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Random Stuff III

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Guys, have you heard about the mass flooding in Tacoma? It's insane! I've never seen anything like it, especially around there!


There's been a lot of flooding in Columbia (South Carolina) too, what with the Hurricane and all. :unsure: Thankfully it seems like they're starting to get the help they need to get back on their feet. At the risk of sounding like someone's grandfather, I'll say that we live in pretty crazy times.  

Edited by The Crooked Warden
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When has times not been crazy?

Just that they are always the wrong kind of crazy, alwird ays the destructive kind of crazy, rather than the weird kind of crazy.

Well, 60 years ago or so people were claiming "DDT is good for you and me-e-e," so I think times have been the weird AND destructive kind of crazy for a while now. :P

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I do prefer my times to be a little more on the weird side of crazy, but hey that's just me.  :P

Me too, that was my point, typos aside.



Well, 60 years ago or so people were claiming "DDT is good for you and me-e-e," so I think times have been the weird AND destructive kind of crazy for a while now. :P

If times are weird then why am I so bored? XD Bizarre things are usually very entertaining.

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Is Starfarers of Catan a space version of Settlers of Catan?


Yes, it is.  Some of the mechanics are different, but it's definitely built along some of the same basics.


Not to be confused with Star Trek Settlers of Catan, which plays exactly like regular Catan but with pieces shaped like Star Trek things.

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Me too, that was my point, typos aside.

If times are weird then why am I so bored? XD Bizarre things are usually very entertaining.

Bizarre things are entertaining until they're dangerous.

A woman today, for the first time in like a decade? blew up her car in an attempted suicide bombing. Some reports say with her daughter in the back. That's bizarre and interesting, but I'd much rather be bored.

......which I know isn't what you were trying to say. Just....be careful what you wish for?

Kaymyth, thanks :). I've only ever played the game once but it was vastly entertaining.....mostly because it was late at night and everything was hilarious.

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Bizarre things are entertaining until they're dangerous.

A woman today, for the first time in like a decade? blew up her car in an attempted suicide bombing. Some reports say with her daughter in the back. That's bizarre and interesting, but I'd much rather be bored.

......which I know isn't what you were trying to say. Just....be careful what you wish for?

Kaymyth, thanks :). I've only ever played the game once but it was vastly entertaining.....mostly because it was late at night and everything was hilarious.

Apples to Apples is bizarre and hilarious if you play it with random and sarcastic people. :lol:

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Who else would you even play Apples to Apples with? :huh::P

Here's a funny apples to apples story:

I was playing it with my school class, who had only seen the original Star Wars.

We get to a card about Vader. The caption at the bottom is, obviously, "Luke I am your father".

Chaos ensues.


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Who else would you even play Apples to Apples with? :huh::P

My grandmother isn't fun to play with, because she's so literal. When the green card was "Crazy," my siblings played things like "My Body" and "Salads." She played "Hippies." She is very disapproving of anything outside what she considers "proper behavior," so "Hippies" was the most literal thing she could play. <_<

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Apples to Apples is bizarre and hilarious if you play it with random and sarcastic people. :lol:


I'm afraid that Cards Against Humanity has kind of ruined me for Apples to Apples.  Especially when you start throwing in the customized cards that my friends created for their set.




A Jedi craves not these things.

Edited by Kaymyth
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I'm afraid that Cards Against Humanity has kind of ruined me for Apples to Apples.  Especially when you start throwing in the customized cards that my friends created for their set.




A Jedi craves not these things.

My greatest cards against humanity moment: In the end of the film Bruce Willis finds out that Dave Matthews Band has been making out with dogs.

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My greatest cards against humanity moment: In the end of the film Bruce Willis finds out that Dave Matthews Band has been making out with dogs.


Why am I not in the least bit surprised that you're a CAH player? :lol:  My admission might be a bit of a surprise.  The Forum Mom plays Cards Against Humanity?  Oh, the horror!


I'll put it this way:  if I were Harmony, CAH would be how I bleed off my excess Ruin.

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Why am I not in the least bit surprised that you're a CAH player? :lol:  My admission might be a bit of a surprise.  The Forum Mom plays Cards Against Humanity?  Oh, the horror!


I'll put it this way:  if I were Harmony, CAH would be how I bleed off my excess Ruin.

Because I kind of give off the vibes that I have a terribly dark and messed up sense of humor but realize that no one around here will find it funny so I keep it inside? XD


We all need to bleed off our excess Ruin sometimes, and or excess Preservation, sometimes you just need to break things to turn it into something new.

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I'm afraid that Cards Against Humanity has kind of ruined me for Apples to Apples.  Especially when you start throwing in the customized cards that my friends created for their set.




A Jedi craves not these things.


CAH = The food of Gods. Best played with an alcoholic beverage (or two) and friends who get the greatest joy out of tormenting each other (that and my humour is also pretty dark/dry/sacastic/cynical)



Because I kind of give off the vibes that I have a terribly dark and messed up sense of humor but realize that no one around here will find it funny so I keep it inside? XD


We all need to bleed off our excess Ruin sometimes, and or excess Preservation, sometimes you just need to break things to turn it into something new.



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CAH = The food of Gods. Best played with an alcoholic beverage (or two) and friends who get the greatest joy out of tormenting each other (that and my humour is also pretty dark/dry/sacastic/cynical)








Was anyone interested in my weird fiction? Because I made a thread for it.


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More major episode spoilers. Also, pretty long, winding, and barely structured rant:


Agreed wholeheartedly. My brother insists that DT's redemption was beautiful and heartwarming, and I won't begrudge him that appreciation. But he goes on and on about how Diamond Tiara's musical numbers "truly showed her emotions," and how the songs gave her "great characterization for the first time ever!"


Uh, no. Musical numbers are not, themselves, characterization. Diamond Tiara has not once in the show's history been shown to feel strong desires to be a different kind of pony. Not once. If the writers wanted to bring her down the path to redemption, by all means! More power to them. But do it slowly. Have some respect for your audience--we know darn well that the villains in our lives aren't going to suddenly drop everything to sing an impassioned musical number about how they wish they could be different, BUT THEY JUST CAN'T BE GOOD PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THINGS THEY HAVE NO CONTROL OVER...


Ugh. I like that Diamond Tiara has an abusive mom. I mean, it's awful, but I like that as a piece of character backstory. While I would have preferred for Suri Polomare to be DT's mom, Spoiled Rich was perfect as an antagonist to DT's good side and a bad influence on her worst impulses. The only thing I hated was how easily she backed off at the end, though I suppose that just shows how powerful Diamond Tiara's special talent truly is. (Though that just raises further questions and concerns, if DT is now powerful enough to cow her abusive mom with a single angry rant. :mellow:)


I guess my biggest beef with this episode is the rushed, musical format. They tried to use a progression of shoddy, lackluster songs as a shortcut to where they wanted to be. Instead of having Diamond Tiara slowly realize she doesn't want to be the kind of pony her mom wants her to be, she realizes this in her first song and spends the rest of the episode being sung at to do something about it. The music casts an illusion of character development when no development at all has taken place. (It doesn't really help that I hated the songs.)



So in summary: the episode leans heavily on Diamond Tiara suddenly manifesting fully thought-through emotions and desires that have not once even been hinted at in the last five years, and through a series of songs in which nothing actually changes inside or out of our snobby pink heroine, her entire character is flipped upside down and changed for good.


Again, ugh.



But a single bad episode isn't that bad, right? I mean, I didn't even enjoy Diamond Tiara as an antagonist anyway, so what am I losing? I'll just sit through this last song and hope that that ridiculous "spoiler" I saw earlier was just a fanboy's joke like it sounds like...





Alright, alright, that's a bit of an overstatement. They don't 100% suck. More like... 95% suck.


I have seen dozens upon dozens upon dozens of potential cutie marks for the CMCs, and almost any random selection of those would have made me happier. Maybe I'm just being ridiculous and hard-to-please, but those cutie marks... well, I feel like I've been cheated out of what could have been a legitimately impacting story arc in favor of a cheap, corny soap opera.


First of all, whose idea was it to have the CMCs get their cutie marks in an episode that's not even about them? Yeah, they appear, but they're not the focus! Diamond Tiara is indisputably the star of this episode, and the CMCs don't really do anything except sing "You can be a good pony!" while running backwards. It's like if Twilight had become an alicorn at the end of a Derpy-centered episode, in which Twilight gives Derpy a new muffin recipe and suddenly sprouts wings. This is a massive change that should have come at the end of a massive and personal story arc for each of the CMCs, but instead the single defining goal in their lives has been reduced to the epilogue of bit character's badly rushed redemption plot.


What. The. Tartarus.


And then the marks themselves. They seem almost intentionally designed to be generic. The same shield with the same stripes and the same colors on each of them, with a frustratingly vague outline within that makes the marks barely distinguishable. It's like the writers were aware that there were hundreds of different concepts for CMC marks floating around the Internet, and so they created the most basic marks they could to try to appease as many fans as possible. In the process, the marks don't come across as unique to the destiny of the characters at all. There's a nod to Sweetie Belle's singing, despite the fact that her musical ability wasn't even specifically mentioned in the episode. There's a lightning bolt on Scootaloo's flank--nice and generic, can fit either her daredevil tendencies or her relationship with Rainbow Dash! And of course, Apple Bloom's got an apple, so she won't have to move off of Sweet Apple Acres and change her name to "Bloom."


Am I sounding angry? I'm not angry! Do I look angry?




...Well, I guess I might be a little flustered.









It's getting late... I should be getting to bed. I considered erasing everything above and going to bed without posting, but I guess I'll feel better to have my rant fully off my chest. :ph34r: If anyone cares--well, mainly if I care--I might post a more rational, less gut-reactional review of the episode.


But for now, I'll just close by saying I wish Apple Bloom had kept her derpy dolphin cutie mark.

One point (still mulling the episode as a whole over)

The CMC getting their cutie marks and DT redemption make perfect thematic sense to me. Diamond Tiara has always been THE underlying antagonist of CMC stories.

Thing is...MLP is about the power of friendship and redemption. Luna, Discord, Gilda...its a theme the show has developed for a while. I think having the CMC get their cutie marks while doing the same for Diamond is a pretty perfect extension of that theme.

(I do have issues with Diamonds characterisation though; her mom did come out of nowhere as an explanation for her brattiness. I'd compare her to Pacifica Northwest...but family pressure was a thing from day one with Pacifica, whereas DT's only visible family member always struck me as a pretty decent guy. Spoiled Rich is a little bit of a cheat in that regard )

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One point (still mulling the episode as a whole over)

The CMC getting their cutie marks and DT redemption make perfect thematic sense to me. Diamond Tiara has always been THE underlying antagonist of CMC stories.

Thing is...MLP is about the power of friendship and redemption. Luna, Discord, Gilda...its a theme the show has developed for a while. I think having the CMC get their cutie marks while doing the same for Diamond is a pretty perfect extension of that theme.

(I do have issues with Diamonds characterisation though; her mom did come out of nowhere as an explanation for her brattiness. I'd compare her to Pacifica Northwest...but family pressure was a thing from day one with Pacifica, whereas DT's only visible family member always struck me as a pretty decent guy. Spoiled Rich is a little bit of a cheat in that regard )



I'd argue that Diamond Tiara isn't the primary antagonist of CMC stories at all--she's only the voice of the true antagonists, which are the fears and demons that plague the CMCs.


Apple Bloom is the most cerebral of the bunch, and she fears for her destiny. When Diamond Tiara haunts her dreams in "Bloom and Gloom," it isn't the teasing itself that gets to Apple Bloom--it's the fact that she's right, and that being a pest pony is legitimately a pretty terrible destiny.


Scootaloo seems to have issues with thinking she isn't "good enough" in various ways. She fears that Rainbow Dash would reject her if she shows fear in "Sleepless in Ponyville," and she's constantly insecure about her flight capabilities. (Or lack thereof.) Scootaloo is a tough little filly, and we never see her overreact to Diamond Tiara's cruelty except when that cruelty touches a personal nerve in "Flight to the Finish." Again, Scootaloo doesn't care what Diamond Tiara thinks, but she reminds her of an internal demon that actually means something to her.


Sweetie Belle's harder to pin down, but I think it's safe to say that like her sister, she cares a lot about what society as a whole sees in her. In "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils," her worst nightmare appears to be being overshadowed, being brushed aside like nothing. Diamond Tiara is only a representation of that fear, with her constant "blank flanks" taunting.


Diamond Tiara as a pony means nothing to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The true conclusion of the CMCs' arc should have been when each of them had finally, totally overcome their worst fears and become better ponies as a result of it, and the CMCs' fears weren't even mentioned in this episode.


In summary: triumphing over Diamond Tiara means nothing. Diamond Tiara has never been anything but a plot device to force the CMCs into forcing their real antagonists: their own shadows, as Princess Luna would put it.

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