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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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23 minutes ago, Kestrel said:

I had a blood test six months or so ago but they didn't find anything wrong. I've been trying to see a therapist for a while now but nope. I worry its something else but. No way of knowing so. Oh well.

Have you tried St Johns Wort? It's over the counter herb in USA.

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23 minutes ago, Kestrel said:

I had a blood test six months or so ago but they didn't find anything wrong. I've been trying to see a therapist for a while now but nope. I worry its something else but. No way of knowing so. Oh well.

Have you tried St Johns Wort? It's over the counter herb in USA.

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1 hour ago, Kestrel said:

I had a blood test six months or so ago but they didn't find anything wrong. I've been trying to see a therapist for a while now but nope. I worry its something else but. No way of knowing so. Oh well.

Hmm. If you can't see a therapist, I keep getting Facebook ads for free therapy. I'll have a look next time I see one. You could try call a kids help line. What exactly is the issue, maybe we can come up with a workaround?

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1 hour ago, Kestrel said:

Everything positive about me is a lie and I'm never gonna be good enough, is the problem.

Of course you're good enough. 

If you feel like everything about yourself is a lie, then what is the truth? Who do you want to be? What feels authentic to you?

can you share why it's hard to see a therapist? Is there one as part of your school staff?

Edited by Deliiiiiightful
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Apparently my mom has tried to get in touch with one but they've never responded.

Also if I did it myself, I'd have to probably pay for it. And I work minimum wage.

There is one at school but. Idk if she can help. I went to her once, she seemed okay but very busy.

I just. No one will want me. Anywhere. I'm just a hazard. I'm a little slow and very negative. I'm easy to trip on. I don't have any real good skills for working.

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5 hours ago, Kestrel said:

I just. No one will want me. Anywhere. I'm just a hazard. I'm a little slow and very negative. I'm easy to trip on. I don't have any real good skills for working.

If you're taking about jobs, then no one has actually good skills at your age. Even after a good school, you have to learn a lot to be good at any job. It's called experience and by definition you cannot have it yet.

If your talking about relationships, then I'll tell that you're wrong,but you won't believe me anyway :P you wouldn't believe even if someone asked you on date. However you will meet someone one day that will change your mind about it. 

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Ugh for some reason I couldn't post in this thread... it wouldn't let me delete that quote for anything. Weird

anyway my heart is going out to those poor people trapped in avalanche in Italy right now. I hope they can get to them in time but the weather isn't letting up and is hindering progress

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@Kestrel This is what my short awesome friend has to say:

(It's written slightly in Jewish i.e. random Hebrew sprinkled in, I'll translate in parentheses lemme know if I miss anything)
(ooh I had to translate a very Aussie word too. If I missed any of those say so too)


basically i just didnt wanna be so shy anymore, it was a terribly restricting/ disabling rock i'd built around myself. I was always thinking about and so worried about what others were thinking about every move i made.
for the first few weeks on gap year i closed in on myself again, it was what i knew. I wasnt part of [youth group] before, only been a couple times and only went to a camp or two but didnt mix with the people much. Now here i was on a program completely [youth group] with people from all over australia. i was so scared, i thought they all knew eachother, i kept overthinking everything and stayed mostly to myself, it was so uncomfortable. i remember one Shabbat night everyone was at a table eating, the people around me were talking, laughing and everyone was enjoying the company of everyone. but i was a sad chull that wasnt talking to anyone, no one talked to me. i just tried to not look like a bad vibe so i kept a friendly smile on my face (or what i hoped to be a friendly, inviting smile). someone infornt of me complimented me on my smile, she said i look friendly and i didnt know what to say because inside i was drowning in embarrassment literally everyone sitting next to or opposite me was talking to someone else. i dont even remember my response but conversation defies [aussie=definitely]wasnt happening. anytime that someone tried to talk to me i actualy COULD NOT keep up conversation
i didnt know how
yep, thats how shy i was
i broke down later to my friend, i explained my perspective that i had come into a bnei world where i was the outsider and i felt an inibility to connect,but that i really wanted to these people were so nice.
[friend] told me its really hard for her too, but literally just start talking, it could be "i really dont know what to do in these situations, im so awkward when it comes to first meetings"
i learnt so much from just that, first of all, most of my issues if not all came from my head i was overthinking and it was psyching myself out.
and [friend] taught me also how to interact with someone i didnt know, sit next to them and start talking to the,
i decided i was not gonna be here again, in this terrible rock i'd built of restricting my own life
I wanted to be popular and desirable, and loved
by everyone
so the next time we were meeting a bunch of new poeple thats what i did
and it worked wonders
i could keep talking about this and my experience of breaking out of my shell but really, the trick is to start living = being fearless. stop being scared of everything. something that leads very smoothly and often subtly into fear is overthinking. when your focus shifts from thinking about possible scenarios, about what everyone else is thinking the more time you have to actually LIVE your life.
you only have it once in this form, with all the influences you've had around you in your environment and people you com across, with everything you notice that triggers a new thought that leads to a conclusion about something you've been thinking of
haha, long spiel
but basically all of this is and more is what makes you a Whole World, you'r whole world
you and only YOU can be You
every person is here for reason. Hashem[G-D] wants us here. HIs world is made of differences, we can lovingly embrace it and learn from it or we can choose to be too scared and just let it pass us by
which would mean not appreciateing and loving ad experieecning His world for what He made it to be
you have to build respect, appreciation and love for yourslef, (BEin adom LeMakom)[relationship between man and G-D] in order to have a foundation to support you when you dont feel the best, when you are scared
but you also need to have that Bein adom Le Chaveiro [relationship between people]
in the same way we should learn to respect, appreciate and love oursleves we must do to others
they are a walking Eztem Elokim[image of G-D as in, people are made in the image of G-D]
you have so much to contribute to every situation you find yourself in, you and only you can alllow that to happen, your speaking up and allowing others to see the respect and love you have for yourself will transefer onto others, they will get those good vibes
and will be inclined to see you in the same light, after all you know yourslef best
if you appear to feel uncomfortable in your own skin and hate onyourslef or devalue yourslef i promise it is noticeable. just aim to respect yourslef as Neshamat Hashem [soul of G-D] and learn to respect yourself and love yourself
and brave it
no one thinks about you as much as you do, i swear it.
everytime i talk to people about what i thought they were thinking when it comes to me i haave been so wrong.
roll your shoulders back, tuck your tummy in and back straight and just walk
thats whatv i did and B'H[thank G-D]
haha, i have experienced so much love, have gotten so much confidence boosts
everyone is scared of the unknown, but just go for it, YOLO
she told me that she was in the same boat, along with alot of them, people didnt know eachother, alot of people were new to [youth group] here too, but they were getting along fine with everyone
i was shocked, how?
it could be "hi my name is blah blah, whats yours?'
but she said go sit next to someone you dont know and just say something to them
start talking
everythingv i thought about evryone and what they were thiningv abiut me was absolutely wrong, completely far off
and LIVE
focus on the feeling of the wind on your skin, focus in on what your body is feeling
just train yourslef to focus less on being in your mind
more on LIVING this Incredible life and world that G-D gave you
it really is doable, and completely worth it
push yourslef out
do it
[my sister] is 18 and short and a rockstar
i actually used to think, what would [my sister] do in this sitch, then do it
just being extraverted

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I don't know if I should even be posting this on here. It's not like I have huge problems like the other people on here. I just . . .  I went babysitting last night. I got paid, but I didn't even look at the money when I got it, I just stuffed it in my bag. When I went to go look in my bag this morning, the money wasn't there. It must have fallen out somewhere, but I looked every where in my house that it could have fallen and it's no where to be seen. 

It's fine. It's whatever. I was only going to spend it on art supplies. But if I can't keep track of my money when it's going to be used for something trivial, how am I supposed to do any better when I get older and need it for food? When I need it for gas? It's not like I even did anything while babysitting. The girl was already asleep when I got there; I just spent the whole time drawing Cognizantastic's OC. I didn't even really earn payment. 

No matter how much I keep telling myself these things, it doesn't change the fact that I'm really mad. <_< 

Edited by The Honor Spren
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1 minute ago, The Honor Spren said:

I don't know if I should even be posting this on here. It's not like I have huge problems like the other people on here. I just . . .  I went babysitting last night. I got paid, but I didn't even look at the money when I got it, I just stuffed it in my bag. When I went to go look in my bag this morning, the money wasn't there. It must have fallen out somewhere, but I looked every where in my house that it could have fallen and it's no where to be seen. 

It's fine. It's whatever. I was only going to spend it on art supplies. But if I can't keep track of my money when it's going to be used for something trivial, how am I supposed to do any better when I get older and need it for food? When I need it for gas? It's not like I even did anything while babysitting. The girl was already asleep when I got there; I just spent the whole time drawing Cognizantastic's OC. I didn't even really earn payment. 

No matter how much I keep telling myself these things, it doesn't change the fact that I'm really mad. <_< 

Instead of taking this setback as an indicator of how you'll behave in the future, use it to change your behavior. Buy a wallet (I got a really cute one years ago at World Market for I think $8--it's a cloth pouch, so it's lasted me a long time) and keep it in the same place every time. When you get a bank account, put your money there; and when you get a job, if your workplace does direct deposit, sign up. Don't beat yourself up about this mistake. Just use it to ensure it doesn't happen again. 

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So, at 7:30 this morning I heard a loud bang and a crash. And then my parents asking me for help. 
Turns out there glass shower wall spontaneously exploded (no one was touching it, just temperature, humidity and residual stress). So I spent most of the morning cleaning up piles and piles of glass shards. 
And not getting enough sleep (seriously! It's Saturday! I was hoping to make up for a week spent working til 1 in the morning by at least sleeping in until 9). 

So here I am, feeling super grumpy. I hate feeling grumpy. I don't want to be grumpy. I just need a hug orz. 

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I'm so frustrated! I typed and tried to submit a topic to the creative corner 3 times and every time it erased because of my stupid wifi. It was really long and I had to rewrite it and it is really important to me. I'm not typing it again today. I forgot all of it and a screenshot I accidentallly took before has been accidentally replaced by my father. I copied what I wrote but it won't paste. I'm in tears at this point. :(

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2 hours ago, A_star_to_sail_her_by said:

I'm so frustrated! I typed and tried to submit a topic to the creative corner 3 times and every time it erased because of my stupid wifi. It was really long and I had to rewrite it and it is really important to me. I'm not typing it again today. I forgot all of it and a screenshot I accidentallly took before has been accidentally replaced by my father. I copied what I wrote but it won't paste. I'm in tears at this point. :(

Next time write it in Word or even notepad, just  other place that will reliably store it on you computer. I hope there won't be any problems next time!

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2 hours ago, Erunion said:

So, at 7:30 this morning I heard a loud bang and a crash. And then my parents asking me for help. 
Turns out there glass shower wall spontaneously exploded (no one was touching it, just temperature, humidity and residual stress). So I spent most of the morning cleaning up piles and piles of glass shards. 
And not getting enough sleep (seriously! It's Saturday! I was hoping to make up for a week spent working til 1 in the morning by at least sleeping in until 9). 

So here I am, feeling super grumpy. I hate feeling grumpy. I don't want to be grumpy. I just need a hug orz. 


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2 hours ago, Erunion said:

So, at 7:30 this morning I heard a loud bang and a crash. And then my parents asking me for help. 
Turns out there glass shower wall spontaneously exploded (no one was touching it, just temperature, humidity and residual stress). So I spent most of the morning cleaning up piles and piles of glass shards. 
And not getting enough sleep (seriously! It's Saturday! I was hoping to make up for a week spent working til 1 in the morning by at least sleeping in until 9). 

So here I am, feeling super grumpy. I hate feeling grumpy. I don't want to be grumpy. I just need a hug orz. 

Oh my.  My dad broke our back porch door once (full glass sliding door) trying to drill a hole for the pin to lock it closed (just clipped the edge of the glass inside the frame, I guess), and I remember that sound.  Definitely awful.  Was it at least tempered glass, or were these sharp shards of glass?

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Have a rambly, repetitive rant with no real purpose!



About a year ago I moved quite a long way, and, being the socially awkward recluse I am, I had kind of a hard time. I'm very much an introvert, but if I don't have close friends to spend time with I become Sad. The thing is, the first school year I was here I let the Sad sort of take over. I didn't do anything. I ignored my instruments, let my schoolwork fall to the wayside, and bemoaned the fact that I had no friends without really doing anything to rectify that problem. I honestly can't remember most of it. It just kind of blurred by.

This year has been much, much better. I'm doing things again. The thing is, the number of Things that I can accomplish is still depressingly small. I can feel happy that I got through my day and have practiced my music, but then I'm reminded that there's all those other things I thought I'd be able to do that I just can't. Besides that, I still don't have the close friendships I had before that kept me from becoming Sad. I talk to people, sort of, and that's good, but it's hard to get out of the Sad without someone to be Happy with.

Blegh. I dunno. I wish I could be a better human and go change the world or whatever.



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43 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

Have a rambly, repetitive rant with no real purpose!

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About a year ago I moved quite a long way, and, being the socially awkward recluse I am, I had kind of a hard time. I'm very much an introvert, but if I don't have close friends to spend time with I become Sad. The thing is, the first school year I was here I let the Sad sort of take over. I didn't do anything. I ignored my instruments, let my schoolwork fall to the wayside, and bemoaned the fact that I had no friends without really doing anything to rectify that problem. I honestly can't remember most of it. It just kind of blurred by.

This year has been much, much better. I'm doing things again. The thing is, the number of Things that I can accomplish is still depressingly small. I can feel happy that I got through my day and have practiced my music, but then I'm reminded that there's all those other things I thought I'd be able to do that I just can't. Besides that, I still don't have the close friendships I had before that kept me from becoming Sad. I talk to people, sort of, and that's good, but it's hard to get out of the Sad without someone to be Happy with.

Blegh. I dunno. I wish I could be a better human and go change the world or whatever.



I'm glad that this past year has been better, and I'm sorry that you're feeling the Sad. And you are already a great human and don't need to change the world. *hug*

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