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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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Just finished The Lies of Locke Lamora. I really liked it! It took a while to get used to the viewpoint though (third person cinematic? I'm not even sure), I'm so used to reading third person limited or first person. Also, the real life quotes in between parts kind of took me out of the story... Nitpicking, I know, but I don't really understand why they are there...

I'll continue reading the series for sure!

1st was a huge treat. 2 is really good though not on the lvl as 1. 3 I just down right hated so so much sadly.

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Read Naomi Novik's Uprooted today and thought it was totally awesome. Starting Soldier by Julie Kagawa next (book 3 in her Talon series).


Update: finished Soldier today. Curse Julie Kagawa and her heartbreaking cliffhanger endings!!

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I finished Uprooted yesterday as well, and enjoyed it too. I wasn't overly interested in Temeraire before, but I might give it a shot. I think those books are pretty different, but still.

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The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams was as much fun as remembered.


Also listened to The Ocean at the end of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (read by the author) which was quite sweet but also sad.


Maybe I should check out Uprooted.

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Currently working on The Hunt for Red October, and I have Dragon and Thief set aside (from Timothy Zahn) next, and I'm also rereading the Eragon series, intending to actually finish it this time.


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I just finished rereading Malazan Book of the Fallen. The last couple of chapters in The Crippled God hit me like a hammer every time. I know that it has its critics, for understandable reasons, but I love that series.

Definitely a series that is good in spite of its flaws... Its many, often irritating flaws ;)
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Read the first two books in the Vampire Empire series today: The Greyfriar and The Rift Walker. I saw the reveal about the Greyfriar coming pretty early on in the first book, but that didn't make it any less awesome. The betrayals in book 2 surprised me much more. Diving into the 3rd and final book tomorrow--The Kingmakers. (Though apparently there is a sequel/spinoff series set in this 'verse as well.)


Thanks, Elodin, for alerting me to the "Hide" button to fix my accidental double-post. :D

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Now I finally know why the Foundation trilogy is regarded the way it is. I love the epic feel and the changing perspective of the Foundation over the centuries. That, added to the fact that there is still a question of whether they're going to succeed over the years, makes a really enjoyable story. 


I'm also in the middle of the Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay. It's a well told story. 

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I finished Otherland book one! It was very good, slightly different than I thought it was going to be like, but still good. It took me a really long time to finish it, so I'm not sure if I want to keep reading the series. I was pretty satisfied with it as a single story, and am not really feeling compelled to continue.

I'm not really sure what I'll read next, so I'll post again when I've gotten into a new book.

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I finished Otherland book one! It was very good, slightly different than I thought it was going to be like, but still good. It took me a really long time to finish it, so I'm not sure if I want to keep reading the series. I was pretty satisfied with it as a single story, and am not really feeling compelled to continue.

I'm not really sure what I'll read next, so I'll post again when I've gotten into a new book.


Like I said before, if you make it to the end of the series you will be incredibly rewarded. The first book is good, but it only gets better from there.

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So I love superheros, but when it comes to comics, I'm a bit of a newbie. I've wanted to start getting into comics for a long time, and I have heard some great things about DC's New 52. But upon doing some research on it... it's massive. Is there any one place that I should start? Anyone want to give me some advice on a guide/order to read it? 

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So I love superheros, but when it comes to comics, I'm a bit of a newbie. I've wanted to start getting into comics for a long time, and I have heard some great things about DC's New 52. But upon doing some research on it... it's massive. Is there any one place that I should start? Anyone want to give me some advice on a guide/order to read it?

Read Flashpoint first. After that, whichever hero strikes your fancy!

The key to reading comics is to disbelieve that you need to read everything in its entirety and to have a handy library nearby.

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