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Fellow RPers! I have taken a map of the United States and placed on it how many Epics and High Epics on average would have manifested powers in each state (assuming the Brandon-supplied ratio of 1:10'000 for Epics and my assumed ratio of 1:100 High Epics/Epics). 




Its spoilered because it is a bit big


Some interesting results, now that one can see the map and the numbers laid out like this.


In regards to Newcago (with 1000 Epics and 10-15 High Epics) it seems like it simply has all the Epics in Illinois, minus a few that were killed in turf wars and the Collapse before Steelheart solidified his control over Newcago.


Alaska seems to have statistically between 1 and no High Epics at all, so Khione must be the only one :P


And Oregon amusingly has around 3-4 High Epics full stop :P

Compared to the at least 20 High Epics we have in this RP hahaha XD


California is swimming in Epics though! 3880! and 38 Highs!

That's actually pretty close to what I had for Alaska: Khione is the only true High Epic there, and there aren't that many period, with many being transplants from elsewhere. I mean, with all those Epics in California, you'd think a few would seek less crowded pastures. :P

see, I don't really think we need to discount the ratio and completely give up on being canon. What if the reason Oregon seems to have been hit harder is because by pure chance, it got more Epics? Say 10 High Epics from across the FSA, Canada and Mexico, or heck the whole world, that statistically should have manifested elsewhere manifested in Oregon instead? Same with other Epics. Oregon just got very, very unlucky.


Or, like you said, some Epics from California went north? Heck, I would. High Epics want to rule, not be subordinate, so I imagine many High Epics (and Epics in general) from more populous states left so they could have their own towns and cities.


and also, several Epics and High Epics in this RP have gained their powers recently, not in the first year. I think the 1:10'000 ratio mainly applies to that first year. Realistically, there should be at least another few hundred Epics and at least a few High Epics manifested across the FSA in the years since then. 


I worry about making this RP canon far too much to be healthy :P


This relative Epics rarity also makes sense given that it was stated early in Steelheart that the government was still in relative control in some areas. Less populous areas like Wyoming only have a few dozen Epics, and maybe no more than a single High Epic. Local human government could exist in some towns/areas far away from wherever the one High Epic decided to claim, at least for a time. And normal Epics of course are theoretically killable by humans, so if they were properly armed they could certainly have the numbers to fend off non-High Epics as long as they did not attack in numbers or have abilities that are too OP.

I think the migration theory actually holds.  Between the 7 high epics in Washington, and the 38 in California, I think its safe to say some have migrated to Oregon, thinking to take it for themselves.  


We could even make it our headcanon that Snowfall is making a power play by actively driving potential challengers out of California, which would explain why we have so many in Oregon.  The trick is our epic backstories.  How many actually come from Oregon?  For Rainmaker, I just said her husband was a west coast politician, so she could easily be from California.  Euphoria is from Corvallis, but she isn't technically a high epic so that still works.  I forget where Taylor Swift is from, but she came from somewhere else as well.  


I actually think we can make this work!  Thank-you population of California!


Just dropping in to say that as soon as you guys can, you need to see Inside Out. Hilarious, tearjerking, and wildly creative—and it made me think about what this RP's characters' brains would look like, if given the Inside Out treatment. 


Go watch it. You will not regret it. :D

Craig and I have a date-night planned tonight, and that was the movie we were intending on seeing. I've been excited about it for months, so I'm glad it lives up to expectations. I can hardly wait!

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I think the migration theory actually holds.  Between the 7 high epics in Washington, and the 38 in California, I think its safe to say some have migrated to Oregon, thinking to take it for themselves.  


We could even make it our headcanon that Snowfall is making a power play by actively driving potential challengers out of California, which would explain why we have so many in Oregon.  The trick is our epic backstories.  How many actually come from Oregon?  For Rainmaker, I just said her husband was a west coast politician, so she could easily be from California.  Euphoria is from Corvallis, but she isn't technically a high epic so that still works.  I forget where Taylor Swift is from, but she came from somewhere else as well.  


I actually think we can make this work!  Thank-you population of California!

Most of my Epics traveled around quite a bit and I never bothered with deciding were they actually lived when they turned into an Epic with three exceptions being from Oregon (Ray, Voidgaze and the Metal) so that's two High Epics from in Oregon right there. Although Voidgaze migrated to Oregon before she became an Epic, so maybe that counts.

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Most of my Epics traveled around quite a bit and I never bothered with deciding were they actually lived when they turned into an Epic with three exceptions being from Oregon (Ray, Voidgaze and the Metal) so that's two High Epics from in Oregon right there. Although Voidgaze migrated to Oregon before she became an Epic, so maybe that counts.

Funtimes is technically from Alaska, though she was in Seattle when she became an Epic. I had Koschei as being from Washington, though I was pretty vague on that, and I haven't even decided where Quota is from. :mellow:

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Funtimes is technically from Alaska, though she was in Seattle when she became an Epic. I had Koschei as being from Washington, though I was pretty vague on that, and I haven't even decided where Quota is from. :mellow:

Well, we have much more evage with not High Epics anyway, so tracking them isn't quite that important. The Financier would be much more important to track in that regard.

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Hey guys, I'm back!!


Since there are 60+ pages of Question 12 since I left, I'm not going to go through and quote anything, but I did manage to read every email notification, so I'm at least caught up. I just can't remember if there was anything specifically addressed to me. Two things I do need to say are:


1. About no new Epics in the Dalles, a few of us have already planned to bring two or three new ones in... But after that, we'll be done. :P

2. Coma, are we ready for Hypno?


So it occurred to me that it's been a while since I've done a pony comic. Even longer since I've done a pony comic based around a song.  :ph34r:


With that in mind, allow me to present "The Koschei War," based loosely on "The Copper War" by The Cog is Dead.


Enjoy Edgerunner in a fascinating take on Wild West Oregon history.



That's exactly right, folks! :P 


I'll make a pony for myself in a minute, I guess. Just so I get a fancy picture. :P

There definitely needs to be balance, to ensure insta-kill characters aren't OP as well. Epics like Steelheart and Obliteration are unique for a reason, after all. That said, there is a rule against killing another player's character without obtaining their express permission first, so if a character has an insta-kill power, there should be space in which to work around an ending where they kill every player character in sight. Give them a mastermind sort of personality where they'd rather take on allies than create corpses, or make them squishy so they can't afford to make too many enemies, or make sure there's some sort of caveat so other characters can escape. On the flip side, if your character goes up against an insta-kill character, get creative. Think of a way your character might fight or talk their way out of that situation. Part of the fun of the Reckoners books, after all, was seeing how David, whose only power is terrible similes, holds his own against evil beings with godlike powers.

Part of it is that Electro does kill instantly, yes, but he enjoys playing with his victims first. So unless his opposition is likely to kill him quickly if he doesn't do it first, he'll play around with them.

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Hey guys, I'm back!!


Since there are 60+ pages of Question 12 since I left, I'm not going to go through and quote anything, but I did manage to read every email notification, so I'm at least caught up. I just can't remember if there was anything specifically addressed to me. Two things I do need to say are:


1. About no new Epics in the Dalles, a few of us have already planned to bring two or three new ones in... But after that, we'll be done. :P

Lots of random stuff happened that's for sure. :P Did you still catch Salem?


Were those more random canon fodder for Freq's cult?

Edited by Edgedancer
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Lots of random stuff happened that's for sure. :P Did you still catch Salem?


Were those more random canon fodder for Freq's cult?

Yeah, i did. That'll be interesting, and once I have more time, I'd like to participate in the occasional fight, probably as a random enemy for someone else and maybe one-off as a commentator every once in a while.


Yep. :P But he's also going to meet a couple of PCs.


And here's my pony:



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No! No! This nonsense must come to an end!

Also, i couldn't see how the last one was pony related. :/

Prepare to feel the wrath of my pony slaying pokemon army!!

(This means LOTS of training cards will wreck havoc amongst all 17th sharders.)

Edited by Random_illuminati
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i release my first pokemon unto you!!! go Mega Charizard, and BURN ALL PONIES INTO SUBMISSION.



What in the wide wide world of Equestria makes you think a Charizard could even come close to taking out the ponies? :huh:




There isn't an entity in the Pokemon universe that the Elements of Harmony couldn't neutralize. And yes, that includes Arceus and Giratina. :P

Edited by Kobold King
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What in the wide wide world of Equestria makes you think a Charizard could even come close to taking out the ponies? :huh:


There isn't an entity in the Pokemon universe that the Elements of Harmony couldn't neutralize. And yes, that includes Arceus and Giratina. :P

Besides, I could just ponify Charizard once I get home--or, if someone would be so kind as to provide me with another Pokemon, I could ship him. :P

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If i can't attack you  directly, i shall make your ponies attack themselves then, by creating MASS CONFUSION! 




Bonus:  Darkness is unshippable and unponifable. Ponies can't be made of darkness! :ph34r:

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Besides, I could just ponify Charizard once I get home--or, if someone would be so kind as to provide me with another Pokemon, I could ship him. :P


I've always thought Charizard would make a good couple with Dragonite. :P



And Illuminati:



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@Coma: yeah, quite a few of our High Epics are not native to Oregon, and a number have manifested since, making them not a part of the starting ratio.

I also think Corpsemaker is native, yeah? I'm running through our high epics to think if they are native. None of mine are. Are any of the Destructors native?

also, since i worked off current population, whatever state your epic officially lived in when it manifested is the state it counts as "belonging" to.

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Please. I have never once shipped a McMuffin. I have had Voidgaze and Big Al have dates where they ate McMuffins, but shipping someone with a sandwich is just silly.

....not saying I wouldn't do it. I just wanted you to know how silly it would be. :P

Fancy restaurant:

Lightwards: So...dear, how is dinner coming along? Because if It doesn't Please you i will zombify the chef!


Lightwards: Right..so, how is the weather coming along?


Lightwards:Yeah...me too!

*Doctor Funtimes and The traveler start making out next table over.*

Lightwards: im so Lonely....

I ship the number 9, 000 with the number 10, 000.

I don't want to live in this planet anymore. Edited by Random_illuminati
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