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What I wouldn't do for money, Drell thought wearily as he watched the fool man clown around. As he did, he took note of what he could hear of bystander's conversations. Storming? What in the Lord Ruler's name did that mean? Drell filed it away for future investigation. At the moment, he had 58 boxings to acquire.




What in the... Kwon watched as, suddenly, a man burst into the air in front of him. Then he recognized the features of old Faliu. He called, "You should be more careful, Faliu! If you keep this up, you'll only end up hurting yourself again!" But the poor fool just grinned and ran off to join...


Drell. That was just fantastic. Kwon's mood sank as the pair ducked into Malrick's. Well, there goes my evening. Kwon made his way into the alehouse, calling immediately for a drink. He had a feeling that this would be an unpleasant night.


You're right on time, Meta! You arrived exactly as the action headed into your tavern. Done, on the Winter thing, by the way.


I am all for the 'kill Drell' plan. It would be an awesome start, and I don't really plan on supporting the character very well. Plus, it would be very cool for something I created to have such an important role in my very first game!

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Malrick was distracted tonight. With the arrival of so many newcomers, it seemed they brought ill tidings with them. There was discussion that the Final Empire they had fled might have found them after all; something or someones calling themselves the "Spiked." 


There seemed to be an expectant anticipation hanging in the air, like a guillotine that just needed the finest touch to set it off. It was so heavy that it was even starting to get under Malrick's skin! He started making mental notes of all of the traps he and his ancestors had built into the bar over the years. His ancestors hadn't been fools; they knew a day like this could come and they had plotted against it. At the very least, the alehouse should survive. 


It was into this distracted state that Kwon wandered into. Typically, Malrick would've been more than willing to sit and chat, but his mind was focused elsewhere. He was performing his bartending duties on autopilot, which was very much not like him. He was likely adding to the atmosphere in the Village, but he didn't care. This kind of rumor, if true, could compromise the entire village and all of their livelihoods! 


Well, Malrick wasn't going to take it lying down! He would double check the traps tonight, make sure everything was in good working order. Plus, he had another one that he'd always planned on setting up; his own addition to the various contraptions carefully hidden around his bar. Tonight seemed like a good night to do so as any... 

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"...But they just keep shoving the stuff down their throats like it's nothing! I'm down to just seven blocks of copper, for Preservation's sake! And I just know that it wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for that snake, Drell, with his 'businessman's interest' in the--" Kwon paused, noticing for the first time that his audience's attention was elsewhere.


"Malrick? You seem distracted; is everything alright?" he asked, concerned. He frowned, then noticed his friend's occasional sidelong glances at his assorted patrons -- in particular, at all the strangers.


"It's this new talk, isn't it. These 'Spiked', or whatever they're calling themselves. It's got me worried, too. Do you... now, this is just hypothetical, you understand... do you suppose that maybe some of these newcomers might be spies for the Lord Ruler?" Kwon shivered.

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The lurcher's power only works one action period at a time.  It can be used multiple periods per night.  


I love the idea of assigning occupations to those who haven't chosen any!


Also, just to clear this up: The GMs will be choosing everyone's abilities and alignments.  The players who have claimed abilities already are just using them for RP.  


I'm so excited for this game to start!  It's going to be awesome!

Edited by Newan
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EDIT: Also, I put forth the motion that GMs should be allowed to decide the occupation of any player that doesn't give one! I also suggest that the GMs be as hilarious/evil as possible when deciding such roles for said players. I think that would not only be great fun for the GMs, but would throw an entire new dynamic on player relations! :D


I like this idea so much that I'm not gong to decide an occupation for Millie. :P

It's orange! I'm only not using Red because Mailliw probably wants it!

Yes, Odium's [/color] is dark red, but this game shall be void of hatred(unlikely, but we'll try. :P)

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Cleo was sitting on the edge of a seat.

Hello, Cleo.

"Aren't you dead?" Cleo whispered. Besides, how was Ruin talking to her? Kae had described the voice in his head to her. It was definitely Ruin. But wasn't Ruin Shattered?

I'm not Ruin! That voice seemed to be annoyed by the prospect. 

"Okay, so I'm going crazy?" Cleo was whispering, so nobody thought she was. Even if she was.

I thought you would recognize me! 

"Not really." 

Devotion, Cleo.

"Devotion? From when me and Kae..."

Yeah, sorry about that. You were so cute. Now he's stuck.

"Stuck where?" Cleo asked, skeptical.

I couldn't tell you.

"Storm you." She muttered. Then she looked up as she saw someone looking at her oddly. "It's not what it looks like!" Cleo insisted. 

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Drell watched the crazy woman whispering in the corner with amusement, listening with his tin to her meaningless babbling. From what he could tell, she thought was talking to a ghost about some 'Kae' person -- probably another figment of her imagination -- being devoted to her. She noticed him staring, and tried to explain away her behavior. Snorting, he turned back to the matter at hand.


"So, Faliu -- that was your name, yes? What was it you wanted to know?"

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Thank you Wonko, thanks Metacog and Newan for clearing up my confusion, I really want to play right so i need to get my facts straight


Edit to begin RPing: 


Honerius Bager was tired, he was tired of sitting in these caves. He needed fresh air, his job as trapper had been successful in the distant past, but the game had started disappearing, and so now he was here hunting mice like a cat, a stupid cat. He'd set up a hovel in the cheapest place he could find. And then all these new people started drifting into town, bringing rumors of the Lord Ruler's constructs wandering the lands. 

              "When I was a young buck we'd go out and hunt them down, but now everyone just cowers in their shacks." He said to no one in particular as he strolled through the Main District.

He went into the alehouse, not to have a drink, he didn't have enough money for that, but just to spend some time away from his hovel. 

Edited by The Honey Badger
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Malrick shook himself out of his revelry. The traps could wait till after closing time. 


"Sorry," he said with a somber grin. "I just don't like it- these rumors. The Founders, may Preservation give them rest, were incredibly careful and smart about where they set up our Home. So," -and he punctuated his thought by rapping on the bar- "if these rumors are true, how'd these 'Spiked' find us in the first place, eh? We've had generations of just quite living and peaceful years. We're smack dab in the middle of nowhere and we live in caves. It's not like someone is just going to stumble upon us. If there was a hunt in the Final Empire to find us, we'd have heard about it by now. At the very least, those of us that do venture above ground, like Honerius, would've caught sent of it. 


"So that's the twist," he said as he leaned in, as if he was imparting a secret; which, in a way, he was. "Yes, I suspect that some of these newcomers, with their fancy words and stranger actions, very well might be spies for the Lord Ruler. If he had found us, he'd need to get his agents in place somehow. But, that's not the whole of it. They likely wouldn't have found us without help. Someone in Twinborn has ratted us out and that's likely going to keep me up at night."


He then turned to Cylkan, his entire demeanor changing in a second, and he was all smiles and joviality again. 


"It's 'bout time you got back over here to fix that light, Cyl! If there's one thing I can set my watch to, it's that mist-cursed light going out and you wandering in here after fixing it!" He said with a lighthearted smile. 

He didn't have the heart to tell Cylkan that the reason the light went out so much was because he kept extinguishing it. 


"The usual?"

Edited by Metacognition
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Yes they do.  


Sorry, that might have sounded like a stupid question since its not my first game, but looking at the goals I noticed that it says


Twinborn: This village is a wonderful place.  You must save it from the forces of evil.  

Win condition: kill all of the Spiked.


Spiked: Those twinborn elitists think that all the power belongs to them by divine right.  Kill them so you can return to the Final Empire, where hemalurgists are probably accepted for the forward-thinking individuals they are.  

Win condition: kill all of the Twinborn.


Isn't the Eliminator win condition usually to outnumber the Village?

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there are kandra, koloss and stuff could vote against the eliminators and still win.  For example:


Winter (koloss): meta

Meta (spiked): vine

Vine (twinborn): meta

Araris (spiked): vine


in this example, it is possible to tie the vote even if all the spiked vote the same.  Winter then attacks meta and vine is a coinshot and kills Araris and wins.  The villagers can still win even if they are outnumbered.  In other games, once the spiked were winning lynches because they were the majority, they were virtually unstoppable.  This is just an example, I have no idea what the roles actually are for this game.  (It might have just been easier for winter to kill vine, but oh well.)  It would all depend on if the koloss was in cahoots with the twinborn.  There could also be kandra and the like wandering around too.


edit: oops, formatting

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I'll sign up to the random occupation group, as Kirrah Dotze.


The possibilities of the contingency system are interesting. Does a contingency need to be the same type of action as the preferred choice? Eg is [Attack Newan. If he's not there, sleep.] a valid order?


That is valid.  The one thing that is similar to this that isn't valid is when you refer to information you don't have.  So you couldn't say "Move toward the room where Newan is" or "Attack a member of the spiked team" or "Protect the nicrosil misting" 


Sorry, that might have sounded like a stupid question since its not my first game, but looking at the goals I noticed that it says


Twinborn: This village is a wonderful place.  You must save it from the forces of evil.  

Win condition: kill all of the Spiked.


Spiked: Those twinborn elitists think that all the power belongs to them by divine right.  Kill them so you can return to the Final Empire, where hemalurgists are probably accepted for the forward-thinking individuals they are.  

Win condition: kill all of the Twinborn.


Isn't the Eliminator win condition usually to outnumber the Village?


Don't even worry about it.  These are all good questions.  


I did this on purpose.  In this game, there are still ways to survive even when you're outnumbered.  As Feligon pointed out, the presence of the kandra makes it more difficult for the spiked to lynch you.  If you have pewter allomancy or duralumin feruchemy, it could buy you the time you need to even the playing field.  

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That is valid.  The one thing that is similar to this that isn't valid is when you refer to information you don't have.  So you couldn't say "Move toward the room where Newan is" or "Attack a member of the spiked team" or "Protect the nicrosil misting" 

I found that somewhat confusing, because "Is Newan in the room?" isn't information you'd have either. I suppose one argument is that you find out via your action. So you couldn't go [if Newan is in the room, climb in the rafters; otherwise, search the room]?


And are the results of previous periods valid information? Eg say I really wanted to attack Newan:


If I attack Newan in any period, skip to period 4. I am in room A1.

[1. Attack Newan. If he's not there, move to room A2.][2. Attack Newan. If he's not there, move to room A3.][3. Attack Newan. If he's not there, sleep.]

[4. Sleep][5. Search the room.]


...For that matter, if you've got [1. move to A2][2. move to A3], but the tunnel to A2 was blocked, what happens in period 2?

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I found that somewhat confusing, because "Is Newan in the room?" isn't information you'd have either. I suppose one argument is that you find out via your action. So you couldn't go [if Newan is in the room, climb in the rafters; otherwise, search the room]?


And are the results of previous periods valid information? Eg say I really wanted to attack Newan:


If I attack Newan in any period, skip to period 4. I am in room A1.

[1. Attack Newan. If he's not there, move to room A2.][2. Attack Newan. If he's not there, move to room A3.][3. Attack Newan. If he's not there, sleep.]

[4. Sleep][5. Search the room.]


...For that matter, if you've got [1. move to A2][2. move to A3], but the tunnel to A2 was blocked, what happens in period 2?




That works.  


"Action 1: Failed.  Action 2: Failed."  However, you could say "move south" instead of "move to A3".  In that case, if the tunnel to A2 was not being blocked during the second action period, you would at least get to A2 rather than just staying in A1.  

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Gawd this will be the most complicated game I've ever been a part of. 



Well, there was a reason Newan and Aonar built in an extra 24 hours after every night cycle just for them to decide what in Damnation happened.  :)

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