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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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38 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

@Delightful: I've reported offensive pictures before, and I'm pretty sure Facebook worded their community standards in such a way that staff is only obligated to act if they want to. When I got that song and dance, I was so angry that I wrote them back, calling them out for deleting pictures of mothers breastfeeding but ignoring reports on hate speech. I think I did this multiple times, once on each photo I'd reported. 

Whaddya know, the almighty Book of Faces reversed their decision after that. :ph34r: 

Writing angry posts actually helped? Wow. The laws of the universe broke just for you :o

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I am growing so very tired.


Yes, I stole Alendi's line. Sue me.

Sigh. I feel so worn out. All my assignments, my responsibilites, things that friends and family need me to do, and I find myself shutting down, unable to do all of them, retreating into a listless haze. I relentlessly scroll through facebook or even the Shard hoping for even a shred of updates to distract me, to further delay my collapse. I don't know, I'm just so sick of everything. Tired of stress, wishing I could just sleep forever, hating myself. I just feel on the verge of breaking down.

The only smiles I have now are wry ones. When bad news come, I will greet it with laughter and tears.

Edited by Doctor12
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@Doctor12 grt some good sleep. Tell your family and friends that they'd have to wait, that you have too much on your head right now. Go to the gym, have a walk, any physical activity should help you relax a bit. After a break focus on the things that cannot be postponed like exams and homework (I don't know if you're still in school). Make priority list of things you want to do and do them one at a time. 

Don't hate yourself because you're tired. Everyone needs a break from time to time. Everyone is less productive for a couple of days once in a while. You're trying hard to satisfy others and you're forgetting to take care of yourself. 

And seriously,  intense physical activity can do wonders to the way you feel. It will also help you sleep better :)

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Guess whose neighbors decided that 1 in the morning was a good time to host a party outside my window? Or at the very least, stand outside of it talking and laughing so loudly that it woke me up, made Bruce growl, and it took me an hour to get back to sleep? Oh, and did I mention I work today? :angry:

Edit: Bruce will be fine. It's just a yeast infection; I've taken him to the vet and eliminated anything harmful in his diet. It'll take a while to see results, but he'll be okay. This isn't a major health problem. It's common, it can be dealt with, and it doesn't mean I shouldn't have a pet. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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13 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Guess whose neighbors decided that 1 in the morning was a good time to host a party outside my window? Or at the very least, stand outside of it talking and laughing so loudly that it woke me up, made Bruce growl, and it took me an hour to get back to sleep? Oh, and did I mention I work today? :angry:

Edit: Bruce will be fine. It's just a yeast infection; I've taken him to the vet and eliminated anything harmful in his diet. It'll take a while to see results, but he'll be okay. This isn't a major health problem. It's common, it can be dealt with, and it doesn't mean I shouldn't have a pet. 

Just wait till Mardi Gras.... GL sleeping in NOLA  for that week!


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24 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Just wait till Mardi Gras.... GL sleeping in NOLA  for that week!


Maybe that's why the library is closed for two days during Mardi Gras. :ph34r: 

I should be able to get some sleep tonight. Right now, my biggest concern is brain weasels. They like to jump to conclusions. Exhibit A: 

Me: Hm, that patch of thinning hair on Bruce looks like what the vet pointed out elsewhere as a yeast infection. I should treat that too. 
Brain weasels: Could be a yeast infection….but what if it's mange? :-O You should take Bruce to the vet right now, except that your wallet won't like that! Oooohhhhh what are you going to doooooo? Bruce is screwed! 

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23 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Maybe that's why the library is closed for two days during Mardi Gras. :ph34r: 

I should be able to get some sleep tonight. Right now, my biggest concern is brain weasels. They like to jump to conclusions. Exhibit A: 

Me: Hm, that patch of thinning hair on Bruce looks like what the vet pointed out elsewhere as a yeast infection. I should treat that too. 
Brain weasels: Could be a yeast infection….but what if it's mange? :-O You should take Bruce to the vet right now, except that your wallet won't like that! Oooohhhhh what are you going to doooooo? Bruce is screwed! 

I think a lot of his issues is prob just adjusting to our climate. 1st summers here can be rough on all life forms I find. Hopefully by this time next yr if your still in state he will have adapted fully. Atleast fall is right around the corner so his flea/skin issue will catch a massive break come October.

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14 minutes ago, Briar King said:

I think a lot of his issues is prob just adjusting to our climate. 1st summers here can be rough on all life forms I find. Hopefully by this time next yr if your still in state he will have adapted fully. Atleast fall is right around the corner so his flea/skin issue will catch a massive break come October.

Thanks. :) I keep forgetting the climate differences, but going from the desert to the bayou has been a tough adjustment for me as well, so it can't be any easier on Bruce. And the vet said his problems were mild, plus his behavior hasn't changed, so I know I don't really have anything to worry about….but I still can't help it sometimes. 

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My grandmother came over with a bunch of stuff today. She hands me books on knitting (that she thinks I want), gives my brother some bits and pieces, holds out a pamphlet which I took. Seconds later my grandmother (gently) took the pamphlet from my hand and gave it to my brother while talking about something else, like she wasn't even conscious of what she was doing.

Would I be wrong in calling ingrained sexism? I get the knitting books and my brother gets all the "Important" stuff? Because I'm offended and I'm not entirely sure why/if I should be. I was literally holding it and she literally took it from my hands and gave it to my brother. What, I'm not capable of holding a pamphlet or something? And it's my grandmother and I know she didn't mean any harm just........yeah. Opinions, anyone? 

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1 hour ago, Delightful said:

My grandmother came over with a bunch of stuff today. She hands me books on knitting (that she thinks I want), gives my brother some bits and pieces, holds out a pamphlet which I took. Seconds later my grandmother (gently) took the pamphlet from my hand and gave it to my brother while talking about something else, like she wasn't even conscious of what she was doing.

Would I be wrong in calling ingrained sexism? I get the knitting books and my brother gets all the "Important" stuff? Because I'm offended and I'm not entirely sure why/if I should be. I was literally holding it and she literally took it from my hands and gave it to my brother. What, I'm not capable of holding a pamphlet or something? And it's my grandmother and I know she didn't mean any harm just........yeah. Opinions, anyone? 

That is pretty sexually biased, but I'm willing to wager that your grandmother was brought up in a different era, where stuff like that was OK. It's not now, but it was then.

Maybe tell her your interests, et cetera, and see if she takes any hints. And if it really hurt you, talk to your parents about it, if you have a good relationship with them.

But yeah. Hugs?

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Oh yeah she was definitely brought up in a different era and it definitely wasn't malicious, if even deliberate at all. Still kinda hurt. 

The thing is: I'm minorly interested in sewing, so she thinks giving me knitting books by extension is helpful. It's not, but she's trying, and I can't fault her for trying; she's my grandmother. 

I did mention it to my parents, they didn't really comment. 

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13 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

What bleeder said (ninja'd just before I was about to post)

I'm sneaky like that.

And, @Delightful, just find some way to make peace with it. The only way you can accept her, is just that. Accept that that is who she is, just like you are who you are. Hurt if you need to, feel what you need to feel, but when you're done, get back on your feet and keep kicking life square in the buttocks. 

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5 minutes ago, bleeder said:

keep kicking life square in the buttocks.

I wouldn't do that, life is very precious to me (said the guy making dead baby jokes in English)



How many babies does it take to paint a wall

Depends on how hard you throw them


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29 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I wouldn't do that, life is very precious to me (said the guy making dead baby jokes in English)


  Hide contents

How many babies does it take to paint a wall

Depends on how hard you throw them


Dude. Not funny. 

Just accepting that your grandmother is how she is is good advice, Delightful. Though as someone with a difficult grandmother, I know that can be easier said than done. 

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6 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Just an example. :) My friends "liked" them. I mainly said it to be a tad bit incongruous.

maybe you didn't find them funny, but they are a type of humour so....


That exact joke was posted before, netting the user no small number of downvotes. I wasn't just being a spoilsport; I was warning you that dead baby jokes aren't considered the height of humor around here. 

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29 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Your all right of course, dead baby jokes aren't funny online, they r bette when you say them in person because then you can see the other person's reaction :) that's why I say them anyway, for the reactions

I dunno, man.

Dead baby jokes are usually in poor taste in general.

Especially when trying to provide comfort to those in need of comfort...

But, you do you, man. You do you.

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39 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Your all right of course, dead baby jokes aren't funny online, they r bette when you say them in person because then you can see the other person's reaction :) that's why I say them anyway, for the reactions

Well, maybe funny for you, but usually shocking and horrifying for everyone else. 

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