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9 minutes ago, RubiksCube said:

So, I am still new to this, and I was wondering, what is the AG?

It is the Anniversary Game.  It's supposedly awesome, and and also stuck in a time loop, if I remember correctly, which is why it occurs every year. :P

@Metacognition could probably explain it better than that, seeing as he has run both of the previous AG's.

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I  read the rules about 3 times or so and I believe I've got the gist of it  

nothing specific to ask (I think that I'll play low the first turns and see how it goes ) except for one thing: 

when and how does lynching occur 

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1 hour ago, harambe said:

I  read the rules about 3 times or so and I believe I've got the gist of it  

nothing specific to ask (I think that I'll play low the first turns and see how it goes ) except for one thing: 

when and how does lynching occur 

Each day turn, you can put a name in red and that counts as your vote.  At the end of the turn, the GM counts up all the votes and whoever has the most votes, dies!  If, during the turn, you for whatever reason regret your vote, you can put the same name in green and your vote is retracted.

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22 hours ago, Zephrer said:

I'd like to sign up, I'll give my persona a name and occupation when I have a little more time.


22 hours ago, Conquestor said:

Hey guys! I'm back, iv'e been really busy for a while, but now i'm back. I'll think of a character later,(if you'll let me join).

Welcome to both of you! We're 3 players away from the number I'd like to run the game at, and 8 players away from unlocking the new world - Threnody - and it's accompanying role, the Shade!

I've updated the countdown on the main page to reflect this, and there are 17 and a half hours remaining in signups! Last chance at unlimited Shardic Power!

Edited by Seonid
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Now that I'm dead in the other game and I can say stuff here without it affecting that game. I'm no longer going to be 100% honest. It was fun for a while, but it gets grating when you start trying to pick your words so you're technically telling the truth. halfway through LG26 i realized i was lying through my teeth, while still technically following the letter of honesty. So yeah. I might be telling straight up lies in this game.

Are we going to start even if we don't get another player?

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2 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Now that I'm dead in the other game and I can say stuff here without it affecting that game. I'm no longer going to be 100% honest. It was fun for a while, but it gets grating when you start trying to pick your words so you're technically telling the truth. halfway through LG26 i realized i was lying through my teeth, while still technically following the letter of honesty. So yeah. I might be telling straight up lies in this game.

Are we going to start even if we don't get another player?

Probably - though I would really like to have one more. We'll play it by ear. I don't want to delay again because the AG is waiting on us here. (Actually, I'd really like 6 more - because I'm really excited about Threnody and the new Shade role that unlocks at that level, but that's not realistic at this point. Maybe if Elenion and Ookthelion had been fine with being inactive...)

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7 hours ago, Elbereth said:

I should also note that while I am currently planning on co-GMing, if another player doesn't sign up I may play instead to fill out the numbers. 


6 hours ago, Elenion said:

Seonid, if you need to pad your player list and don't mind me missing a week then you can sign me back up.

And that's 25 players! More are always welcome, but we now have enough to run the game.

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2 minutes ago, Seonid said:

And that's 25 players! More are always welcome, but we now have enough to run the game.

More players...  More Players...  More Players...  More Players... More Players...  More Players...

Seriously though, more people could should totally sign up for this.

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Frankly, I'm kind of hesitant about this, because I'm not all that fond of complex games, this game looks really time-consuming, and I'll probably be "Mr Didn't-Read-The-Rules-Properly" for most of it, since there's so many. If you really need numbers, though, I can sign up, I guess. I wouldn't be extremely active, but I definitely won't go inactive.

I'll be Tenth of the Dusk, a former Eelakin trapper turned (bounty) hunter, and would prefer to begin on First of the Sun (lol), where possible.

Edit: Oh hell, I left this open for a few hours and I come back and get ninjaed :/

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33 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Frankly, I'm kind of hesitant about this, because I'm not all that fond of complex games, this game looks really time-consuming, and I'll probably be "Mr Didn't-Read-The-Rules-Properly" for most of it, since there's so many. If you really need numbers, though, I can sign up, I guess. I wouldn't be extremely active, but I definitely won't go inactive.

I'll be Tenth of the Dusk, a former Eelakin trapper turned (bounty) hunter, and would prefer to begin on First of the Sun (lol), where possible.

Edit: Oh hell, I left this open for a few hours and I come back and get ninjaed :/

We do have the 25 we need, so don't feel pressured into playing. But if - after getting ninja'ed - you still want to sign up, we're more than excited to have you!

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Just now, Seonid said:

We do have the 25 we need, so don't feel pressured into playing. But if - after getting ninja'ed - you still want to sign up, we're more than excited to have you!

Is ok. Thanks, GM Almighty, but I guess I signed up already - despite getting ninja'ed - so I'll see it through? (Besides, who knows, two other people might pop up, then you'd wish I'm still filling numbers so you can do Threnody :P )

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Day 1: Unexpected Parties

The halls at Silverlight were filled with crackling energy. It had been two thousand years since the Shardic Coalition had formed again, finally recovering the powers lost in the Great Insurrection. It was only a stroke of chance that had saved the Cosmere then - chance that the 17th Shard had claimed power for themselves instead of gathering the Shards to reforge Adonalsium, the long-Shattered High God.

But that was eons past. For two thousand years, the powers of the Shards had reigned again, putting right all that had fallen into chaos (or, in the case of Ruin, adding a little more chaos to places that didn't have enough) in the long and bloody interim. And now, on the two thousandth anniversary of the Restoration of the Shards, Silverlight was playing host to a party grander than any it had hosted in its long and venerable history.

The hors d'oeuvres were more exquisite than most of the guests had ever encountered before, and mixed drinks featured a full palette of Rosharan wine, and the finest Scadrian whisky-and-metal cocktails. The bell finally rang for dinner, and what seemed like a regiment of Faceless Immortals - all dressed in the traditional robes of the ancient Terris stewards - motioned them to their seats.

Dinner was, of course, excellent. Courses from across the Cosmere found their way onto the tables of Silverlight, and the smells of Horneater stews, Hallandren fruits, and many other delectable dishes rose from the long-set tables.

The guests were no less distinguished - in fact, rumors had widely circulated that the Shards themselves were present, though in hiding. Prominent worldhoppers were everywhere, and the name of every guest was attached to volumes of history stored in the great archives.

All except one.

The old man was decrepit, his white hair receding, leaving behind a wrinkled head dotted with liver spots. Nobody seemed to be able to place him, though everyone agreed that he should be there. How could he have gotten in without an invitation, after all? The door guards were most thorough.

As the dinner wound on, though, those sharing a table with him began to feel a touch uneasy. His jokes were funny, but they strayed a bit too close to...blasphemy, for lack of a better word. Jokes about drinks with Tanavast, feuds with Rayse and Bavadin, and reminiscence about Ati and Leras as if they were old friends were uncomfortable for a generation who knew those names as the original sixteen - long since dead and gone, their Shards inherited by equally potent but less venerable successors.

The meal wound to a close, and the master of ceremonies began the toasts. Colleagues, neighbors, the Shards themselves - the hall soon lapsed into a whirlwind of sound, glasses clinking, calls for yet more toasts rising, calls for more wine, more cocktails, more drinks of every kind.

The old man stood, then, raising his glass. His voice wavered querulously, but it was loud enough to fill the hall. "I would like to propose a toast." Almost miraculously, the hall fell silent. "A toast to the greatest power in the Cosmere. A toast...to human stupidity!" He laughed uporariously, though only few joined him. "Not a fan of comedy, I see," he wheezed. "Well, maybe you'll find this one funny. A toast to a power even greater than human stupidity." He chuckled to himself, then stopped to catch his breath.

"Where was I? Oh yes - a power greater than human stupidity! I speak, of course, of Adonalsium. Not that this august body knows that name, but you will soon." And in an instant, all the lights went out. The guests scrambled from their seats, waiters rushed to put lights on again, but the confusion lasted almost a half hour. When things had finally calmed again, a note was found pinned to the doors. Only two words, and a signature, but it was enough to cast a chill over the whole festival.

I'm back.



Day 1 has begun! It will end at 2 PM, Mountain Time, December 22nd.



Player List:

1. Assassin in Burgundy - First of the Game

2. Master Elodin - Second of the Signups

3. Jondesu - Quintus

4. AliasSheep - Kelen Taldar

5. Darkness Ascendant - Kaldain Selblessed

6. A Joe in the Bush - Jack Tormander

7. Doc12 - Silence

8. Kynedath - Desten Kyde

9. TheMightyLopen - Kaloo

10. Straw - Malum Farcimen

11. Young Bard - Serol

12. Magestar - Magestar

13. Alvron - Lorna

14. Dalinar Kholin - Sanya

15. Harambe - PUNisher

16. I_am_a_Stick - Stic

17. RubiksCube - cubefright archive

18. DroughtBringer - Ralar

19. Araris Valerian - Aralis

20. Arinian - Arinian

21. Zephrer - Tardeick

22. Conquestor - Farallen Oniz

23. Sart - Sam Trudite

24. Aonar Faileas - Nilan Izenry

25. Elenion - emissary of Mandos

26. Kasimir - Tenth of the Dusk

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