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Well, Kishimoto actually did something like that with Naruto, between what he had originally planned to be the end of the series and the beginning of Shippuuden. It was this great little flashback arc. And what did the anime do? They ran two years of fillers instead.

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I just watched The Tillman Story. It's a documentary about Pat Tilman's fratricide, the ensuing cover up, and his families journey to discover the truth. Very moving. I knew the story (vaguely) when I was over there and visited the Pat Tilman USO while passing through Bagram (they have internet...sometimes). What really bothers me is that something like this only came out because his family wouldn't go away. What else has happened that we don't know about? It reminded me of the whole Jessica Lynch story. (which is discussed in the film). Anyway, Pat seemed like an exceptional individual, even if he's not the person the media wanted him to be. Highly reccomended (R content for those concerned, both with violent descriptions and language).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Wedding of River Song just blew my mind. I'm sitting here geekin' out about it. It makes me want to watch the whole of Dr. Who again from the beginning.

Yeah, for some reason Moffat goes full-on Indiana Jones with his finales and they really work for me. This last half of the season was quite strong. Even Night Terrors was passable.

I'm very interested in what the future holds. I would love to see the show focus on the Doctor and River with Amy and Rory only showing up occasionally.

I'd also love to see more Canton or *gasp* a new companion. This is longest the show has ever gone with a consistent companion/Doctor.

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Does that surprise you? I have the same view of (recent) Eddie Murphy or Wayans brothers movies, and some people accept those as comedy. People have different tastes.

My confusion was that I thought they were dead serious. So much anime is so incredibly stupid that I can't always tell when they're joking.

And I didn't actually watch the first episode because Crunchyroll only carries the most recent 5. The episode I watched had a series of annoying villains, one of which was always shouting "Non! Non! Non!".

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I don't actually watch TV, at least not directly, but I do sometimes watch TV shows on Netflix. Recently watched the first 8 or so episodes of Warehouse 13, which is okay. It's sort of like 'Fringe', except where that show is CSI-like, W13 is closer to X-Files in terms of formula. Also, it's got a reasonable amount of not-taking-itself-seriously humor to it. It's a SyFy network program, so for many / most of you, that's probably "'nuff said" right there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, SERIOUSLY? No one even mentioned the fact that I brought up My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Really? I know some of you have seen this show!! There are bronies out there, I know it! (Grr. I wish I was a guy fan of this show. Fan girls are "fillies" and guy fans are "bronies." Brony just sounds so much cooler.)

Hey, I'm a brony. Though I'm way behind on the series - I just watched episode 13 of the first season a few minutes ago. Very good for a 'girly' kids show. One of my friends compared it to Invader Zim, but I don't really get the connection. But as far as TV shows go, it's right up there with Avatar, Animaniacs and Zim on the "non-(good) anime kids shows that are actually good" list.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After picking up a Buffy the Vampire Slayer box set and watching it for the first time and I think it will become my favourite series of all time (Sorry Doctor Who/Torchwood!). It has wonderful writing with great plots which can be hilariously wonderful or tragically dark. I fell in love with the characters straight away. I am near the end of Series 4 and while it’s not been the best yet (I kinda miss the library and high school setting, though I do like the more mature character development such as Willow and Tara’s relationship.) but I am enjoying it.

Also started watching Angel, and while it didn’t have the best of starts I have really grown to love it. I think the first series is somewhat better then buffy series 4!

Edited by I Pink Elephant
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After picking up a Buffy the Vampire Slayer box set and watching it for the first time and I think it will become my favourite series of all time (Sorry Doctor Who/Torchwood!). It has wonderful writing with great plots which can be hilariously wonderful or tragically dark. I fell in love with the characters straight away. I am near the end of Series 4 and while it’s not been the best yet (I kinda miss the library and high school setting, though I do like the more mature character development such as Willow and Tara’s relationship.) but I am enjoying it.

Also started watching Angel, and while it didn’t have the best of starts I have really grown to love it. I think the first series is somewhat better then buffy series 4!

Season 4 was my least favorite of Buffy (yes, I even liked season 7 better, though this is an uncommon opinion I think) but it does contain one of the best episodes IMO, Hush. But you have season 5 up next which is awesome. I think seasons 2 and 5 may be tied for my favorite. I like the story arc of 2 better, and 2 definitely has the best villain, but 2 also had an awful lot of filler episodes. Season 5 has almost no filler and it feels a lot more like the whole season is a single well-plotted story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just watched a movie called Red Dog, its an Australian movie about a rural mining town most of the characters fit Australian stereotypes but I really liked it because they also felt really authentic, as someone who has lived in outback Australia I could see myself walking into that pub and finding that conversation.

It was also entertaining, which I generally feel is the most important aspect of a film.

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