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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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I promise I won't post in this thread after my D&D session every fortnight....but man tonight was good :D

It had a slow start but picked up dramatically as it went on. The one combat we had ended up being rather more dramatic than I thought it would, and more interesting as a result. We recently added a homebrew lingering injury table that you roll on whenever you drop to 0 hp, which has really helped amp up tension in combat. The best part was after that though when the players finally arrived at the ruined underground city they've been travelling to for the past half dozen sessions. There was a powerful magical obelisk in the place they entered with Memory based power (There are 5 special obelisks of this general nature in my campaign world, covering location/memory/form/time/power). When each player first touched this obelisk they experienced a rush of memories, too fast to really comprehend them but with 1 in particular that stuck in their memory which I narrated to them before continuing to describe the rush of other memories. Each of those memories was a carefully chosen one that hinted at or revealed something significant related to the campaign. The stream of memories would then start going through their own memories and one in particular would stand out in their mind. And that is where I stopped and let the player describe one of their character's memories before continuing.

I used the playlist I'd labeled "sad" for this sequence, full of more emotional/thoughtful/whimsical/sad music. And it worked really well. The tone of the music really amplified my narration and their narration of their own characters' memories and I was surprised by how many times parts of the music directly complemented my narration. Swells in the volume & melody and just the right time as one of the memories concluded and the like.

I've been looking forward to this particular encounter for months and it was just as good as I hoped it would be :D

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5 minutes ago, Claincy said:

I promise I won't post in this thread after my D&D session every fortnight....but man tonight was good :D

It had a slow start but picked up dramatically as it went on. The one combat we had ended up being rather more dramatic than I thought it would, and more interesting as a result. We recently added a homebrew lingering injury table that you roll on whenever you drop to 0 hp, which has really helped amp up tension in combat. The best part was after that though when the players finally arrived at the ruined underground city they've been travelling to for the past half dozen sessions. There was a powerful magical obelisk in the place they entered with Memory based power (There are 5 special obelisks of this general nature in my campaign world, covering location/memory/form/time/power). When each player first touched this obelisk they experienced a rush of memories, too fast to really comprehend them but with 1 in particular that stuck in their memory which I narrated to them before continuing to describe the rush of other memories. Each of those memories was a carefully chosen one that hinted at or revealed something significant related to the campaign. The stream of memories would then start going through their own memories and one in particular would stand out in their mind. And that is where I stopped and let the player describe one of their character's memories before continuing.

I used the playlist I'd labeled "sad" for this sequence, full of more emotional/thoughtful/whimsical/sad music. And it worked really well. The tone of the music really amplified my narration and their narration of their own characters' memories and I was surprised by how many times parts of the music directly complemented my narration. Swells in the volume & melody and just the right time as one of the memories concluded and the like.

I've been looking forward to this particular encounter for months and it was just as good as I hoped it would be :D

I wouldn't object to hearing more roleplaying stories. Or you starting a thread and posting stuff there to share with everyone.


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22 minutes ago, Quiver said:

I wouldn't object to hearing more roleplaying stories. Or you starting a thread and posting stuff there to share with everyone.


Heh, there was that thread for that in Entertainment late last year. I spose it'd probably be better to continue that one than to start a new one. I think I didn't keep posting there because I wanted to avoid double posting but I suppose separate rpg sessions 1-2 weeks apart are probably sufficient reasons for doing so.


Another cool thing from tonight: One of the memories was from an ancient blue dragon and shortly afterwards one of the players remembered another large blue dragon that was talked about earlier somewhere else in the campaign and figured they might be the same one!...He was wrong :P That was actually this dragon's sister. But he was involved in those events. A lot of things in my campaign are interconnected, secrets are everywhere and many major things to come have been hinted at or affected existing events. It's very much a single major story with multiple parts rather than a sequence of fairly separate campaigns. The point I wanted to say was that the players are just starting to realise this and think more about how things may be connected and that's very satisfying.

To be clear; my campaign isn't just a railroad with a defined path but there are many things that happened in the past that effect current and future events. Additionally I do know what a whole bunch of different individuals and factions want and are planning and I have a good idea how some of that is likely to interact with the players.

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7 hours ago, Mestiv said:

Yeah the W.T.F. without dots gets transformed to: This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules

Just like crem, slontze and other swear words are transformed to Sanderson-like curses.

Not sure why it needs to be done in PMs though. Kinda frustrating then.

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On 4/18/2017 at 9:42 PM, Silverblade5 said:

In my digital electronics class, we had class presentations today. My best friend made an electronic chess set, that has a large magnet that's programmed to move pieces around the chess board. The teacher was so impressed that he asked for permission to post a video of the presentation online.

So, I was finally able to get a video of these


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22 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

Which one did you like the most?

Oh, hard one. I admit, the button one amused me (it's a button. You press it.), even if it was the simplest. Yours I really liked, but I also think the hand-controlled hand was impressive.

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I have some more photos from my birding trip to northern Ohio. Didn't want to put them in the first post because it was already image-heavy enough. XD

Red-breasted Nuthatch:



I only managed to snap 2 photos of this guy because he was moving too fast, and the other one was completely out of focus. XD

Nuthatches are fun little birds because they climb down tree trunks headfirst, looking for bugs in the bark.

House Wren:


Tiny bird with a big voice! You can hear these guys' chattery song from quite a distance.


American Woodcock, one of the weirdest and coolest birds I've ever had the pleasure to see:


Woodcocks are technically classified as shorebirds, taxonomically speaking--like sandpipers and plovers--but they don't hang out on the shore. They like damp forest floors where they can blend in with the leaf litter and poke their long bills into the mud to pull up worms.


Getting a photo of this guy was difficult even though he was probably less than 30 feet away, because there were tons of leaves and twigs in the way.


Doesn't he look like a little alien with those shiny black eyes?

Green Heron:






Gray Catbird:


Catbirds are named for one of the sounds they make, which sounds like a plaintive cat's mew. They're pretty common and not brilliantly colored like some of the other songbirds, but I think they look sleek and elegant and beautiful. :)



Red Admiral butterfly:


This butterfly was flitting around the boardwalk at Magee Marsh, which was pretty crowded with birders. It kept landing on people--first on someone's hat, then on a pair of pants, then another hat, and then it settled on the back of a guy's shirt and stayed there for several minutes so I could take photos.


The guy didn't even realize the butterfly was on his shirt and keep shifting around to look at birds through his binoculars, and it didn't seem to mind at all. XD


White-throated Sparrow:


Most White-throated Sparrows have brighter white throats and "eyebrow" stripes, but this guy is a dingier, duller color morph known as the "tan-striped" variety. Same species, just different colors than usual.


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I finally finished writing up the history behind the world of a book I may or may not write called The Chosen Ones.

It's in Creator's Corner, and everyone should go check it out!

don't mind my shameless self-advertisement :ph34r:

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10 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

I finally finished writing up the history behind the world of a book I may or may not write called The Chosen Ones.

It's in Creator's Corner, and everyone should go check it out!

don't mind my shameless self-advertisement :ph34r:

Lol nobody minds. I went to prom this last saturday. She looked gorgeous. And the music was entirely too loud. It was fun anyway though

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11 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

It's basically a college entrance exam used throughout the US. This score is good enough for a few scholarship opportunities.

Mom is making me retake that.my girlfriend got a 1500. I got a 1390, but no thats not good enough *sigb*

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So, uh...I accidentally posted this in the bad day thread...whoops.

Anyway, today I got to perform in the band for a Make-A-Wish Foundation thing today. I don't really know much about the kid, except that he goes to my school, has leukemia, and there's apparently been a Wish Week thing going on at school this entire week I didn't know about. It still was really cool to perform, knowing that this kid had specifically asked us to play for him. It was kind of a once in a lifetime experience.

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