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Sanderson Memes

Guest Cognizantastic

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Thought that some of you might appreciate this Mistborn meme that I came up with. I was convinced by a friend of mine to share this. Hope you enjoy :) Post any cosmere memes that you can think of below if you want too.

Also, if another general cosmere meme thread already exists, please let me know :)


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And where does it culminate into one big finale? That's basically what makes it a crossover, instead of a shared universe...

I'm going to have to agree with @Leyrann ... Stephen King just included a few obscure references in 90% of his books, the Cosmere was made to come together in Era 4 and all the Hoid whatnot after that

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On 3/8/2018 at 5:02 PM, Spoolofwhool said:

He doesn't use feruchemy to manipulate Fortune.




Lamguin (paraphrased)

Hoid is regularly around when important events take place. How does he know where to go?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

He uses Feruchemy. Part of it that will show up in later books.


*smug face activates*

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10 minutes ago, Blazenella said:

*smug face activates*



Xyrd (paraphrased)

You've mentioned before that Hoid ends up where he needs to be.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, and usually without knowing why.

Xyrd (paraphrased)

Is chromium involved in that?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes. Well, he's not necessarily using chromium, but the underlying mechanic, yes.


In Arcanum, this entry is directly linked from a Footnote of the one you posted. 

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8 minutes ago, Blazenella said:

Yeah probably like how he has Proto-Lightweaving from Yolen

More accurately he probably is able to use a different light system which has similar functionality to Roshar's lightweaving.

Either way, I wasn't just saying something into a void. There are two paraphrased WoBs on the matter and I think the second one is more accurate because it seems less like what people would get confused. So I guess you can deactivate your smug face.

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