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14 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I'll sign up! Gotta restore my Honor after all... <_<

Not sure what my character's gonna be quite yet, but I'll try to figure something out soon.

May the RNG be kind...

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Well...this game has a lot of kill actions, but it also has a lot of protections, too. So...kind of a wash as to whether dying early or late is more likely? Also, you should definitely sign up...

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6 hours ago, Arinian said:

I want to sign up but I'm not sure If It's a good idea to play 3 games simultaneously :wacko:


11 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I'm going to have to withdraw: my family is going to Hawaii over Christmas break, and I don't want to have to go inactive for an entire week.


10 minutes ago, Ookthelion III said:

Same ^

I'll make all three of you the same offer, will you sign up if I promise to kill you before it becomes a problem? :P

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29 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I'm going to have to withdraw: my family is going to Hawaii over Christmas break, and I don't want to have to go inactive for an entire week.


27 minutes ago, Ookthelion III said:

Same ^

If signups keep going the way they've been going, we still won't have enough players to play by the time you get back :(

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53 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I'm going to have to withdraw: my family is going to Hawaii over Christmas break, and I don't want to have to go inactive for an entire week.


51 minutes ago, Ookthelion III said:

Same ^

How about I go to Hawaii in your place?

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I'd intended to wait and do some RP for this on Saturday when I have a bit more time, but I can see Seonid getting nervous about the number of players, so I'll try to put that a little more at ease.

In LG21, I was Vathir, a Nalthian Rambleman. Now, in that game, Vathir inherited Devotion, created an awesome PM group (though Seonid might quibble with me on that one... :P), died, was Returned, and then got converted by Autonomy, so I don't think I can just pick up that character again. Instead, I'll be his elderly tutor, trying to find clues about what happened to his young pupil. I think he'll start on Nalthis, which is where Vathir went at the start of LG21.

Also, last time I played this, I inherited Devotion, created an awesome PM group, died, was Returned, and then got converted by Autonomy. That can happen - if you sign up. :P If you're sitting on the edge, I thoroughly recommend it. How often do you get to be a Shard of Adonalsium?

Edited by The Young Bard
Added starting World
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5 minutes ago, AliasSheep said:

Ooh, by the way, does anyone want to do any RP this game?  I'm planning on continuing Kelen's storyline from LG21, which was admittedly basically just fanfic, so if anyone else wants to join in, be my guest.

If I can make my brain work, I'll do some RP.  But probably not a lot.  Btw, My name will be Magestar, and I can be seem holding a grey, slightly decayed thumb.  I'd like to start on First of the Sun, if that's OK.

Just now, Seonid said:

PAFO! (That's play and find out, for those of you who haven't encountered that phrase before)

K, Thanks.

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@Magestar I will say this: there are no meta roles. Those caused mostly just problems in lg21, and they didn't add fun to the game (ask sheep how dying because you targeted yourself with a defence action was...)

So they are gone. The lifeless commander and the puppet master got upgraded to regular roles, though.

To find out about secret roles though, you'll have to PAFO

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2 hours ago, AliasSheep said:

Ooh, by the way, does anyone want to do any RP this game?  I'm planning on continuing Kelen's storyline from LG21, which was admittedly basically just fanfic, so if anyone else wants to join in, be my guest.

Wait. Didn't your character get converted to an Eliminator accidentally by the Puppetmaster, and then get lynched? How do you intend to continue the story from there? :P

1 hour ago, Seonid said:

I will say this: there are no meta roles.

Shame - I was looking forward to a Shard Zero meta-group Doc. :P I don't think all meta-roles are a problem, just a couple like the Stick and Puppetmaster were last game, which was a shame, because they looked really fun.

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