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I think Hoid might be evil but I can't quite figure out why.

Datan Nomlibash

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Also, never forget how uneasy Hoid made Vin feel. I dunno about you guys, but I trust Vin Instincts™ and when my girl won't even get near someone (literally runs the other way) me thinks that's some kind of heavy hinting/foreshadowing. 


There's an annotation, or maybe a WoB, that says that the Ruin influences Vin to create that uneasy feeling because of how much help the information he could have given her would have been in the fight against Ruin.


Edit: I haven't been able to find it, and at this point I'm pretty sure this is just a theory I read somewhere that became a WoB in my head. In my search, I found this, though, which is pretty interesting.


gray morality: Any timeframe of when we'll find out why Vin avoided Hoid in Hero of Ages?


Brandon: Next year, after the release of Bands of Mourning, is the earliest.

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There's an annotation, or maybe a WoB, that says that the Ruin influences Vin to create that uneasy feeling because of how much help the information he could have given her would have been in the fight against Ruin.

This is an existing theory but it has not been confirmed, and the WoB below kind of falsifies it.

AhoyMatey (15 October 2008)

Brandon, I just wanted to confirm that you did have a couple of cameos as Slowswift? Or was that mean to be someone else?


I'm pretty sure Slowswift is Hoid. The Ars Arcanum says he "bears a striking resemblance to a storyteller", which I take to mean Hoid.

Brandon Sanderson (16 October 2008)

Slowswift is an homage to Grandpa Tolkien. A study of his personality will reveal why that name was chosen for him.


Hoid appears in that same chapter, but Vin doesn't meet him. Something he does spooks her. She's just too darn observant for her own good.


This is actually the first time Brandon mentioned Hoid.



In Mistborn 3, what spooked Vin off from meeting Hoid? (My theory is Ruin's influence, because he didn't want Hoid interfering(sub question that just occurred to me. Was Ruin aware of Hoid on Scadrial?)

Brandon Sanderson

Ha. Well, by this point Hoid had been to the Well--getting there just before Vin--and had retrieved something from it. That should have been enough to get him to leave the planet entirely, but he got involved in events. (He tends to do that.) It's pie in the sky, but I would someday like to do parallel novel to the Mistborn series with Hoid in the background like they did in the second(?) back to the future move. I don't know that I'll ever be able to do it, but we shall see. I would answer this question there.


Brandon has since confirmed that the thing Hoid took from the Chamber of Ascension was a bead of lerasium.


Maybe her hemalurgically-enhanced Bronze picked up on Hoid's use of Investiture but the beats were both very mild and alien to her. Maybe she noticed his perfect pitch?

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This is an existing theory but it has not been confirmed, and the WoB below kind of falsifies it.

Maybe her hemalurgically-enhanced Bronze picked up on Hoid's use of Investiture but the beats were both very mild and alien to her. Maybe she noticed his perfect pitch?

There are so many things she could have noticed that would have been slightly off about Hoid.  She might not have been able to pick out the reason, but I think people should be uneasy about Hoid.  He's practically immortal,  has lots of magic from other worlds,  and is well a little off.

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You’re crazy (laughter). You’re awesome though. He even beat the 17thshard people, which is really a hard thing to do. (oohs and aahs) Two hours. Beat them by two hours.

Is it sad that this is what I mostly got out of that WoB? What is Sanderson talking about here? How did he beat us?
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Is it sad that this is what I mostly got out of that WoB? What is Sanderson talking about here? How did he beat us?

I am also wondering who and what is Brandon talking about here.

That particular exchange happened at the release party for The Alloy of Law and the fact that people used to camp out in front of the bookstore to get low-numbered editions. Brandon is merely referencing the fact that this guy Mark starting camping out two hours before some people from the 17th Shard (I'm guessing Rubix/firstRainbowRose) and so got #1.

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@Yurisses you are a life saver! I could not for the life of me remember where I read that Hoid would be a major character in era 3.

As far as everything about Vin avoiding him, I'm off the opinion that Ruin definitely nudged her in the direction of being paranoid. I'm looking forward to learning more in Bands of Mourning.

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Well, I have a little theory that Hoid is a Sliver. (Definition check: someone who held the power of a Shard and lost it, like Rashek and Vin with the Well) This comes from the description of Slivers being like deflated balloons. In a Realmatic sense, I take that to mean a Sliver's Spiritweb has cracked so wide as to allow an amazing amount of Investiture in, allowing them to get more Investiture without being "filled". I use this to explain why Hoid has Lightweaving, Allomancy, Feruchemy, apparently the First Heightening, etc. He is able to get an incredible amount of Investiture because his Spiritweb is cracked enough for it.

And what would make Hoid a Sliver? Likely something that happened about the time of the Shattering, and we know Hoid isn't completely innocent in all that.

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That's a pretty interesting theory.

By the way, I asked Brandon if Hoid would go so far as to kill if it meant achieving his goals in my bands of mourning preorder. So I'll let you guys know what my answer is when I get my book!

My guess would be a big fat "yes". Guess we'll see.

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Actually, we already have WoB that Hoid would find it very hard to kill anyone here which suggests he was telling the truth to Shallan and that Rock's belief that he's a 'god who cannot hurt man' isn't entirely incorrect. Which isn't the same as letting people die while pursuing his goals, per his conversation with Dalinar.


I think there are definitely going to be surprises we can't even predict at this point and while Hoid being an antagonist (even the antagonist) would certainly be one, I'm not convinced that's where Brandon's going. My theory is that he's searching the cosmere to find the right combination of shards or non-shardic magic that he can combine to the point that Snark Investiture is a thing, then he will use it to become God and rule the universe. :P

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If Sanderson RAFOs a question like that, I will loose a lot of respect for our favorite worldhopper,

Well keep in mind a lot may happen from now until the end of the Cosmere. Maybe if Hoid does end up killing, he kills someone that makes everyone jump for joy! Like when Vin killed the lord ruler!

However, then we may later realize that in doing so Hoid sets some terrible event in motion, but... You know.... Stuff happens lol

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So fare we really have no idea what Hoid's motives are. He seems to be giving helpful tips to the protagonists around the Cosmere but I believe this is part of his larger motive. I think what he said in WoR might sum up his position well.


"And while I am your friend, please understand that our goals do not completely align. You must not trust yourself with me. If I have to watch this world crumble and burn to get what I need, I will do so. With tears, yes, but I would let it happen"


From this I think it is clear that Hoid is perfectly willing to do things that might be seen as evil. This might in the end be for the greater good, but I wouldn't be surprised if he does some questionable things in future books.

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Khriss is suppose to be a white sand character right?

Also thank to every one foe clarifying.

You can read white sand by requesting it here: http://brandonsanderson.com/contact/ (in the message box). It might take a few weeks but I definitely thought it was worth the wait.

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I knew it! Hoid is Bowerick Wowbagger!


Lol. This explains much. Except perhaps why Hoid isn't green.


He is one of the Amyr XD He is fighting "For the Greater Good"


Yes lol

I approve of the reference :)


Honestly, I'm hoping for something of an antagonist role for Hoid! I think he would make a really interesting villain. What's killing me is wanting to know his motives uGH--


Also, never forget how uneasy Hoid made Vin feel. I dunno about you guys, but I trust Vin Instincts™ and when my girl won't even get near someone (literally runs the other way) me thinks that's some kind of heavy hinting/foreshadowing. 


BUT who knows! Maybe I'm just too suspicious of Sanderson details.


Hoid's motives are clearly to resurrect adolnasium, because Hoid never had a chance to insult adolnasium before the shattering.

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Lol. This explains much. Except perhaps why Hoid isn't green.



Yes lol

I approve of the reference :)



Hoid's motives are clearly to resurrect adolnasium, because Hoid never had a chance to insult adolnasium before the shattering.


I highly disagree that we have enough information to support your last comment. Way of Kings makes it clear Hoid doesn't even think Adonalsium can be reassembled into what it was before- so even if he is attempting to unite the Shards, he knows that what he'd get isn't "Adonalsium."


I suspect his goals are less obvious than that, but I'll get back to you on that after new mistborn books are released outside of the USA. :)

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His goals may be partially determined by the following:


Although it has been affirmed in Ars Arkenaums (pardon the spelling) that no Investiture is evil, Hoid believes that both Hemalurgy and Odium are evil.


Take what you will from this.

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I don't know if those two beliefs really narrow down what his goals are, they just make it clear that he still has some sort of relatable moral compass. Odium wanting to Shatter shards could be a problem for all sorts of reasons. I think it's far more relevant what he's taking with him from various worlds, to be honest, and I don't think he'd be stopping at those things if his goal were actually to re-assemble the power of creation.


Ars Arcanum, btw, the plural of which is arguably either "Artes Arcanum" or "Ars Arcana", depending on whether you want to pluralise Art or Magic. I generall call them Ars Arcana.

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Well, investiture is in everything, it's not evil.

Hemalurgy involves rampant murder though, and Hoid just hates Odium specifically. Not just the force, but Rayse himself. Who is committing rampant murder.

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Yeah, I think Hoid's hatred of Hemalurgy and Rayse is more specifically about the murdering, and less about the actual magic or shards. However, it is interesting to me how Hoid hates Hemalurgy, and Brandon has said Hemalurgy is very dangerous to the Cosmere.

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That just put a wild idea in my head that is undoubtedly not true but I'm throwing it out there anyway:

What if "the shattering of Adonalsium" was really "the spiking of Adonalsium"?  

Say Rayse started it and once the first spike was done they had to do the rest as well.  That would account for the WOB that there was deliberation in how Adonalsium shattered.  It would also account for why Hoid, even though offered, refused a shard, due to his aversion to killing.


My other thought is that Adonalsium's opposing force's weapon is/makes use of Hemalurgy and Adonalsium shattered to prevent its powers from being stolen by force.

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