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In the original rules post, Aonar said that with so many possible roles, many would not be used unless we got in excess of 30 people. Since we're sitting right at 29, I doubt we'll have more than one of every Order. If there are order-duplicates, there'll probably be only 2-3 orders at most with more than one member.

Just a minor correction, we are technically at 27 - Since two people backed out. My guess is 3/4 characters with Illumination (one bad), 2/3 with transformation (one bad), 2/3 with progression (one bad) and 2 with division (hopefully 0 bad?). Not sure about the rest of them, just consider those to be the 4 most useful abilities.

Edited by Macen
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See, at least now we have something to go off of! 


I too would like to hear from Peng again. I specifically made my reasoning of Jain seem a bit stronger than it really was to see who would try to work with it and who would work against it. I mostly assume that Jain was just doing a poke vote. As Feligon pointed out, I typically get poke voted for. 


That said, Araris was pretty quick to come to Jain's defense as well. 


Then there's the flurry of votes that followed after we had just about a full day without any votes! One thing I'd like to suggest about that, btw: guys, don't tell people that you're just voting for them randomly before they have a chance to respond. If you do that, then they have no real reason to defend themselves! That's probably one of the biggest difference between a poke vote and a regular vote. A poke vote, the votee knows that there's no basis for it and they can write it off. A regular vote they have to defend against to some degree and how strongly or weakly they decide to do so will give us something to go off of. Even if your reasoning is just, "I find their silence to be suspicious," that's better than telling them that, "I just picked you randomly, so say something, anything and I'll remove it."

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Just a minor correction, we are technically at 27 - Since two people backed out. My guess is 3/4 characters with Illumination (one bad), 2/3 with transformation (one bad), 2/3 with progression (one bad) and 2 with division (hopefully 0 bad?). Not sure about the rest of them, just consider those to be the 4 most useful abilities.


Right, I forgot about that. Thanks.

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I'll echo what meta said. I've advocated this before, most notably in the AG, but I'll say it again. If you're poke voting, you shouldn't be making it blatantly obvious why you're poke voting. If you do, and you're lucky enough to have hit an eliminator, then all you're doing is telling the eliminator exactly what lies she needs to tell in order to alleviate the suspicion.

Bad example:

"I'm voting for Aonar because I want to know why he cast a vote for Wilson."

Better example:

"I'm voting for Aonar. Something about his voting habits raises my suspicions about him."

If you want to comeback later- near the end of the day phase or shortly after the lynch and explain your reasoning, then you can do so. In fact, that's probably a good idea anyway.

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I would like to point out that I got singled out a bit during the last LG for defending somebody from a vote over a disagreement with Kas. If the game mechanics don't take too much strategizing, then I tend to look for votes that seem overly aggressive during the first cycle. And Meta, I didn't really address your post at all, or at least didn't intend to.

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Ronzo was starting to get the hang of the whole “detective” business, or so he thought.  Well, actually, he was just good at finding clues.  He wasn’t exactly great at finding the meaning behind those clues.


Hmm… Ronzo thought, holding up several “clues”.  A hat, a red scarf, and an old jacket.  This can only mean one thing… Ronzo looked up at the sky, thinking of a meaning for all of it.  “Yes!” Ronzo smiled, talking to himself.  “I’ve got it!  Clearly, the people here have no sense of fashion.  The ol’ Ronzo should probably teach them a thing or two about that.”


While Ronzo was no lighteyes, he certainly dressed just as extravagantly as they did, sporting an orange-and-red vest, a pair of yellow gloves, some glamorous silver sandals, and some blue shorts.  Far more sublime than… whatever it was that his cousin wore.  Probably old rags.  Maybe a single dilapidated sandal.  Doubtful that there’d be anything more than that.


“Hum,” Ronzo muttered.  “I need more evidence.  These peoples’ clothing choice, while abysmal, might not actually help me catch those saboteurs.  I need…”


Ronzo cut off as he heard someone apparently shouting at someone named “Kip Sturm”.  Whoever that was, they were clearly worthy of suspicion.  Ronzo glanced slyly over at the man again, then stalked away to consider such an act.


Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve played a standard game without being stuck in Elantris or something like that on the first cycle, so I’ve forgotten how frustrating first cycle lynches are.  Nevertheless, I tend to advocate for them due to the fact that it actually tends to help in the long-term.  (I remember that I had a huge post written up about this at one point, but I lost it somewhere.)  At the very least, I believe that voting on the first cycle (as long as it's not just a poke vote) is always helpful.


So, I’m voting for Idolevy this cycle, mostly for his vote on Kipper.  To me, his post seems a bit contrived, as if one of his fellow Diagramists told him to make such a post, or he’s trying to call for Kipper’s attention as a fellow Diagramist.  It also ends the exact same way as eramit’s post, which was made about an hour before his.


As for other current suspicion (obviously, it’s pretty early on, so they aren’t too strong):


Macen’s last post sounds an awful like it’s trying to mislead us with potential Eliminator numbers.  You don’t consider Gravitation to be a useful ability, when it could allow the Eliminators to make unblockable kill actions?


I’ve also noticed that Hero’s been mostly helpful so far, but hasn’t offered too much in the way of suspicions or strategy (that said, I think he hasn’t advocated for early lynches from previous games).  Either way, I think that it’s one thing to post information, but another to try to decipher that information and come up with game plans.


Of course, there have been many other players who have posted so far, but haven’t added anything of relative import.  If you’re just going to post to say “I’m here,” that’s basically synonymous with inactivity, in my book.

Edited by Renegade
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I’ve also noticed that Hero’s been mostly helpful so far, but hasn’t offered too much in the way of suspicions or strategy (that said, I think he hasn’t advocated for early lynches from previous games). Either way, I think that it’s one thing to post information, but another to try to decipher that information and come up with game plans.

As for my part, yes it's true that in the past I have advocated against early lynches. However, I've since learned that there really isn't any way to stop them, and trying to do so doesn't make you very popular...

The reason I haven't posted more is that I really just haven't had time the past few days between work and a toddler and an 8 1/2 month pregnant wife. I don't really have any suspicions at the moment, nor anyone I feel needs to be poked. I have been wanting to do a detailed analysis of all the roles and powers, and discuss potential villager/eliminator strategies with each, but again- not enough time. I'll try to get something done tonight but no guarantee that it will be up before the rollover.

Speaking of which, when is the rollover anyway? How much time do we have left?

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Of course, there have been many other players who have posted so far, but haven’t added anything of relative import.  If you’re just going to post to say “I’m here,” that’s basically synonymous with inactivity, in my book.


To be honest, as an inexperienced player who isn't a natural strategist to begin with, I can't think of much to say during the first cycle. :/

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Meta(0): Jain

Shallan(0): Twei

Jain(1): Meta, Peng

Peng(1): Araris

Araris(0): Feligon

Dow(0): Bort

PK(1): Eramit

Kipper(1): Idolevy

Bridge Boy(1): PK

Leif(0): Adamir

Eowyn(0): Bort

Phatt(0): Feligon, Eowyn

Joe(1): Twei

Idolevy(1): Renegade


So it comes down to me. To lynch or not to lynch. Bort and Feligon come to mind as suspicious because of their vote jumping. Not solid, but there's not much else to go on. I'd also agree with Ren about Idolevy. But I don't think I'll cast a vote this day cycle. The current votes are so spread out.

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Meta(0): Jain

Shallan(0): Twei

Jain(1): Meta, Peng

Peng(1): Araris

Araris(0): Feligon

Dow(0): Bort

PK(1): Eramit

Kipper(1): Idolevy

Bridge Boy(1): PK

Leif(0): Adamir

Eowyn(0): Bort

Phatt(0): Feligon, Eowyn

Joe(1): Twei

Idolevy(1): Renegade

So it comes down to me. To lynch or not to lynch. Bort and Feligon come to mind as suspicious because of their vote jumping. Not solid, but there's not much else to go on. I'd also agree with Ren about Idolevy. But I don't think I'll cast a vote this day cycle. The current votes are so spread out.


I just spent the last 15 minutes doing my own vote tally to reach the end of the thread and find that you've already posted it. Oh well. Thanks Maill. :)

One point of minor suspicion that jumped out to me when reading through the thread again. Feligon voted for Phattemer, followed closely by Eowyn voting for Phattemer and then retracting her vote. Could be nothing, or it could be a slip up after some collaboration in a doc. I'm not going to cast any votes (I think I'm past the deadline anyway), but I will be keeping an eye on all three of them (Feligon, Eowyn, and Phatt) for the next few cycles.

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Night One: Bridges Over Darkened Chasms


Jain, Thanadal’s prized curiosity from Shinovar, was the first to take action when the refugees realized there were traitors in their midst.


With no apparent provocation, the huge furred beast lunged first for Etam, and then, after finding the spearman to have nimbly danced out of the way, for Wol. Caught off guard, the old ardent fell backwards, saved from the ursine at the last moment by Justin. The beast strained against the chain that anchored it to the plateau, but gave up when it realized it could no longer pursue it's targets.


"Storming bear," Justin spat. "Why, exactly, are we bringing it with us, again?"


No one, it seemed could give him an answer. Taking the silence as a cue to go on, Justin spoke again. "I for one, motion that we just put the thing out of it's misery now, and put it towards our food stores."


"No!" Wol cried, surprisingly coming to his would-be killer's defense. "The panda is a rare and majestic animal! To kill one so quickly would be a disservice to all Roshar."


Justin and Etam looked at the old man blankly. "...If you say so, Wol," Etam said eventually. "I for one am going to be keeping an eye on the beast, however. It seems happy to attack with little reason, and we don't need another threat to deal with."


With the day's share of excitment apparently over, the refugees settled in for a more serious discussion of who might betray the group. Kip was brought up, as was Findilt, and Kazaak, and Sani, and the blasphemer who's name no one could pronounce, but while discussion was seemingly fruitful, few hard decisions were reached.




While the refugees debated on the plateau, a few slipped away unnoticed. There were things to be taken care of if the Diagram was to be fulfilled. The last chull was dead, but the bridges could still be modified to be carried by hand, and they couldn't have that happening. 


"Are we sure this is a good idea?" 


"Of course we are. They already know that we're here, and we can't have them covering any more distance. They're distracted enough now we could probably get away with murder. Now's the best chance we're going to get." 


The Diagramists placed diminisher fabrials on the bridges, still over the chasm they had last crossed, and returned, unnoticed once again. Minutes later, a crack resounded outside, as the bridges collapsed under their own weight. 


The group, shocked, forgot their debate entirely. The whole day passed away without a conclusion being reached. 



No one was lynched!



Sani (1): Torren

Justin (1): Wol

Kip Sturm (1): Findilt

Jain (1): Justin

Findilt (1): The Ronzo

Akirsefatafesrika (1): Kazaaakplethkilik

Kazaaakplethkilik (1): Eradin


Night One has begun! You have 24 hours to get your night orders in. Due to the number of actions that can be taken tonight, you may ask for a twenty four hour extension if you feel you need it.


Sorry this ended up a little (lot) late, I got called away from the computer for a little while whilst finishing up the write-up.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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With the day's share of excrement apparently over, the refugees settled in for a more serious discussion of who might betray the group.

Just checking but is this right?  Don't get me wrong, it conjures up such lovely images :o but I don't think that is quite what you were going for. :D 

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...Not exactly what I was going for, no. :P That's been fixed, now. And a vote tally's been added.


Also, just to let everybody know: I'll be out of town for most of tomorrow, (and as such, will be unable to answer any clarifications that might arise) and while I will get back at least an hour or so before the write-up, it will probably end up a little late, assuming an extension isn't called. 

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Well it's 1:00am here... And I have barely gotten started on my role analysis, so needless to say that won't be coming tonight. I should be able to get it posted sometime tomorrow.

In the meantime, perhaps a few others out there will find this useful- I made a list of all the possible roles with a quick summary of their powers, so it's easy to see which Radiants have which combination of powers.

Windrunner: Adhesion (role-block), Gravitation (action guarantee)

Skybreaker: Gravitation (action guarantee), Division (kill)

Dustbringer: Division (kill), Abrasion (immune to all actions)

Edgedancer: Abrasion (immune to all actions), Progression (save from death)

Truthwatcher: Progression (save from death), Illumination (PMs)

Lightweaver: Illumination (PMs), Transformation (scan role/alignment)

Elsecaller: Transformation (scan role/alignment), Transportation (redirect an action)

Willshaper: Transportation (redirect an action), Cohesion (share actions)

Stoneward: Cohesion (share actions), Tension (cancel random action)

Bondsmith: Tension (cancel random action), Adhesion (role-block)

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Player List:

  1. Sani (The Only Joe) - Lighteyes who once scribed for Dalinar Kholin.
  2. Justin (Peng the Just) - Former slave.
  3. Sheon Idris (Seonid) - Selish Worldhopper.
  4. Ableah Edr (Haelbarde) - Woefully without description. Another Selish Worldhopper, of a clan of Selish Worldhoppers. - Refugee Shardbearer
  5. Etam (Metacognition) - Scout.
  6. Madon (Mailliw73) - Crem collector. 
  7. Bartholomew the Blind (Bort) - midget barbomancer/Worldhopper.
  8. The Roszo (Renegade) - Herdazian who is determined to be more impressive than his glowing cousin.
  9. Adamir (Adamir) - Darkeyes who is convinced he's from another world.
  10. Seixa (phattemer) - Yet another Selish Worldhopper,* and once (pseudo-)Priest of Shu-Korath. 
  11. Kip Sturm (Kipper) - Smart Alec Woefully without description.
  12. Ace (Macen) - Delusional man with a tiny hammer, believes that he's a Brightlord and a Radiant. 
  13. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) - A panda. In a desolate wasteland. (Maybe he's Thanadal's exotic Shin pet?)
  14. Em C. Palah (Emerald101) - Emuli potter. (Needs Ace's hammer.)
  15. Citrona Vinid (Shallan) - Scadrian-Elantiran Worldhopper and noble who will not be questioned.
  16. Wannan (Herowannabe) - Darkeyed soldier. Alive, and assumed to be immortal, seeing how he isn't dead.
  17. Eradin (eramit) - Best darkeyed spearman in Thandal's army.
  18. Wol (Araris Valerian) - Old ardent who might know how to spell his own name.
  19. Findilti Findilt (idolevy) - Delusional man who thinks he's a Knight Radiant.
  20. Orlok (OrlokTsobodai) - Woefully without description.
  21. Plurn Burn (Feligon) - Engineer who is woefully ignorant of fabrials.
  22. Dow (dowanx) - Woefully without description.
  23. Eo (Spooky Eowyn) - Apparently Thaylen with fake eyebrows. May or may not be a Selish Worldhopper.
  24. Akirsefatafesrika (Bridge Boy) - Blasphemous pretend soldier.
  25. Smeagol (leiftinspace) - Obsessive midget Universehopper. 
  26. Kazaaakplethkilik (Paranoid King) - Supposedly famous thief and Worldhopper.
  27. Alvonoha (Alvron) - Ardent, and owner of a strange cat. Catquisitor!?!
  28. Cla (Clanky) - Horneater who loves drinking contests.
  29. Torren (twelthrootoftwo) - Recalcitrant conscript, and spy for Roion.


Oops. I thought it was a 48 hour cycle. Not that I particularly had anyone to vote for.


To the person who said I was suspicious last cycle for poking more than one person, it was cycle one. I know very few people who vote to lynch in cycle one. However, poking to see if people are paying attention to the thread is alright. After all, that was what everyone else did too, I just got an early enough response from Dow to be able to see if Eowyn was paying attention too.


Besides, even this can provide a lot of information. Admittedly, most of my time in yesterday's thread was when I was at work, so it is entirely possible I missed him, but until Dow posted saying he was here, I hadn't seen him in the thread before that. I had, however, seen a number of 'Guests' viewing the thread. Does this mean Dow is guilty of lurking as a guest? Not necessarily, but it does add a question mark to his name, and give me something to watch for in future.


Simon and Garfunkel... Clever Aonar :)



PK, BB, did you guys go for deliberately obscure and hard-to-spell names in the hope that no-one will vote for you because trying to figure out your names is just too damnation hard?

Edited by Bort
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Ok, I'm working through last cycle's posts, to try to work out what I deem to be suspicious, but can't find Idolevy's post, referenced by both Hero and Mailliw anywhere - could anyone please give me the identifying number of the post in the main thread?

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Ok, I'm working through last cycle's posts, to try to work out what I deem to be suspicious, but can't find Idolevy's post, referenced by both Hero and Mailliw anywhere - could anyone please give me the identifying number of the post in the main thread?

I never referenced any post by idolevy, and I don't see where Maill did either, unless you mean his vote tallies. The only post I could find by idolevy is this one here.

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PK, BB, did you guys go for deliberately obscure and hard-to-spell names in the hope that no-one will vote for you because trying to figure out your names is just too damnation hard?

No, of course not. :ph34r:

You can just abbreviate mine as Kazaaak.

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As you alredy saw i voted for paranoid king for 1 main reason: i tried to see if some1 will defend him by casting a vote on me and if that would have happend it might mean he is one of the diagramist and they are helping each other but i forgot to pull off my vote sry paranoid king :(

ahh and sry if i will not have time for RP, lately i finding myself without time and i am trying to finish WOR :D

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