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Quintus relaxed near the beach in the sun. Most of his work had been indoors for many years, so it was nice to experience some open air. 

Of course, he'd had a lot of open air here. First of the Sun wasn't the most hospitable of planets under any circumstances, and worldhopping there was a risky endeavor most of the time. Even though the task had been greatly simplified over time, he still had a tough time convincing himself to actually drop down through that perpendicularity.

Once he'd arrived and set up shop, though, he'd had a nice time. He was studying some of the ancient languages of the people that lived here, hunting for references to other magics, or even their own Aviar and god-islands, continuing his life's work of cataloging and trying to classify things related to magic no one else had cared to. At the moment, however, he was simply enjoying the calm before the storm that he knew was coming. One of his friends had found him only moments before to relay the news from a Silverlight.

His old master was back.

Quintus hadn't expected Hoid to disappear forever, though he'd made a concerted effort apparently. It had been a very long time since Quintus had seen him, since their falling out. Hoid could hold a grudge better than most, though Quintus doubted he harbored any ill will towards him; their disagreement had been scholarly, about the methods and subjects, with neither being worried about interference from the other, except by chance. Of course, with Hoid, Chance was a subject one could toss out the window, or dedicate eons of study to, but could certainly never count on.

Seemed he wasn't likely to get left out of his old Master's plans this time, or at least their aftermath.

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"Mist, for the sake of the Stormfather shut up."
"My good lord, what... what is that?"
"Wait, you can see her?"
"Yes, my lord."
"Well at least I don't look completely insane."
"No, my lord."
"We are why here?"
"Have you seen the state of me, Mist?"
"I understand not."
"You have coats, yes?" Kelen said, turning towards the shopkeep.
"Of course, my lord, right this way."


"This ash, it's disgusting."
"I like it."
"Well of course you would.  Storms, I wish there was a highstorm right now, even if it did bring that damned crem with it.  Anything to clear out all this disgusting ash."
"I disagree."
"Again, of course you would.  Regardless, you said something about a scholar, yes?"


@Conquestor and @A Joe in the Bush, mind if I join in your Fadrex City RP?


Man, lots of votes being thrown around.  @Arinian, I'm interested, what compelled you to vote for Stick?  Were they looking at the thread at the time or did you just want to place a random vote?

Myself, I don't think I want to put a vote on anyone yet.  I do want to talk about worlds though. So far a few people have shared who is on which world, though if I understand correctly, a lot of that has been from people requesting the world they wish to   That being said, it may be useful to assess whether or not we should share this information.  It's a topic that came up in LG21 as well, and if anyone remembers (which I don't expect you to), I was of the opinion that it was best to share the worlds people were on the cycle before.  I'll explain why now.

First, the reason we would want to know this information, is to track the movements of everyone.  This is of course useful when we need to analyse the transmission of information across the game.  Suppose, for instance, you tell someone in a PM some secret, and then suddenly you find that being discussed in your world, despite no one on your world being a part of that PM.  You can use the information of where people have been to determine who has been spreading the information (and whether or not it was the person you confided in).  In addition, something which is dependent on a clarification from @Seonid, it may be that certain actions only affect players on a given world.  Seonid, is this the case.  Is it possible for, a Mistborn say, to attack someone on a different world from them?

Second, the reason we wouldn't want to know this, is primarily, I think, Ruin's ability.  If we know where everyone is and what world they're on, then Ruin also knows.  If the 17th Shard have Ruin (which will happen eventually, I think), then that means that the 17th Shard knows where everyone is, which means they have a free roleblock for a lot of people, especially people they're targeting (and since they know their location, they can choose the planet accordingly).  This, imagineably, can be a massive pain.  So, that's why we wouldn't want to share that information.

So, the best option I think is to share who is on which world the cycle after that is true.  Since people worldjump between day cycles, Ruin cannot target accurately, while we still get the information that we need to track players which can help us catch elims.  I can't say anything about Scadrial, since that information is already out there, but Day 2, I encourage people to share who was on their world on Day 1.

Edited by AliasSheep
missed a word
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@AliasSheep I have no problem with you joining us Kelen. As for the sharing of information, I'm thinking that near complete freedom of information is important. Keep roles secret obviously, but everything else should be a mater of public record. The more information in the hands of the public, the more informed choices they can make. Ruin's is the only ability that is world related. And actually, @Ruin  I think you should blow up a world now. The ability can only be used twice, and once it's been used a second time, Ruin loses the ability to kill. So using it once tonight, when you don't have any real kill targets (I hope) will prevent hypothetical Evil!Ruin from using the ability again. Sacrificing a power that is only hypothetical useful to us in exchange for robbing the other team of it's equally hypothetical but more useful use.

Now, we only need a planet to volunteer to be destroyed. I vote Scadrial. It's thematically appropriate. (Also, I just noticed, the names of everyone on Scadrial start with A.)

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At the word Roshar, Farallen's demeanor changed. He became a bit more interested, as he realized he was speaking with someone who knew of other worlds. "Ah, well it seems you know about such places, but you do not know how to get to them."

"Indeed. I've met some inhabitants of otherworlds, but none shared with me their secrets." Jack paused as he thought of the mad Terrisman, Jonly, and the sly noblewoman, Sani. Lord Oniz took his silence to mean he had finished talking.

 "Well, I suppose I could show you, but it will take time to plan our trip."

"I have nothing planned for the rest of my life Oniz, time is no object. Nor is money, if that is necessary." That ought to at least keep the man interested in teaching him.

"So, where would you like to go?"

How much to reveal? Jack only knew of Roshar from Sani's complaints about the in-hospitality of the world, wracked as it was by storms. But it could hardly be worse than Scadrial's ashfalls. "I would like to go to Roshar. I have a friend there."

Con, can Sheep join in?

@Master Elodin can you clarify what you mean by 'Performing the same'?

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57 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

At the word Roshar, Farallen's demeanor changed. He became a bit more interested, as he realized he was speaking with someone who knew of other worlds. "Ah, well it seems you know about such places, but you do not know how to get to them."

"Indeed. I've met some inhabitants of otherworlds, but none shared with me their secrets." Jack paused as he thought of the mad Terrisman, Jonly, and the sly noblewoman, Sani. Lord Oniz took his silence to mean he had finished talking.

 "Well, I suppose I could show you, but it will take time to plan our trip."

"I have nothing planned for the rest of my life Oniz, time is no object. Nor is money, if that is necessary." That ought to at least keep the man interested in teaching him.

"So, where would you like to go?"

How much to reveal? Jack only knew of Roshar from Sani's complaints about the in-hospitality of the world, wracked as it was by storms. But it could hardly be worse than Scadrial's ashfalls. "I would like to go to Roshar. I have a friend there."


Con, can Sheep join in?

@Master Elodin can you clarify what you mean by 'Performing the same'?

Ah, it was a bad joke made worse by poor formatting. I am performing a threnody.

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Sel whizzed around his head. Oh oops. Syl. Ever since he started worldhopping he got confused betwene the two.

Why the storm did she always have to do that?

It was storming annoying.

Besides who were these storming lighteyes sittin on their fat as sadeass rear ends. Sitting there. Eating. When god knows what was going on outside.

He didn't touch his food


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9 hours ago, Arinian said:

And I gonna vote on Stick cause she looks suspicious :D.

I...why am I not surprised 

I'm going to poke vote DroughtBringer, they were online earlier but didn't say anything. 

Now I must go and read the rules. 

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"....And as I was telling you , gon that that one time I found my cousin's ring in 5 minutes , finding that hoid person doesn't seem harder than that . Have I told you the storry about the...."

storms they were a tough group to please , This room has more tension than a bondsmith's latrine . 

Well nothing we can do now , we'll just have to wait and see , plus , no reason to waste perfectly good food

Edited by harambe
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11 hours ago, Alvron said:

Lorna finished oiling her crossbow, checked her bolts and got ready to hunt.  She had a goal and no one was going to stop her this time.  First on her list was Magestar.  The bounty on his head wasn't high but it would be enough to replace the daggers she lost in Urithiru after that little incident involving those pesky Diagrammists.

Is this a poke vote?  Or a promise? :P

You do realize we're on different planets? :P 

7 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

So, any thoughts about the plan to have Ruin blow up Scadrial to deprive Hypothetical Future Evil Ruin of the opportunity to do so?

Is Scadrial empty? :P  I don't necessarily have a problem with the idea, but I feel like using it C1 is a bit odd.  It will set the tone for most of the game, although I'm not sure that's a point against using it soon.  I think it's really up to Ruin to decide, however, I think they should pick a planet randomly.  Do you have any particular reason to pick Scadrial, Joe?

I'm probably not going to vote today unless something really compelling comes up.

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Tenth of the Dusk waited in silence.

That, at least, was something he was good at. Life as a trapper on the Pantheon islands punished those who were impatient or hasty; those who sought easy solutions or rewards. If you were careless, you died. This was especially true for the trappers who had chosen Patji: the Father, the largest and most dangerous of the Pantheon.

Tenth had left that life behind him, though: smoke drifting upwards from the final offering he'd burned to Patji. He breathed in, and could almost imagine he detected vestiges of that final prayer, still clinging to him, like cobwebs.

This was the Homeisles, he knew. But it would be foolish to think that it was safe. There were dangers here, no less than the deathants and the spiked anemones and the nightmaws. He fed Kaikoa a seed from his pocket, as he shouldered his way through the crowd, checking only to make sure he was still carrying his steel machete. He'd seen the flash of colour, earlier, and now he made his way towards it, as fast as the crowd would let him. He'd tracked his target all the way through the streets, following that tell-tale flash of colour - an Aviar mating plume stuck jauntily in a red hat.

But now he'd come to a dead end. Part of him wondered if it was a trap. Or a message.

He took one breath, and then another. Perched on his shoulder, Kaikoa chirped quietly. There was no sign of where she had gone, that woman in the red hat. A soft, humid breeze whispered through that alley, bringing with it the faint promise of rain.

He'd been beaten, this time. It happened sometimes. He would have to try again, to pick up her trail. Tenth turned away.

Back from a long day out, and too tired to contribute much. I'll be out the whole day tomorrow as well. Things should be better after that. General comments on reading the thread is that I'm still really lost about all the rules and will need to do more reading. I don't understand the stakes of having Ruin destroy a world now, though. I get that we want to prevent an Evil Ruin doing things, but is the gameplan to completely remove Ruin's Shardic ability (überkill), or is it to remove Ruin's world-destroying ability? (Because Joe seems to be thinking along the lines that an Evil Ruin would prefer to destroy worlds than to make that kill. I'm not making sense of that preference.)

And if it is to remove Ruin's world-destroying ability, is Ruin's Shardic ability supposed to just be an unfortunate casualty of that, since the only way to do that is to deplete the worlds Ruin can destroy? :S I'm just not really clear on what the point of this whole thing is.

No concrete thoughts on revealing world info either. Will think more on it. My current instinct is that delayed release sounds better, precisely because of the role-block possibilities, but I'm guessing that Joe's plan is supposed to nix that and allow hot-off-the-press release. 

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Kelen's ears perked up.

"Did you hear that, Mist?"
"I did hear what?"
"Roshar.  Somebody mentioned Roshar."
"That is why strange?"
"Because why would people be talking about Roshar on Scadrial?"
"You are not only traveller the."
"I haven't met any yet, though.  This seems like a perfect oppurtunity to get started though.  Do you think they'll know anything about Shadesmar here?"
"I would not know"
"Might as well ask them."
He put away his book, placing it in a bag he'd purchased recently.  It was a shame he couldn't have brought anything over from home but he had left in somewhat of a hurry.  The book was titled 'A Study On The Realmatic Implications of The Metallic Arts'.  It apparently wasn't very popular.

The people he'd overheard were sitting a table near to his, up on the balcony in this palace of building, modelled on the apparently much grander keeps in Luthadel, the old capital.  The country seemed to be in somewhat of a state at the moment, similar to Alethkar in that sense, he supposed.  He walked over to them.

"Excuse me, but was I correct in hearing someone mention, Roshar?"

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2 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

@AliasSheep I have no problem with you joining us Kelen. As for the sharing of information, I'm thinking that near complete freedom of information is important. Keep roles secret obviously, but everything else should be a mater of public record. The more information in the hands of the public, the more informed choices they can make. Ruin's is the only ability that is world related. And actually, @Ruin  I think you should blow up a world now. The ability can only be used twice, and once it's been used a second time, Ruin loses the ability to kill. So using it once tonight, when you don't have any real kill targets (I hope) will prevent hypothetical Evil!Ruin from using the ability again. Sacrificing a power that is only hypothetical useful to us in exchange for robbing the other team of it's equally hypothetical but more useful use.

Now, we only need a planet to volunteer to be destroyed. I vote Scadrial. It's thematically appropriate. (Also, I just noticed, the names of everyone on Scadrial start with A.)

I agree that we should reveal who's on what World PM - I'll reveal that Nalthis has Len, Arinian, Straw, and myself on it, but I disagree strongly that Ruin should blow up a world. Doing it randomly could prevent village actions, constrict information, and reduce Ruin's power and influence later in the game, which would be bad for the village if it does remain in the villagers hands, which is more likely, in my opinion.

General advice to @Shards, I would advise you to pass your Shards over the next couple cycles or so. The 17th Shard knows you have them, so will probably target you. Passing it makes it that much harder for them to collect them and gain their sudden death win con. If you need to wait a couple cycles to establish who you trust, fine, but I wouldn't leave it off any longer than that. Luckily, there aren't any stacking abilities that could prevent passing Shards this game, so it's not as big a problem if you pass later in the game.

@Devotion - if you have no other preferences, I wouldn't mind being set up with a PM eventually. Unfortunately, PM rules look a lot more restrictive for you then they were for me when I was Devotion, so if you can't or don't want to do this tonight don't worry about it - I'll try my luck later. :)

Arinian & Stick - I take it you two know each other IRL? I'm assuming that's what that's about.

Clarification for Seonid: If a player is in the Cognitive Realm for your second turn in the same Cycle, are you allowed to quote or summarize any/all info from previous Cognitive Realm Docs?

If we are, then we should be able to keep up a constant cycle whereby all info is retained, provided you have 1 person at least each turn that reads the info and copies it across.

I feel I have a lot more to discuss about roles, but I'm getting LG21 and LG29 muddled through my heads (I basically skimmed the rules for LG29, to be honest, partially just going off what I remembered from the previous installment to be the case. I'll do a re-read sometime in the next Cycle, and get specific recommendations for individual roles. Sorry I didn't hold to my promise from before.

Oh. Also, poke votes. Hmmmm... RubiksCube. Welcome back! Have a poke vote.

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21 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

Arinian & Stick - I take it you two know each other IRL? I'm assuming that's what that's about.

No. You wrong.

5 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

I...why am I not surprised 

I'm going to poke vote DroughtBringer, they were online earlier but didn't say anything. 

Now I must go and read the rules. 

Okay, sorry. Not gonna do that again cause it's starts to be boring. Stick

Edited by Arinian
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3 hours ago, Straw said:

Straw here. It's quiet on Nalthis. :(

Pretty quiet here on Taldain as well...


Ralar kicked off his shoes, sand sent flying across the ground. Why did he have to come here? The sand was just annoying...not to mention the lack of any real night. He would have to get off this world, sooner rather than later. He had had a hunch that something was about to go down here, but as of yet nothing much has seemed to happen yet.


7 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

I...why am I not surprised 

I'm going to poke vote DroughtBringer, they were online earlier but didn't say anything. 

Now I must go and read the rules. 

That was just mean...nice catch seeing me on though.

Anyone on Taldain interested in an RP?

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"Excuse me, but was I correct in hearing someone mention, Roshar?"

Oh boy, why did I have to be in a place thriving with worldhoppers? "Uh, yes. We will be leaving for Roshar in a couple of days or so. Would you like to come?" There are safety in numbers though, especially in a time like this.

@Devotion I Would also like a pm please, but you do as you wish.

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7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I get that we want to prevent an Evil Ruin doing things, but is the gameplan to completely remove Ruin's Shardic ability (überkill), or is it to remove Ruin's world-destroying ability? (Because Joe seems to be thinking along the lines that an Evil Ruin would prefer to destroy worlds than to make that kill. I'm not making sense of that preference.)

I'm going to have to agree with Kas on this one.  If we were going to go the direction of destroying a world, which I'm not so sure is a good idea anymore, then I think we would have to destroy two, in order to stop Ruins kill.  However, I'm not really seeing an instance in which any faction would want to destroy a world, seeing as it really doesn't have a huge benefit.  Plus, I'm thinking that it might be useful to have a Shardic kill in the future.  

I'm unsure about sharing who's on what planet.  I don't see the benefit, but I also am not seeing the disadvantages.  Could someone explain exactly what sharing that information would even do?

Also, I would say that scan roles should probably try and scan as often as possible.  That's really my only input on the roles, for now.  I should be able to post again later.

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8 hours ago, Magestar said:

Is Scadrial empty? :P  I don't necessarily have a problem with the idea, but I feel like using it C1 is a bit odd.  It will set the tone for most of the game, although I'm not sure that's a point against using it soon.  I think it's really up to Ruin to decide, however, I think they should pick a planet randomly.  Do you have any particular reason to pick Scadrial, Joe?

Scadrial has four people on it, but all can worldhop away during the day, and we just need people to not worldhop to it today, and then it will be empty.

7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I don't understand the stakes of having Ruin destroy a world now, though. I get that we want to prevent an Evil Ruin doing things, but is the gameplan to completely remove Ruin's Shardic ability (überkill), or is it to remove Ruin's world-destroying ability? (Because Joe seems to be thinking along the lines that an Evil Ruin would prefer to destroy worlds than to make that kill. I'm not making sense of that preference.)


And if it is to remove Ruin's world-destroying ability, is Ruin's Shardic ability supposed to just be an unfortunate casualty of that, since the only way to do that is to deplete the worlds Ruin can destroy? :S I'm just not really clear on what the point of this whole thing is.

No concrete thoughts on revealing world info either. Will think more on it. My current instinct is that delayed release sounds better, precisely because of the role-block possibilities, but I'm guessing that Joe's plan is supposed to nix that and allow hot-off-the-press release. 

I am proposing that ruin destroys 1 planet. If he does that, then Hypothetical Evil Future Ruin can't risk destroying another planet, because if he did, he would lose his nightly kill. I am not proposing removing Ruin's kill ability. I also think we'll need that in the future. (especially if it's in the hands of one of the inactive killers)

I just decided i wanted to share planet information so i could find my favorite people to talk to and scheme with.

6 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

I agree that we should reveal who's on what World PM - I'll reveal that Nalthis has Len, Arinian, Straw, and myself on it, but I disagree strongly that Ruin should blow up a world. Doing it randomly could prevent village actions, constrict information, and reduce Ruin's power and influence later in the game, which would be bad for the village if it does remain in the villagers hands, which is more likely, in my opinion.

General advice to @Shards, I would advise you to pass your Shards over the next couple cycles or so. The 17th Shard knows you have them, so will probably target you. Passing it makes it that much harder for them to collect them and gain their sudden death win con. If you need to wait a couple cycles to establish who you trust, fine, but I wouldn't leave it off any longer than that. Luckily, there aren't any stacking abilities that could prevent passing Shards this game, so it's not as big a problem if you pass later in the game.

If we plan it out, then Ruin won't stop anyone from taking an action. I've already put in order to leave Scadrial for Roshar. If everyone else on Scadrial does the same, then Ruin can blow up the planet tonight without blocking anyone. No actions or information prevented. Does it reduce Ruin's power and influence later in the game? Yes. but the later it is, the more likely it's in evil hands, and you're advocating passing the shards anyway (I am too) so Ruin's current vessel will already be losing his influence and power if he does it tonight.

According to the rules, the 17th shard doesn't have a group kill. They can only lynch or cozy up to a shard. I'm actually thinking the shards should pass, but wait to see who tries to talk to them the most, tries to get them to trust them. Either that, or see who tries the hardest to lynch a shard.

7 hours ago, Conquestor said:

@AliasSheep Yes, I think it would be awesome if you joined! :D 

"Ah, Roshar. Well, time to start training, but first, how well can you blend in, in weird places?" I needed to go to Roshar anyway and this is a perfect excuse for leaving Scadrial. Farallen smiles.


6 hours ago, AliasSheep said:

The people he'd overheard were sitting a table near to his, up on the balcony in this palace of building, modelled on the apparently much grander keeps in Luthadel, the old capital.  The country seemed to be in somewhat of a state at the moment, similar to Alethkar in that sense, he supposed.  He walked over to them.

"Excuse me, but was I correct in hearing someone mention, Roshar?"

Jack's hand shot under his tunic, grabbing a dagger, but it was just another curious Noble. He forced himself to relax before turning to the man. Sani ad told him about him. Keren? Or something like that. "Ah, yes, would you like to sit down?" He nodded at the man's answer, then turned back to Farallen. "I spent nearly 6 months in Urteau impersonating  various Skaa, and hiding every aspect of my noble identity. I can fit in with any group of people, as long as i have a bit of time to watch and listen to them.


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