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Do you really think that if someone had told Dani that I was the Mistborn that she wouldn't have mentioned who now in her defense of she'd been set up? She "found out" because she and her Traitor teammates worked it out. She PMed me to confirm it.

Do you really think that a villager with a protection item who is unlikely be attacked would protect themselves over a Mistborn? Or over passing a protection item that they cannot use to the Mistborn?

Dani's claimed action makes utterly no sense if she were village. She's covering for herself in hopes that people will think she's been set up. But she's offering no additional information to back that set up. Because it didn't happen.

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Oh wow. ( I was out the entire day and so couldn't respond earlier, sorry) 

Alright, so I didn't work it out that you were the Mistborn, Wilson. I'm not that smart. I was told by someone. I PM'ed you to confirm it. Did you ask those to whom you told your role to not reveal it to anyone? If you did then I'll reveal the name of the informant. 

2 hours ago, little wilson said:

Dani's claimed action makes utterly no sense if she were village. She's covering for herself in hopes that people will think she's been set up. But she's offering no additional information to back that set up. Because it didn't happen.

When have my actions ever made sense? :P 

Also, I wasn't sure if I was about to help the village or the Elims by giving you the vial since I had literally had no interactions with you and so I couldn't tell what side you were on. 

Seeing all that's happened so far, my suspicions of you have come down, since I don't think you'd be pushing so hard for my death if you knew I was a villager because you'd know that people would definitely go after you after my lynch.

Speaking of which, huh, Mark actually defended me :P I'd been accusing him of being an Elim in our PM.

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2 hours ago, Unodus said:

My point is that, I don't see how the traitors could have worked out who the mistborn was unless one of your confidentes was also a traitor who passed that information onto Dani.

El was looking for vials for a Mistborn. I was suddenly expressing my suspicions better via RP in the thread. It's not that hard for a group of 6 people who undoubtedly knew El was looking for vials for a Mistborn to consider that there was a fairly decent chance the Mistborn was me, out of all the people who would/could use El as a proxy.

2 hours ago, Daniyah said:

Did you ask those to whom you told your role to not reveal it to anyone? If you did then I'll reveal the name of the informant. 

Did I explicitly ask them to not give my role to other people? No, I did not, because it's kind of implied not to spread around who exactly is what role, particularly when the role in question is a Mistborn and the holder of it is someone who has died in every game they've played in the last two years (as El already said, that's 14 games in a row).

If someone told you my role and identity, please, inform the thread because I would love to know who it was (or who you're claiming it was).

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Due to technical issues, I'm posting this about twelve hours later than expected (internet not working, then the draft wasn't saved this morning but now it is?). >> There may be bits that have already been covered in the intervening time, but I think it's not enough to bother revising. 

Rather than multiquoting five posts and stating a slightly different combination of the same things for each quote, I'll just try to summarize:

Yes, I can confirm that Wilson contacted me and asked me to act as a proxy for gathering vials, which I attempted to do with moderate success. I told her about my own Iron vial, which I attempted to give her that night but it was stolen. >> Again, not happy with the thief. One of the people I contacted was Dani, who originally said she didn't have or know of anything, then that a contact she knew had one, then the next night that she had a vial (which she'd the previous last night and lied about not having) and was going to pass it to me (until the events of the last part of the cycle occurred, which Wilson has neatly summarized already). Five people knew of Wilson's role before this cycle, including myself. Aonar and I found out night 3; the other three all found out this cycle as far as I'm aware. She did indeed tell me (and presumably Seonid/Aonar) that if she was killed to look at Dani. Dani has been acting fairly suspiciously throughout my PM with her, in my opinion, and the attack on Wilson just confirms her alignment as evil. I also agree that it's very likely that Wilson's not pulling a WGG - it's possible, but seems entirely unnecessary right now. In this case, the purpose of the WGG would be to explain why she hasn't been attacked yet, but as others have said there hasn't been any reason to even ask that question given her playstyle this game. 

A couple questions: 

Daniyah - why did you choose to protect yourself last night rather than passing your vial to Wilson? Did you particularly think you would be attacked, and why was that all that much more important? 

Ecth - "Second, because of thanking the doctor" What do you mean by this, exactly? 

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Night 5: The Curious Case of the Mistborn in the Nighttime

"One day lad, all this will be yours!"

"The curtains?"

"Shut it, you ungrateful brat," Lord Heron muttered, smacking his son on the back of the head. He sighed at the sight of his son sprawled out on the floor, wincing and close to tears from the pain of scraping his elbows on the floor. What a useless son he had. "Get up, you pathetic disgrace of a whelp. We are Herons. We do not show pain, and we certainly don't talk back to our betters. Not that there are any better than us, of course," he quickly added. "That is what it means to be a Heron! That is what you will have to learn, when you take over this place!"

"I don't want to take over this place. I'd rather... sing..."

Lord Heron pushed his son back to the floor again. "Stop that! No son of mine is going to become some bleeding artist or actor. No shiftless layabouts in this household! That is no job for a gentleman of your stature, prancing about and being laughed at by common people. You should do something proper with your life. Be a Heron. That means that you are strong. Defiant. You have to know what you want, and how to get what you want. You let no-one stand in your way, no matter who they are. You are a Heron, and you will act like it. Understand?"

"I don't want to..."

"I don't care what you want," Lord Heron said, clenching his fist and restraining himself from hitting the boy again. It wasn't his fault, he had always tried to remind himself, that his mother had died in childbirth and he was a sickly, frail ghost of a man. Even his pallor looked more like the dead each and every day. Why could he not have had his own constitution? If it weren't for the fact that he trusted and believed in his late wife, he would honestly suspect something. As different as a shining, vibrant rainbow, and an overcast, grey sky.

His son got up and gave him what he probably thought was a defiant look, but there was something missing. He looked more like he would burst into tears than stand up to his father. Sometimes Lord Heron wondered what he did to deserve this. He could do with a strong, defiant son, but in lieu of that he would make do with an obedient, weak one he could marry off for political gain. Unfortunately, he was saddled with the worst parts of both possibilities.

"Look," he said with a sigh, putting a heavy hand on his son's shoulder in a move that made the lad wince and shake in fear. "All I want is what's best for you. It's all I've ever wanted. I care about you. I care about family. That's why you need to do what I say."

"And what about what I want?"

"You'll see it's for the best," Lord Heron said, shaking his head. "Maybe not now, but in a few years you'll thank me. Now, let's have no more of this nonsense. No more running away from your tutors, or your bodyguards. No more hiding when there are parties. Like tonight. You will be present there, even if I have to physically chain you to the ballroom. Understood?"

"...Yes sir," his son said, looking down. A teardrop fell and splashed on the stone floor. Lord Heron pretended not to notice, for now. He motioned for his son to follow him and turned around, walking out of the study.

The Heron scion walked after him, hand in his blazer pocket. He fingered the pommel of a knife he had purchased when he had run away from his guards. Now was his chance, his chance to live his own life. To become Lord Heron. To achieve his own dreams. His father's back was turned. His brain whispered treacherous thoughts that may not have been his own, but he accepted them and desired them. He drew it and, praying his fragility would not play up right now, he quickened his pace...

As the day wound to a close, the sun seemed to sink behind the hills with somewhat of a sigh of relief. The birds quieted down to a slow trill, and the flowers closed, the colourful garden fading away in the dusk. Calm spread throughout the grounds. Then, from the study, there was a crash and a snap. A disappointed collective sigh. Then all was quiet once more.

Night 5 has begun! PMs may now be sent again.
Yiferian (Daniyah) was an
Explorer with a Medical Fabrial and a Vial of Pewter!

Yiferian/Daniyah (7): Exion (Unodus), Quintus (Jondesu), Khaos (little wilson), Eques Tempore (Straw), Sheon Idris (Seonid), Juq (JUQ), Aralis (Araris Valerian), Kresla (Elbereth)
Khaos/little wilson (1): The Guy in the Red Uniform (Ecthelion III)

Character List

  1. Dr Konwa Arelle (Wonko the Sane) - A biochromantic scholar.
  2. Frost (Doctor12) - He changed his name to something he thought sounded cool. Coincidentally, he is no longer invited to parties.
  3. Shara (Nyali) - A real estate agent that ain't afraid of no ghost, because she doesn't believe in them.
  4. Stick (I_Am_A_Stick) - A thin piece of wood that has been cut off or that has fallen off a tree. - Explorer
  5. Aralis (Araries Valerian) - Not all-together there.
  6. Yiferien (Daniyah) - A murderous maid with her mind on the property market. - Explorer
  7. Exion (Unodus) - Gambling with his life...
  8. Rotiart (Paranoid King) - Not suspicious at all guys.
  9. Moro (Magestar) - Searching for treasure. - Explorer
  10. Bugsy (Bugsy6912) - Not related to any potential crook.
  11. Doctor Ryan Oglethorpe (phattemer) - Has a strange speaking problem. - Explorer
  12. Quintus (Jondesu) - Entering the mansion.
  13. Khaos (little wilson) - A fear junkie.
  14. Isaac 'The Hammer' Jones (Elenion) - In search of treasure. - Explorer
  15. Nightspud (Assassin in Burgundy) - A questionably starchy person. - Explorer
  16. Nathan (Nathanvanduij) - Signed up.
  17. Dr Artie Neuems (Arraenae) - An old gentleman comparing about today's youth. - Explorer
  18. Billy (Darkness Ascendant) - An rural man enamored by the House's appearance.
  19. Arinian (Arinian) - Appearing as himself.
  20. Greg Ronald (STINK) - TBA - Explorer
  21. Locke (Orlok Tsubodai) - George Washington in disguise.
  22. The Guy in the Red Uniform (Ecthelion III) - Too easy...
  23. Aon Deag (Aonar Faileas) - Has no interest in buying, so what is he there for?
  24. Sean (polkinghorndb) - Planning on asset-stripping the House.
  25. C. L. Anky (Clanky) - Hired for investigative purposes.
  26. Prof. Alberd Hae (Haelbarde) - Searching for the research notes of the Five Scholars.
  27. The Lady of Chaos (The_Lady_Of_Chaos) - TBA
  28. Jeffery Wilferson (jefrywlfersn) - TBA
  29. Eques Tempore (Straw) - TBA
  30. Sheon Idris (Seonid) - A shade of his former self.
  31. Juq (JUQ) - TBA
  32. Huxton (The Young Bard) - He means well but does bad. - Explorer
  33. Kasther (Kasimir) - Intreped young estate agent. - Estate Agent
  34. Kresla (Elbereth) - Wide-eyed and innocent. This cannot end badly.
  35. Mark (Mark IV) - Better than Mark III.

Kasther's Pocketwatch



Edited by Alvron
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Well, isn't that strange?
If only Dani had mentioned the person who leaked the information before he/she died...


(crap I stole the first post- what if hael wanted to put up quicklinks? ;=;)

Edited by Unodus
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Hello, everyone. I skimmed the previous cycle really quickly, and I'm rather suspicious of Ecthilion. I mean, we know that either the elims didn't attack last night or attacked Wilson. The latter seems significantly more likely. That makes me wonder what would cause Ecth to vote on Wilson as soon as the cycle started; she was the target, and it seemed like Ecth just wanted to finish her off and do the eliminator's job for them. That said, I still feel like lynching Nathan would be good. He seemed rather evasive when discussing with me, and we don't stand to lose nearly as much if we mislynch him, compared to an active player. 

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Wish we knew who told Dani that Wilson was the Mistborn. Wasn't me - I haven't been in contact with Dani at all. I feel like this is the sort of thing Elbereth would have mentioned, so I'll tentatively cross her off the list. So it's likely either Aonar or Doc. Motivations could be difficult to determine - since Dani wasn't a traitor, it's much less clear if the identity of the revealer connects to a Traitor.

We ought to look at the 4 remaining contacts of Wilson closely for Traitor-ness. I think it more likely that the leak came from one of the 4 of us. I know it's not me, but I realize that nobody else can be sure of that.

Finally, we must consider the possibility that Wilson was not targeted because the Traitors knew she was a Mistborn, but rather because she's a good player and they wanted her out of the way - and that this was a felicitous attack on their part instead of a calculated risk.

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To me, one of the things that makes inactivity a serious problem is that it becomes very difficult to get back into a game. As some of you may have seen, I had to prioritise studying for interviews at Oxford over SE. Unlike MR18, I didn't drop out of this, as I thought it would likely still be going on my return.

There is an awful lot of discussion I need to catch up on, that will almost certainly not be helped by Ookla season.

That said, I intend to do my best. I would be incredibly grateful, though, if anyone could spare 10 minutes to either send me a PM, or write a post here, giving their version of a summary of the game so far?

I loom forward to getting involved in this game once more.

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:mellow: Am I really the only one who's more suspicious of Wilson after that whole thing? Or did I miss that we have an actual reason to trust her?


it seemed like Ecth just wanted to finish her off and do the eliminator's job for them

:lol: Well, if that's what I was trying to do, I did a really terrible job of it.

Edited by Ookthelion III
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True.  I'm still having a hard time seeing Wilson as an Elim.  I think Dani just made a strategic mistake that seemed suspicious to everyone (and I do think she should have protected Wilson, or handed over the vial), but that just muddies the water now in my opinion.  I'm not really sure if it points to anyone in particular.  I would still like to know who leaked Wilson's role to Dani, and who the thief is that can steal vials.

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9 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

And now you'll never know...

I was expecting that to be a trollish youtube video and then it was actually really fascinating. So... yay? 

9 hours ago, Seonid said:

Wish we knew who told Dani that Wilson was the Mistborn. Wasn't me - I haven't been in contact with Dani at all. I feel like this is the sort of thing Elbereth would have mentioned, so I'll tentatively cross her off the list. So it's likely either Aonar or Doc. Motivations could be difficult to determine - since Dani wasn't a traitor, it's much less clear if the identity of the revealer connects to a Traitor.

We ought to look at the 4 remaining contacts of Wilson closely for Traitor-ness. I think it more likely that the leak came from one of the 4 of us. I know it's not me, but I realize that nobody else can be sure of that.

Finally, we must consider the possibility that Wilson was not targeted because the Traitors knew she was a Mistborn, but rather because she's a good player and they wanted her out of the way - and that this was a felicitous attack on their part instead of a calculated risk.

Yeah, I didn't tell Dani about Wilson either. That was Wilson's call to make, not mine, and she was entirely too suspicious for a reveal like that. (I'm kind of surprised at how well Dani played an elim, given her alignment. Pretty much everything she did in my interactions with her was suspicious, or could be easily interpreted as such.) 

I'd definitely agree that assuming that Wilson wasn't attacked at random (which is possible but doesn't exactly seem likely given how she was playing before this turn) or the eliminators didn't just deduce it from me asking enough of them about vials (also possible, though I'd say there's a fairly limited number of people who could guess that kind of thing), the four of us are rather suspect. I think it slightly less likely to be Aonar, as Wilson thinks he likely would've killed her N3 when she revealed to him, not later - unfortunately, I can't apply the same logic to myself, as I likely would've left her alive for a while unless absolutely necessary even if I were evil, because of her death streak and/or because I'd want to encourage the playstyle she was using. 

And I agree that Wilson isn't really more suspect for this mislynch. Again, there's the point about the WGG (I would say if she were evil, that wasn't an eliminator attack but a vigkill, but that doesn't really make sense for several reasons, so it's rather unlikely), and that Dani wasn't nearly so important that Wilson would've had to do all of these reveals to lynch her. 

Likely won't post much for the rest of this cycle, given finals and all, but I will try to respond to PMs as much as possible. 

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56 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

I was expecting that to be a trollish youtube video and then it was actually really fascinating. So... yay? 

If I trolled you with groan-inducing videos all the time, you'd just get used to it ;)

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Sorry, I haven't really been following this game, but I felt I should post. I went back and read last night again, and I'm now suspicious of the following people:

Aonar: One of the people who added to the sudden bandwagon on Elenion (kinda the one who started it), and one of the people who knew about Wilson's role.

Ecthelion: Seemed to be looking for scanners early on, and is going after Wilson pretty strongly. Unless Wilson is pulling a WGG, Wilson has a powerful village role and is a strong player. I personally don't think Wilson is pulling a WGG.

DA: Had that weird post last night turn. He is known for being chaotic, but still...

Araris: One of the people who added to the sudden bandwagon on Elenion (specifically, the one who broke the three-way tie), and he was one of the people who went after Daniyah yesterday.


That's all I really have right now. My attention to this game is intermittent, so I probably missed a ton. I'll try to read up and see if I can add more.

Edited by Nyali
fixed time typo
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Oh, if anyone bothered doing what orlok asked. Could they pretty please copoy and paste what they sent him to me as well *doleful eyes*

Would be much appreciated

Oh, and 

3 hours ago, Nyali said:


DA: Had that weird post last night turn. He is known for being chaotic, but still...


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8 hours ago, Nyali said:

Araris: One of the people who added to the sudden bandwagon on Elenion (specifically, the one who broke the three-way tie), and he was one of the people who went after Daniyah last night.

You mean yesterday, right?
He also was against lynching a while ago, and I have other reasons for distrusting him that I can't share with the thread right now. If anyone has a Lookout, Investigator, or Sheriff-type role, can they please check him?


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I have definitely not been "against lynching" this entire game, in the sense that I think I've voted every cycle, and I have encouraged other players to participate in the lynch. You also shouldn't have reasons for distrusting me that can't be stated in the thread, since I've sent 4 PMs this whole game, to two separate people, and neither of those PMs had anything that would make sense to share with anybody else.

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16 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I have definitely not been "against lynching" this entire game, in the sense that I think I've voted every cycle, and I have encouraged other players to participate in the lynch. You also shouldn't have reasons for distrusting me that can't be stated in the thread, since I've sent 4 PMs this whole game, to two separate people, and neither of those PMs had anything that would make sense to share with anybody else.

Dammit, why do you have to have a name so similar to Arinian? :P
I petition all players to refer to Araris Valerian as 'AV' from now on in order to reduce confusion.

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17 minutes ago, JUQ said:

Dammit, why do you have to have a name so similar to Arinian? :P
I petition all players to refer to Araris Valerian as 'AV' from now on in order to reduce confusion.

I think you mean why does Arinian have a name so similar to Araris, who has been here for a much longer time. Petition to call Arinian 'Arin'?

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