward an arm and leg...





How nice.

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If anyone is interested in the anthology that Shadows for Silence is originally in, Dangerous Women, its on sale right now for the e-book copy (less than three dollars)


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The news is once again complaining about black football players kneeling during the anthem. My mom got into it as well because she views it as a sign of disrespect for the flag and country while others claim it's a sign of protest. People, not every single thing a black person does is a sign of protest or disrespect. If kneeling is disrespectful then we're disrespecting every single monarch when we kneel to them. It's like the general thought going through those minds is "Them black peoples only know disrespect and protest everything" and all I'm thinking is "if these were white players no one would bat an eye at it"

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3 hours ago, Draginon said:

The news is once again complaining about black football players kneeling during the anthem. My mom got into it as well because she views it as a sign of disrespect for the flag and country while others claim it's a sign of protest. People, not every single thing a black person does is a sign of protest or disrespect. If kneeling is disrespectful then we're disrespecting every single monarch when we kneel to them. It's like the general thought going through those minds is "Them black peoples only know disrespect and protest everything" and all I'm thinking is "if these were white players no one would bat an eye at it"

So what is the real reason they keel? 

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22 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Cool,  but protest protest against who and solidarity with who?  :P

Whom, Mestiv! Solidarity with whooooom

And the protest is more against a what then a whom, or a where....perhaps a why.

But the protest is/was against and to raise awareness of structural racial injustice inherent in the US Police Force, particularly against the Black population. Colin Kapernick, the football player credited with starting the trend, has said he choose kneeling during the National Anthem after discussing what he wanted to do with some veteran friends. Kneeling during the National Anthem was formulated to protest while also not disrespecting the Armed Forces. 

Of course, for many Republicans, anything they don't like is disrespecting the Armed Forces/the Flag/Country/Whatever sob story they can concoct. 

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7 hours ago, Mestiv said:

So what is the real reason they keel? 

It's their way of saluting to the flag just like some stand, some place their hat on their chest and some hold hands.

But it's not the reason they kneel that's the problem, it's other people thinking it's bad just because the ones doing it are black. It's like saying someone is rude because they don't like shaking hands but are actually a germaphode or raised in a culture where touching is a faux pas. It's just people being racist for the sake of being racist since the only people I've seen saying it's bad have been all white people.

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Welp Disney threw a wrench into our dining reservations in December. We were going to do the Be Our Guest restaurant for dinner one night and we found out yesterday that it's now going to be 2 credits instead of one and the menu was changed completely to the point that there's nothing my dad will eat (he's extremely picky with his food) and my mom was struggling to figure something out for herself so now we're scrambling to figure out a replacement restaurant. And it's not just us, loads of other guests booked with 1 credit and the old menu in mind and those folks are also canceling since they hate the menu as well.

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I wrote a limerick about a movie. Anyone care to guess the movie title? :ph34r:

Three witches were trying to find
The heart of a star most divine.
They cornered Yvaine,

Attacked her in vain:

She did what stars do best--they shine.

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It's kind of crazy how much more Walmart is compared to other stores. At Walmart me and my mom would get the basics (5 days lunch for each, 5 days breakfast for me, milk, some items for dinners, water) and have it over $200 but at HEB we'll get the same stuff along with extra fluff like bagels, ice cream, candy, juice, flavored water and fruit and spend way under $200, even under $150! We get more stuff at HEB for less money!

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On 1.8.2018 at 11:18 AM, Sunbird said:

I wrote a limerick about a movie. Anyone care to guess the movie title? :ph34r:

Three witches were trying to find
The heart of a star most divine.
They cornered Yvaine,

Attacked her in vain:

She did what stars do best--they shine.

I just saw that, and it made me smile so much my face hurt!

I love this movie, I've seen it so many times, I know every single line by heart. It always makes me happy and I have to laugh a lot. Especially the "Pirates catching Lightning" are so great. And Yvaine and Una... Sorry for the rambling...

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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

I just saw that, and it made me smile so much my face hurt!

I love this movie, I've seen it so many times, I know every single line by heart. It always makes me happy and I have to laugh a lot. Especially the "Pirates catching Lightning" are so great. And Yvaine and Una... Sorry for the rambling...

It's one of my favorite movies too! I own the soundtrack, and I've still got my ticket stub from when I saw it in the theater way back in 2007. XD And yes, the pirates are great. Captain Shakespeare is so funny!

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