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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Skybreakers apparently have a knack from this, going from that epigraph in WoR


That's why I ask, because it's very likely that the Skybreakers are using the same mechanic as Aon Kii does to determine guilt.  


You may want to reword your question like so: "If Odium was mucking around on Scadrial during the Final Empire, would Ruin be able to tell what a raysium spike would steal?"  

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This may have already be answered, in fact I hope it is, but is it possible to be a member of multiple orders of Knight Radiant at one time, and if so, is there a limit to the number of orders?

The answer to the first is yes, but insanely difficult. You have to attract another Spren, bond with it, and live both orders ideals, without contradicting either order at any point. Realistically, the limit is two, but I guess in an infinite universe someone would manage more.
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The answer to the first is yes, but insanely difficult. You have to attract another Spren, bond with it, and live both orders ideals, without contradicting either order at any point. Realistically, the limit is two, but I guess in an infinite universe someone would manage more.


As ScottLeft says,


Is there a limit to how many Shardblades one person can have?

Brandon Sanderson

Theoretically, not really. There are some things that can limit bound that.. I can imagine people have many. In the original draft of The Way of Kings Prime, Amaram had two. And so, it's definitely possible to have multiples, and I had not thought about someone trying to bond every Shardblade.


So that means you can be bonded to more than one spren?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, those Shardblades are...


Dead ones.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. So, can you be bonded to more than one spren? The answer to that question is also yes. Potentially. But there is a much harder limit on that.


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On Roshar Hoid takes care to make sure that Odium does not become aware of his presence (as if he did he would destroy Hoid).  Did Hoid take similar precautions on Scadrial to avoid the notice of Ruin?  Or did Ruin just not care about his presence?

I think he seems likely to have some ability to conceal himself from Shards but i think he mostly Shielded himself because he has a specific beef with Rayse/Odium personally from what i gathered he seemed to quite like Ati before he got his Shard. Where i assume Rayse has a specific dislike aimed at Hoid he might be activly looking for him.


Odium himself is not on Roshar but in fact on Braize although he is still felt on Roshar.

Hoid has also been on Braize personally and the fact that he's still in tact seems he can shield himself from Odium on Braize he could from Ruin on Scadrial.

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You've previously said that "Investure is intended to be the building blocks of the cosmere" and that it "transcends the different realms".


Would this then mean that Investiture is like a primordial element or prima materia, in that all matter, cognitive aspects, and spiritual aspects are composed of, derived from, or transformed from Investiture in some manner?

Edited by Master_Moridin
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You've previously said that "Investure is intended to be the building blocks of the cosmere" and that it "transcends the different realms". Would this then mean that Investiture is like a primordial element or prima materia, in that all matter, cognitive aspects, and spiritual aspects are composed of, derived from, or transformed from Investiture in some manner?

From what I know, pretty much.

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Is the reason why metals in Allomancy act as a gateway (and filter) for the power related to how infused gemstones glow due to a leak from the Spiritual, and to how atium forming in the Pits of Hathsin, due to a leak, occurred in crystal clusters?


(I honestly think I might be overthinking this a bit but who knows)

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When the Recreance happened, was it known off-Roshar? Did worldhoppers come to Roshar to grab a set of Shards?

How much can be done with AonDor? As it's similar to programming, is it possible to write a higher level programming language with it? Is there a way to access an AonDor lower level language (like assembler)?

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How much can be done with AonDor? As it's similar to programming, is it possible to write a higher level programming language with it? Is there a way to access an AonDor lower level language (like assembler)?


AonDor has the distinct disadvantage that you have to write out all your code, basically from scratch every time.  Maybe with experimentation and discovery of shortcuts you could eventually make assemblers and higher-level languages, but I foresee a lot of trial-and-error before that happens.  Also, I'm detecting a big fat RAFO.  

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AonDor has the distinct disadvantage that you have to write out all your code, basically from scratch every time.  Maybe with experimentation and discovery of shortcuts you could eventually make assemblers and higher-level languages, but I foresee a lot of trial-and-error before that happens.  Also, I'm detecting a big fat RAFO.  

That's not exactly true.

The Aon Tias spread out over Elantris are permanent (apart from the Reod of course) but are IMO probably open to be modified. If not, each transportation station would only have a single possible destination, which is possible of course, but a public transport system that can only take you one place seems a bit useless to me.


Also compare to Essence Marks in Forgery: a single stamp that links to a metal plate bearing a large number of stamps. While it is not the same system as AonDor, it does indicate to me that Selish magics are open to 'hyperlinks'.

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That's not exactly true.

The Aon Tias spread out over Elantris are permanent (apart from the Reod of course) but are IMO probably open to be modified. If not, each transportation station would only have a single possible destination, which is possible of course, but a public transport system that can only take you one place seems a bit useless to me.


Also compare to Essence Marks in Forgery: a single stamp that links to a metal plate bearing a large number of stamps. While it is not the same system as AonDor, it does indicate to me that Selish magics are open to 'hyperlinks'.


Unless the single place the Tia-plates take you is a central nexus containing Tia-plates that take you to every other plate in the network.  I was mainly thinking of the Aons that aren't etched into anything, which do indeed need to be drawn out every time.  

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Perhaps the transportation system works like this:
All the code needed written on metal and you just need supply by writing in the air Aons specifying destination?

But the issue with writing language is different: you need the code to be active at all times... hm...

We just need an Aon for "define" and we can still achieve some great things, probably writing a language would be still impossible, but...
"Define thisSetOfShapes : very long set of Aons with places for modifiers"
then you just draw thisSetOfShapes, possibly adding some modifiers you need at the time and voila! Very complex spell written almost in an instant!

We need to know if there is an Aon for "Definition".

Edited by Oversleep
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Perhaps the transportation system works like this:

All the code needed written on metal and you just need supply by writing in the air Aons specifying destination?

But the issue with writing language is different: you need the code to be active at all times... hm...

We just need an Aon for "define" and we can still achieve some great things, probably writing a language would be still impossible, but...

"Define thisSetOfShapes : very long set of Aons with places for modifiers"

then you just draw thisSetOfShapes, possibly adding some modifiers you need at the time and voila! Very complex spell written almost in an instant!

We need to know if there is an Aon for "Definition".

Oh don't even get me started on what you might be able to do with modifiers. I want modifiers. Even if we have modifiers for only one Aon, we could make our own versions for other Aons. And then we could make Aon equations and have Spaghetti Aon competitions...

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What can and what cannot be drained of colour to fuel Awakening? Could you drain a full metalmind of color? Could you drain Hemalurgic spike of color? Could you drain atium or lerasium? Could you drain a Shardblade or Shardplate?

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What can and what cannot be drained of colour to fuel Awakening? Could you drain a full metalmind of color? Could you drain Hemalurgic spike of color? Could you drain atium or lerasium? Could you drain a Shardblade or Shardplate?


And a follow-up on that: would being drained of colour affect the charge of the metalmind or spike? Or the abilities of the blade and plate?

(though blade and plate, barring any paintjobs, are already pretty monochrome IIRC)

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Do we know which realm Shardblades go to when they're dismissed?  Are they going to the Spiritual, or to the Cognitive (or is there something else going on)?  If not, the question I'd want to know is if it's possible to summon a Shardblade away from Roshar.  If they're linked more to the Cognitive than to the Spiritual, I'd suspect that may not be easily doable, if at all.



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