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  1. Oh like (Wheel of Time ending spoilers): I approve. There's always another secret.
  2. I think it will be less about literal Bondage and more just about the freedom to Choose for ones self. So I think the 3rd will be something more along the lines of "I will support the Choices of others, even if I disagree with their path" / "Others must be Free to disagree with me". And along the same lines it would make the 4th a little more like "I accept that sometimes I must deny Freedom to Nurture it" with something of a parental theme. This is where I was thinking. 3rd oath for Windrunners is taking a step in the ideal of protection past some personal difficulty of views - hence the protect even those you hate. For Willshapers being Freedom themed, it would make sense that 3rd ideal is taking them a step in the ideal of freedom over a personal issue there - supporting someone having the freedom to disagree with you makes perfect sense for this oath.
  3. I had always assumed the Iriali had some Elantrian ancestry hence the metallic skin/hair. Or maybe it is the other way around. And that this would be the "inhuman" ancestry and that also is a reason between the similarity in names "Ire" and "Iri". But maybe I should not have assumed all that, sounds like maybe there is still more debate.
  4. Just found the preview Shallan chapters because of the latest Shardcast episode! BAM being was a big surprise. Now I'm wondering though, if Melishi could have really chucked the gem there, or if Melishi had to take it himself and that it was going to be a 1 way trip. Maybe this was why he had to release the bond with the Sibling, hoping they would bond someone else eventually. (And since this didn't form a deadeye, somehow he released the bond before imprisoning BAM?) In fact, what if Melishi is still there and Shallan will meet or contact him? This would be an amazing way for us to then get a full sequence vision of what happened at the Recreance.
  5. My Kaladin prediction: he lives but due to however things go down (I think things will go badly for our heroes), he basically does what Taln did - he is on Braize taking the burden of the Oathpact/holding things off for the timeskip to buy time for everyone to regroup. But by this point he'll be zen Kaladin and be like: his whole life has been preparation for this. That he is the spear that will not break but will continue. And he knows he will come out the other side.
  6. This sounds super interesting and some of what I am the most curious about is the production design and things like effects for spren or Stormlight. Is Syl going to have an actress, or potentially be a prop but with an offstage voice or something? Ideas for making things glow (I guess LEDS could make some convincing spheres etc)? Just very curious about what all you would do there.
  7. Oh this would be poetic for his arc, I like it. What if he works with Navani to do it - she had the idea for airships and now surely with the Sibling will be learning how to make true fabrials. Can fabrials be made from sapient spren?
  8. This is so cool thanks for it! Always a fun topic to theorize and debate. My personal pick for Cultivation + Odium is Malignance. Thinking of like cancerous growth, harmful growth, unchecked growth, virulence/contagion, as well as nursing a grudge (like the loathing you put which is also a good option) It would be terrifying if Taravangian picked up Cultivation as well.
  9. Now I feel ancient hahaha. But go watch The Big Short. They were very involved in things that led to the 2008 recession/housing bubble and burst, and also it's good movie
  10. I've thought that death rattles might always be for future events which would rule out Taln and make him a red herring. I've always had a nagging concern that Kaladin is being set up to take on all this suffering on himself and endure but not break so my bet would be its him, and maybe he is new Herald and has to hold out solo between front and back half.
  11. I subscribe to this as well. To add some more merit here: why is the Sibling called the Sibling? You inherently have to have another one for the name to make sense. I guess you could sort of say Sibling of Stormfather and Nightwatcher, but that doesn't seem to fit as well as if BAM was really the first one and this is their Sibling. And it really feels like one of those clues where you *think* you know what it means until you learn the real meaning and then it makes way more sense. Brandon has done things like that before.
  12. I think high friction would make you super hot like a spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere. But if you had Shardplate to protect you I bet it would work. You could hit as a big fireball/meteor too which would be storming awesome.
  13. This is the one I've been thinking they get, but I doubt it's the only thing. But my idea is that 5th ideal is the way you can get your spren off world because you are now so connected to each other/spiritwebs are enmeshed essentially, that they can come with you.
  14. I just finished the book this week and one thing that really stuck out to me about the TimeTellers was a particular phrasing they used in conversation with Nomad about recharging sunhearts: The mention of secrets always sets off Kelsier alarm bells in my head. I don't think Kelsier would personally approve of installing a tyrant like this (look at The Lord Ruler) but I do wonder if his mindset in terms of holding back info to only be slowly and strategically revealed could have influenced through the broader Scadrian culture in some pretty bad ways. I mean we have already seen similar with the Ghostbloods on Roshar and the way Mraize only slow drips Cosmere info to Shallan to keep control of her. Could TimeTellers also be influenced by Ghostbloods or otherwise contact/influenced by Kelsier? Or has he had this influence more generally e.g. on Malwish culture? (since they called that a "civilized" language I'm assuming there is a Southern influence in this group)
  15. I also was wondering about the parents comment, and possibly her being half human. But I was wondering if she was Koravellium and Tanavast's kid from before the shattering. But the timing wouldn't work I guess since Starling is only like in her 80s (30 in the prologue plus the 57 year jump?) And she would have had to be ancient to have been born pre-shattering. Though the albinism I'm thinking could be something special related to Fain life being white usually, maybe something about origin of dragons.
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