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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you see a car licence plate AX 272 XA and you marvel at the ketek, trying to ponder some deeper meaning in it

(in italy licence plates are made of with two letters, three numbers and two more letters, and are given consecutively. unlike in some other countries, you cannot personalize your licence plate nor pick up a number of your choice)

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10 minutes ago, DoomStick said:

?? I mean leatherbounds

8 minutes ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

You sent the thread into a panic, thinking that they were missing a release date. :P

Yeah, pretty much. Although, leatherbounds make more sense than a missed release date...

I want tLM so much :D 

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5 hours ago, Shallan&Pattern said:

Ykyasfw you haven't started your cosmere reread before stormlight four, and you consider it as bad or worse than a missing assignment. (I'm kinda worried tho cuz i have no time to read anymore  :( my mom doesn't let me read those particular books. She want's me to read school related books.)

I read way too fast for me to start my reread now, even though I really want to. :(

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YKYASFW you see someone in Waterstones obviously struggling to pick a new book in the Fantasy section and they are standing right in front of the Sanderson section so you continue to have a 30 minute conversation about which one they should pick up first (they went for Mistborn and we followed each other on Instagram so I can get updates!)

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When you are at a speech competition and one of the proctors talks about how it isn't about who wins or loses, (He said something very similar to destination, but I don't think he actually said destination) but it is about the journey, and you immediately whisper to your friend and fellow sanderfan who is two seats over "Journey before destination"

Edited by Ishar
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When your English teacher is talking about what modesty standards used to be a long time ago, and she says that women wouldn't leave the house without gloves, and you're smirking about Vorins to yourself. 

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21 minutes ago, ToaCalune said:

When you trace Aon Rao in the air when you are bored.

Or not bored. You just do it compulsively. 

When you set out to write the entire Aonic alphabet one day at a time on your biology table for the next class to discover. (It erases easily)

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