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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Well, we have this WoB which kinda-sorta implies it's Awakening:

Chaos ()
Why does giving your Breath to another person not require color? Every other Command does.

Brandon Sanderson
I thought I answered this in the book. You use your own color. :)



I'd definitely say it's a use of Awakening myself. No need to have a different awkward Investiture-moving mechanism when you already have one as part of the system.

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The concept of high storms in the Stormlight Archives seem very similar to the ash falls in Mistborn that were created to lower the surface temperature caused by incorrect orbital changes. Were the high storms on Roshar "designed" by someone such as Sazed who was attempting to correct some other problem that existed in the distant past or did they occur as the unanticipated consequence of some other force?


Also, Syl and Pattern have mentioned things such as "The ever storm is not of us, it's of them" (paraphrased) which may suggest that the spren had something to do with the creation of the high storms.

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How do we know that?


Because Mi'ch asked Brandon about it:


firstRainbowRose (17 October 2008)

I have a rather simple question. What was Spook's real name? He gives a easternese slang term that becomes his name, then he goes by his Kelsier-given nick. So, what was his birth name? (Yes, I wonder about random things like that.)

Brandon Sanderson

Jedal. After his father.

Which is the reason why Spook didn't like using it.



Edit: BTW I just double checked and this fact is on the wiki.

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Could Elend, with duralumin, Push on aluminum? What about Vin, when she drew in the Mists the first time, to Push on Rashek's bracers?


EDIT: Could the Inquisitors not see aluminum? If there was a box filled with aluminum dust, would they see just an empty box? Or would they be able to track a hole in their "vision"? If Vin had realized no allomantic lines traveled to aluminum, could she have made an aluminum knife and thrown it at Inquisitors?

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Say Scadrial gets the internet and someone was to set up a time bubble would they be able to surf the interwebs while inside it?


The fact that time bubbles do not operate on light like they do matter (if you speed up time, then less photons will be seen by you per second, thus darkening the outside - except this doesn't happen) makes it hard to determine how signals enter/leave a bubble. I'm not sure there's an answer to this one that doesn't cause a paradox.

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Well, actually you totally could, though the Internet would probably be slow, and doing anything 'Live' would be slowed down. Though if you had the patience, that would help in Online Gaming. However, I'm wondering if the Power would still be constant, or if less would come through, crashing your computer.

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Well, actually you totally could, though the Internet would probably be slow, and doing anything 'Live' would be slowed down. Though if you had the patience, that would help in Online Gaming. However, I'm wondering if the Power would still be constant, or if less would come through, crashing your computer.

If you have a battery the bubble probably won't last long enough to matter.

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I'm rewording these from the Question and Answer thread in case this is the more appropriate thread for them.

  1. Does the Nahel Bond actually alter the bonded Spren's Spiritweb?
    1. If so, what determines which alterations are made?
    2. If not, does the bond "unlock" sections of the Spiritweb that they just did not previously have access to?

  2. Are Shardblades more Cognitive, Physical, or Spiritual in nature?
    1. If Syl passed through something in the form of a leaf, will she sever its soul?
    2. If not, then why does she act/function differently when she's in the form a Shardblade?

  3. What specifically caused the spren abandoned in Dalinar's vision of the Recreance to appear as a Shardblade instead of whatever their normal "physical" form?
    1. For example, why would Pattern not turn into the pattern shape that he normally has?

  4. ​Brandon has stated that Spren/Shardblades were patterned after Honorbales - was this just referring to their general shape or in their capabilities and powers as well?

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Another question I would like to ask is why Dalinar, who can seemingly face anything, felt it was necessary to seek out the Night Watcher when his wife died. This seems totally out of character for the man. Can it be that Dalinar's wife tried to kill one of their sons because he was "one of them" much as Shallan's mother tried to kill her? If Dalinar was forced to kill his own wife to save one of his sons, (or if he saw his child kill his wife as Shallan did) this might explain it. My guess is that it would have been Renarin and that if so, this may explain his "blood weakness" in some way. Remember that Kaladin was musing that something didn't seem right about Renarin's epilepsy and that he wanted to find out more about the cause of it.



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We don't know why He went to the nightwatcher. Nor do we know his boon. So until we have more info, It will be hard to theorize why. Personally, I think he went right after the Death of Gavilar, and asked to become a the man the kingdom needed.


Dalinar likely went before the death of Gavilar. He mentions being "away" at the time that Elhokar messed up and killed Moash's parents, and Gavilar approved of keeping Roshone alive.


“I suppose I owe you this,” Dalinar said. “But it is not to be spread around. Roshone was a petty man who gained Elhokar’s ear. Elhokar was crown prince then, commanded to rule over Kholinar and watch the kingdom while his father organized our first camps here in the Shattered Plains . I was . . . away at the time.


I'd guess Dalinar's boon was to no longer feel pain at the passing of his wife, and his curse to no longer remember her, but it's hard to tell.

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We don't know why He went to the nightwatcher. Nor do we know his boon. So until we have more info, It will be hard to theorize why. Personally, I think he went right after the Death of Gavilar, and asked to become a the man the kingdom needed.

There are lots of clues regarding this throughout both books that show Dalinar made this trip before Gavilar was killed and that the purpose is related to his wife's death in some way. Many of these clues are contained in his thought sequences during times when he cannot hear his wife's name. Dalinar was a broken man the night that Gavilar was killed - he was lying drunk on his table while everyone worried about what his behavior might do to disrupt the party. Gavilar's death pulled him out of this.  No, he made this trip during the time Elhokar was running things and locked up the silversmiths. Dalinar said he was "...gone". Also there are conversations with Navani that place his wife's death several years before Gavilar's. I think we are going to find out that he visited the Nightwatcher for some reason related to his wife.




PS. I did not see Moogle's post until after I posted this...

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Dalinar likely went before the death of Gavilar. He mentions being "away" at the time that Elhokar messed up and killed Moash's parents, and Gavilar approved of keeping Roshone alive.



I'd guess Dalinar's boon was to no longer feel pain at the passing of his wife, and his curse to no longer remember her, but it's hard to tell.

Yes, this is what it looks like to me. That's when I started wondering what would cause a strong man like Dalinar to struggle so much over the death of his wife when he had lived with death most of his life. I think the answer is guilt which means he was somehow involved in her death. That's when I started thinking that it could be a lot like the death of Shallan's mother. Perhaps Shallan's mother and Dalinar's wife were both members of the Skybreakers...



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Can you spime Multiple powers out of a Mistborn?


If you took a Really long Spike, stole somebody's power with thit, then stuck that spike into two different pople at the same time, would they both be powered?


How many Full members of the Set are there? (Like Mr. Suit. Not Miles or a Vanisher)

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