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Puns Puns Puns and More Puns

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  • 3 weeks later...

Four friends going to a Christmas costume party decide to dress as their favorite composers. The first friend arrives dressed as Beethoven. The second arrives dressed as Mozart, but the third and fourth both show up as Chopin. Seeing this, the fourth friend dejectedly leaves the party.

"Hey," says the first friend. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to change my costume," the fourth friend replies. "Don't worry, I'll be Bach soon."

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  • 1 month later...

Oh goody, now I can post the bad puns I've been saving up!

I once tried to unscrew a lightbulb before it cooled. Watt a mistake.

My mom's sister suddenly developed superpowers and became a crime-fighter. The whole city seems to love her, but to me she'll always be an auntie hero.

What do you call a giant, humanoid ant that can't speak? A mutant mute ant.

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  • 1 month later...

We must revive this thread! Painfully bad math puns ahead:


One day, I encountered an Ent in the forest. I was curious as to why he was there, as I had thought he was a resident of Middle Earth. He claimed that he had been visiting his friend, Gru, who could build him a device to help his fellow Ents make up their minds quicker. But Khan has been passing by and, being evil, had snatched him up and gotten him lost in the forest. So I led the Ent out of the forest and reunited him with Khan and Gru. I wanted them to stop fighting and for there to be peace, so I said “Khan, Gru, Ent”, pointing at them each in turn, “You guys need to realize how similar each of you are!” Problem solved.

No apologies.


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  • 1 month later...

My dog is always intoxicated. He loves (to) w(h)ine.

Vin sang a song in Camon's crew to distract someone once. I hear it was pretty con-vin-cing.

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So a bear walks into a restaurant, and walks over to a booth and sits down. The waiter came up and asked what the bear wanted.
























”Alright,” said the bear, “I’ll take a burger and some fries.”

”Why the big pause?” The waiter asked.

”Oh these?” The bear said holding his paws up. “I’ve had them all my life!!”

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  • 2 months later...

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