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Guest Cognizantastic

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2 hours ago, AonEne said:

Can we just stop making fun of people who like Moash? Regardless of our opinions on his character, we're Sharders just like all of you. I think you guys are weird for having such intense hatred for someone whose only fault was killing the person who he considered the murder of his family. Kelsier did worse. Dalinar did worse. We don't blame either of them; their circumstances were unique to them, just like Moash's. Despite that, you don't see me asterisk-killing anyone who mentions a smoldering fury toward him or making memes about how much his haters suck. It just doesn't seem nice to me. You're entitled to your opinion, but SO ARE WE, and I detest the implication that we're lesser, monstrous, or deserve to die, among others I've seen tossed around. Expressing a dislike for a character, that's fine. But as far as it's gotten for this specific character? Out of hand. Unacceptable. I've tried to type more and mostly repeated myself, so I'll stop; but I wanted to make this clear. My thoughts about Moash matter just as much as all of yours. (This is aimed at everybody, not just Ark for making those memes.)

/ tirade that I've held back way too long


I really hope people care enough about Stormlight to get pumped for it, and have really interesting discussions concerning it, but also that they don't turn it into a fanatical religion where they shoot down other ideas, claiming that theirs is right. I think people do have their opinions, and sometimes they are very strong, but not so much that they actually make death wishes for people who believe something different. (It is, after all, an epic fantasy series concerning flying men, instant transportation, a pathway to other worlds, and a corrupt splinter of an eternal being that's trying to destroy the universe, so I'd be VERY worried if someone did turn it into a fanatical religion.:P)

Edited by WannabeWorldhopper
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11 hours ago, WannabeWorldhopper said:

It is, after all, an epic fantasy series concerning flying men, instant transportation, a pathway to other worlds, and a corrupt splinter of an eternal being that's trying to destroy the universe, so I'd be VERY worried if someone did turn it into a fanatical religion.:P


As long as you never meet my friends, you'll be fine :P

EDIT: @AonEne https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PHTDH8B?_encoding=UTF8&customId=B078RV2JNJ&th=1

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“I will protect even those that I hate, so long as it is right.”

Yeah, the hating on Moash is ok, but hating on those who don’t hate on Moash is going too far.

(I don’t hate anyone on these forums, I just wanted to quote the Third Ideal of the Windrunners, before that gets taken the wrong way.)

Edited by Ethan_Sedai
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4 minutes ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

“I will protect even those that I hate, so long as it is right.”

Yeah, the hating on Moash is ok, but hating on those who don’t hate on Moash is going too far.

(I don’t hate anyone on these forums, I just wanted to quote the Third Ideal of the Windrunners, before that gets taken the wrong way.)

My thoughts precisely!

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Oh my glob. Are we still on this Moash tangent?

Look I don't particularly like him if only how he hurts poor Kaladin. But I respect anyone who does like him. If anything that makes him a great character as he evokes such strong feelings. And who knows perhaps he may get such an awesome redemption ark and I'll be crying and stuff and be like oh man Moash!

I did that with Elhokar.

Just guys...not talking about everyone, but guys...... (╥﹏╥)

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4 minutes ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

I’m back with another Phineas and Ferb meme:

Lift: “I’m so pure I practically belch rainbows.”




Lift- I’m so pure I practically belch rainbows.

Gravity Falls Gnomes:


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Based on This WoB



If you were to make a language that was very complex, and one word could describe a complex idea and you were to raise a child with that language, would their Awakening ability be significantly more powerful?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, sure. *laughter*



The ultimate awakening command:



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10 hours ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

I’m back with another Phineas and Ferb meme:

Lift: “I’m so pure I practically belch rainbows.”



Ironically enough Lift IS that storming pure (since she gets nauseous around Nightblood) and breathes (belches) Stormlight to heal people.

Anyways I saw this crempost on Reddits r/Stormlight_Archive this morning and had to share it:




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