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Looking forward to this! I'm joining as Unnamed Character the fourth. The last in the line of his poorly-named family, he was forced into the lowly profession of soldier. What a shame.

Welcome! That was an accidental downvote, could someone please fix it? We wouldn't want our newest victim contestant to feel unwelcome!

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More questions and comments! <.<



Small concern that, if Autonomy survives until there are only ~6 players left, there's basically no way to stop them from winning. Chances are that two or three of those have already been tagged by that point, and tagging the rest is trivially done, since two can be tagged every round no matter how many players remain, even if Autonomy's agent is dead (declaring a new agent is the same as an extra tag in that case). But, I guess the trick is to not let it get down to that point and make sure there's no Autonomy left alive when there are so few players. But, since investment happens before attacks, Autonomy can invest and die, giving their shard and win condition to their investee, and then that investee can then invest the following cycle in someone who will then gain the win condition and shard when the new Autonomy dies, and so on - it seems really hard to fully kill Autonomy since you need to kill both the shard holder and their agent in the same round. I guess role blocks and such change that a bit, as does Odium's ability to shatter Autonomy and the fact that other Shards can't be invested in at all. By the time there are so few players left that it looks trivial for Autonomy to win, most people left alive should be Shards.


That's the idea. Autonomy is only an annoyance at the beginning of the game, but if you leave it alone long enough, it becomes deadly.




So, it basically acts the same as Protection, making someone not die if attacked once per night, except it also works on the lynch, the poisoner kill, and a Returned using their sacrifice ability?






Okay, so nothing except an extra life will save someone who has already been poisoned from dying when the poisoner dies? Except, it seems the Returned ability is an exception. Does the Returned ability only protect them if it is used on the night the poisoner dies? Or, if the Returned ability is used on someone who was poisoned, would it cure the poison (which makes thematic sense)? If so, that should be listed as a power of the Returned ability.


Correct. I hadn't considered this interaction before, my call is that the Returned ability removes the poison. It kills the returned, so it had better be useful. When I get the time, I'll add that to the rules.




On the subject of the Returned, a few new questions - if Endowment is targeted by a Mistborn when she takes back her Investment from a Returned causing the Returned to die, does the Mistborn then attack her? Does a Returned using a sacrifice action not die if they are Protected when they do it? If a Mistborn targets them and then they sacrifice themselves, does the Mistborn attack the Returned because the Returned made a kill action against herself? (And, if so, does it negate the Returned's sacrifice power since the Mistborn ability says their attack happens "instead" of the attackers?) After a Returned dies (again), can they be re-returned? If Survival and Endowment both invest in the same person, can they use their sacrifice ability every cycle safely since they get an extra life every cycle from Survival?


So - even though Endowment taking back her Investiture or a Returned using their sacrifice action causes a death, it doesn't count as an attack. So Mistborn and other protection roles would have no effect on it. This is another interaction I hadn't thought about - my call is that Survival's extra life can make a Returned survive the use of a sacrifice action. If Survival continually invests in a Returned, then the Returned can use an ability every cycle without fear.




How can they be poisoned if they are automatically protected from poisoning every turn? I suppose the answer is that the only way to kill a Lifeless Commander holding Devotion is with Hoid's roleblock or a Returned's suicidal roleblock combined with either a night kill on the same target or a poisoning of the target followed by the death of the poisoner. (The Champion of Honor can't roleblock a Shard.) That's incredibly specific, and if Hoid is dead, that sounds mostly impossible. But, if you feel it's very unlikely that a Lifeless Commander will get hold of Devotion, then I guess it's not a big deal?


This is a problematic interaction, that may actually call for an alteration to the rules. A potentially invulnerable player makes the game no fun for anyone. So I'm going to retcon my last clarification - the lifeless protecting a lifeless commander do not block a poisoner (oddly enough, that was my first inclination. I thought about it and ended up with what I wrote because I took roleblocks into consideration, but it seems my initial instinct was the right one). In addition, having thought about the Champion of Honor, I'm going to actually alter the rules as written - if the Champion of Honor attempts to roleblock a Shard, any actions due to the Shard (the Shardic ability, the investment ability, or investing in another player) are not roleblocked. However, any other roles the Shard has are blocked. So if Devotion has the Lifeless Commander, the Champion of Honor may roleblock her. She may still use her lynch protection (on herself or others), and may still create PMs, but the Lifeless Commander role is roleblocked.




Do the alignments cycle in a predictable order?


Yep. The order I wrote them in above is the order in which they cycle.


Thanks again for such penetrating questions. I wish you had asked them months ago when I first posted!


Due to the sheer number of such clarifications, I'm not going to edit them into the main rules text anymore (except for the change to Returned and to the Champion of Honor). They will instead be written up directly underneath the Player List. Links to the lists will be provided at the end of each writeup.


There are roughly 3 and a half days left for signups. Your chance at Shardic power is running out!

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Thanks again for such penetrating questions. I wish you had asked them months ago when I first posted!


Thanks for the thorough responses! It's good to get those out of the way before the game starts.


I wasn't on this site months ago <.< When there are this many special abilities flying around, there are almost always problematic interactions that the designer hasn't noticed. Fresh sets of eyes are helpful!

Edited by Nyali
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I'd like to join as Exisa, the original Seventeeth Shard. No typo. He has seven teeth, and one shattered one. :D Of course, he also may be the original Seventeenth Shard...


Gotta love being #17 in the player list.

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I'd prefer to know more about :) before I commit to RP'ing with him. Tell me about him. If he's a good match for Jonly, I'd RP with him. (Though Jonly is going to get up to some controversial stuff in this game, and you might not want to be associated with him.)

Stupid phone and it's stupid accidental downvotes. I can't wait until Chaos fixes that feature. I was actually going to upvote this post...

That said, when have your characters not been controversial, Joe? :P

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Hael, you need to make a red colored " :)" so that " :)" can be voted on.  :P


I'm still deciding if I want to join this game or not. Was planning on taking a short break from SE after QF15, but this is the Shard sequel and you do need more players...


Well, okay, I guess I'll play one more and then take a break. Sign me up as Lopen.

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Signing up as Nila Hamming, a very enthusiastic hemalurgist.


But there's no sense crying over your brother Mike

You just keep on trying till you run out of spikes

Hemalurgy gets done and you make a metalborn

Of the people who are still alive...

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Welcome, Conquestor, Arrenae, and Lopen! This brings us to 21 players, just over the minimum I was willing to play the game with. So we won't need to extend signups to gather additional people, and every role will be included.


Of course, with a game like this, the more players, the better! So if you're on the fence (or if you just died in another game :P), feel free to sign up. Shardic power could be yours!1


1 - Seonid SE Incorporated assumes no responsibility for any players who do not receive Shardic power. In addition, by signing up for this game, you implicitly recognize that your character might be stabbed, strangled, disintegrated, Shattered, removed from existence, or even subject to extreme Hemalurgy. Your signup for this game constitutes binding legal consent for such actions to occur to the character you have chosen to sign up. Seonid SE Incorporated is not liable for any damages that may occur to your character, even if they occur as the result of action or inaction on the part of an employee, shareholder, or other player.

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So, I'll be playing as Jimmy. The Lifeless hamster. :)

But this brings up a very important question that must be addressed before we can continue: Who would win in a fight, Jimmy, or Lightsong's lifeless squirrel?

Edited by Nyali
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I'd promise not to lie to you and then betray you, but honestly? It's me. I probably will.


I'm not trusting you again. Unless I know for sure you won't betray me. How is RPing going to work in this game?


Edit : There is going to be a lot of death in this game, so the more people the better.  :P

Edited by Conquestor
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Edit : There is going to be a lot of death in this game, so the more people the better. :P

You're telling me! I'm hoping that the last 24 hours of signups draw more people out of the woodwork.

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I'm in! Not sure who I'm gonna be yet, but didn't want to miss out on the sign ups. I'll try to figure out who I am this afternoon. (Of course, I've been working on that my whole life, so trying to put a deadline of this afternoon on it is a tall order.) :)

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