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10th anniversary alterations (Spoilers!)


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I think it would be a good idea for us to have a bit of a changelog from first edition to 10th anniversary edition, at the very least for the Coppermind.  So, without any further ado:


The map of Arelon has changed, and in addition there is a map of Elantris and Kae, and one of the continent of Sycla (including a very testy note from Nazh, who apparently acquired it while stranded in Fjorden).  


The Aons, to follow suit, have changed, with the curve in Aon Aon angled slightly differently and continuing further to the right than it started.  


Sarene's pet name for her favorite uncle has changed from "Hunkey Key" to "Hunkey Kay", to sell the idea that she only knew his first initial as a child.  


Raoden's Chasm Line run does not start with him running towards Kae, but instead running towards the southern city, Toa.  Specifically, he makes a beeline for the Elantris gate leading to Toa, and draws the line en route.  


The random encounter that kills Karata is altered so that a contingent of Derethi soldiers was looking for Elantrian or Arelish refugees in the ruins of Toa, and run across the trio.  


The distance that Adien gives Raoden, in paces, is divided in two before its incorporation into the Aon that teleports him there.  


And, of course, the addition of the Ars Arcanum and the stinger with Hoid and the skaze.  


Feel free to add others, if you spot any.  

Edited by Landis963
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I started listening to the audiobook this week and A LOT of the pronunciations are different from the previous version I listened to. I'm not sure and would like to know why, if anyone knows. I'm guessing either Brandon didn't have enough clout back when the old one was recorded and couldn't provide his preffered pronunciations and did so this time or he has little time to micro manage something like that at the moment and Jack Garret/Tor just winged it without reffering back to the previous recording. I will say that it is quite annoying adjusting to the new pronunciations but would be less so if I knew which version was preffered by Brandon.

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It was never "Hunkey Key." It was always "Hunkey Kay."


The new audiobook pronunciations are more in line with Brandon's preferred pronunciations, but we didn't make them change all of the Aonic words, such as pronouncing Elantris correctly as EE-LAYN-triss.

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It was never "Hunkey Key." It was always "Hunkey Kay."


The new audiobook pronunciations are more in line with Brandon's preferred pronunciations, but we didn't make them change all of the Aonic words, such as pronouncing Elantris correctly as EE-LAYN-triss.


That must have been a typo that didn't get fixed in the Kindle edition of the original, because I distinctly recall "Hunkey Key" as being odd.  Ah well, it's definitely fixed now.  

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The new audiobook pronunciations are more in line with Brandon's preferred pronunciations, but we didn't make them change all of the Aonic words, such as pronouncing Elantris correctly as EE-LAYN-triss.


Yeah, I was wondering about that at one point, it should've been EE-LAYN-triss, but now it sounds super weird, so I am glad it's staying the old way. 

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Does anyone know, will the Nook version of the book update to the new version, or do I have to buy it anew?


EDIT: Nevermind, I fix! I thought I had gotten it off my kindle and re-downloaded it already, but it seems I had not previously done this thing.

Edited by Oudeis
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Does anyone know, will the Nook version of the book update to the new version, or do I have to buy it anew?


EDIT: Nevermind, I fix! I thought I had gotten it off my kindle and re-downloaded it already, but it seems I had not previously done this thing.


Yeah it took a little over a week for Amazon to update the kindle version and I had to specifically request it still... stupid that other services can do it easily but not Amazon when they are so good at so many other things. 


I have to say, I LOVED the stinger with Hoid and the Skaze... just added so much more depth to his appearance for me. 

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It was never "Hunkey Key." It was always "Hunkey Kay."


The new audiobook pronunciations are more in line with Brandon's preferred pronunciations, but we didn't make them change all of the Aonic words, such as pronouncing Elantris correctly as EE-LAYN-triss.


If I remember correctly, the original audio book actually got the "Hunkey Kay" thing right though, I can see how people can misinterpret the pronunciation the other way. It's good to know these changes were initiated by Brandon thank you for answering that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I read/heard in an older podcast on Writingexcuses.com, when ask if Brandon would change or rewrite anything for Elantris now that he knows more. He said he would tweek a few things at the end. 



 Like, my climax of Elantris… What is actually happening is really confusing to a lot of readers. I didn’t explain it well enough. The math doesn’t quite match what is going on. The math and it matching is really important for this story. I would fix that one big problem to make it much more clear what’s going on. Otherwise, I would leave it the same, because I don’t want to be changing my art. 

I wonder if the "Math" he was talking about was steps Adien mentioned? Is dividing that number in half all he really change, and was it really that important? 


Anyways, I just finished the ebook. The extra content at the end could be easy to miss, on my kindle app anyways, it's not included in the page count. It goes to a suggestion page after the final chapter. I only went back because my library showed I was only 91% complete. I still had all the deleted scenes and Ars Arcanum to read. 

I don't know if I'd care for Raoden's Insane brother. But the scene of him playing "stones" was kinda funny. 

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There is a game Returned play that seems to make about as much sense, but. I can't remember the name. Lightsong beat everyone by basically not knowing how to play.


The game played by the Returned is called Tarachin.  One can easily see the roots of the game in "Stones," but it's much more obvious that Eton's making it up (or something happens that basically boils down to "HE'S INSAAAAAAANE!" *jazzhands*).  

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I just finished reading Elantris for the first time, via the new edition on Kindle. Loved all the ars arcanum/deleted scenes material. As far as alterations go, while reading it I came across an old print edition and compared a little bit, and I noticed that "Seon" is capitalized in the old version but is just lowercase "seon" in the new version (at least on kindle).

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Minor thread-necro; apologies. Does anyone know if Amazon UK has the new version of Elantris up for grabs on Kindle, and do I have to buy it again, or does it auto-update?


I have a Nook, but was attempting to update for my friend's Kindle, and did some research. Apparently you have to go to amazon.com and find a way to contact the people in charge of kindles; tell them you have the book but it's been updated and they should be able to change it in your account. I have not tried this myself, but I've been told it works.

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I have a Nook, but was attempting to update for my friend's Kindle, and did some research. Apparently you have to go to amazon.com and find a way to contact the people in charge of kindles; tell them you have the book but it's been updated and they should be able to change it in your account. I have not tried this myself, but I've been told it works.


Thanks, I'll give that a try. Not sure it'll work though as the UK Kindle store doesn't seem to have the 10th anniversary edition AT ALL (haven't checked the US one though so maybe it's the same everywhere) :/ maybe I can get them to make it available full stop.

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Thanks, I'll give that a try. Not sure it'll work though as the UK Kindle store doesn't seem to have the 10th anniversary edition AT ALL (haven't checked the US one though so maybe it's the same everywhere) :/ maybe I can get them to make it available full stop.


From what I understand the UK publisher hasn't picked up the 10th anniversary edition at this point because it hasn't been out for 10 years yet over there.

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/16/2015 at 11:53 AM, PeterAhlstrom said:

It was never "Hunkey Key." It was always "Hunkey Kay."


The new audiobook pronunciations are more in line with Brandon's preferred pronunciations, but we didn't make them change all of the Aonic words, such as pronouncing Elantris correctly as EE-LAYN-triss.

That’s fantastic, I love the phonetic system and I love the idea of embracing it further.

I’m confused about Ashe, however. The ‘Ay-Shee’ pronunciation in the original audiobook seemed to be in line with the phonetic system more than the new ‘Ash’ pronunciation. I understand not changing/correcting very established non-conforming/incorrect words like Elantris, but Ashe was already established in the correct system and seems to have been changed to become incorrect. Is this a mistake in the new audiobook? Is the aon ashe an exception to the rule and really correctly pronounced ‘Ash’? Is the character Ashe a rebel with a unique pronunciation distinct from that of the aon?


PS: I’m thinking of naming my new computer Ashe and want to be able to pronounce the name correctly (and really hoping for Ay-Shee)

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