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For the talent pipes, does it have to be a solo piece, or can it be a group thing?


It should be a solo piece.


I have a question: can you post on the Thread while in the Crockery?


No. You're insane. And you're stuck in the Crockery. The thread is for sane people who can actually do things. You're basically dead if you go insane. Yeah, you have a chance of breaking out, but those chances are pretty low, even if you're a Namer. So if you go insane, you shouldn't post in the thread or use game PMs. Your role in the game is done until/unless you break out.

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I knew I was missing something.... :P


It says each Master gets 5 DP. Is that total?

Are El'the, Re'lar, and E'lir promoted from the same pool?


Total per turn.


Yes. Each Master only gets one elevation per turn. Well, except the first turn. No one is elevated C1T1. So there can ever be a maximum of 9 elevations happening each turn.

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But, you still count as an alive player in the count, right?

For example, Maill and Alvron are in the Crockery. Hellscythe, Kipper and Ada are sane. So, does this result in a loss for the villagers, or is it fine because Maill and Alv are still counted as alive villagers? (I'm guess yes, they're counted, but just want to make sure. Thanks)

EDIT: Have I been reading it wrong all this while? Does IP get reset every turn?

Edited by Mark IV
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But, you still count as an alive player in the count, right?

For example, Maill and Alvron are in the Crockery. Hellscythe, Kipper and Ada are sane. So, does this result in a loss for the villagers, or is it fine because Maill and Alv are still counted as alive villagers? (I'm guess yes, they're counted, but just want to make sure. Thanks)

EDIT: Have I been reading it wrong all this while? Does IP get reset every turn?


Counts don't matter in this game. The eliminators can only win by killing everyone. Or destroying the University. Whichever they choose. So even if Maill and Alvron didn't count as alive, the eliminators still wouldn't be able to win, because Hellscythe, Kipper, and Ada are all still alive. Everyone who is not a Skindancer needs to be dead in order for the Skindancers to win with that win con (and the reason for that is because some of these powers could easily do a lot of damage single-handedly, so numbers don't matter. Particularly since even if the Skindancers can take over the vote, they still can't guarantee that someone will be expelled or anything like that. Death is the only way).


Yes. Every turn, every player will have an insanity roll done for them. Those insanity rolls do not rollover to the next turn. If you fail your roll on any turn, you crack and go to the Crockery. Some fields mean that you will always have insanity points accrued every turn, just because of what fields these are.

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"Elevation Points (will be addressed further in the next section) can be used to reduce the number of DP a Master gives to a student. For example: If Aonar has 5 EP in Naming and the Master Namer places 3 DP on Aonar, 3 of Aonar’s EP in Naming will be used to reduce the Master Namer’s DP to 0. If he has no EP in Naming, he cannot substitute EP from a different field."


Does this remove Aonar's 3 EP in Naming?

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Yes. So Aonar will be left with 2 EP in Naming. Flavor-wise, the Master Namer has a slightly lower impression of Aonar now than he did, and will be less likely to elevate him.

Do you have to use your EP that way or can you just take the DP instead?

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Do you have to use your EP that way or can you just take the DP instead?

....You realize that by taking the DP, you could end up expelled, right? And then that EP won't even matter at all. :P

To answer the question, no. The Master has a lower opinion of you, and this affects his likelihood of elevating you. You'll have to do more to impress him to regain what you lost with the complaints. That's another thing--the Masters only put DP on people who have complaints filed against them. If you have no complaints, you don't have to worry about DP or losing your EP.

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....You realize that by taking the DP, you could end up expelled, right? And then that EP won't even matter at all. :P

To answer the question, no. The Master has a lower opinion of you, and this affects his likelihood of elevating you. You'll have to do more to impress him to regain what you lost with the complaints. That's another thing--the Masters only put DP on people who have complaints filed against them. If you have no complaints, you don't have to worry about DP or losing your EP.

Could, that's the key word. :P 


Ah, okay, fine. But that's only NPC ones.

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I am signing up as Sev, with more RP details once I know my place in the world.


I'm not a musician, but I have fiddled with composition a little in Finale Notepad. Would that be acceptable?

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Hi! I took a hiatus from the 17th Shard entire. I wasn't sure anyone would remember me! I'm glad to be back, and excited for this next game.

*Looks at reputation* You've done pretty well for yourself in the last year!

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Oh, I remember you, Wonko. Though we never really played a game together, since I died night 1 of MR6... and you went inactive in LG12. Ah, well. This time around!


And about compositions, yes. Those will work. If you could get a recording of it along with the composition itself (I know most composition software plays back what you've composed, but I'm not sure if it's possibly to record that play-back), that might be best, since I'm not sure all three of us have a way to listen to it (and I'm not sure you want the three of us judging it purely based off the aesthetic appearance of what it seems like it'll sound like. :P ). But yes, original compositions are well and good. :)

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Yeah, sorry about that. I mentioned above that I'm coming back from an 8-month hiatus; you unfortunately happened to meet me just before I left. It's great to know I made an impression, though -- I'm habitually a lurker and an outsider when it comes the Internet (17th Shard has been my first real attempt at branching out and joining a community) so having someone recognize me is something of a novel experience.

Finale can export projects as MIDI files. The results aren't especially pretty -- the synthesized sound library leaves much to be desired -- but you can get a general sense of what the song is supposed to sound like.

There is the issue that I haven't actually finished a song since high school; and all of those are saved on an old computer at my parents' house. I'll see if I can get them sent to me, but if not, would a couple of the more complete fragments I have readily available suffice?

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Hi! I took a hiatus from the 17th Shard entire. I wasn't sure anyone would remember me! I'm glad to be back, and excited for this next game.

*Looks at reputation* You've done pretty well for yourself in the last year!

I remember you as a kindly Kandra who gave a young Mistwraith his first blessing. Only for the roof to crush him while he slept. I have not yet survived a game... In fact, I might have the longest death streak that's still active.
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