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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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1 minute ago, Delightful said:

wrinkly fingers! :lol: 

Mostly I need to get off the internet, but darn it thats where all the fun is happening!

Take your phone with you, eat a sandwich while taking a shower and browse the Shard at the same time! You can do it! :D just put your phone in a plastic bag or something :P

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4 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Take your phone with you, eat a sandwich while taking a shower and browse the Shard at the same time! You can do it! :D just put your phone in a plastic bag or something :P

The craziest thing about this is that it could work. And if I had a bath I could fall asleep there too and my phone would be safe in its plastic cover! My mother would be so proud of my life skillz. 

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6 minutes ago, Delightful said:

The craziest thing about this is that it could work. And if I had a bath I could fall asleep there too and my phone would be safe in its plastic cover! My mother would be so proud of my life skillz. 

Honestly, this sounds perfect. Of course, you just want to make sure the sandwich doesn't get soggy and gross.

I would upvote you, but I've run out of reputation to give.

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IN other random news, I have increasingly realized that I come here to procrastinate. 

Basically all of my best (and longest) posts were written when I was supposed to be writing some paper or another... 
I have seriously written 2,000 word forum posts on this site while procrastinating from writing reports/etc. 

It's a hilarious problem. 

(Another way of looking at it might be that I use this site to overcome writers block! In that case, yay 17th Shard!)

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11 hours ago, Mestiv said:

This is the best and simplest car wash advertisement I have ever seen:


I've seen some pretty cute ones on one of those signs with the moveable letters in my area. The first time I noticed it, it just said "Washy washy washy!"

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4 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

@Slowswifthow about improvisation?

Heh. If I could, I would -- I've had no piano lessons to speak of; all of my musical knowledge came from very basic theory in school (pitch, rhythm, etc.). Most chords and interval stuff still largely eludes me. It's my cousins who're the musical geniuses, not me. Unfortunately. :P 

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7 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Playing the piano on a rainy day is lovely.

Unfortunately, I don't know many proper songs, so I'm sticking to hymns -- which are just as fun, for me.

You could play It's Raining Somewhere Else....

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8 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Heh. If I could, I would -- I've had no piano lessons to speak of; all of my musical knowledge came from very basic theory in school (pitch, rhythm, etc.). Most chords and interval stuff still largely eludes me. It's my cousins who're the musical geniuses, not me. Unfortunately. :P 

Hey, if you can play any hymn both hands at once, you're doing better than me. I can play 2 Primary songs ("Follow the Prophet" and "Book of Mormon Stories") and one random song called "Slumgullion (Pirate Stew)" that has somehow stayed in my muscle memory long after I learned it in, like, elementary school.

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2 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Hey, if you can play any hymn both hands at once, you're doing better than me. I can play 2 Primary songs ("Follow the Prophet" and "Book of Mormon Stories") and one random song called "Slumgullion (Pirate Stew)" that has somehow stayed in my muscle memory long after I learned it in, like, elementary school.

Best I can manage is one finger on the right hand and one on the left, and that's only for Praise to the Man. I can't read music; all I have is muscle memory and memorization of the fingering.

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9 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Best I can manage is one finger on the right hand and one on the left, and that's only for Praise to the Man. I can't read music; all I have is muscle memory and memorization of the fingering.

I can make it through some of the simpler and more familiar hymns playing the alto and soprano parts with just my right hand, but only if the key signature isn't too difficult. Like, I can do that with "We Thank The, O God, for a Prophet" or "Sweet Hour of Prayer" since those don't involve too many black keys, but if you try to give me "How Firm a Foundation" (key of A-flat with 4 flats) I will flounder terribly. Sometimes I just transpose into the key of C on the fly to avoid needing flats and sharps if I know the hymn well enough.

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57 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Once again I'm under impression that every American can play at least one instrument o.O its a much less common skill here in Europe in my opinion. 

I'm inclined to agree. Then again my cousin just started to learn the guitar, so maybe that's just me. :ph34r: 

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10 hours ago, Delightful said:

I uh, stumbled across a new musical, Dear Evan Hansen. It is wow. And I'm laughing because the protag spends half his time apologising and reminds me of @Quiver :P:P:P:wub:   Some really inspirational songs there though.

My interest has been piqued :ph34r:

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About the music thing, I guess I know how to play the piano, and have less than the basics in violin, and each of my cousins families(seven-nine of them, I lose track occasionally of my more-than-thirty-nine-in-number cousins) can play play either piano, woodwind, strings, or percussion... yeah; some Americans are musical.


However, most kids at my school are impressed with the ability to whistle or play the drums. Yes I admit that keeping consistent rythem with the drums becomes difficult, if not an outright struggle, once other instruments join in, but still; almost none of the kids in my school can sing, or even act. They can't even play-act!

Most kids in my drama class don't use anything but a monotone voice in their script reading. I know that kids voice act when they're younger, or, most do, so why is it difficult to talk like your actually speaking instead of just reading the lines in a robotic monotone?

I think this actually might be better suited to the 'bad day' thread. I guess I'll go post the spoilers stuff there. Anyways, I've always considered Europe to be more musically inclined than the US. Maybe neither country is more or less musically oriented than the other? Maybe we're equally musical countries?

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About the music thing, I can play the clarinet, bass clarinet (or most variations of the clarinet, really), I'm teaching myself the alto saxophone, and I can figure out the notes on a piano, but not really play. I've noticed that most people as well, outside of band, choir, or orchestra, seem to not being very musically inclined. They don't seem to understand music all that much either. At least, how to play instruments or make music, that is. I also feel like the fine arts, in my school, are severely underappreciated. 

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Something I heard in the halls:

"I'm sorry, this just isn't working out. I think we might have to end this"

"Why? What did I do wrong?"

"Oh, it's not you, it's me."

"Chulldung! If it were you, I'd have left you like the worthless trash you're claiming to be months ago. I asked you a question, and would appreciate an answer. Why are you doing this?"


I unfortunately wasn't able to hear the rest of the conversation.

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