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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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So a while ago, I got this letter from a health insurance company I used to have. They were the target of a cyberattack and were letting me know that I have 24 months free subscription to an identity protection site. Since the enrollment period ends at the end of this month, I figured I'd sign up, not because I actually think my identity will get stolen, but more just as both peace of mind and to satiate my curiosity about my credit score, which I haven't checked in far, far too long.


Now, I knew that my credit score wouldn't be bad. The last time I checked, about 4 years ago, it was around 750, and that's about what I'd expected it would be at. I mean, sure, I've made a couple payments on my cell phone bill a couple days late, but I'm normally very good about paying things on time with auto payments and such. And I knew that my credit score was high enough that if I go in to apply for a loan, I never have any issue in getting one nor getting a fairly low interest rate. But I was still curious about what exactly it was.


It went up. I won't specify by how much but I was somewhat in shock. I had to take a picture and send it to my dad, who is the reason my score is that high. The financial wisdom I have is all due to him. Parents are great*. :)



*When they're being competent parents, which some of the parents of those who post on the Bad Day thread are not.

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Well no one has had a good day in a while I see as I'm triple posting over the course of 4-5 days. I'm happy today as I've gained a lot of strength back after my mild fit Sunday morning and my head hasn't hurt for the most part today. Just a little twinge that Excedrine is keeping under control.

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I'm a very unreligious person but I've been watching the news for hours at a time back logging my dvr on my normal shows to watch Pope Francis coverage. He is a very charismatic man and I find myself smiling when he interacts with kids. I hope the Church has him for another 15-20 yrs. He's just an awesome human being.

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