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Terrible Side-effects of Useful Powers


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Bendalloy is toxic to touch, as it has lead in it. Cadmium is also toxic. So is pewter. (Fun fact, for a long time people thought tomatoes were poisonous. The acid in the tomatoes removed the lead from the pewter, giving them lead poisoning) Anyway, the Ferrings for any of these metals would be in trouble.

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Bendalloy is toxic to touch, as it has lead in it. Cadmium is also toxic. So is pewter. (Fun fact, for a long time people thought tomatoes were poisonous. The acid in the tomatoes removed the lead from the pewter, giving them lead poisoning) Anyway, the Ferrings for any of these metals would be in trouble.

Only if you're not careful about hygiene, the amount that would get through your skin is unlikely to cause much of a problem.

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Allomancer forgetting they have metal in them: gets poisoned by said metal

Windrunner trying to fly and forgot that he/she promised their parents they would not try to fly anymore: spren dies and he/she falls face first into the street from the second story window of their house

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Windrunner trying to fly and forgot that he/she promised their parents they would not try to fly anymore: spren dies and he/she falls face first into the street from the second story window of their house


What sort of idiot would this hypothetical Windrunner have to be to make that sort of oath?  


And, um, attaining the Third Heightening and realizing that you don't have any outfits that don't clash.  

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Spike yourself to get powers.

Be unable to pass through airport security ever again.

That's why you stab metal detectors to gain their powers. Then the others will fear you and won't screech at you.

Old DA trick. 

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2nd heightening- All the choir kids hate you


3rd heightening- good art critic but never like anything


4th heigtening- become a stalker but drabs will catch you


5th heightening - previosly mentioned


6th heightening- be able to automatically awaken things, accidently awaken something during a conversation misinterprate a command and kills you



I can keep them coming all day

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Accidentally tripping while compounding iron and creating a new shattered plains.

Flaring atium for so long you accidentally become ruin.

Accidentally soulcasting an airplane into water like Shallan did the ship.

Accidentally soulcasting a museum piece into blood.

Having somebody grab your shardblade from you and run away with it while you are bonding with it for a week.

Making a steelpush bubble to block bullets and accidentally hurling your brand new watch in a canal.

Creating a lifeless only to find out that you used the corpse of a deaf person.

Accidentally awakening somebody else's clothes with the sixth heightening.

Losing all your friends when your store connection in a metalmind.

Discovering you are a pinnacle ferring... The magical version of bipolar disorder.

Learning to be an edgedancer and not yet able to control your powers... And being subject to uncontrollable bouts of being unable to get a solid grip on anything or walk without slipping for the next few weeks.

Getting lots of neat metal related powers... In exchange for having spikes rammed through your eyes and all over you body and looking horrifying.

Creating a sentient sword of awesome power and telling it to "destroy evil" only to find out that it really only understands the "destroy" part of the command.

Being enthroned as a god... Because you got six spears shoved through you by somebody who was compounding steel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think also that a general rule of thumb for feruchemy is that you can't store everything in a metalmind.  You can't kill yourself by storing health, for example.  There's always a glass floor of how much you can store at any given time.   

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Actually I bet you could kill yourself storing health.

But you are right about the nicrosil minds thing for a different reason, even if the idea is humorous. You would be storing your ability in the moment, so once you stopped filling the metalmind you would have your regular levels of power again.

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