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I'd like to join up as Ri the Mysterious, Goddess of mirrors and illusions. My colors will be black and silver.


This will be my first time playing Sanderson Elimination, though not my first mafia-style game, so I'll see how I do.


Can anyone tell me how to change the colors of my words? Everything I'm trying doesn't seem to work.

Edited by RavenRadient7
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I'd like to join up as Ri the Mysterious, Goddess of mirrors and illusions. My colors will be black and silver.


This will be my first time playing Sanderson Elimination, though not my first mafia-style game, so I'll see how I do.


Can anyone tell me how to change the colors of my words? Everything I'm trying doesn't seem to work.

Usually, you highlight the text you want to change the color of, and then click on the color picker (the thing next to the size menu), and choosing your color there. Alternatively, you can use bbcode:

Should give you Text Edited by Haelbarde
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It was late in the night, and not for the first time, Kirias wondered if he had been well-served by choosing to join the priesthood.

He folded back the deep sleeves of his red and white robe as he descended the steps to the laboratory and nodded to the guards at the door. They knew him; both of them nodded in respect to him. As his god’s high priest, some measure of deference was appropriate, but no more than that.

He was, after all, merely a high priest. And, or so it seemed, Redcross’s glorified secretary.

He lit the lamps in the laboratory from the taper he carried. Ordinarily, Kirias would have preferred to sleep, but he was used to working into the depths of the night despite a fog of exhaustion, and the cultures needed checking on. The latest batch of Redcross’s experiments on using Breath to revitalise organic tissue, mimicking the effects of a Returned’s divine Breath lay on the table before him, each in transparent glass dishes.

He didn’t touch them. He knew better than to do so.

There were better things he could be doing, a part of his mind whispered. He felt the doubt most keenly when Redcross was particularly…difficult, or when the research were going badly. The past month had not been good.

His family had scrimped and saved to send him to the university in T’Telir, surmising—correctly—that being trained in BioChromatic research was a worthwhile investment to be making. His father had sold his Breath towards that end, he knew. And with thoughts of how he could not afford to fail, he’d studied hard and pushed himself while some of his fellow students played and squandered away their family’s money.

And for all of that—for being trained as a researcher—he’d graduated at the top of his class only to find out that no one was interested in yet another BioChromatic scholar.

But priests were often expected to be familiar with BioChromatic theories. And they were well-paid; better, at least, than what a farmer made. With the recommendations from his tutors, he easily found his way into the priesthood.

And then there was Redcross, who’d picked him out of a line-up of potential candidates for his priesthood, simply because of his credentials. “I want that one there,” Redcross had said, almost-negligently, and that was that.

Kirias realised he was staring at the cultures, wool-gathering, and sighed. He checked them one by one: the first culture showed no sign of any changes. The second was a little more promising. He went down the line, one by one, lifting the dishes carefully to inspect their contents by the bright, steady light of the lamps. The culture in the fifth dish, he dismissed as a lost cause, and dutifully noted as much in the report he was preparing for Redcross in the morning.

You did what you had to, he thought. The money was feeding his family. And sometimes, he even thought he was happy, doing what he did as Redcross’s high priest. Were the other high priests happy? Did that even factor into their calculations? They’d never spoken. And somehow, Kirias didn’t think that was the sort of thing you asked your fellows. It set a bad precedent for the faith and all that.

It didn’t matter. As Redcross’s high priest, he was his god’s eyes and legs, and apparently, it was his job to check up on the status of his god’s work in the middle of the night. And so, biting down on his quiet exhaustion, Kirias did just that.


Just spectating. Have fun, guys :) Try not to murderise my god again, hmm?

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Metacognition the Thoughtful paced through the halls of his Red and Blue palace. The very concept of Rebels hiding amongst the gods frightened him. After all, if a god could be coerced in such a way, what did that really say about the foundation of their religious bedrock? And what, if anything, could the god of Higher Thought and Philosophy do about it when his mind was already full with these existential questions? 


And so he spent his time pacing through his halls, muttering to himself, literally arguing with himself as his staff merely lounged nearby. To most people, they would probably think Metacognition a madman for being so distracted by his inner monologue that he shut out the rest of the world. His staff knew better. They knew that when Metacognition came out of these fugues, he always seemed to do so with a clear head and a precision to his thoughts, like the time he had solved the problem of Free Will; that had been a hectic day! So their job was to keep the hallways cleared until he did so.


There was something different this time though. He had begun pacing almost immediately after hearing the news. That had been 2 days ago. His staff had started to take bets on whether this time would break his record for the longest time. While they joked, there was an edginess to their fun as well. It had been 5 days already since the last offering of Breath. What if he didn't come out of his contemplation in time this time?



I knew this handle would come in handy sometime, but I never suspected it would be for a Returned! :P Also, any MtG fans out there should get a little kick out of my color scheme. ;) This game, more than any other, is going to really boil down to conversation and debate. Those are our only real weapons to find the Rebels with. As such, I really hope everyone plans to be active! 

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Braveheart, the brother of Trueheart(LG4), is the god of War. His colors are Dark Red and Purple.


Let's hope this time I don't get sacrificed on the altar. Stupid Hallendrans expecting their gods to die for them >>.


For people who played LG4: This one's not gonna sacrifice himself to save your sorry hides >>.

That's my fault... :P I just really wanted to survive the game. 

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There was a pop in the Court of the Gods. The sound dissipated leaving behind a small mass of white hair. It shuffled, and spoke.


"I really don't see why you need to keep food in here. It's unhygienic."


A second voice responded, apparently from the same place.


"Well, where else I am I supposed to keep my travel supplies, Luma?"

"Oh, I don't know, a bag, maybe?" The voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"But a warm beardnut in my beard helps keep us both warm, and the beardnut too," the midget replied to his spren.


The argument continued in this vein for another few minutes, until a guy wearing white and grey priest robes walked over to Bortholemew. He genuflected in front of the midget. "My Lord, welcome to the Court of the Gods. If you will follow me, your residence is this way."


"What?" Bortholemew questioned him. "I'm not Returned, just passing through."

"Oh, no, my Lord," the priest replied. "You are Bortholemew the Blind. Your priests have been expecting you."

"They have?" The shock was evident in the midget's eyebrows. A small, translucent face poked out of the front of the beard, looking on curious.


"Ummm, Bortholemew," Luma said after a moment, "Look." A small, translucent hand poked out of the beard too, pointing to a patch of grass that ran along the path they were walking down. There was a circle of colour moving with them, a patch where the grass seemed greener than elsewhere. Bortholemew the Blind looked at this, and swore.


"Great. I'm Returned. How did that happen, and why?" The eyebrows lowered into something more resembling a scowl.

"How should I know?" Luma replied. "I'm just your beardspren. But if you shut up, and go along with it, you may find out."

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When will this be starting?


For signing up, I'll need a Returned name from each player, and their choice of two colors. Sign-ups will last a little over a week until about 7AM EST, August 2nd.

So probably tomorrow or the day after.

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"It appears all of The Gods have agreed, everything is in order."

"It would seem that The God King left them all little choice. Rather ruthless, threatening to withhold the weekly Breaths the Returned need in order to survive if they don't help."

"You got that right. He is the God King, after all. And a colorful paranoid one at that."

The first man sighed. "You wanna know the worst part about being a mercenary?"

"The limited job security?"

"Well, that. But mostly, the lack of trust. If you looked at me, what do you see? Just another faceless mercenary, willing to be who or whatever you need me to be. But you already know they won't let anybody like me near the Court of the Gods."

"Already taken care of, we have a few...insiders...already hidden among them. It seems that not all of the gods take their religion too seriously."

The mercenary nodded and smiled, which was a rare occasion. "The best part about being a mercenary? I've been doing this a long time, and I could have told you that nothing is sacred to anybody -- for the right price. Not even the Iridescent Tomes."

Let Day 1 Begin! This Cycle will last 24hours until 7AM EST August 3rd! There is a lynch today, and the Rebels get their kill. (Will start getting PMs sent out, just wanted to get the write-up in at exactly the rollover!)

Edit: All PMs should be sent out! Let me know if you haven't gotten one or have any questions or issues! Wilson is the Impartial Mod for this game, and if anybody who is not playing wants a Spectator Doc link, just message and let me know!

You know the worst part about being a GM? Getting everything out in time.

Edited by Alvron
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I'll start with a poke vote on the one person we would never suspect - Lynchtarget the Innocent. Shallan, do you have anything to say to defend yourself from the accusation of committing the grievous crime of having a self-aware name?

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Aaah!  I was afraid that you might start this right before church.  I'll be busy most of the day.



Funweaver the festive dashed in, breathless and covered in tinsel.

"I heard there was going to be some kind of gathering, so I brought decorations!"

3 priests in garish pink and yellow robes trudged in carrying boxes of party decorations.

"I wonder why Shar is here so early.  Do you know something we don't?"

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