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I'm personally leaning towards lynching Alv, seeing as he doesn't have a Champion this turn due to Nyali's full roleblock while he could next turn. If Aman has more votes on him in about 6 hours (when I go to bed), I'll vote for lynching Aman instead, to make it harder for vote manips.

You're not even going to retract your vote on me? :o  :P 

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I'm personally leaning towards lynching Alv, seeing as he doesn't have a Champion this turn due to Nyali's full roleblock while he could next turn.

I so want to tell you why I find this hilarious but I won't.


And seeing as I would rather not die, Aman.  Though lynching Rae might be better given that Aman isn't going to die for a couple of cycles.

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Sorry, Burnt. I thought I'd done that already. Busy week, and all that. And, Alv, I think there are more votes for Aman at the moment, and I want to make it impossible to rig the lynch.


Vote Tally:


(6) Aman - Maill, Conq, Burnt, Hael, Alv, Bard

(3) Alv - Leift, Rae, Joe

(1) Leift - Aman


 EDIT: Puppetmaster, now's your chance. Aman can have his Outed Role and Poisoner Role taken away from him so he can die normally, and you can give it to whoever you want to. (There's a certain person recently revived from the dead who's devoid of powers, apparently...  :lol:)

Edited by The Young Bard
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The council was in an uproar after Hadrian Penrod was found dead, accusations flying everywhere. In the midst of the heated discussions, Dominion returned to the chamber with Second of the Sky in tow. The room went very still. In the sudden silence, all eyes found the Lord of Hate. His power was no longer veiled, and it could be clearly seen through the slight worldhopper's form he had taken.


Into the stillness, Dominion spoke in a resonant voice. "I have found the traitor, and he is one of us!" Immediately, there was a unanimous chorus of assent from the diminished body. As they prepared to unleash their power on the murderer, a mocking laugh came from the chamber's entrance.


Amanuensis stood there, slowly walking down the aisle. "I didn't think you'd manage to find him. Well done, really. And thanks to you too, my lord. You have kept them distracted just long enough." With a snarl, Odium turned to the assembled Shards.


"You will waste your time with me when this madman openly declares his allegiance to the Wanderer? He will have us all unmade!"


Dominion responded sternly. "Hoid is dead, at his own hand. We all saw the body. His followers can do nothing. You, however, have murdered two Vessels and attempted the murder of more. We will deal with this now." But before he had finished, the room had erupted into confusion once more. As the shouting voices appeared to come around to disposing of Amanuensis, Dominion looked at the 17th Sharder. "Now?"


Amanuensis nodded. "Now."


With a rush of power, Dominion quieted the room. As the noise ended, Dominion's veil dropped, revealing the form of Bernte Ghetti. Ruin crackled at her fingertips, and she smiled cruelly.


Aman walked towards Endowment, smiling. Over his shoulder, he called to Bernte. "You know, my dear, I would personally rather kill Left of Space."


Nila Hamming breezed past them, a mallet cradled in her hand. "I've always wanted to try and steal a Shard with a spike. I wonder if it's possible."


Ruin's power crackled, but Left of Space withstood it, his face grim. "It will take more than that to end two Shards!"


A red bolt of lightning crackled across the room, striking Left of Space in the back. He fell with a cry of pain, and was still.


Aman wheeled on Odium. "What did you do that for?" He yelled, anger rising.


"I was bored," Second of the Sky replied calmly. "Besides, he had something I wanted." A book had fallen next to the cooling body. Aman strode forward and picked it up. "Shadows of Self?" He asked, opening the book to the first page, where a hastily scribbled signature stood next to the number 4. "Is this some sort of lame fantasy novel or something?"


"Call it...nostalgia. And, now that I have your attention..."


Odium gestured, and a twin pair of cracks erupted from behind, as the coalescing Shards of Endowment and Devotion Shattered. The broken power evaporated quickly, spreading out into nothingness.


"No!" Nila screamed, lunging at Odium with a spike in her hand. But the robed Shard vanished into shadow, his parting words ringing in the air. "I will see you again shortly..."


Gorl rushed into the room, a bag of sand clutched in his right hand. "I'm here! What did I miss?"


Bernte sighed. "Nothing important, just Odium destroying any chance of our reforging Adonalsium. In this lifetime, at least."


Aman looked at her strangely. "Who said we were going to try anything like that?"


Nila walked up the the pair. "Umm...it was all in the packet we got sent. You know, the one from Hoid?"


"Last I checked, he was dead. And we hold nearly a quarter of the power that created the Cosmere. Why tie ourselves down to the schemes of a man who couldn't even keep himself alive?"


A slow smile spread across their faces as he talked. With power like that, what couldn't they do?




In a far-off corner of the Cosmere, the Brightness Ascendant turned to the man seated at her right side. "I told you that sending a kandra to impersonate yourself was an...unwise idea."


"Well, not everything can turn out as I planned." The nondescript man turned a steel and gold crown over and over in his hands.


"You realize that now we are going to have to do this all over again?"


"We shall see, Kiireon. We shall see."


Sheon Idris turned his attention back to the council chamber, and contemplated God.



Vote Tally:


(5) Aman - Conq, Alv, Bard, Araris, leif

(1) Alv - Joe

(5) Leift - Aman, Rae, Burnt, Maill, Hael


The 17th Shard has won! Mark IV has won! Mailliw has won! Master Elodin has won!


2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist Vessel holding Preservation

3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde) Vessel holding Autonomy; Puppetmaster

6. Gorl (cloudjumper) Mastrell

9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice Poisoner; Troll

12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis) Poisoner; Outed Player

14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) Elantrian; Vessel holding Cultivation (Shattered), Ruin, and Dominion; Scapegoat

17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard Araris Valerian Worldhopper

18.  :) (MarkIV) Survival

19. Parth (Conquestor) Awakener; Vessel holding Honor (Shattered); Champion of Honor, Champion of Odium, Mistborn (temporarily)

21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist Worldhopper

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace) Vessel holding Endowment and Devotion

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective. Odium; Lifeless Commander

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman Vessel holding Devotion Returned; Agent of Autonomy



The Cognitive Realm

Creators of Chaos


The Troll's docs:

Troll + Odium

Troll + Autonomy

Troll + Survival



The game is over! Congratulations to our Eliminator team for a very well-played game. The GMs final thoughts on this game will be coming eventually. Until then, thank you all for playing my first game as a GM!

Edited by Seonid
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That is correct - I didn't add your final puppetmaster to the player list. Technically, Aman ended the game as a Worldhopper, and conquestor was also a Poisoner and an outed player, in addition to being the champion of Honor, Champion of Odium, and holding the Shattered Shard of Honor. Also, conquestor had a temporary Mistborn role from endowment.

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I guess I should have payed more attention to how many players were left before finally creating an investee... I mean, I knew who all the sharders were...

Edit: And this the second game in a row that I've survived...

Edited by Haelbarde
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Well, Rae, anyway. In theory Aman was dying this cycle. Silly Burnt holding cultivation...

But I suspect it wouldn't have done all that much good at this point in the game.

Edited by Haelbarde
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I guess I should have payed more attention to how many players were left before finally creating an investee... I mean, I knew who all the sharders were...

Edit: And this the second game in a row that I've survived...


Maybe this is a sign of things to come...  :ph34r:

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Well played 17th Sharders. I think Burnt was really the MVP of this game, because the vote manipulations really killed us and she wasn't ever really under much suspicion of being a 17th Sharder. So kudos to you Burnt. You're the mystery Sharder I was trying so hard to find when you guys got Ruin. :/ Oh yeah, congrats to Arraenae! Isn't this the first time you survived?  :o


I think most of my thoughts on the game are in the dead doc, but I want to thank Seonid again for running this crazy complicated game! I had a lot of fun, even if I was stabbed in the back by Alv. :P

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